Why don't they make more 2D superhero games? It doesn't mean that 3D games are bad, but it takes too much time and complexity to make 3D ones. If they had made more 2D games while they focused on 3D, there would've been more and more great hero games.
Why don't they make more 2D superhero games? It doesn't mean that 3D games are bad...
Other urls found in this thread:
2D Animation takes really long time and too expensive, even for the richest studio. You really have to really efficient or have an artistic vision to justify hand-drawn traditional sprites anymore. Especially in fighting games, due to studios prioritizing tournaments and seasonal e-sports over comfy console fighters.
So in short, practically only Lab Zero or Arc Sys.
Also, consider MVCI: Consider the corporate bullshit that Marvel tried to pull on the game and how that reflected on the final product.
Do you really think Arc Sys will want to deal with that? Do you think any studio want to deal with Marvel micromanaging every aspect of your project?
Yeah if they want the fat paycheck. Lab Zero would love that but I doubt Marvel would want to wait years for a beautifully animated Marvel fighting game cuz they're always chasing the zeigtgest. Neither would DC...which sucks because I just desperately want a DC Fighting Game that is not PG-13 MORTAL KOMBAT.
....maybe Image?
I have believed for a long time that Marvel or DC should make a Super Smash Bros ripoff style fighting game. I feel like that kind of gameplay would work way better for superheroes than the traditional fighting game style and you would be able to have a much wider variety of characters and be able to portray each characters abilities much more accurately than with the traditional combo based fighting game style.
Hmm...I'd understand a Marvel Smash....but wouldn't a DC Smash not work on the basis that everyone outside Bats, Art, Flash and Ollie can fly?
Does that mean in order to be super competitive, all tournaments are No Items, Flash Only, Final Speed Force?
This game made me a war machine fan.
Anyways Marvel is a lost cause. Nothing can be done considered a passion project without corporate telling you need to add so and so for sales.
Umvc3 was kino and that had a lot of micromanaging too
Besides, Arcsys doesn't use complete 2D animation. They make all the models on Blender and then they trace the models to make the sprites
Quite a few Smash characters can fly a lot too, though maybe not quite all the time. It would still work way better than any of the DC fighting games ever has.
>no Carnage-Venom and Golden Iron Man-War Machine in MvC 2
I'll never understand and not be mad.
>Marvel is effectively never doing a crossover game with Capcom again because of shit direction coming from both sides on MvCI
>DC is still banking on Ed Boon, who was responsible for MK vs DCU being as lackluster and empty on content as it was when everyone was still at Midway. What's worse is that they're both WB, so the odds of a creative split is next to nil
>The best fix anyone can get for a Marvel vs DC game are MUGEN packs
This is something that indie devs should do. They've done a good job of keeping retro and dead genres alive so why not something like this?
That;s just Team Red though isn't it?
Team Blue still uses handdrawn sprites...or at least doujin quality.
....Actually you know what forget what I said. I wouldn't wish Toshinori Mori running yoru fighting game on any capeshit project. Its worse than death.
Still mad about how badly Strange got JUST'd in MvCI
That was back when we had only Captain America and Thor as our latest Marvel movies. Back then they still had corporate meddling in favor of promoting movies and new heroes as opposed to bringing back iconic X-Men. Three Avengers movies, several more heroes, and a Logan later, Marvel simply doesn't want to use them. The game came out at the worst time, right at the end of the MCU as we know it, promoting Captain Marvel and Black Panther while the Fox deal was still uncertain. Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 also removed Mr Fantastic and Wolverine from the roster in favor of Baby Groot, Spider-Gwen, and Howard the Duck. If that doesn't illustrate the Fox hateboner, nothing can.
Simply put, UMvC3 (which had plenty of detractors when it came out) was kino in spite of Marvel, not because of it. Only now are they willing to acknowledge Wolverine after the Fox movies ended and the film rights are back, and that's why we have Marvel Ultimate Alliance.
Expensive, takes ton of time and general public reception of sprites is that everything is Snes sprites no matter how good they are.
Also you retards forget that took like 5 games to get a decent amount of characters, and still have ton of unused shit.
First MvC was already top tier. MvC 2 even lacks a proper Evil Ryu.
They have Akuma, there's no reason for Evil Ryu, especially since this was prior to SF4 where they expand on him.
you mean Disney?
cant loot box 2d
Yea Forums is so fucking stupid
Why waste time when there's a new king in town?
people were pissed at how Ono and Capcom's PR handled megaman being tossed out of the game, and the damage control about it, plus the characters added in Umvc3, half of em were carved from the 1st game, so they got barely anything new.
I read there was supposed to be a final update of the game which might have bring back megaman, but never happened, also Capcom wanted to add more female characters like Rouge from Power Stone as a Power Stone rep, but she was considered, too sexy for the game (its because of her see trough pants in her Transformed form), shame, i was looking forward her.
Pullum > Rouge if we're being honest
I'm no gamer, nor do I know anything about the production of it, but are sprites really much more costly and time consuming than actual, 3d rendered models? I would imagine the opposite would be the case considering that's the way it is for cartoons.
Spritework is no different than 2d animation, you can cheapen out and trace it from 3d models but you still need polish and do some frames by hand.
Not every artist can animate sprites properly, meanwhile soon as you done with 3d model there is ton of 3d animators on market. Also with sprites you can't do alt outfits or cosmetics that easy.
But to give a example, a single skullgirls character took like 200k+ to make, now try do make a decent game with 20+ characters.
Ignore anything you see in Yea Forums this is by far the dumbest board in Yea Forums, people here think "cinematography" is a meme from Yea Forums and most people don't get why pic related is one of the best examples of how lazy and stupid johns is
>property of ARIKA
YEP, Should have been Rouge, and besides Pullum is back and she looks worse.
That makes sense. It's probably a lot harder to make sprites than it is to just render some 3d guy, but they probably don't need as much hardware to render sprites as opposed to models. It sucks that they're a lot less common, though. A lot of the appeal in games like BlazBlue and Guilty Gear and Street Fighter and the Touhou fighters is the sprite artwork.
Hand drawn spritework is a lost art.
>Using a completely unrelated topic to hate on Johns
> Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 also removed Mr Fantastic and Wolverine from the roster in favor of Baby Groot, Spider-Gwen, and Howard the Duck.
I heard the Asgardian cooking show segment makes a knock at that, with a T-shirt that they're selling/advertising, but can't actually show.
Well, if we're talking about 2D fighting games, i feel like it's just going to be a cheap cash grab game on your smart phone with a shit ton of micro transactions.
if facebook was involved they'ed probably add some Play timer so that you have to wait 8 hours to play again or some bullshit RNG, or difficulty spike to make you constantly lose. you know! freemium/Pay2Win.
Either decent or shit graphics and/or character models but very limited gameplay, just tap or swipe for generic fighting and combos.
this kind of shit
This is also part of it. 2D FGs are not that popular. Marvel would much rather go for something with broad appeal to expand the brand, hence the fortnite crossovers. Injustice's mobage was more or less the reason why they killed off UMvC3 in the first place, it was cheaper, easier to get people addicted to, and had microtransactions to keep the money flowing.
Said king is ranked sixth at EVO's registration numbers. The luster has worn off and the dropoff is extremely notable, with many just wishing for Xenoverse again. People are tired of the way the game has been managed by Bamco, Shueisha, and ArcSys, and mainly just want a new GG.
>make a 3D model
>just have to pose it differently and change expressions for new attacks and other things
>draw a 2D sprite
>have to draw new sequences for almost every attack, win pose, hit post, defeat pose, taunt, etc. etc.
What? They killed off UMvC3 because the earthquake fucked their whole development process up and then it undersold. It didn't have to do with Injustass
That's not how it works.
I don't mean "stopped working" killed off, I mean "this game is no longer available on consoles" killed off. UMvC3 was delisted off of the online stores for a while along with the DLC.
come to fightcade and get fucked up by the people that have been playing marvel 1 for more then a decade. we will legitmately fucking rape you in no other way possible, and thats completely without using RV or GWM. fucking pussy, don't ever post screenshots of mvc1 again you casual capeshit.
You know, they don't need to make it top of the line best graphics ever. I'd still buy a dumb improperly balanced superhero fighting game completely unfit for tournaments with graphics from 20 years ago if it just meant I could play with cool but obscure characters only me and my friends give a shit about with my friends on the couch. Like, I care more about having all the fucking characters than having good graphics and competitive balance (since we're all shitters anyway). Long as it looks and plays like it's at least from a PS2 era or better I'd buy it.
Fuck it, why do we even bother with better graphics and shit? Can't we have fuckhuge long games with too many playable characters but with bigass polygon graphics? I'd gladly trade having shit graphics and poor balance for having a fuckton more content.
Was MvC1 ever truly fun competitively
i think i'll stick with jojo and sf3
Those are limited to anime games, like Xenoverse and Shinobi Striker. Those titles exist, but they haven't been tapped into the same way.
Extremely, if you have the patience to actually learn something than anything can be fun competitively if its engine and physics are on point. I am not going to type you a warbook on this game though, its not worth my time on Yea Forums.
Thats fine, honestly marvel isn't for everyone. Its extremely fast paced and requires your execution, reflexes, and understanding of the physics to be on point and to understand meta to a T or you're dead. I couldn't get into jojo because its button layout and combo system is terrible. SF3 I got decent at but its extremely boring on the intermediate level. Actually very boring.
Hold up, there are anons on here that can understand and play fighters? Like me, can you play on a stick and arcade cabinet, can you pull off K.O.F commands without issue? If so, where the hell have you niggas been!?
I use keyboard for every fighting game including gg marvel series sf and kof. the only game i play better on stick/cabinet is mvc2
shitposting on Yea Forums
I'm not mexican
Real talk, I lost hope that anyone played fighters beyond a passing trend.
I play with an old Nyko Airflow controller that's been kicking around for, like, 14 years now, I think. Most KOF commands aren't that bad, took a bit of practice to get the Raging Storm "Pretzel" input for Geese down for Real Bout Fatal Fury but that one's not so bad either. I don't bother with any of the KOF games after 2001, though (1997 is my favorite), aint got nobody to play against so I just go beat up bosses on 1-player mode.
Some do, but they make up a fraction of the initial sales. Most people just dick around in the story mode and call it a day, that's how NRS games get so big with their two button supers and flashy motion capture cutscenes.
sounds more like thats only coming from your perception and what you're willing to see. if you think its barely a thing then you will never tap into the access/information/area of it that is there. ive been playing mvc1 online on pc for 14 years and its still going strong absurd community of strangely friendly toxicity thats defined its people including me. weve successfully brought the game to its highest level because we all use three punch and three kick to do things like wavedash, air dash, and sometimes super jump instantly. that alone won't make you good though. people that complain about that have no future in the game. if i gave you an extremely powerful set of tools but you aren't a mechanic what difference would it make? thats what im saying in the macro regard. otherwise nah friend, fightcade is going strong despite its shitty netcode.
Someone in the Shmup general talked about fightcade. Is Samurai Shodown and Wakuwaku7 on it?
Of course. I forget, i'm still in the habit of calling Disney Comics "Marvel". I'm old, it happens. By the way, can anyone tell me what state that Disney bought out this time?
Shh... It's Kage now. He finds being called an "Evil" Ryu too offensive.
Plus unless you;re already into the source material or a pro who has to play to eat, no rational person wants to pay for Ultimate Goku vs Goku Super: Crisis of Infinite Gokus. Character variety is more important than you think. Unless you only place value on function (Sup ComboFiend).
Getting paid. Shitposting on Yea Forums. Spoiling Endgame for MCU fags. Nothing much.
I'm always down for KOF as long as I bring my HORI PS4 FIghtpad.
I sometimes play MvC2 on PS2, not as much anymore because either I fuck up my analog button or the regular direction button fucks my thumb up.
Gotta check on my PSX, I miss MvC1.
Lad... just don't
But it is?
Been here the whole time -- reading and writing comics. Haven't really played fighting games competitively since 2014 though, so I'm much slower than I used to be. At some point I'd love getting back into Alpha 2 and maybe UMvC3.
Seeing this pisses me off so much, if they have the original hand-drawn art for Darkstalkers, they could just scan them in, ink and colour them, and they could have a new Darkstalkers game with 1080p sprite work for a third of what it cost to make Skullgirls.
I used to play it on Kaillera, it was pretty fun, until Gambit grabbed you in the corner or Red Venom landed a single hit (then again, if you landed a single hit on Red Venom, he died, so...).
I felt that Ryu was overpowered though. You could do LP, FP, qcf+PP, and take down nearly 45% HP.
Those are just key frames, not the whole spriteset.
>Of course. I forget, i'm still in the habit of calling Disney Comics "Marvel". I'm old, it happens. By the way, can anyone tell me what state that Disney bought out this time?
They bought Star Wars and driving it to the ground. I think they are about to lobby congress into extending copyright again.
>Choosing hidden different color pussies
>not choosing best hidden character and best girl.
>no fast paced DC villain FG focused on b-listers using Roulette as an excuse for the game existing
Seriously, just farm the IP out to a decent indie studio, give us about 16 characters to start with, and a steady stream of DLC packs to introduce new characters and stages.
Would be more work than you think. A lot of the original lineart is really simplified and lacking in detail, since they knew it'd become low-res pixel art in the end. Look at Demitri's face here, for example.
Roll vs Onslaught in MvsC1 was the most hilarious thing in a fighting game ever. When Onslaught does his super optic blast, you can just walk up and start kicking him in the ankles, it's fucking hysterical.
although, personally, I prefer MSHvsSF on my Saturn, beating survival mode with this nigga and Dan as a backup is actually challenging.
It would still be significantly less work than drawing all new sprites from scratch, which is what Skullgirls did.
Is Lab Zero still around? Did that indian odin sphere ripoff tank yet? I want them to make Skullgirls 2.
I barely ever played it in arcades.
Kinda frustrating that I probably never used that final move from Morrigan, though.
Also sometimes things were changed from the original lineart. For example this Talbain punch had the hand drawn to become a claw swipe instead.
Pretty much every frame had lineart for it. The problems are just the aformentioned lack of detail and changes made during the spiriting phase. Unlike, say, an animation pencil test where the finished cel is generally a perfect trace, these sprite linearts are more like a rough guide.
Might as well post more sprite lineart for the heck of it.
Another example of a change from the original lineart: The finished version of Demitri's hitstun sprite here doesn't actually have the goofy bulging eyeballs.
Sentinel's feet here are different, too.
SF2 Chun-Li's sprites didn't actually have the now-iconic puffy shoulder sleeves, those didn't come until a particular piece of promotional art. Looking at this SF2 sprite lineart, you can really see the difference.
that looks sick and sickening
Here are the arms, they were drawn on a separate layer.
It's always hilarious to see retards who have no idea how sprites are made and insist that they're as easy as copy-pasting pictures.
Thank you
What ever happened to that Square Enix Marvel game?
Thanks for posting all these. Very Enlightening.
The Avengers game that Crystal Dynamics were doing? MIA, hasn't been officially mentioned in any capacity since its reveal.
>Somebody thought I was drawing Donald duck
>There isn't supposed to be a shield... But I drew it there anyways
Why is the Venom one so funny
Symbol on the shield*
not many young people play those style of games.
so since this is basically Yea Forums's Yea Forums thread right now, I figure I'd ask a question, what are some ideas for a Yea Forums related videogame that you've had?
I'll start with one that came to me in a dream last night, in terms of mechanics it'd be a hybrid of Musou and Third Person Shooters with a touch of Marvel Ultimate Alliance style Action RPG's as well, what made it unique was the source material, it'd be a crossover of various 80's and 90's comic characters from various companies besides the Big Two(although possibly have a couple minor characters from them, and some characters from more recent times as well), so you'd have characters like the TMNT or Spawn, or even relatively obscure ones like Clownface & Panda from Body Bags, with everyone rendered in a style as close to their comic source materials as possible, and of course given that most of the series included are prime examples of Iron Age comics it'd be a fairly violent game too
probably dead since SE can't make fun games worth a shit that aren't turn based
>Villainy, Inc.
Management game with action rpg elements based on the WW villain team of the same name. Recruit villains, build lairs, carry out schemes, and fight heroes all while trying to keep a bunch of maladjusted supercriminals happy and turning a profit.
>they probably don't need as much hardware to render sprites as opposed to models
Actually it's a pretty interesting subject because hardware evolution made consoles super ill-suited to HD sprites until recently, because they didn't have much ram but sprite definition directly affects memory consumption (unlike models which are independent of definition), which is why Arcsys for example has been switching over to 3D and skullgirls needed a very specialized engine with very advanced techniques to fit all its sprites in memory.
Isn't FighterZ the absolute argument that maintaining a 2d-compatible aesthetic with 3d models is possible? MvC 3 was already halfway there, then they took a huge step back with Infinite for no good reason.
FighterZ is the product of a company that has made it its business plan to specialize in such adaptations, while MvCI is the product of companies that have made it their business plans to be cheap as fuck as far as fighting games are concerned.
This. The vs series only exists in the first place because Capcom realized it could add 8 new characters to X-men Children of the Atom 2 just by recycling Street Fighter sprites.
People like to forget how low effort those games were.
like it would happen, anything fun gets saged with falseflags.
Injustice is great though
It’s not entirely comparable. Arcsys has their own style of animating that isn’t the same as other sprite games. Into the Spider-Verse, while employing 2D animation techniques and such, isn’t the same as Captain Underpants or The Peanuts.
A lot of people use MvC3 as the reference point, which is precisely the one high-effort game in the bunch.
If anything MSHvSF and MVC2 are the two lowest effort ones.
How would you all feel if instead of a sequel, MVC received an ongoing comic with an original story that paid homage to the series' history?
I'd rather want a direct-to-video movie like DC does for every single game. Maybe some OVAs for MvC or MvC2.
Good comparison.
>tfw we'll never get DC vs. Capcom
Fuck this fucking world.
No, because Udon's original comics are terrible.
with WB Games being full WOKE on MK11, no fucking way in hell.
Fuck off back to pol/you stupid niggerfaggot poltard