Are you happy now nostalgiafags?
Are you happy now nostalgiafags?
Other urls found in this thread:
How many comments are about how sexist and degrading their costumes are?
Noelle, stop starting these threads, nobody wants to watch your show.
They honestly look much better.
Mustaches improve everything.
There we go.
ew, that face looks so masculine
more like He-ra lol
I like that Adora/She-Ra.
I dont believe that for one second
as opposed to the little boy look
>I reject your evidence and substitute it with my feelings
watch the clip dumbass
When the full episode airs theirs going to be at least a few quips about how regressive the 80s costumes are
>photoshop Adora so she has a boy's face
>"wow she looks like boy!"
really gets my noggin joggin
>fan pandering: the series
>It's a DnD episode
They already did this shit on Voltron.
>source: my ass
I bet this one will be better
Here ya go
plus more quality designwork
Its fucking obvious considering the personalitys behind the show and if you disagree youre literally retarded
>reboot she ra
>better at anything
Kek, no
>its been months since the show aired and spergs are still posting these same shitty images from the previews
get a hobby holy shit
>it's true because I saw so! If you disagree you're retarded!
>its true or at least very likely because it would fit the past behavior of noelle stevenson
FTFY mongoloid
If you already seen these, then why do you act like there's no actual complaints, you mop.
name one time noelle said the costumes were degrading
>defending Voltron to own the libs
Sure is better than this shit show ever was, at least the first season ofnit was decent
Well i think making it hard to even distinguish her redesigned she ra as female is evidence enough for her viewpoints.
That clip was pretty funny, i loved how mermista just kept on going in her own little world.
>"waaaah! I can't jack off to this cartoon!"
repeat ad nauseam for months
>"why wont you address my complaints!! DEBATE ME!! I WANT TO JACK OFF TO CHILDREN'S CARTOONS !! DEBATE ME!!!"
because your complaints are retarded and have been rebutted countless times
Stop being a pruitain faggot for once and maybe people wouldnt attack your retarded poltical view points every five minutes if you didnt force it in everything you feminist swine
>Noelle thinks 80s she ra was degrading!!! The show will say the 80s cartoon was degrading!!!
okay, can you name one time she said that?
lol okay retard.
Is it bad that I think every single design there looks better than the ones from the show?
Bonus point if She-ra's sword doesn't look like shit.
I haven't touched season 2 yet.
You dense fuck, her poltical beliefs have been shown off more then once, it doesnt take that much of critical thinking to evaluate her thoughts on the original you blithering retarded dyke ra faggot
Mermista finally looks fuckable.
lol stay mad degenerate scum
So how much of Chad will this man bow become every Male and female wants his sperm.
>her poltical beliefs have been shown off more then once
oh really?
then I guess it should be pretty easy for you to find an example of her saying 80s She-Ra was degrading.
>"why wont you address my complaints!!
This whole thread was about the complaints. Don't start a thread if you don't want people addressing your topic, you retard.
>Is it bad that I think every single design there looks better than the ones from the show?
yes, because its wrong
>I haven't touched season 2 yet.
its not out yet
dude just kill yourself you sjw loser no one cares if you live or die
and we all know Noelle specifically made this cartoon about boyish girls to diddle herself to.
Let's agree to disagree, then.
>it's not out yet
Oh ok.
The artstyle doesn't work for anything except old Bow.
They look like giant toddlers
are you mad?
you sound mad.
wow I had no idea Noelle was so cute
Just how Noelle likes em
Sorry, she's taken. And if you're a man or developed woman, she hates you anyway
her fiance is a woman?
Why is everyone so fat?
Not a nostalgiafag here, but I'm happy.
SheRa was lazy as shit about variant costumes in the first season.
Like, Adora kept on her fucking Horde digs the whole time despite their basically being an SS uniform.
It was retarded.
but Hank-ra is actually cute
That clip made me laugh
Yes, especially with all the exposed shoulders and collar bones. Ripe for covering in big red hickeys, especially Mermista and Frosta.
>hates men
>dresses like a man
Really activates the almond gears.
are you human you dont sound human its like you are a to stupid to live
They look cute. Their original designs look on their reboot versions.
Did she said she hated men?
Says the feminist lesbian
>durr hurr my specific citation needed
They've been doing D&D episodes on a lot of shows lately, it isn't just these two.
There's a long list on the D&D in popular culture article on Wikipedia. The She-Ra episode hasn't been included yet.
>"waaaah! I can't jack off to this cartoon!"
Who the fuck jacks off to she-ra, i just think the characters look retarded.
>>"why wont you address my complaints!! DEBATE ME!! I WANT TO JACK OFF TO CHILDREN'S CARTOONS !! DEBATE ME!!!"
If you can't win that debate you might me retarded.
they are using the design to shit on it, It's all that people complained about the show's team being proven right.
>>"waaaah! I can't jack off to this cartoon!"
the irony of that spam is that the "good" threads are about sjw posting lesbian porn and pedoshit about the show, but when they do it it's "good". because it's "diverse" and "open minded".
What’s the matter snowflake?
Can’t take the bantz?
It’s a tribute you dumbass
Imagine being the neckbeard who created this image
If it’s so obvious why can’t you find an example?
must suck when someone has proof that you're a piece of shit huh?
like when asked when Noelle acted like a sexist shit and, well, here we go. now we can't deny what a horrible person Noelle is.
Those are obviously jokes lmaooo
Imagine being enough of a snowflake that you get triggered by this
t. The neckbeard who made this
>Hank believes this was an alternative outfit of Batman
That's a lot of "jokes"
Yes. Yes they are
Where's the joke? I'm not laughing.
>Are you happy now nostalgiafags
Not while SJW-Ra draws breath.
who wrote all those sexist things. I know. Noelle is such a creep, isn't she?
the joke is people who try to defend the same shit they pretend to be offended by when it's against someone like them.
So, there are whole boards in this site dedicated to shitting on women, other races, gays etc. Why can't you handle some girl trashing men?
Noelle: men have thin skin
It’s not Noelle’s fault you snowflakes have no sense of humor
Oh shit how will Netflix ever recover?
>>Those are obviously jokes lmaooo
>>Imagine being enough of a snowflake that you get triggered by this
now rewrite the other fifty slurs she said, might take you a while.
Are you stupid?
None of those say she hates men
Criticizing men =! Hating men
but it’s Noelle’s fault she has none
do you even know what words mean?
Lmao I knew she was good but I didn’t know she was so based
This is just a screenshot, so people can interpret the writer's intentions however they want. When the show actually airs, we'll have a better idea of what the intent actually was.
lol epic
>>all men dying is funnier
>>this is why no one likes men
>>we'll make the erdication of men quick and painless
>>men must be stopped
nice constructive criticism
HEY GUYS! Did I miss anything good?
No because the art style is still ugly and Noelle is garbage.
You sound like a snowflake
>lol sjws get offended so easily!
>Is it bad that I think every single design there looks better than the ones from the show?
You're free to feel however you want about the designs, for any reason. Even if it's for nostalgia or politics or some other reason outside of design. That's how human feelings work.
My personal view is that poor execution is often the real problem, and people just conflate it with design. Overall, this show is just not well-drawn.
>no u
Epic own bro
imagine thinking that was a clever comeback lmao
>starting a cartoon just to convince little girls your flat little boy body is attractive and normal and make them fall in lesbians with you
no cause it's still the adventures of a 12 year old boy dressed as a girl.
Please don't mention Voltron LD. It's still too soon.
Dead meme
He deleted it lmaooo
Deleted what?
When a new show comes out on netfix on a specific date, does it just pop up once midnight hits?
Or is there a specific server time? Or is it different for every show?
Why, yes, thank you.
Why does shera has a miniskirt but also shorts?
bo still needs to look gayer
You know, aside from Mermista they actually do look better with these designs.
I also like the fact that the loli has a huge cleavage
It's not cleavage if there's no tits.
And we wonder why God gave AIDS to gay people.
I've honestly been waiting for him to get the mustache the entire show
What could've been
That's because it's a tumblr plotline for when you're creatively bankrupt.
>d&d episode
>school and/or prom episode
>beach episode
>flashbacks episode
>dream episode
>future me is loved by everyone episode
Man I had no idea there were so many tumblr shows before 2007. Retard.
Hold up, they're releasing Season 2 tomorrow? The same day Avengers: Endgame comes out?
Well, RIP She-ra S3
Yes, because I meant that the shows were literally taken from tumblr you fucking moron. Give me a break and don't even speak to me anymore.
I'm never happy.
comes out a day after Endgame
yeah, it's a terrible fucking idea.
shame they stopped making trap porn for this show, that was good stuff
hahaha noelle your so mad nobody on Yea Forums likes your flat ugly cartoon hahahaha
The art-style actually compliments the older costumes quite well, especially Bow, She-Ra, Perfuma and Catra
There is genuinely nothing they could have done that would be a worse move for the ratings than that, if the show gets cancelled we all know why.
>Who the fuck jacks off to she-ra
I did, proudly so, to trap she-ra. I was naked in my backyard, Country Road was playing in the background, I had the flag in my hand, a bald eagle landed in my head and when I finished fireworks exploded, I dont even know from where they came from, then a football landed in my hands and the eagle carried it away towards the setting sun
remember; Glimmer is for bullying
but user with imagination anything can be trap porn
just gonna throw this theory out there, Mermista is a buttslut, is the only thing she enjoys in life
WOW! Glimmer!
both designs suck.
Imo, she should have a breastplate and not an exposed chest like her "s1 costume" but at the same actually have breasts.
not gonna lie, I would like to make her cry
I want her mother to dominate me while she's forced to watch from the cuckshed
>The guys wearing the original costumes is a fantasy Bow has, and of course the girls hate the costumes, implying Bow is a male patriarch perv
Fucking classy SJWs, hope they choke on a bag of dicks!
for what purpose?
Perfuma and Glimmer both seem to be enjoying themselves.
nigga nobody gives a fuck about shera. I didn't even know it existed until now
she wants to be noticed, but nobody notices anything different about her.
she's then sobs about it in her room while binge eating
>>I didn't even know it existed until now
Noelle? Is that you?
she looks like a fuck pillow, why does she look like a fuck pillow?
literally who?
All the better to fuck you with muh dear.
My man you have been missing out on the incels coming out of the woodwork claiming how much they looooved the original and how dyke SJW tumblr the reboot is. Grab your popcorn.
>implying they watched the original show
Who is this handsome motherfucker?
Midnight on the West coast, apparently.
just some ugly dyke that thinks the world is mean to her
gasp! Entrapta is cute!
that's the point. Time and time again they prove not to have watched the original show at all
Well, technically the show is on netflix, so it's not like the release date makes that much of a difference. It's not like anybody's gonna watch it "live"
glimmer puts glitter in her hair in the hopes people notice her/comment on it, they rarely do and that makes her feel bad
>The reason Glimmer is so fat is because of constant depression eating over the fact that her only friend is the loser dude who isn't even a princess
Not until She-ra has a feminine penis I won’t be.
If she had longer hair and a necklace like the original costume, it might look better. I can see why they ditched the mermaid tail for practical reasons though.
She can teleport everywhere, so she probably doesn't get a lot of exercise.
Did you hit yourself on your keyboard and somehow typed out the most wrong statement ever?
His only friend before Adora came around was the obese Mexican who was such a shut in that her aunt thought she was lying about having a friend when she finally met Bow
>Women want him
>Nice Body (he walks around with an exposed midriff even in formal occasions)
>Doesn't take shit from anybody
I fail to see how association with a cunt like Glimmer ruins him.
You are what you eat
I'd be down for Bow muff diving Glimmer
You just know Glimmer has had Bow finger her a few times at the very least.
Costumes look miles better but the characters are still lumpy pieces of shapeless shit.
>Bow must have strong, limber, and nimble fingers due to all the archery he does
Bow and Glimmer definitely had at least one sleepover when they showed each other their genitals and awkwardly touched them, and then Glimmer's mom interrupted and Bow had to jump out the window without his pants.
I was just shitposting. I didn't want to see that!
Also wow old Glimmer's costume looks fucking retarded on new Glimmer, but new She Ra is KILLING IT in the OG costume.
A friend of mine calls them "skorts" and she hates them. It was the first thing she mentioned to me when first seeing the new She-ra design
A while back I realized it wasn't the designs I disliked, it was just the overall style of the show. It's pretty ugly and poorly drawn.
>school and/or prom episode
>beach episode
>flashbacks episode
>dream episode
That describes most cartoons both new and old, and a large handful of non-cartoons as well.
>>future me is loved by everyone episode
I'm not familiar with this, got any examples?
>whenever She-ra's boobs are not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where are She-ra's boobs?"
I assume these are bow's dads.
More like a brapslut
Heh, catra's jealous of entrapta getting praise.
Bow is literally anime Carlton Banks with a cape. And that's perfectly okay.
Nice use of frosta's brattiness as self reflection for glimmer.
>that Mermista
boner stop
>Castaspella just chilling in her dead brother's seat
i only watch this show in hopes that netflix will throw their money at a Lumberjanes animated series happening.
that guard is hot
Wait What? Hell no they didn't stop. Da fuck you talking about?
You two should just agree to meet up somewhere and have hot angry sex already.
Of course. Now it would only make sense if he was gay too. The other one was a dirty straight white Ginger so it would be perfect to flip the scrip and make him a flaming Homo.
Yeah, the nigga is super gay so him doing this is against his nature.
He should also have rockin' pecs unless he's using a wee-baby draw on his bow.
Where are the unrealistic female proportions? It is like when ugly people cosplay as hot ones and you have to vomit.
>Giving anime kyle a pompadour
He's not cool enough to for such a thing
I'm with adora and bow on this, anime catra's just silly.
Wow, not a single negative thing was said about their designs during bow's segment.
It's almost like people are wrong about these things.
>It's almost like people are wrong about these things.
About what things?
reactionary sperglords think that the people remaking she-ra, secretly hate she-ra
obviously not, it was a tribute
She's trying so hard and I support her.
wow, its almost as if they don't give a shit about this retarded culture war!
everyone in Etheria is gay
i dont like the more feminine look
Poor, scorpia. She just wants some coochie.
Bruh the DnD episode was hilarious
Voltron absolutely BTFO
>Bow gets his mustache back
It's a start
They don't hate the old show cause they have them wearing the old costume? Aren't they like mocking the old show in this episode though? Doesn't Nu-Ra keep remarking how much she hates the clothes she's wearing?
No, none of those things happen.
Its for laugh man. Yuk, Yuks, doesn't mean anything by it.
Is that some actual muscle definition I see on Bow's arms? Color me surprised.
Really? That would've been prime for it but they didn't huh? Well good for them.
Let her be happy.
How much longer before Frosta finger blasts Glimmer?
I still think they're not real fans of the old show. Oh sure they do a little send up from the old show but think it was there just to show people "see we are old fans". This whole thing feels disingenuous
I feel like this is bait.
yeah, they are laughing at it to make the point it "shit" to them and their interpretation is superior in every aspect. TTGO already pulled that shit, you won't just bully the world into accepting your insults.
No they don't.
Adora looks much better this way I wish she'd stay like this
Seahawk would disagree with you
Why did Bow imagine Adora wearing a skirt and heels?
Everyone in Etheria is gay or bisexual.
He has a dick.
tito dickman baby!
Oh come now Seahawk and Mermista are cute
Agreed. All this show ever was, was the directors vehicle to get her shit ideas in a cartoon and use the skin of old cartoon to do it.
No Cause he's gay and Gay men have better a sense of fashion then women.
lol, no. Bow fucks Glimmer on the reg and even has Perfuma as a side bitch.
No, it still sucks and the blue bitch is still a fatso.
>All this show ever was, was the directors vehicle to get her shit ideas in a cartoon and use the skin of old cartoon to do it.
Not another LoK/ late AT thread.
That is the gayest nigga I don ever seen. Old bow was a straight white male, so it would make sense for Nu-Bow to have him be the opposite. Biggest Faggot alive.
>Old bow was a straight white male
Nu-Bow is still a Faggot like his dads. Runs in the Family.
>Old bow was a straight white male
>Old bow was a straight white male
>imagine seeing old bow and thinking "this man is a heterosexual"
>and being way better than the old one
hell, I can deal with that.
Ha ha, wouldn't it be funny if nu-Frosta was as horny and boy crazy as the original Frosta?! Hehe it'd be hilarious to see!
You're clearly haven't been listening to the complaints.
Could of done it without the She-Ra name.
New Bow is gay nigga. Which there's nothing with that just stating a fact
probably, and it might have been even better if they didn't have to stick with the characters's silly names.
but pragmatically, netflix probably wouldn't have picked it up if it didn't have a big, recognizable name like she-ra.
>nu-Frosta was as horny and boy crazy as the original Frosta
That's not progressive.
>New Bow is gay
I never disagreed with that. Read what I said more carefully.
She may not be boy crazy but she's definitely thirsty for some Glimmer
No wonder why she's targeted as the treated sloppy mob
what, is that what lesbians call bicycles?
And then revamp the whole thing like these people did.
What? He's being a pimp, catching them hoes in his sweet tunes.
>That is the gayest nigga
I know you guys are all fucking transvestigators, but so far, Bow has only been shown to be interested in women.
Bitch did you miss all of Seahawk’s introduction
> and we all know Noelle specifically made this cartoon about boyish girls to diddle herself to.
I'd watch both. The age of the delicious Tomboy is now. I'll have a happy fap every night and can finally move away from Stephen Universes' Lesbian rocks.
>there are three Dyke-Ra threads
Fuck you
And here's my reply to your spammed question
the new season just dropped what did you expect?
close that O mouth, baldy.
You'd have to have the biggest stick you your ass to not think Seahawk is fun. Seriously, he sings shanties, burns boats, and endangers himself.
>muh new season
No one likes your shitty show stop spamming you cunt
So, there a MEGA out yet?
>clicks on thread for show he doesnt like
>complains that people like the show he doesnt like
true galaxy brain
just get netflix poorfag
>keep spamming his shitty show
>gets surprised when anons call him on that shit
Those look better than their regular outfits
But then again, all episode-specific outfits in this show do
It's like the regular outfits were made intentionally as shitty as possible
Completely pointless, even if there's no mega now there'll be a torrent in a few hours I'm sure.
>three Dyke-Ra threads
And approximately 264 Endgame threads
get a life incel
>comparing Dyke-Ra to Endgame
Stop spamming your show tumblrfaggot
I agree. Endgame is a live action film and thus is not Yea Forums related.
>Capeshit is not Yea Forums
> live action films is Yea Forums
It's based on capeshit comics, you desperate Dyke-Ra fag
you're supposed to say "have sex"
epic 2008 meme!
get a life incel
i bet i could safely drink ocean water because all the salt is in this thread
The footwear alone is a huge improvement over the big chunky stupid-looking boots that several of the characters wear in the reboot. There is a reason that Moon Boots went out of fashion.
>Are you happy now nostalgiafags?
Bo is still black. Ginger genocide is real.
I'm happy to see that Hordak is still the hottest character in the show.
UH horde daddy choke me with your containment field
>To his defense, it was a period of history where the guy who look most like the bitch was the one getting all the females.
"Androgenous shit," according to Murphy.
Why are you like this, Yea Forums?
Why are they all so fucking ugly?
More Sexy Improvement, Less Noelle Trash. Who brought that dyke to the World?
How old is Entrapta again?
Please tell me there's lewds of him making her his fuck toy. To say that he towers over her is an understatement.
lonnie's got a fat ass
>not the other way around
Why? She's like tits-to-crotch level. The only way it would be more perfect is if she was mouth-to-crotch level with him.
Her parents.
Old enough to not pay her taxes.
All the main characters are in the 14-16 age range.
and then they fucked
No they aren't.
I mean, it's not confirmed one way or another, but we know that Adora is ~17-18
We can assume that other characters are younger than her, but it's technically not sure.
They all gotta be highschool age though since that's the vibe the show is going for. 17-18 is on the cusp of college age.
They can still be 19-20. They even pretend to be college students.
Maybe it's the style but a lot of them look like literal middleschoolers. I guess we'll have to wait for it to be confirmed officially.
It's totally the style, and somewhat intentionally being vague with ages.
Fuck off back to pol you stupid niggerfaggot poltard
>tumblr's favorite pseudoincest girl klance ship loses to scorpionbabe
As it should be
Oh, did I strike a nerve?
Scorpia's the femcel equivalent to Seahawk though.
So does Adora.
You autistic?
I don't care about the original series but goddamn the visual design is so derivative of modern animation trends, I can't stand looking at it
Do we have a mega for this yet?
I have a MEGA-boner for it.
I dunno man, the horde coats are pretty ugly.
Bow is a trans "man" who wants to get dicked down by Seahawk. Also Perfuma is a trans "woman". This show is so fucking queer.
Someone needs to keep Reagan in line. Tax the right people you demented ghoul.
seriously though, I could use one
piratebay only has the first six episodes for some reason, and I want to get some high quality reaction pics
Watch out, you dealing with a wizard. He obviously can predict the future as accurate he predicted that Captain Marvel would fail.
Puking Alert, Puking Alert!!!
Of the season or just all together?
I really just need this season, but I wouldn't mind having a complete torrent
I mean there are only seven episodes this season cause they are doing the annoying voltron thing, if it six episodes of this season then that pretty much all there is
Holy shit there's jaggies on the towers. Did someone use a Series 600 Nvidia card to make this?
>tfw you'll never find and fuck your own clone
thats just more of them to squeeze
yeah dude, I read all six harry potter books, that's pretty much all there is to it. Weird way to end the series though.
yeah, see if someone posted six it stands to reason the seventh will also be posted. Again thats why I ask if its the episodes form this season or the first
Perfuma and She-ra are the only ones in better costumes. Glimmer's makes her look bigger, Frosta's is freezing cold for her ice powers and Mermista's is horrible all around other than her hair looking good.
Has anyone pointed out Glimmer's version makes her skinnier?
dude he was like Prince. Swarming in pussy.
You can be 18 and pay taxes. Hell if you're emancipated you can be like 16 and pay taxes I think.
piratebay has six episodes of the new season
here is a complete torrent of all 7 S2 episodes that somebody gave me in the other thread.
only now did I notice that perfuma now has a pregnant-looking belly and huge milkers
The original Frosta was legitimately voiced by a lesbian.
>17-18 is on the cusp of college age.
The show's creator is on the record saying Adora is 17-18.
The original She-Ra was also around 19.
Entrapta specifically is "like 26".
It's in tweet or a tumble or something.
I wanna see a villain defeated by a hero being unironically creepily thirsty for them.
call me when skeletor shows up.
this genuinely makes it better the only thing that is missing is bows eight pack
Learn punctuation.
so wait was this only the first part of season 2?
Yeah, we doing the Voltron thing, on the one hand it means a faster release on the other it means awkward stopping points and very slow pointless seasons as what they build up to won't have a conclusion until the next. Still better then Disney and CN hiatus/bomb method.
Did my boy Kyle finally get the respect he deserves yet?
He was designed by man-hating lesbians who take sadistic glee in reducing an innocent white boi to a piece of rapebait for a reptoid monstrosity.
So you're saying Kyle is living the dream
so just a palette swapped wonder woman?
Kyle is real lucky the horde is so understaffed they can't go around killing subordinates to make examples out of.
What's going on in this thread
awww yeah, that's the good stuff
not enough trap (s)he-ra, thats for sure
It unironically looks better than the new costume.
Kyle became a literal punchline in a meme episode. You can't go lower than that.
Who would be top and bottom between Skeletor, Hordak, and She-Zow / She-Ra?
That's factually wrong, since by numbers alone, it was just that type of content.
I recognize that bulge!
What did he mean by this?
It's an organization called the evil horde, after all. Picking on weaklings ought to be mandatory in evil hordes. It would send out a weird message if evil hordes don't mistreat the weakest members among them.
They were trying to make it more practical by giving her spandex shorts to fight in so if her skirt flies up, you won't see her underwear. It looks silly though. It would probably look less silly if it was a bodysuit that covered her whole leg instead or if they gave her colored leggings with the skirt or something.
Bow looks a shitload better like that.
We need more trapra.
I've only seen clips of the old show, but making Adora's she-ra form look younger was definitely the right call.
I remember that thread.
Wait is this whole season just SoL junk? My favorite
No, you see, this drawing has water balloons in under her miniskirt, clearly indicating the presence of a female. Checkmate, atheists.
Thanks for ruining anime.
Why not?
>Catra's entire reason for becoming Hordak's second in command was so her mommy noticed her
At this point she'd probably commit a goat person genocide if it mean she got exactly two minutes of getting to rest her head on Shadow Weavers lap.
Alot of anime have the same plotlines. There aren't many 100% original ideas. Who would have guessed?
Well, it finally happened. I'm watching a show on fast forward except all the scenes involving the one character I like.
>Catra orgasm.gif
I miss Trap-Ra posting.
Where is the rest?
Original Hordak was so goddamned awkward and tryhard PG edgy. Just wanted his boss' approval, wanted to a conquer backwards planet to do it and only had retard robots and annoying servants; and the ability to shapeshift into various penises (no seriously, watch the show).
Meanwhile, Perfuma hangs on him and She-Ra saves his damned life and teases him repeatedly. This would be one hell of a crackship, but not as far out in left field as others if SheRa weren't riding SeaHawk in the original.
Good for you?
Perfuma called him Hordakins and said she liked living in the Fright Zone. She wanted Hordaks vibrating cock. He should have hit it.
It literally look like a reference of hellboy style comic but it’s mix with pink and purple
>crying about citations being disregarded
>goes on to disregsrd citations
How new are you?