Why was the 90's so weird and full of furries compared to now, where we have majority human casts? imagine a modern show having a dinosaur in pink shorts and BDSM Gear as a villain.
Why was the 90's so weird and full of furries compared to now, where we have majority human casts...
Is that from TMNT?
Short answer: It was the lead up to the Mountain Dew generation and now that more people had cable tv, more kids were became a target demographic of "TOTALLY RAD" aesthetic, which at the time was this bizarre meta knock off of fringe culture (punk rock, hip hop, skate/street). Now it represents BDSM more vividly so it's not cool anymore, just creepy.
Because three out of the four big influences of the 90s, Ninja Turtles, Roger Rabbit, and the 87 reboot of Mighty Mouse all featured anthropomorphic main characters
Drawing animals was easier than humans.
Selling animal themed toys gave much creative freedom to mold plastic, and made you stand out of the rest in the toy isle.
Cutting cost. Making money. All in the marketing appeal.
There was a sale tax on mutant toys. Not sure if it's still there.
Stan Lee got into a lawsuit over if the X-Men should get the tax cut because they we're technically mutants
Also you could get a lot more lewd/sexual and violent stuff past censors if you made the characters animals.
Basically this. The toy designers liked them because they stood out, and the artists liked them because they were way more fun to draw
Now I know how parents felt when they had to answer obvious questions from kids.
There was no secret agenda here, everyone just saw how well TMNT did with the show, and toys, and games and comic sort of, and movie and promotion with Pizza Hut, and so Street Sharks, Extreme Dinosaurs, Biker Mice from Mars and Road Rovers and probably a bunch of others I've forgot tried to emulate it to get a slice of that nice price.
The character design of EXTREME Dinosaurs, in this instance for the villain characters of the Raptors, is also pretty self-explanatory, it's supposed to look edgy and cool, and what was supposed to be that then in 1990s for a kid's cartoon of all things obviously doesn't carry well to 2019.
It was a better time.
There were a lot more animal people before 9/11 ruined everything.
[citation needed]
Google "Extreme Dinosaurs".
Thank you.
man the 90s were a bunch of furries...
You're welcome, user. Yea Forums is love.
I'll take 90s furries over today's homosexuals. Cartoons were more sensational and had more details. Today they haven't even shading.
'90s furries were more horrible than you think.
So fringe culture today is slice of life ?
It's not so much that furries changed between then and now, just that the internet has made all weird subcultures way more visible
> imagine a modern show having a dinosaur in pink shorts and BDSM Gear as a villain.
Well in Japan...
that's a sexy lizard
I miss when you could just make a show about whatever not not have anyone chimp out because some asshole corner of the internet is doing weird shit.
They were meant to sell toys.
Nothing changed about the ratio, stop making shit up. Your memories are false.
The best reason to use animal characters if you are NOT a furfag.
>Why was the 90's so weird and full of furries compared to now
Because anthro characters are super cool
Now they don't put them in anymore because every single furry is a fucking degenerate fetishist.
Tamira is a bad girl and deserves to be punished
The popularity of He-Man and Transformers led to cartoons featuring heavily marketable characters. Market research showed kids were more interested in "cool" animals and bright colors to go along with their sugary cereal and plastic toys. Most of these cartoons had their stories ripped straight from comic book writers/artists so a lot of it comes from those people as well.
But I can't explain Road Rovers. That's just bizarre.
Keep watching.
>But I can't explain Road Rovers. That's just bizarre.
No. Frekazoid is bizarre.
Road Rovers is just Not Swat Kats, with dogs.
>Why was the 90's so weird and full of furries compared to now, where we have majority human casts?
1) Neuro-typicals didn't know what furries were back in the '90s. It was a simpler time when people didn't raise a flag for anything short of a man fucking a horse. Cartoon animals hanging out or fighting off bad guys was perfectly fine, though.
2) Kink-shaming furries is a decidedly new trend that didn't arise until about the mid-2000s. The internet made it possible for these people to find each other and form communities thus making it easier for the mainstream to label as a bunch of weirdos.
3) Awareness of furry sub-culture has made production studios more wary of depicting animal-like anthropoids. Where before making a character with animal and human features made things interesting and therefore more fun, it now gives pause as to whether it is necessary for the character to have these features.
but i believe it
why are dinosaur shows not a thing anymore?
Do kids care about dinosaurs anymore? I was gonna say Jurassic Park might have made them popular at the time, but there was a bunch of dinosaur cartoons before that, so I dunno.
>trying to get sexualized anthro characters past the sensors
>not a furfag
pick one xD
Science made a discovery that dinosaurs never went extinct, and that they didn't look like the 90s portrayed them. So they stopped being cool. They're not any more fascinating than a dog or a horse.
>Is that from TMNT?
>not knowing about Xtreme Dinosaurs
Science ruined them, they aren't cool anymore.
But that's stupid. They're cool as fuck.
If you are not a furfag, you will just imagine a sexy woman in place.
And science (of the electrical variety) saved them again.
The kids who watched Robin Hood grew up and started making their own cartoons.
I don't know what the other anons are on about, dinosaurs went through the same thing other creatures like cyborgs and zombies and vampires and so on did, the novelty wore off.
Like those things it might come back around, but like them it will wear off again. It's just how things are.
I can't fap to a dog, man
Don't do this
>Science made a discovery that dinosaurs never went extinct
Could you post a photo of a T-Rex for me?
>ruins your dinos
user is fucking with you, and you took a weak bait. The actual truth is that many dinosaurs did not go extinct, but only the small ones. Big ones did die, all of them.
What modern birds were alive 65 million years ago? They lived long enough to have descendants, but they're sure as shit gone now.
Or better?
see y'all in trash/
Think of it as a colorful human.
That does help
I like a lot of monsters/aliens/robots/etc. but I don't understand how people fap to dogs and cats and shit when they've presumably owned or been around them at some point in their lives, doesn't that make it weird
Like how do you pet your cat after you jerked it to a catgirl
user, she's not real. you can jerk it to anything that isn't real and literally feel no shame.
Every furry gets lumped in with the terrible ones who actually abuse animals and wear diapers and all that
Having the brain capacity to separate reality from fiction. Furry is just a subcategory of xenophilia for those who just treat it like another fetish.
Maybe it's something in the face that makes it more cartoon-y? IDK, I usually fap to lions, tigers, bears, scalies, etc.
The ones who pretend it isn't a fetish are the true degenerates.
Fucking retard, I'm talking about lizards and crocs.
...catgirls don't look like real cats, I guess?
How can you hug your mother after you jerked it to humie women?
Crocs are cooler than most dinosaurs.
Why are you wasting your time seeking out degenerates and saving jpegs of what they do? They want attention, won't be doing that shit if they didn't. Just ignore them and if they do illegal shit, just report to the police.
>kero raped dogs because he "wanted attention"
That is the lamest fucking excuse ever.
welcome to psychopaths desu
They weren't furries back then, they were just animaloids, see: animals with human characteristics
Furries are humans with animal characteristics. That's the big difference.
Skeletal structure of furry characters is 90% human. It looks like an animal because of the snout but it isn't even close to a real animal skull. See how the corners of the mouth align with the middle of the eyes? You'll find this in most furry/scaly characters because it's basic human appeal.
As for the bodies they don't even draw digitigrade paws, it's just human feet standing on their tiptoes. The tail and ears are accessory and they don't change the basic human underneath, so you're pretty much fapping to something as exotic as a rubber forehead alien.
I just made this in paint for the anthro airplane thread that 404d, even something that weird follows the same rules.
You have gone too far user, delete that and take a cold shower.
I love drawing anthros, I draw them halfway between furries and funny animals a-la robin hood and I put no sexual elements in them because I favor the animal design. Furries don't like my work very much and my art sticks like a sore thumb in a furry art feed, but I still alienate non-furries because they see anthros and think it's fetish stuff (I've been told this).
If you draw animals standing upright like Zootopia or very cartoony like Bugs Bunny it's still OK but if you draw anything with human mixed in you're absolutely screwed because people will associate it with the fetish.
Let me see.
Post your stuff
The 90s was a great time to be a kid.
>The 90s was a great time to be a kid.
Fuck off boomer
Looks neat
You draw porn, right?
t. zoomer
You posted that already, in another thread. I called myself a furry for several years, and find that delightful. Those who only care for porn or only draw it are about 25% of everyone who also call themselves "furry" are so loud they seem like 90%. I don't talk to them, and neither should anyone. If you have an uncontrolled porn addiction you do not deserve respect.
>Spam offering mortgage rates that make your penis bigger, Angelfire candyraver pages, pop-ups, that picture of some old guy's rectum, Bonzi Buddy, Hotline server administrators, and all the other bullshit that occupies today's internet was totally unimaginable
>today's internet
i'm so fucking old
if you care about furry art outside of jerk off material, then you're probably the kind of person that treats it as part of your identity
I don't need your approval, and therefore will call myself whatever I want. And instead of trying to change my mind, consider stopping getting all your knowledge of the world from Yea Forums.
Someone who doesn't have autism
>I still alienate non-furries because they see anthros and think it's fetish stuff (I've been told this).
Did you seriously accepted this "criticism" of one insecure retard, and applied it to the whole group of non-furries?
Seriously, dude?
He is user, and anons are extremely insecure and need approval of every person they meet.
This. Yea Forums in general has some of the most insecure, fragile people I've ever seen on it
I’m always surprised when a modern day show does a cartoon trope that is known to be some people’s fetish.
You have no idea.
Also Geocities and
>This page is currently under construction
It also includes ADHD, dyspraxia, etc
Somewhere between >5% and
Unironically, you're above average at this. Post or link more if you've got it.
I started drawing furry art after pissing off a furry artist with criticisms of their work. Turns out drawing anthropomorphic characters is more fun than vanilla humans. Sometimes I still draw them.
Is anyone else aware of the subculture of chicks who unironically wanna fuck one or more of the Ninja Turtles? I thought it was just a gag that David Willis was pulling in Shortpacked! but it turns out TONS of nerdy chicks genuinely have a ninja turtle as a husbando. Tons of them have discussions about it, tons of them walk around with 80s ninja turtle gear. I actually met one, she was kinda smelly
>tfw being bred out and having your species speciate into a new type of animal altogether isn't extinction
I'd call you a retard, but to be fair you'd have to have done the right reading/taken the right classes to know why that's wrong
A certain amount of it was getting shit past censors and screeching moral guardians. Humans shooting and beating the crap out of each other. Not fine. A crocodileman eating a lionman slips right by because it's not people.
Modern man's got prehistoric company!
>Is anyone else aware of the subculture of chicks who unironically wanna fuck one or more of the Ninja Turtles?
If we go by the new installment, I don't think that subculture limits itself to only chicks.
Lots of people find animal characters off-putting.
furries have been replaced by giantess and other emasculated fetishists
And they have the right to. It's okay to not like things, just let others like them.
>Xtreme dinosaurs
I loved when cartoons were just straight up nonsense insanity. It's a cartoon for children, make it fucking nuts. Maybe they are now? Are they? All I can think of is spongebob
Something Awful and Yea Forums influenced a generation of creators to steer away from anthro characters as a response to it's lashing towards the furry fandom.
>there are people who honestly believe SA and Yea Forums significantly changed the animation industries around the globe
You grossly underestimate the amount of influence that Something Awful and Yea Forums had in popular culture.
No idea. I watched the first episode again because of the thread and it is a wild ride
>guy arrives at prehistoric earth in his transdimensional ship
>hits a mountain and complains about how everything is solid in this dimension
>beams up a bunch of dinosaurs and makes them smart and humanoid to use as his army
>they immediately grow a sense of justice and he drops them out via grap door
>but some raptors somehow jumped up to his spaceship and are gnawing at the trap door
>transform the raptors because they are dumber and more vicious
>call their leader Bad Rap
>give them experimental superweapons
>space police arrives and gets attacked
>good guys help but Bad Rap decides to use his new super gun
>cracks the planet and kills all dinosaurs other than them
>forces everyone to seek refuge in the cryopods
>fast forward 65 million years
>Government digs up the UFO
>Good dinos and ayy police officer manage to flee to some dino museum
>Owner goes "I've seen weirder things than you in Area 52"
>Bad Rap et al make an announcement on TV
>Guy at the museum proceeds to build hovercars for the dinos in his backyard in about 5 mins
>second battle between dinos ensues but they get interrupted by the MiB
>manage to flee again and drop two of the raptors they caught on a mountain
>bury them under an avalance
It was fun
And you grossly over-estimate. I hope you'll understand.
I've known this place for well over a decade, and no, I'm not.
Kids want to be able to relate to cartoons now, they always want to be reminded of themselves.
They want human characters who remind them of themselves.
They want to see characters reacting in human ways to fantastical things. (see the typical Disney movie hero's no-sell quip in response to a grandiose villain monologue)
They want to see human conflicts like relationships and learning to understand yourself and others.
Things like armor-wearing mutants and laser-firing robots and acid-spewing aliens and giant animal mech-tanks brimming with guns are no longer interesting to children, because now they crave some kind of image of a normal social life told through the lens of a media screen instead of going outside and making one themselves (much like how many would rather watch video games or sports than play them).
And I have kept tabs on the industry to longer than that. There has not been a significant decline in aminal cartoons, and if there was and I somehow missed it, they are back in full force.
Reverse Logan's Run when?
IIRC, the higher tax was on human toys, and Marvel successfully fought a legal battle to argue that mutants weren't human so they wouldn't have to pay this tax on X-Men toys.
>Magneto was right
I'm not convinced children actually want this, but the people who make entertainment for children want this, and believe everyone nobody can relate to characters that don't look like themselves.
The decline in non-human heroes is also very noticeable in the Disney Star Wars movies, where the Rebels are all women and minorities instead of having a lot of aliens. Toy sales should be teaching these people that kids love fantastical things like aliens, monsters and robots more than they like human people, but their ideology is more important to them than making money.
Right Said.
>You draw porn, right?
More like erotica but it's not anthro.
Just trying to understand what kind of public likes this. I don't really know what I am doing so I'm going by trial and error. If I fail to get any interest I'll go back to studying, maybe by upping the quality I can get something.
Working on this in watercolor atm
>Why was the 90's so weird and full of furries compared to now, where we have majority human casts?
I'm not even memeing, you can thank 9/11 and the Iraq war for that. There is a distinct shift in tone from happy-go-lucky, optimistic 90's America to 2000's GRIMDARK America and that was due to the rude awakening we had. You can also thank "The Great Recession" of 2008.
The best example is to look at popular kids media. In the 2000's it became the fad to have GRITTY, REALISTIC kids programs because America was hurting. Look at Teen Titans (2003) and Batman Begins (2005). Compare that to Teen Titans Go! nowadays, you can see we're starting to get back to normal.
I very much agree with this poster, it was "the thing" at the time to be X-TREME, RADICAL, IN YOUR FACE and rebellious. Punk/Skater/Alternative was big in the 80's/90's.
I agree that this was a factor for some shows (that shark show? I'd bet 100% that was marketing driven) but I don't think that was true for the majority.
>art style says at minimum 30 y/o but
>detailed characters, vegetation, but errors in perspective, perhaps self-taught? Looks like you havent had formal schooling? which would imply you're younger?
>Enjoys psychedelics
>grows plants
>goes hiking/explores forests & identifies mushrooms
>your drawn erotica is classical-style stuff, like nude women lounging about
>Goes to library a lot, maybe learned art there?
>Illustrates children's books
Is any of this accurate at all? Your style really makes me think you were born in like the 70's or early 80's, very similar to older illustrations.
Looks pretty neat all in all. Good work.
i want to fuck that dog
Oh no, you've become a furry. The Secret of NIMH did this to you, that sexy milf mouse whatshername, and also Judy Hopps. Why can't you go back to drawing cute robot girls?
Nah, he's just Italian.
Well, I got news for you. You are pretty much done as far as lines go. You can draw both characters, AND backgrounds. There is almost nowhere to go in terms of improvement. Maybe colour, but you are set more or less. You are good.
I've spotted a problem. The line between "an artist who draws aminal characters sometimes" and "a furry" are currently blurry as fuck, and it is mostly differing opinions on correct definitions. Arguing over who is furry and who is not is arguing over opinions, not facts, and leads absolutely nowhere.
>Skeletal structure of furry characters is 90% human
Stopped reading, hardcore furshit has blatantly bestial faces. The depths of furfag depravity is genuinely rooted in wanting to fuck an animal, as demonstrated by the amount of furries who engage in animal abuse, pick up bloated carcasses on the side of the road to fuck, etc.
>your drawn erotica is classical-style stuff, like nude women lounging about
Haha no, it's nightmare waifu BDSM
You're correct about other stuff. I love nature and Moebius.
Street Sharks toys looked amazing. I was blown away as a kid because the mouth parts were not hard plastic but rubbery so there was no hinge.
I've always drawn anthros. I just started over and decided to make work I really care about.
My rendering is awful, I've only done ligne claire and color flats.
>>fast forward 65 million years
Can you imagine not being awake for entire evolutionary epochs as everything you knew about a planet and life in the universe changed and just waking up like
>Huh, well, on with life.
I feel like it might be harder on the space police lady than it is on the dinos since the latter only just gained intelligence through technobullshit a few minutes before.
They had a line or two about dinos going extinct though.
>can you imagine
I guess it's The Time Machine all over again.
Hello, Sweetie Squad member.
I thought it was the reaction of Calarts to Yea Forums that lead to this shit.
Yea Forums really kicked Calarts's ass and spread the much deserved hate on social media, and that definitely had an effect. People saw it and got the message. The reduction of aminal (I will spell it like this) characters in cartoons only mildly went down, and came back, to stay.
Because it was a psyop to get people into degenerate shit. Look at Furaffinity and Deviantart. How many of those people with a fucked up fetish ended up that way because of a cartoon they saw as a kid?
Target them when their brains are still developing, and combine that with the Internet that allows communities to be formed about these things easily, and you have a populace of braindead people willing to eat up shit easily.
Why don't they do it today? Simple. There's no need to. They can already spread it to any community nowadays thanks to the Internet doing the job for them. Why spend money when people are willing to do it for free?
You mean a lot of people personally dislike animal characters, not find them off-putting. Stop projecting your own made-up delusional insecure projections onto everything, you imbecile.
I really dislike this mindset of: "If you draw anything, it's because you are sexually obsesdive for it"
That does sound like Alex. He believes everything was engineered from the top by a group who plan everything. Nothing just falls into place naturally, everything in controlled by lizard people.
It's an ancient Yea Forums meme. For better or worse, it will not go away, learn to tolerate it.
>Yea Forums really kicked Calarts's ass and spread the much deserved hate on social media, and that definitely had an effect. People saw it and got the message.
lol what
The beanmouth and noodle arms are on the decline, that's what I meant.
>The beanmouth and noodle arms are on the decline
That's because cartoons in general are dying, and it's certainly not because of Yea Forums. The only contact that ever happened in the mainstream between Yea Forums and CalArts was when that user joked about shooting it up.
>That's because cartoons in general are dying
Now that is some retarded blackpill shit. Cynical for the sake of it.
>that moment when they actually memed Fortress into being a Yea Forums meme
it's not like I'm making this up
It's why I post stuff under a different name for sfw and nsfw stuff. Sadly, people still do it anyway.
I mean, Grimlock did that multiple times and he was fine.
Dinos just know that, if there's nothing you can do about a situation it's better to roll with the punches.
If you people are nostalgic for neon animal people, then make new works with them. As simple as that.
People who perpetuate this kind of mindset are most likely the same closet insecure ones who are sexually attracted to said thing they obsess to "criticize", but deny that at all costs.
There's no use to give attention to theses people. Just ignore them.
>neon animal people
networks only make like 5 hours of content per season and kids can binge watch that in like a day, no shit its dropping fast they have nothing else to watch on tv
Hey bro, hit me up on Twitter or Discord, I miss talking to you. You know who I am.
TV is dying in general thanks to the internet, but cartoons as a medium aren't going anywhere, they'll just adapt with the times.
>Cartoons as a medium aren't going anywhere, they'll just adapt with the times.
Kids cartoons past preschooler age are dead. If a kid has access to a smartphone he'll watch youtube stuff like pewdiepie, play vidya, really anything but cartoons. If they like a cartoon, they are not loyal to it, they consume a thing and move on to the next, they're not going to stick around unless there's a steady stream of content. That's why they'd rather follow a streamer on Twitch. Girls go on social media to follow celebrities, they have no interest in cartoons.
It's mostly college age artsy people who watch things like SU or AT, all kids I know avoided those shows like the plague and the only people that expressed any interest in them were always arts college girls with multicolored hair.
New kids have no attention span, they probably can't even follow a story that well. I see small children trying to watch classic Disney movies and they just can't follow.
and there's an island full of yiffalicious heroes
Gumball is airing an ad in my country where they reference Daft Hands, a video from 2007 about Daft Punk. Kids have absolutely no clue what any of that is.
That fucking shitshow sci-fi sitcom that Spielberg produced tanked dinosaur shows for a decade.
i saw a kid watching Rock Dog on his phone while on the bus.
they still like animation
that's a movie though
funny to see him on this thread
Literally, who?
>Awareness of furry sub-culture has made production studios more wary of depicting animal-like anthropoids. Where before making a character with animal and human features made things interesting and therefore more fun, it now gives pause as to whether it is necessary for the character to have these features.
They do that with ANY attractive female(or male) now, it's not because of furries. People underestimate just how scared investors get about search results being nothing but rule 34.
>They want human characters who remind them of themselves.
Wrong, they want idealized, cool versions of everything. And kids don't care that you can't actually become a giant dinosaur man who breathes lightning and wields huge swords.
This is true. The people currently making cartoons have no imagination, almost all current cartoons are "Japanese anime but watered down".
Sorry user, it's more that times have changed.
The 80s and 90s were a lot more optimistic times. Technology in the home was improving at an insane rate, the internet had opened up new doors, the future was bright. So the kids loved the bright escapist fantasy cartoons. Then the recession happened, 9/11 and others happened, and suddenly your bright future wasn't there anymore. Plus the internet making everyone more woke didn't help. As a kid I didn't know what was happening to the kids three blocks over, now kids are aware of all the shit and injustice that's happening all over the world.
So the bright escapist fantasy now just seems hollow and gaudy to modern kids. They want something relatable that helps then put into context the things they read about and experience. So relationships, high school shit etc.
tl;dr the experience of childhood has changed, and cartoons have evolved alongside it.
Capitalism being responsible for human extinction is extremely funny.
Yes, lamestream media is dying. Good cartoons are increasingly Netflix (and similar services) or indie and just posted on YT.
I always run my D&D snake people like behind the scenes psyops, glow in the dark CIA, KGB, Satanic Cult that there goal is to destroy/rule the world.
Depending on the party's goals.
I have multiple threads about D&D reptile races up and I'm experiencing some kind of whiplash from seeing this post in this thread.
You should use hobgoblins with a crooked nose instead.
>People underestimate just how scared investors get about search results being nothing but rule 34.
I wonder how big of a % rule34, or non-IRL porn is to all porn in general. Is it 1%? 10%? 30%?
IIRC, nintendo filed a lawsuit against the paheal websire because search results for the pokemon tag got more views then the actual pokemon website itself. That's why it's called "porkyman" now.
>search results for the pokemon tag got more views then the actual pokemon website itself
that makes sense since people are not going to check the pokemon website every day.
I was always sick and depressed as a kid and escapist media helped me pull through the worst times. I don't believe escapism has no place in a world this bleak, it's got to be the exact opposite. What I think is just that kids are much less imaginative today than they used to be because they are overloaded with visual information 24/7.
What you describe might be true for teenagers, but it's hard to believe pre-teen kids are "woke" and care about real-world injustice more than escapist fantasy, let alone the kind of First World 'injustice' that the woke crowd REEEEEE about while not caring about the much greater problems elsewhere in the world.
Cartoons being about high school and relationships is just a sign that they're being made by females, for females. You'd struggle to find boys who would choose to watch that over fantasy, action, and visually exciting non-human characters.
I use Hobgoblins for the Huns and Ottomans. Just give the real life counter part a paint job and make sure it lines up with D&D lore, and you basically can just lift historical events.
The trick is to have D&D lore trump history. Also you can left plots from movies and Tv shows. Just don't have it drag out.
>not that guy
I like cartoons. I watch a lot, even if there not the best. Also its fun to bitch about stuff. I don't understand why Hordak just doesn't Napalm the forest.
>3) Awareness of furry sub-culture has made production studios more wary of depicting animal-like anthropoids. Where before making a character with animal and human features made things interesting and therefore more fun, it now gives pause as to whether it is necessary for the character to have these features.
how about not just giving a fuck and DO OR DO NOT!?
>You'd struggle to find boys who would choose to watch that over fantasy, action, and visually exciting non-human characters.
There's a lot more self-insertion now. I don't want to say they want to emasculate the kids, but in old cartoons there was always an adult the kids would look up to, like GI Joe, He-Man, the Biker Mice, some superhero, all those figures were adults. Now almost all cartoons shifted to child leads, so kids look up to other kids? I have no idea what this means but it's a very clear shift. I doubt that a show aimed at preteens featuring an adult lead would fly today. I can't even think of a 2010s show that is really aimed at preteens anyway.
i'll do you one better: imagine real life having a dinosaur in pink shorts and BDSM Gear as my boyfriend haha wouldn't that be weird? i mean
imagine if you stuck your dick inside his lizard slit, haha wouldn't it be funny?
Imagine the smell
imagine his dick rubbing against yours while you fucked his slit haha
>the only people that expressed any interest in them were always arts college girls with multicolored hair.
Fuck you for making me read so much before telling me you were full of shit
Pic related has 11.3 million subs, putting him well above pretty much every e-celeb that gets talked about on Yea Forums, and shows fanart at the end of every video that was clearly drawn by kids
People want a high quantity of content and ease of access before anything else. A youtube channel that uploads "animations" with as much animation as actual animation as a low tier 60s anime will always be more successful than a TV network or streaming service because the former requires you to wait for shit to come on and the latter costs money
nothing gross about internal frotting
it's funny haha
If I could, I'd live in a eternal 90ies planet.
Only fur though.
But there is a theory that scales exist also.
You have got issues.
1) TMNT just fucking erupted onto the scene and made millions and was an utter monster of a success story made by two guys who just gave away their original parody comic as a convention door prize. TMNT never really left, either; the logest break the franchise had was from 97 to 2003 and we're still getting TMNT stuff with barely a break between reboots. There were countless imitators who rose up and subsequently fell; I think Battletoads is the only survivor among them.
2) As others have mentioned, there was apparently a tax break on non human character toys at the time, which mean toymakers had it made back then as long as the trend of animal cartoon/toy combo kept going.
3) As a general thing, even nowadays kids media is often presented with animal or anthro characters. Talk animals get the kids attention Paw Patrol has been a thing for little kids for, what, five years or something now? And Scooby doo seems to be fucking eternal.
4) While a lot of this shit was going on, Nickelodeon/Nicktoon style humor became more and more popular; sure Ren and Stimpy and Rocko were anthro/cartoon animal vehicles, but the Nicktoon influence shifted things alot into the 2000s.
...They can't just make female aliens?
I mean shit, Voltron fucked up some shit at the end of their run, but even they got that right.
you got issues if you don't find it funny and weird haha
You fell for the sjw lies, that representation trash is nothing but a tool to gain power
>And Scooby doo seems to be fucking eternal.
Will never understand how that shit is popular. Even when young? I hated that retarded cowardly dog.The only good cowardlly dog is Courage given he has a good reason to be afraid one of his owners is abusive and he deals with actual monsters out to kill him.
>As a general thing, even nowadays kids media is often presented with animal or anthro characters
And retarded mothers and fathers whined about Rango for having realistic guns with bullets, smoking, and that scene in the bar where Rango downs a shot.
>was rated PG
>Parental Guidance Suggested – some material may not be suitable for children
most parents are stupid and don't want to put effort into raising their kid(s)
Normies don't have brains, they see animation and assume it's for toddlers.
They think it's the obligation of channel networks, video game companies, and movie studios to raise their offspring. Honestly you'd be surprised how any people should not be allowed to reproduce because this is how they want to raise the next generation. They also give their brats Smart Phones and then whine abobut them viewing screwy shit on Youtube.
>and then whine abobut them viewing screwy shit on Youtube.
That's at least some concern. At a Christmas dinner with my family plus other guests I saw this 9 year old kid and my little cousin giggling and watching the Outlast torture scene where they cut off your fingers. I tell the kids to stop watching that shit, and then I warn the beta dad that his brat was watching violent stuff. Beta dad shrugged and said "eh, it's whatever".
Damn, wanna partner and make a comic? You've got some real nice talent here.
Hence, you'd be surprised how many people should not be allowed to reproduce. And that phone issue can be avoided by simply NOT giving those devices out in the first place sheez.
But every show had some kid who hung out with good guys.
All art forms are struggling right now to compete with the vast, vast amounts of media children have at their fingertips. I'm only 22, but even when I was a kid, there was a designated computer room that you had to share with the whole family and smartphones didn't exist. Now, literal babies are using smartphones and tablets.
Big business entertainment takes less risks today, which means only what's proven to sell. Wacky humor in short intervals that offer as clickbait and teen drama always sell to kids, so that's what's made. We have no excess wealth left to split on fun new ideas, that has to be done indie now, but cartoons and TV have such extreme overhead costs, there's a very high barrier of entry.
Representation is a trendy buzzword, but to say people NEVER want to see someone like themselves as a protagonist is also bullshit.
Unironically, the quality of entertainment is too high these days. When I was a kid I played videogames with objectively atrocious gameplay, and I was happy when my monthly spiderman comic came out and I'd buy it off the newpaper stand. Now you have shit like League of Legends that is more addictive than heroin, you have unlimited streaming, amazing CGI movies, videogames with amazing graphics, everything is amazing and has been done so many times and so well that it can't possibly get any better.
Ideally it should be 50/50. The protagonist should be enough like you that you'd want to be their friend, but different enough that they're interesting
watch cartoons for younger children. there are
still dinosaur shows, just not any with even the hint of a character having the capacity for violence. dinosaur train, dinotrux, gigantosaurus, probably more.
I don't really remember any shows with kid characters except ReBoot and DuckTales. I watched stuff like Batman TAS, Spider-man TAS, Gargoyles, Filmation's Ghostbusters, Tintin, Biker Mice, Captain Planet and lots of anime.
>scientifically correct raptors
Not sure if want... but at the same time cute.
Would you feel the same if a woman in a dress visited a hospital and then had sex in the same dress at home?
It's almost like going full cheap calarts lolrandom shit was a mistake.
I wonder if these parents still let their kids watch documentaries since they're pretty sanitized? As a kid I was always reading books about animals and dinosaurs and watching documentaries, my parents even bought me this 62 volume animal encyclopedia because I complained that the books I had were missing a lot of animals. I always thought I would become a guy like Steve Irvin, instead I became something else.
it means normalfags aka normies
I think calarts lolrandom was a consequence, not a cause. Think about it, cartoons that millennials grew up with were a vehicle to sell toys. The cartoons were pretty damn important in the economy, if the cartoon loomed lame you wouldn't buy the toys. Nowadays kids past preschooler age don't give a shit about toys because they have videogames, so the need for a cartoon that looks attractive enough to sell itself is gone. Then they figured out that without the need to sell toys, you may as well use shitty noodle limbs and make the characters act spastic to keep the kids interested between commercial breaks, 'cause now that's your aim, keeping kids interested enough that they'll get to the commercial break. Then they realized that kids simply didn't give a shit about cartoons so they started hiring people from Tumblr.
Except cartoons started to look like shit BEFORE toys became irrelevant. And feature cartoons still sell toys pretty well, mostly the princess stuff, but still. So I think the fall in esthetics preceded the fall in interest.
>tfw you never had street sharks toys
damn you poor family
forgot pic
Really who knows. All I'm sure of is that cartoons went from representing a huge entertainment market that made money and that was rather carefully built and researched, to a bunch of nepotism fueled dead on arrival experiments by Tumblr celebrities who do whatever they want with no direction whatsoever.
The previous market may have been really slimy towards kids, but the fall in professionalism and attention to the public over the years is a clear sign that the money well had dried up. A market that is thriving may be dirty, but it needs to function. I wouldn't be suprised if most of the modern shows were given to people who had the power to blackmail someone higher up. But sure as hell I see these cartoons and I just think that the market has been abandoned.
It's the opposite. How do you think all that crazy shit you can't even believe existed got made? Cartoons used to be left up to the creators because execs didn't know shit and just gambled on movie and toy rights. When they meddled, it went to shit. Just the story about how The Real Ghost Busters were ruined by meddling based on "research" that was just stuff a consultation company pulled out of their ass is a hell of a trip. Now however cartoons are optimized as broad appeal cheap to make fodder by execs. Cheap and compliant first time tumblr creator who's OK to compromise their vision, cheap sweatshop labour, bland cheap to animate inoffensive designs, non-offensive mass-appeal writing.
Dinotrux has a lot of violence. Its a good show.
Imagine what you could do with that tongue
You would kill yourself for being that ugly.
Imagine being such a faggot that learning more about cool prehistoric animals "ruins" them for you
Here these are real dinosaurs right?
That fucker in the back right looks stupid but also kinda cool
Jesus fucking christ
>bojack horseman
>final space
>regular show
>lazor wulf
If anything, anthrophomorphic characters have been taken a lot more seriously than just mascots for kids past the late 00s.
You'll get a far more degenerate audience when it comes to anime/mlp/fnaf/tumblrtale communities, yet that hasn't increased aversion to it a single bit.
On Yea Forums, most people are incestoid pedophiles or furries, they will disregard the rate at which their own subculture grows and feel that all the other subcultures have been on the rise when it's just that expression regarding sexual matters has become a lot more acceptable and widespread in the past 10-15 years, down to even having a cartoon about teenagers talking about their vagina.
I fucking hate weeaboos and that didn't stop me from enjoying some anime on the occassion. So that shouldn't stop you from the good furry stuff either, because everything you know is just gonna get weirder user, not just furries.
Redundant. 90% of furries are gay.
actually, majority are bi with just gay being the smallest minority
Go find an 8 year old and ask their opinion on climate change and equal rights. You'd be surprised about how savvy children are today about the modern world.
>Assuming anything to do with high school is muh feminists
Not my fault you were too socially stunted to have a normal high school experience.
I disagree, cartoons in the 90s were meddled with a lot more than whatever is coming out today, and most of the ideas were very derivative. In this thread we're mostly talking about TMNT clones. Really the only difference is that when they did their market research, all they asked the kids was "How radical is this? Would you buy this toy?" instead of worrying about feminist backlash and how many minorities are being neglected.
>imagine a modern [cartoon] having a dinosaur in pink shorts and BDSM Gear as a villain.
imagine a modern cartoon having a sea sponge with arms and a face wearing khaki shorts and a tie as a protagonist, with nothing but other fish and sea creatures as a cast.
>We have no excess wealth left to split on fun new ideas
that's absolutely false. "we" i.e. the top 1% of hyperwealthy mainstream content producers, have more excess wealth now than ever before. we also have more greedy CEOs, executives, and shareholders than ever before making the creative decisions.
pretty sure bi means they like dickgirls too
Ninja Turtles was massively popular in a way it never has been since and it inspired a ton of copycats.
Also, toys still sold back then, and distinct designs were easier to make with limited paint apps.
not necessarily. Bi means being attracted to two or more genders but that may not include women which would exclude women with penises
>two or more genders
bi and dickgirls don't do anything for me
I wouldn't say no, but I'm not interested in the slightest
>may not include women which would exclude women with penises
>women with penises are women
I was broken long ago, those damned cartoonists...making me fap to animals..
Never had a chance...
Bi here, can confirm.
Shut up zoomer
so far we've identified 63 genders amongst humans. some organisms have as many as 400
Is it wrong that I think they always DP'ed her after every mission?
I'm pretty sure the bigger guy was more into his partner than her
I hope you're just baiting, but just because you want your retarded made up genders to exist it doesn't mean they exist. What is it that has 400 "genders", which I'm sure is a case where "gender" is a very loose word, and or can't possibly apply to human genitals in any way? Is it some kind of amoeba?
furry cartoon animals was quintessentially the 90s.
Games, comics, cartoons, cerealboxes
What changed was who makes this shit now
Who makes this shit now?
coral, actually. but if you wanna go even more out there, the fungus Schizophyllum Commune has 28,000 sexes but only 1 gender
Do you understand that this definition of "gender" or "sexes" is meaningless by human standards? Do you realize what kind of a stretch it is to identify as something that isn't even close to the same taxonomic classification as homo sapiens? Human beings have two sexes, if they're born hermaphrodites it's not a third sex, it's a deformity. Your gender is your sex, it's not whatever you want. If you are a dude who likes playing with Barbies and dress in frilly pink tutus you are just an effeminate male, you're not whatever neologism you think you are. Those Native Americans who had a word for boys who didn't pass the coming of age test and were treated like women did not invent a new gender, just like being not fit for employment is not a gender.
You people are about as insane as flat earthers, except political correctness is allowing you to strongarm actual scientists into changing the facts and using the word "gender" when talking about corals, and to place people with mental illnesses in positions of responsibility where they can influence society and vulnerable children instead of treating them like mentally ill people who suffer from delusions.
That's wrong
Warner and Disney were still the biggest influences in cartoons with the Looney tunes cast and Ducktales pulling from the old Mickey and Donald shorts. Talking animals were just the most normal type of cartoon out there.
why are they effeminate?
He exclusively used it to molest people.
You fell for blatant bait, user.
Did you really think "oh yeah, I bet SJWs really do think coral has 400 genders"?
Go outside and talk to opinionated people who aren't on the internet you nutter.
that's a relief, I don't know what's real anymore
Things are not how the internet makes them seem.
The average person is still a boring fuck. Liberals don't have the balls to have massive orgies in public, and the alt-right won't even gas a few undesirables.
I'd give it a decade or two before reality starts to reflect shitposting.
Rocket isn't gay, he is unable to get aroused by raccoons tho and has a serious human fettish.
time to dick a raccoon
Don't you see that the system you're describing is worlds better? Yes, ask the kids. If the kids just go "I like TMNT, give me more stuff like that" then DO IT. At least the kids will be getting what they want. Cartoons now aren't what anyone wants OR needs.
>You'd be surprised about how savvy children are today about the modern world.
And by "savvy" you mean "indoctrinated". No 8 year old is going to have an opinion of their own on those subjects.
> Not my fault you were too socially stunted to have a normal high school experience.
What 8 year old boy wants to watch cartoons about relationships and going to high school? What 8 year old boy would ever choose that over an action cartoon about monsters, aliens or robots?
furries have been around for a long time
If you can't remember watching this user then you're too young to be on this site.
That's the best possible combination, although it would be hard to achieve because good writing and all of that.
Sadly this their opinions weren't organically formed, they were spoonfed to them at best and just thrust upon them at worst. While not harmful per se if the opinion itself isn't harmful, if an opinion isn't organically formed, it isn't really an integral part of a person's character and doesn't effect their actions as much, and can be easily swayed later on.
Also WTF kind of kids do you know that have "high-school experience"? I didn't even know kids who thought about high-school until it was 1-2 years away and they had to. Or did you mean something else entirely but then how is that relevant to the discussion point of "kids don't want to see high-school drama"?
Yeah it was better but you are forgetting that the point of that process was getting kids to buy a toy. If you ask a person who is not interested in buying comics what kind of comics he would be interested in, would you care about his answer? He's not going to buy them because he doesn't like the medium. Kids don't really care about toys. You're better off making a videogame directly and selling them that, skip the TV show entirely.
I understood that this was garbage even as a kid. Only watched it for the super-softcore porn that was the kissing, cleavage, thighs and the occasional bikini. Also never got how people thought Kelly was prettier than Jessie.
You just out-argued yourself. Toys aren't gone, they're just mostly replaced by games. So what's the difference between selling a kid a toy with accessories and a game with DLC?
>So what's the difference between selling a kid a toy with accessories and a game with DLC?
That you don't need a cartoon as advertisement anymore. The cartoon was not the product, it was the advertisement for the product, which was the toy. A videogame is a product by itself.
You could argue that they made offshoot videogames of cartoons already and cartoon franchises like TMNT had dozens, but videogames have changed a lot since then, now you can tell a cinematic story within the videogame, kids are more informed, kids all have computers available and watch less TV, and so on. I think the cartoon just isn't necessary as a hook anymore or it isn't a step worth taking.
Unfortunately when Power Rangers arrived stateside, TMNT began to wane and the copycats got trounced by MMPR in ratings.
Cartoons can be both advertisements AND products. And what do you base your theory that games don't need advertisement like toys do? There's a shitload of game advertisements out there, maybe you just don't encounter it due to addblock. Are you saying game companies are just throwing their money away on those? And sometimes their add campaigns are more expensive than several episodes of a good cartoon show.
fun fact the very first ever recorded piece of modern furry media was in the 70s and it showed someone dressed up in a dominatrix suit although humans have been worshiping animal gods for forever
>And what do you base your theory that games don't need advertisement like toys do?
Sure they do, that's why they use ads. Literal ads. With that money you can get a huge advertisement campaign across the internet on places that kids actually give a shit about.
Imagine that you want to sell a videogame. Why would you make a cartoon and go through programming and ratings and storyboards and parents' complaints and everything else so that the kids maybe cares about your MMO or whatever, when you can just spam your 30 second ads on Twitch and get the attention of kids that are directly browsing videogames? If a kid is interested and checks it out and maybe downloads it because it's F2P, he gets hooked on the videogame.
I'm no marketing guy but it just seems like a lot of useless effort. And I don't really think you can sell a cartoon series as easily as a videogame to a kid, videogames are so incredibly addictive at this point, not to mention that you can play them over and over when you don't really watch a cartoon episode that many times even if you love it.
Great shit man, got a gallery?
Thank you for this user, this is the best shit I've seen all day
Since we're on the topic in this thread.
Anyone know if Jurassic Strike Force 5 is worth checking out? It's been on my list for a while but I just haven't found the time to read it.
The animal rape has more to do with their aggresive homosexuality and autism but the animal motifs definitely help to push them in that direction.
You're out of your mind. Nobody, let alone kids, wants to turn on some half-baked woke edgefest rather than a decent story. Why do you think everyone jumped ship to anime?
>Drawing animals was easier than humans.
why do people say this? literally anyone can draw an oval with eyes but it's extremely hard to draw other head shapes.
You don't need to sell a cartoon series to a kid if it's a commercial. You can just sell it to a network. Unlike adds, you actually get paid for shows. Kids want games of movies or shows, it's a proven thing by now. Your game can be pretty derivative, but as long as it's not complete shit people will still play it if they are fans of the source material.
It's easier to draw a cute animal than it is a cute human. And kids can remember and differentiate different animals easier than a bunch of humans. Especially if they are also watching a bunch of other cartoons. Some people remember all of the characters on GI Joe, but imagine if every single show was like that, do you think they would remember them then, if they were just one guy out of a thousand guys in fatigues from dozens of shows?
>Five massive piles of killing and death in armor
>one twink apeling with a fucking mosquito trying to look badass in the middle
Jeeeeesus Christ you just gave me flashbacks.
I remember getting an account, making a website in MS Frontpage and then phoning a friend because I was so excited about having made it. Then he explained I actually had to upload it for him to see. I was so confused.
>My Final Fantasy VII fansite with 3 HTML frames, one for the giant header, one for the actual page and one for the side menu
>relief buttons made in Paint Shop Pro that displayed a lens flare effect on mousehover, took 5 minutes to load
>large unoptimized background image and MIDI music
>Section dedicated to my fanfictions
>It's easier to draw a cute animal than it is a cute human
Not necessarily. Some people learn to draw humans in a very specific way and their brains just can't comprehend how to draw animal skulls and faces and they get awful results trying to do anthros, it happens a lot in superhero comics.
On the other hand anyone interested in drawing 'cute' will turn to anime and the same principles apply.
I hated auto playing midi.
Thanks! I'm Terokah on Twitter/Instagram
>MIDI starts playing
>save entire page
>you now have the MIDI to listen whenever you choose
Because that was a superior era to the one we're living in now.
It's from a late 90s show called Street Sharks; in the final... dozen or so episodes, a bunch of villainous and heroic humanoid dinosaur aliens showed up. They were later reused with a new background as the heroes and villains of a shorter-lived show called Extreme Dinosaurs.
Thanks for being around the Biker Mice From Mars thread.
still a cartoon nigger
kind of busy but I like it
those are an awful lot of mushrooms
if only they could've used them to sell video games, but the games are generally shit
I still think the smarter decision to sell an action cartoon would be to make some mobile game that goes with it. Something that would be a sidescrolling shooter like Contra (depending on the show but it would be a start if it featured monsters and crazy weapons). I could see how that would be too much of a gamble for the current heads in charge.
I just had that recommended the other day, I haven't seen that in a few years
is it really 12 years old now?
I guess that might be the reasoning though, you don't need stuff to be current, kids can just get a vague idea of what something is and go look it up
>some people
That's why you hire competent artists, for whom I maintain it's easier to design a cute and memorable anthropomorphic thing than a person.
why does this look like Oda drew it? Is this from one piece?
(different user)
I have seen skilled artists for whom it is easier and "natural" to draw people, and some find it easier to draw furries. There is no trend though, and much is a meme.
Yes, there are people who are better at drawing people and others are better at drawing animals. But it's not enough to just draw a good-looking human well, that might have no charismatic appeal, it's much easier to draw an anthro with that. Basically what I'm saying is that for 10 Sonics there's only one Mario.
The "memorable design" thing makes sense, and is 200% fact. I read SSSS, and the humans are drawn rather realistically, albeit anime'd, and many people (here) complained they could not tell who is who.
I missed this one. That's great but I have a bunch of personal projects and I'm already juggling way more than I can handle.
It's meant to be unified with colors, it's all going to be covered in a mossy green with some accents here and there. Also that version is incomplete, I added a whole lot of shrooms on the ground while inking.
>> Bonzi Buddy
Evil monkey!
>punk spikes are bdsm now
Kids these days.....
I'd say internet in general lashed out on them.
>he dosen't know
>argue that mutants weren't human
That's fucking amazing considering the whole point of humans vs mutants was to make a racism allegory. Based Marvel saying blacks aren't human.
Lizards are scalie, not furry.
>Because that was a superior era to the one we're living in now.
>my art sticks like a sore thumb in a furry art feed
Bullshit. That looks good and a lot like a bunch of furry comic's i've read. Her nose and general face are similar to what other artists draw.
No fucking way your art sticks out as something "foreign". If anything it sticks out because it's good in a sea of shit.
Not really though. Animation has always been fetish/waifu-fueled and some animators (eg. Rebecca Sugar) got jobs because they drew R34 that some studio exec got off on.
As for anthro animals going out of style, that was just because the times changed and they stopped being cool. Furries are a tiny, tiny minority of people I doubt influence studio decisions.
The Loud House I guess is more kid-friendly, but also dumber than shows like AT.
Back in the 90s the only cartoons with an adult hipster following were the Simpsons, Ren & Stimpy, and maybe the Critic.
Kids don't watch that either.
How would you know that?
Woman's Intuition.
What do you mean?
90s media was made to sell toys (same as 80s) and there wasn't the mentality of turning every show into a self-insert for the audience
00s changed to cartoons being more cartoon centric and less merchandise centric and made mostly human characters instead of anthro animal/human adults so kids could relate better
It doesn't matter how many people believe a thing but what position they're in. Celebrities promote ideas, politicians make laws, the cops enforce them, and the populace lives by them.
Cartoons have never stopped being made to sell toys. Young Justice was cancelled because it wasn't selling toys even though its ratings were good
This is a general claim, but most cancellations of good shows happen because the higher ups don't like the actual makers. This is an open secret of sorts.
Am I the only one who really likes furry characters but isn't actually a furry?
the definition of furry is so loose that some people would consider that being furry but nah there's definitely a lot of others like you out there
CORRECT!!! It's all opinions on definitions.
What are you trying to quote?
Do they fuck?
Keep it in your pants.
What's terrible is that parents today feed their kids whatever trash there is instead of demanding quality content. It's insane how parents give their spawn those fucking elsa Spiderman videos in the most delicate formative phase, that shit will give your kids brain damage. It was already bad how kids were exploited in my generation instead of being given artistic and formative things, but now it's just horrifying.
It doesn't matter. We're in the midst of a mass extinction event. It'll all be over soon enough. No more monkeys jumping on the bed.
Your mouse and art are fantastic, don't let anybody else tell you otherwise.