ITT: Pussy slayers

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Isn't Bow gay? It's not like there's anything wrong with that

Just because he's fabulous, it doesn't mean he's gay.

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>mfw zoomerkind doesn't know you have to be a chad to look good in fab

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Azula isn't a lesbian, we know this because she spent much of her time sitting on zukos face.

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I presume you are refering to She-Ra in this pic

>not having a harem of slavegirls

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Hogwash nigga

He is too gay for cunt.

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>To his defense, it was a period of history where the guy who look most like the bitch was the one getting all the females.
"Androgenous shit," according to Murphy.

>fills the 15 year old Jewish girl's womb with a baby faster than you can say "Ay Caramba!"

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>Everyone's sister's friend
Based Speedy

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He was an incel until he met Jane.

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Azula is a dumb bitch who can barely get a dude to kiss her because she's so emotionally stunted.

don't need charm to form a harem of slavegirls, just money and/or power, and Azula has power in spades

you don't get the point of the thread

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It's funny because actual humans who grow up in harsh enviroments like jungles tend to be malnourished and lanky as fuck.

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What is the point?

Bo was originally supposed to be She-Ra's boyfriend, but they scrapped that idea. He was still listed on some of the first toys as her "special friend." The writers decided to have Captain Seahawk be her romantic interest instead.

In the reboot, Seahawk seems more interested in Mermista and Bo went to the prom with Perfuma.

Authorial intent matters not, how it is recived is how it is interpreted.

He's the bard of the group. Of course he's flamboyant.

Arriba, arriba, andale, andale, yep-a!

Bow is glam as all fuck, and a chad of legends...HAVE YOU SEEN THAT MUSTACHE?!

Re-read the OP.
Rewatch the film.

They're talking about she-ra

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maybe they should stop smoking

He's just a metro-sexual, just because he has gay mannerisms doesn't mean he's a homosexual. He-Man on the other hand, now he's the definition of gay.

Is this an edit?