Would you watch his own solo movie?
What would it be about?
What would be his arch enemy?
Any cameos?
Would you watch his own solo movie?
What would it be about?
What would be his arch enemy?
Any cameos?
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Something about how the military-industrial complex is at its heart a soulless capitalist construction which large nations are now beholden to by-design.
Maybe also something about how PMCs conflict with actual traditional military values due to lack of oversight/unscrupulous shit.
Maybe also would feature dealing with fixing the suit without the help of supergeniuses like Tony, so Rhodey and maybe a crew bolts on different conventional weapons platforms and learns to innovate/jury rig shit.
Yes, god yes. I can't think of any grand ideas but some of the following could be nice.
>him being a good Uncle to Morgan
>having Tony's bots and FRIDAY as his ground team
>regular heroism, saving civilians, maybe a big natural disaster as the "antagonistic" force
>Carol romance
Yes but at the same time I think I’d rather get a The Thunderbolts and someone in the Iron Patriot armor
Yes. I wolud like that.
they definitely need to get away from this nanomachines shit
Cyber-Rhodes would be cool.
Make it a straight up war action movie with none of Tony's nanomachines stuff and it'd probably be a decent flick.
I would like to explore the cold, cruelty of the world-wide war racket but who would be the big bad in that case?
Who would be the antagonist?
Titanium Man
Madame Mask
Take your pick
So he fucked Nebula or not?
>Would you watch his own solo movie?
>What would it be about?
Him hunting down superterrorism while having to deal with a international strike force. He has to lead a new group of D-Avengers, but neither Ares nor USAgent really buckle down. Ares kinda likes Rhodes but he distastes commands while USAgent likes orders but dislikes Ares.
>What would be his arch enemy?
MODOK and later Ultimo
>Any cameos?
Moon Knight
if PMCs not sure
but yeah, Titanium Man or that Chinese armored one could be the main muscle-bad-guy.
Or the actua Mandarin pulling strings behind the curtain.
I like this. Kinda like a "government-sanctioned trinity" that'd end up way more dysfunctional than cap-tony-thor.
I like him more than tony so yeah, he has actual cool weapons, not those energy blasts dragon ball shit tony constantly uses.
>Moon Knight
Of god yes!
I would also love if they gave it the Michael Bay touch with dad rock/metal music. Maybe some banter too like what we got in iron man 2 with Rhodes and Tony talking before the hammer drones came in. Pure dude bro flick
Yes. War Machine deserves his own thing. He and Black Widow are over due and its one more reason the Captain Marvel push pisses me off.
Low hanging fruit but I want Edwin Starr’s War playing for the trailer while Rhodey kicks ass
>>Carol romance
Ewww, Rhodey has standards.
I would actually like a spinoff, Maybe a spinoff movie, I think a TV show would better fit him.
Only if he can be 100% Don Cheadle
His favourite kinds of people are reformed sloppy drunks.
Only if it was based Terrence Howard.
Rhodes' most frequent enemy, in the comics at least, is his old war buddy Parnell Jacobs, who has his own War Machine suit and basically works as a terrorist-for-hire.
I'm pretty sure Rhodes also fucked his ex-wife.
Would rather they do a movie based on Lyla Rhodes. Have her take over the War Machine name and let her be a mentor to Riri
Personally I don't think he could hold a movie on his own and thought they would do a Secret Avengers with movie with WarMachine, Winter Solider, Falcon, Hawkeye, Antman, and Wasp. Maybe they could do an Armour Wars movie. I mean he his enjoyable to watch on screen when they give him lines he just needs someone to bounce off of.
>What would it be about?
Him pursuing a normal mission for the US military and gradually getting dragged into something far darker and deadlier than he is used to and equipped to handle - something Avengers-level.
But he can't call them in for help; he has to handle this on his own.
>What would be his arch enemy?
Locomotive Breath, a lunatic who creates powered armor and uses them in bloodsport games for bored billionaires.
>Any cameos?
Pepper and Morgan.
Rhodey's younger sister whom he has labored to keep out of danger her whole life because she is mentally unstable.
General Ross can be his CO who is a dick the entire movie until he comes through for him in the end.
How would you make a War Machine movie that's not Winter Soldier 0.5?
What I wanna see, but don’t expect us like a love letter to 80s action movies, Terminator, Rambo, the likes of that.
...He only was his enemy in an Iron Man run. He later became an ally.
Sounds fucking great. But also too good for a Disney movie. Those fuckers haven't been able to tackle a serious and deep movie since Phase 1, not that Phase 1 was even deep to begin with
^THIS. Nat LITERALLY getting bumped off just as soon as she gets her movie just throws salt in the wound and we should've gotten films about folks people grew to love over some rando bitch who shows up to steal the show.
So instead of everyone getting dusted...everyone becomes a tree?
I'd watch a West Coast Avengers, give it to me Marvel. Goddammit
>Yes, god yes
>Carol romance
Who knew Satan could be so cringe
How is he even going to upgrade or repair the War Machine without Tony?
Don hates Brie. It will never happen.
I'd rather see u.s. agent or nate grey but I'm not much of a co fag so dont listen to me
I would like that.
Doubt they'll ever give him his own movie considering how completely useless he was in Endgame. Seriously, what the fuck? He does nothing and gets featured in the final battle for literally like 3 seconds. Even fucking Rescue gets more screen time in the big CGI battle than he does.
I would, but both Cheadle and Howard were miscast
You need a tough guy
RoboCop except he's the rebuilt more effective lawbreaker
>>Maybe also would feature dealing with fixing the suit without the help of supergeniuses like Tony, so Rhodey and maybe a crew bolts on different conventional weapons platforms and learns to innovate/jury rig shit.
I especially like this, the idea of having to reverse engineer the repulsor system in order to repair it with no one holding their hands because even though it's used as a weapon it's main purpose is flight stability. I like the idea of him using a lot of bell and whistle conventional weapons like miniguns and rockets but ending up getting saved by elements of the suit that are core inventions of Tony rather than the stuff they slapped on.
>implying they would do that after Captain Marvel was a big ad for the air force
Disney Plus = Very Possible.
Movie = Vanishigly small
Not only do I want it, I expect it since no more Tony.
plotline would probably involve some sort of far right militia group attacking a school for trans and LGBT kids and war machine stepping in to protect them.
Cheadle can't carry an action movie by himself.
Sense you know it's le'strong and brave afro-American, capitalize on dumb ass liberals and tie in the Russia shit.
Make his enemy Crimson Dynamo
Better yet, to shill even harder for Reddit neet bux, have it be Omega Red (assuming Sony doesnt own the rights to all mutants) and rebrand his origin infusing Stark technology in his body making him a cyborg and allegory to transhumanism. Have Elon Musk make a cameo
Name gagging in case Marvel wants to book me for a script writer. I think your stuff is ass but I'll gladly take your Disney money
Pic semi related as it'd be so cringe it would exceed black panther success
feige is going to do doom
he's going to do galactus + the surfer in a F4 movie
eventually we're going to get based secret wars and we'll have rhodey in the iron man suit like the original comics
Fuck off libtard commie scum
>digital camouflage
>bright red lights
he should get the alien armor or be a cyborg
>Maybe also would feature dealing with fixing the suit without the help of supergeniuses like Tony, so Rhodey and maybe a crew bolts on different conventional weapons platforms and learns to innovate/jury rig shit.
Bonus points if Justin Hammer is brought back to do it.
Shuri? He did fight in the Battle for Wakanda, and she's good for it, I bet.
>the alien armor
Hmm... people might scream stuff about Venom...
Yes please. I love War Machine. I fell hard for the push he was given in the late 90s. Yes I'm old.
I would fear his nose cannon.
It's a shame that there's a fuckton of holes in Iron Man regarding reissues of older material; a lot of that early '90s stuff needs to be compiled into an Epic Collection or two.
they can suck my dick lol the alien armor was cool
>Him pursuing a normal mission for the US military and gradually getting dragged into something far darker and deadlier than he is used to and equipped to handle - something Avengers-level.
>But he can't call them in for help; he has to handle this on his own.
Sounds good just don't make the Military or US government the bad guy again, we got plenty of that in the Iron Man films. Do something fucking new.
That it was.
...How about the Mandarin?
Rhodey would be like "Tony, man, why did you die... there;"'s no way I can handle this guy on my own, this is wayyy above my pay grade"
And in the end he does anyway because he has no choice.
>just don't make the Military or US government the bad guy
Americans are the bad guys
If he turns into a cyborg that assimilates into himself vehicles and weapons then I'd go and watch it.
Considering a lot of Iron Man stories in the '60s-'80s basically amounted to "Us vs the Fuckin' Reds", could you adapt those to War Machine vs. Russia or would that be refused a Chinese release?
They should bring back Whiplash and he can be Crimson Dynamo.
I'd watch it but I want a Scarlet Witch movie more than anything.
That was like the most interesting thing they ever did with him in the comics. Shame they made him "human" again by giving him a synthetic body.
just put an helmet on his face, so damn ugly....ew
>itt redditors complain about capitalism and America
I think we could have a West Coast Avengers movie with Ant Man, Hawkeye, Wonder Man, Tigra and Him or maybe better as tv series