ITT-characters you love that no one else seems to care about

ITT-characters you love that no one else seems to care about

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Eliza of course she's perfect in every way

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That's a lie, everyone loves Scarface and the Ventriloquist. They are constantly written well and have a cool dynamic, he's nearly a perfect Batman villain

He seems to get forgotten a lot.

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He's really fun to play as in Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

i like him before the redesign

How dare you

Croc was my favorite from BTAS.

The Ventriloquist was god tier, I wish there were more episodes about him

murrlogic1, please.

What stories could you even make with The Ventriloquist today anyway?
Seems like we did a lot of things with him already, imho.

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yeah at least since japan likes him he gets to show up in video games semi frequently

It's kind of a weird thing. I know there are lots of people who like her, or at least the concept of her as an ultra badass female martial artist who kicks everyone's ass up and down the street, but I've only ever met three or four people who seemed to genuinely care about her.

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i'm more of a dc fan but i love this guy

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I want to read more stories with this guy. It's so rare to see a bad guy involved with the occult who actually knows what he's doing.

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Tons of people love Freya and she's not really Yea Forums related.

Shark-Girl on the other hand seems utterly doomed to never be relevant.

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shes easily one of the most popular characters from that game


Jason is popular enough. He has his own comic. Just not well known among normies.

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You kidding me?
Most of my friends know who Jason is after Arkham Knight. Some of them even do shitty red hood cosplays too.
They don't even read the comics too btw.

He tries goddammit

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Batgirls biggest secret.

>The Top
My negro.

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And Batgirl's secret dick

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