Female Thor

>Female Thor
>Incels suddenly become experts in Thor comics and keep up with the latest issues all so they can shit on “le Marvel’s divershitty PC (((agenda)))”

>Thor is a man again
>Nobody talks about Thor comics anymore


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Other urls found in this thread:


I don’t give a shit about AaronThor, but I do love that design.

Did you actually believe people here when they told you that nobody wanted Jane as Thor? Did the fact that her run was one of the best selling Thor runs of the past decade not tip you off to them maybe being full of shit?

Was fem Thor any good? I like her desing but I've been burned before

Are you telling me Yea Forums is tsundere for the sjw boogeyman? Diversity works, surprise surprise.

almost as if Yea Forums is only concerned with is outrage politics and not comics at all.

It had a few good moments, I wouldn’t call it good as a whole, but it wasn’t bad either.

Know how i know youre 400 lb?

Imagine being this delusional, divershitty always fails

>implying incels aren’t overweight
Normal people tend to be in better shape than internet recluses.

>Nobody talks about Thor comics anymore
That's not exactly a vote of confidence for the state of Thor comics.

Have sex

Actually 6,3 and 190lbs, incel.

It started out kinda terrible but got really good as it went on.

It's good but Jane herself is honestly the most boring part of it. The first eight issues are the worst because Aaron really piled on the girl power shit in those ones, but he toned it down afterwards.

It’s almost as if vocal “comic readers” are culture vultures who just want to shill their stupid political agendas while actual comic readers are, you know, reading comics?

It’s superb. Had a rocky start but it gets much better on the second volume(post Secret Wars)

I am not an incel. I hated this with every fiber of my being, mainy because of how it was done.

Nobody is talking about Thor comics because they didn't become better just because Jane Foster is't cosplaying a Thor anymore.

Nice samefagging
>tumblr tranny calling everyone incel
Nice try landwhale

rent free

Try again, Incel.

Also I’m going to fuck my girlfriend after I get home from the gym today. A place you need to start going to.

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I want everybody who wanted Jane as Thor to be publically executed. In extremely graphic ways.

She was a Mary Sue in the most egregious meaning of the word, in a time when Mary Sues were not rare.

>It’s superb.

Burn in Hell.

Have sex.

people in general (Yea Forums included) don't talk about anything unless it's new or they hate it. it's human nature.

Nice edit, perma virgin landwhale feminsit

>FemThor was boring but contraversial

>NuThor is just boring

It undermines its own message/plot when Jane undoes her own chemotherapy.

The Valkyrie book should have been the first choice for Jane

You’re mentally ill

I hate Thor movies.
Thor comics.
and Thor him/herself.
Purely because I don't care about Asgard in general. I don't know why but it just seems boring.
Never bothered to read his own solo books so I could care less about Femthor.
Hulk is better imo.

Whern you create a work of fiction, you either want your readers to love it, or to hate it. Mediocrity is the worst thing you can achieve and the quickest way for your work to be forgotten. The whole feminism-craze of Marvel was basically Marvel attempting to be the Jersey Shore-show of the comics industry.

>You’re mentally ill
>says the feminazi
Oh the irony


>The whole feminism-craze of Marvel was basically Marvel attempting to be the Jersey Shore-show of the comics industry.
Kek, saved this

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welcome to the interwebz, where no one knows you are a dog

Attached: proof.png (750x524, 149K)

Has Thor been at all interesting in the last decade?
I read most of Volume 1, and all of Volume 2, but I remember losing interest in Volume 3.

>comic industry going down the industry for decades
>society accepts that comic geeks are genetic dead ends wallowing in their own filth
>comics seek to expand their target audience to those that practice basic hygiene

Yea Forums is flailing like drowning victim. They have no idea how to accept the help that's given to them. The best way to save them is to drag them out without giving them any semblance of control or else everyone goes down under.

Go back to the subreddit you came from.

>expnd target audience
All the while attacking and shitting on actual fans to try and ultimately fail to attract and virtue signal to social activist fatties who dont care about comics except superficially for something to whine about. Fucking brilliant marketing move marvel.

I get you’re underaged and threatened by anyone who doesn’t think like you but this hatred you have for anyone different is not healthy for your mental health, kid. Maybe if you stopped being so angry, your life will improve.

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>post i dont like
>”hurr durr underage”
Get some new material bud

You literally copied my screenshot and edited it

>You literally copied my screenshot and edited it
No, he just fixed the edits you did to your first screenshot

Shut up, incel

>Female Thor
>Everyone talks about it, but nobody buys the book.

>Male Thor
>Nobody talks about it, but everybody buys the book.

Yeah, wow.


Why ARE comics failing though?
I heard this from a lot of you anons.
Can you tell me why this is? Seriously I gotta know.

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Women are seldom interesting in works of fiction, as writers make them too bland out of a fear of backlash. You will never see a self-destructive jackass character who is female, for example.

No, they come from tumblr, not plebbit
Pic related

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>Yea Forums is just a shitposting echo chamber for the alt-right to wage their internet culture war

Yea we know, it's all of Yea Forums. Thank Hiro for letting power mods run the site.

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reading is hard

You and I both know you’re lying. Why are you even playing this game? Are you really this butthurt that the OP specially called you out? Butthurt that deep down you know you’re not a Thor fan and your hateboner for FemThor was just an outlet for your rage towards women?

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>Are you really this butthurt that the OP specially called you out?
>all the while obviously being OP
Samefag more inconspicuously next time champ

Except FemThor was consistently one of the highest selling Marvel books while the new series is struggling.

why are you arguing with yourself?

>Jason Aaron writes female Thor
>writing is shitty
>Jason Aaron writes male Thor
>writing is still shitty
>Jason Aaron writes event
>why bother

The most popular genre is about regurgitating past stories while keeping a ststus quo. It's doomed. Batman and Spider-Man should've ended along time ago but the company and editorial said no. They're just soulless roadblocks for other books. Also, The distribution for physical copies sucks ass. They waited too long in adapting to digital distribution

Oh it’s /r9k/

Pic related

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Nice edit faggot


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Nice second edit champ, i see you tried really hard this time

>Gets proven wrong

>Even takes my earlier screenshot and edits it himself so he doesn’t feel like he’s insane

I bet your parents are Blumpf supporters

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>Jason Aaron Thor
>Suddenly everyone becomes experts in Thor comics calling his edgy Donut Steel villain arc the best Thor run ever

>All these Yea Forumsmblr trannies in the thread

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Huh, what if Bruce died and Dick took over like that time before the New-52? How would that change Batman comics?

It doesn’t work like that, newfag

>one of the highest selling Marvel books
Except it was middling at best towards the end. Quit repeating this lie.

>this thread
Don’t make me post my Daredevil Transformation Art Folder, because I can and will do that.

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I thought we were all just one person samefagging?

fuck you!

Why would you even save that?
That's weird you know?

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>Towards the end

Nice cherry picking.

same fellow npc

>gets proven wrong
Nice head canon
Do it fag

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Shouldn’t you be in school?

Jason Aaron hadnt been writing good hero books for like 6+ years, what made anyone think that vagina thor would be any different

At the end of the day girl thor is just another dumb change that got reverted after not producing anything of quality and hopefully next time theyll do it without having thor be a title snd have thors name remain thor

my mom lets me hack during recess

>that issue where she says ''Dying of cancer isn't so bad'' as she flies off in her Thor form
Imagine a cancer patient reading that.

imagine having that shit saved.

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I drew it myself.
Fuck tumblr and fuck /pol/

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Oh fuck i know who you are now.
Aren't you that idiot user that got baited into posting gore like twice cause everyone called out how all your reaction images are just saved off the same website you get your talking points on?

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>fem hawkeye reaction
This is maximum cringe

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This better detail the thread.

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Ideally, They stop using the title and characters that sprang from it. This forces authors and the Big Two to actually make/accept new content. This is also a perfect time for competition from other companies since the Big Two can't rely on Spider-Man/Batman/Mainstay titles to carry them forever. Right now, It's a slow death.

First issue selling well because of a gimmick advertised in mainstream newspapers doesn't make a successful comic or a series overall.

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How many pages do you have?

>Jason Aaron hadnt been writing good hero books for like 6+ years,
Judging from the recent storytime of that comic where Cain kills cavemen in a world full of blood and shit, he wasn't all that good a writer to begin with.

Not that much, I actually drew it for a specific, non-masturbatory purpose.

But I won’t share that reason because the magic is in the mystery.

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It sold consistently well for three years straight.

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And I ran out, apparently autism isn’t a renewable resource.

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>You need to be an "expert" to realize that Thor is the character's name, not a title, and an ex-gf calling herself "Thor" is the most retarded thing possible and it was only done because Jason Aaron is a complete self-hating f@gg0t
Yeah wow Jane Foster is the one true Thor

it had actual IDF propaganda in it, so depends how you like that

Based weirdo.

Whor being the "best selling thor" comic is false yes her number one was the best selling number one and the inital mystery carried for a few months, but its also had the fastest fall off of any thor comic

I want to see that anyway

Attached: Thor.jpg (2208x1242, 1016K)

Did they have a massive marketing push celebrating male Thor, talk about it on multiple news networks, even Oprah talked about it? No they didn't you stupid bitch.

Jason Aaron sucks. Every character narrates out loud. Asgardians use sayings from the Bible. And all of Malekith’s soldiers in WotR “send their regards” because apparently Aaron watched Game of Thrones and thinks that’s an old-timey thing to say when killing someone.

If thor isn't a title, then how was Eric Masterson Thor for a number of years? How did BRB inherit the power of thor when he touched moljinr for the first time?

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>Beta Ray Thor

>This better detail the thread.
>the autism continues unabated
It’s like spitting into the ocean m8.

This is false

Multiple feature length movies isn’t enough? I thought white males got by purely on merit?


let's see some numbers?

> I thought white males got by purely on merit?
Marvel’s Thor has been around since the 60s and has had been worked on by everyone from Jack Kirby to JMS.
I think’s enough justification to get some movies.

If only it wasn’t webcomic tier writing

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Quality writing

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>>Thor is a man again
not really the comics still go out of their way to emasculate thor at every chance they have and point out how women are much better then him at his job
didn´t even get his hammer back because "men are unworthy"
even odin got emasculated so that his wife can be "yes queen slay"

>i hate the webcomic tier writing in fem thor! and to prove it i'm going to post an unrelated panel from a completely different book, and different writer, that was before Fem Thor even existed!
could you be anymore of a casual outrage fag? Don't you have some videogame journalists to be mad at somewhere?

Dumb bitch or trolling bitch, movie media is unrelated to comic media. Movie media is domestic and foreign audience, it's why it has no gays. Almost no one buys comics but it's a good marketing tool for "progressives" by replacing characters or turning them gay.

Surprised it took so long, so that one page, out of what around a thousand so surely you have another example.

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They don't read it, they just scream when told too by Comics&Diversity

Dumb degenerate leftist.

>I-it's not valid, post something that aligns with my opinions!

they burned all the fans, they just do not care about Marvel anymore

left can't meme


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So that's a no.

Also how is this any different then "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, a woman wouldn't understand" you see spouted in various forms in the media world. Its like badass boast 101 for when the hero goes to the final fight.

well by that logic since one person is gay, everyone in the world is gay

Attached: janes-faith.jpg (585x844, 605K)

The "unsolicited opinions on Israel" panel isn't from Thor, but Angela: Queen of Hel, a book that wasn't even written by Jason Aaron. Way to out yourself as a casual.

not what I was referring to

You sound like a faggot. Go fuck yourself.

It sure looks like a lot of someones posts got pruned.

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To be honest, when was the last time you saw a Thor Comic thread?

discussion or storytime?
cause they get posted for storytimes pretty much every issue.

Then post it, instead of giving some vague hints that make no sense.

Hold on, the same "actual fans" who would rather complain about stuff they don't like while not supporting or buying anything else? Reminds me of this tweet.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-25 Ryan Higgins on Twitter.png (640x534, 69K)

He's not wrong

ah yes the "you're not a true fan if you don't buy my garbage" retarded argument is still being used I see.

Right, because I clearly said you had to buy it even if you disliked it, and not
>while not supporting OR *buying anything else*?

>daredevil tf guy got banned
>the whole thread wasn’t deleted
A martyr interred. A war unchanged.

>>while not supporting OR *buying anything else*?
and where in your retarded headcanon does this happen?

What do you buy instead, user? That's what I'm getting at. You keep talking about how they're shitting on the "actual fans" but there must be SOMETHING you're supporting that appeals to you, right? Unless you're in a state of perpetual anguish about "muh racebend characters" that aren't even around or are kept contained elsewhere.

>What do you buy instead, user?
Why do you need to know about that?

>You keep talking about how they're shitting on the "actual fans"
But they literally do while the author is proud of it you mangy retarded fuck. Watching you justify that shit is funny.

>there must be SOMETHING you're supporting that appeals to you, right?
How does this relate to anything?

>Unless you're in a state of perpetual anguish about "muh racebend characters" that aren't even around or are kept contained elsewhere.
Oh so you're one of those retarded SJW who doesn't even read comic and would rather go into an obscure anonymous board to make retarded argument rather than read comic. The fact that this thread couldn't even give a singular reason as to why Jane's run is good or fuck even above average proves it.

Some dude tried to derail the thread by posting weird art. It didn’t work.
Here’s the whole thread

her #1 issue sold for for 150,862 which newspapers will tell you is 50,000 more than the regular Thor and rivals Batman and Spider-Man in terms of sales.
Fast forward a few year later and she barely sells 50k

I doubt it's detractors made much of the buyers. They certainly helped in advertising though.

>Why do you need to know about that?
I already stated why: to see if you're one of the "actual comic fans" you claim to be and not just some seething retard who precisely isn't part of the demographic anymore.
Instead of beating around the bush, why don't you just say it? Or is it that you pirate everything? Because in that case you have no leg to stand on.
>Watching you justify that shit is funny.
>Oh so you're one of those retarded SJW who doesn't even read comic and would rather go into an obscure anonymous board to make retarded argument rather than read comic
Dude not only I read them (and frankly it looks like between us two, I'm the only one who does), I have a shelf full of them. But you keep making excuses to avoid talking about the stuff you actually like. Why are you afraid of sharing?

user is trying to find out what you read so they can divert the thread into attacking what you like rather than defending FemThor.

yes, that would be the tool I was referring to. Glad you could keep up user.


Oh shit I remember this, what he neglects to mention is the woman is a college professor who never bought comics before but wants to write about male masculinity and comics.

Yea, but #1 is bullshit. They overship them to stores and retards still think #1s will be worth something someday

both of you show off your bookcases. Then kiss and make out like faggots because you’re shitting up the thread

Thread is already shit.
Would shitting on it make that much of a difference?

>I already stated why: to see if you're one of the "actual comic fans" you claim to be
Again how does this relates to anything you retarded hamplanet? how does the fact that I like reading DareDevil comic magically makes Jane's Thor run suddenly good? Are you OK?

>who precisely isn't part of the demographic anymore.
They can tout that all day while their failure of a comic run sink even further in the swamp.

>Instead of beating around the bush, why don't you just say it? Or is it that you pirate everything? Because in that case you have no leg to stand on.
Dude, you're genuinely stupid. i ask time and time again what the fuck is your obsession with comic readers instead of the comic themselves? Do you literally go to Yea Forums and complain about manga readers for making your shitty comic shit?

He asked for numbers, those are the numbers. The Thor run previous had 101k but stayed that number for awhile, compared to Jane Thor who dropped near 50% in the first year.

Better then Daredevil loss of faith

>A building fell on me and I lived
>Fuck you god

And an expert at hand to hand combat!

>>Thor is a man again
>>Nobody talks about Thor comics anymore
Speaking for myself once they revealed why Thor was "Unworthy" I kinda dropped out.
See you in about 5 years when they do the nostalgia semi reboot of character concepts.

Even then Unworthy Thor sold more then fem Thor

Every time a new issue comes out?

sounds like woman thor was a shit comic

>sounds like
It was because Jane Thor was flat and unenjoyable, they milked the mystery instead of writing good stories so that by the time they revealed it she was such a shit character they couldn’t salvage how unlikeable she was.

>Fast forward a few year later and she barely sells 50k
Compared to Fraction's Thor, which was selling 35K, I'd said 50K is pretty successful: comichron.com/monthlycomicssales/2012/2012-01.html
What now?

> how does the fact that I like reading DareDevil comic magically makes Jane's Thor run suddenly good?
Are you? I'm not even talking about Jane in here and you're pretty defensive about it. My argument from the beginning (and my first post in this thread, in fact) was about those "comic fans" who spent way more time complaining about all the shit they like, but never, EVER support with their wallet the stuff they do. And in fact you haven't even said shit about supporting anything.
Jane Thor could be shit for all I care, that's not my point, and has never been. It's about you being one of those who think you have some sort of authority on comics but clearly pirate everything and don't put their money where their mouth is so the industry gets the hint that they should stop doing stuff YOU don't like.

You want my bookcase? Alright, here it is. Just so you don't think I'm full of shit.

Attached: IMG_20190425_122905_1.jpg (2576x1932, 762K)

>What now?
Absolutely nothing
Looks like femthors run pulled the same numbers

He's lying! That's not his bookcase, that's MY bookcase, SEE

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Here more of it

Attached: 433433433.jpg (3264x2448, 1.09M)

>normality is back
>people don't talk about how normal everything is again
For shame.

It's very weird. Jane Thor as a character is kinda bad. But her supporting cast and what is done with the gods and goddesses of Asgard as well as the human supporting cast is generally pretty good and interesting. Jane as Thor tends to be the weakest part in terms of characterization when it comes to her own book

acting like Thor is half as cool as BETRARAYBILL

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>Looks like femthors run pulled the same numbers
So all the fuss about one selling less than the other is for nothing is what you're saying?
Last issue of current Thor (#10) is selling at 39,450, which means Thor regularly slaes around the same numbers.
Did you run out of arguments or something? This one doesn't even have a timestamp . What are you trying to do?

and the rest

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you are the only incel here dobson now kill yourself faggot

Why would I pay 15 dollars for an hour read when i can do it for free

You're just jealous of my massive collection which makes me righter than everyone else here.

>For nothing
Yep everyone’s bitching about nothing. The readers just move on to better comics and media

stay mad fag you are whats killing comics and no one wants you alive

And to think you had the chance to utterly BTFO with your collection and show me I was wrong for assuming you didn't collect. Oh well.
>The readers just move on to better comics and media
Well obviously, my question was WHICH comics were allegedly better, because there's way too much bitching but little discussion about the stuff they supposedly like, as if posturing about a scene they stopped belonging a while ago.

I'm a different user, stupid

Thor wise or in general? Because I enjoyed Stracynski‘s run on Thor but if you mean which comics now I moved on to Usagi Yojimbo

>"comic fans" who spent way more time complaining about all the shit they like, but never, EVER support with their wallet the stuff they do.
But they do which is why male Thor as a whole still sold more and longer lasting than Jane's one. Even if it doesn't why the fuck are you in favor of twisting an established character into some shitty politically-ridden mess of a character that sold less overall and have a shitty run? Why are you focusing on comic readers instead of the shitty industry that pushes shitty stories by the minute and wondering why people aren't buying comics?
>And in fact you haven't even said shit about supporting anything.
That's because 0 people care jack shit about supporting shit and just wanna read what they like. Turns out controversy made Whor sold a lot instead of good story and it literally suffered because of that.
>It's about you being one of those who think you have some sort of authority on comics
Are you paranoid or retarded? Nobody has an authority on anything which is why people can't stop the fact that some comic's like Whor are very shitty.
>put their money where their mouth is so the industry gets the hint that they should stop doing stuff YOU don't like.
But that doesn't make them money either so why bother?

>legbeards are normal people

But they do which is why male Thor as a whole still sold more and longer lasting than Jane's one. Even if it doesn't
It still does, unworthy Thor(original) was beating mighty Thor(Jane)

>stop pointing out how i'm an outrage fag that doesn't know anything about comics!
It sounds as if your anus is paining you user.

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So everyone screeches like retarded apes over a comic they don't actually read, and then when they get what they supposedly "want" they go back to not reading the comic?

Because it's really interesting how we're in a time where both Marvel and DC seem to be ideal for the "true" comic fans yet both companies are more mediocre than ever. Almost like faggots start Youtube channels and social movements to complain about diversity not because they actually care about the source material, but just want a platform to complain.

Femthor poisoned the well for Thor. And dc has bendis and king fucking up superman and flash respectively. The fuck do you want when you ruin the legacy characters by making em monsters and fuck ups

Its because Thor is shit.
Read Captain Marvel instead, Carol made a Billion with one movie she deserves more readers.

fuck Marvel and Aaron and comic critics
I want more Rodi's Thor by that manly homo

Unworthy Thor came out like two years into the JaneThor run, because long-running series never have a drop off in sales compared to fresh new runs right?

Also notice that you're not actually talking about the quality of the comic, just comparing sales figures like an idiot. Have you read Unworthy Thor? It's a dozen issues of Thor debating whether he should pick up a hammer, then not picking up the hammer. It's even by the same fucking author as JaneThor!

Ya but Jane isn't the main character so its objectively better.

That much was obvious, since he replied again and refused to share.

>But they do which is why male Thor as a whole still sold more and longer lasting than Jane's one
Dude, the numbers were posted above, on Comichron. She sold EXACTLY the same, why do you bother lying? And of course they lasted more, she's a LEGACY character.
>Even if it doesn't why the fuck are you in favor of twisting an established character into some shitty politically-ridden mess of a character that sold less overall and have a shitty run?
Why are you twisting the argument? I never argued this and yet again you insist she sold less when the numbers clearly show she sold about the same, and actually had a longer run than JMS and Fraction, which means she overall sold more than both as a whole.
>That's because 0 people care jack shit about supporting shit and just wanna read what they like.
You do realize "supporting" means paying for it, right? You're admitting you pirated the fuck out of the stuff you liked too, so you have no leg to stand on here.
>But that doesn't make them money either so why bother?

>It still does, unworthy Thor(original) was beating mighty Thor(Jane)
Unworthy Thor was a mini, whose first issue even sold less than Jane Thor's if we get petty about it:
>Unworthy Thor #1 70,424
Around that same month, Jane Thor was selling:
>Mighty Thor #13 39,274

But a few months later:
>Unworthy Thor #3 52,938
>Mighty Thor #15 47,038

>Unworthy Thor #5 45,298
>Mighty Thor #17 36,106

I mean, what argument are you trying to pull here? The main title with Thor right now is selling around 37K in average, so it's not like it's pulling the same mini numbers.

>Ya but Jane isn't the main character so its objectively better.
Right, it's petty bullshit, got it.

Didn’t like that run no, in fact I hated it as much as fem Thor, but I kept buying to show my support.
By the end I was so tired of it I jumped ship.

>By the end I was so tired of it I jumped ship.
The "run" that lasted 5 issues? Poor you!

Yeah that's why no one's reading Thor. Because two (going on three) years ago there was a female Thor and there was one panel that triggered one board on Yea Forums.

I mean for fuck's sake Thor is male again, and we're in the middle of a Thor-centric event out of like three in the past decade! He hasn't had more exposure in almost a decade. What more do you want?

>Bendis and King

That's my fucking point! Complain about creators and the quality of their work, and don't just have irrational kneejerk autistic screeching to characters just because of the color of their skin.

And even then there's like three Batman comics not written by King. Tomasi's comics are perfect for thumbsuckers who go crosseyed at a King comic

It’s funny you’re calling other people petty when you can’t stand the fact that some people don’t like your favorite legacy character

>can’t tell if a series is shit by 5issues
Ah so you’re also a dumbass

Dude I DON'T even read Jane and I hate Aaron, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy.
>by 5 issues
user, the run lasted FIVE ISSUES, IT WAS A MINISERIES.

Jessica Jones

>a medium that has a lot of incels has an agenda against a female character

>Dude I DON'T even read Jane and I hate Aaron, I'm pointing out the hypocrisy.
So you have no horse in the race yet you still felt the need to argue about this.
Looking pretty petty there.

When they didn't have the "Thor is female, deal with it" narrative, it had its moments.
But they spent too much time with a chip on their shoulder so she didn't really get to take off like she deserved

>Has Thor been at all interesting in the last decade?

Extremely interesting.
I mean, would you not be interested if you were in a car crash or infected with HIV?

It is better to die than to survive by eating shit and drinking piss.

Carol used to be. In the Nineties.

Why are you turning this on me, when I haven't deviated from my original point regarding people not supporting the shit they supposedly like and instead waste time complaining about stuff that doesn't appeal to them? And the same point that has been exhausted ad nauseam when it has been shown through evidence (not anecdotal bullshit) that Jane Thor's run sold pretty much the same as the ones that preceded and followed her, simply because Thor is one of these properties with steady fans no matter what? 30K is the baseline and by the looks of it, she never dipped below that. Always pulling 35K and more, like the two runs before Aaron's and the current one. Jesus fuck you're so dense.

Nothing I don’t want anything from marvel anymore they can do what they want I’m too tired to care anymore
>complain about writers
The whole reason people complain in the first place was that Jane changed her name to Thor, that was by far the stupidest thing but I could forgive it if idiots didn’t go pretending how it was perfectly logical to take a Norse thunder gods name and that in turn makes you said thunder god. The starting point is so stupid it crippled the entire run.
I don’t care about their being a female holding Thor’s hammer and inheriting the power, I care about a name change that comes out of nowhere.

>Can’t tell if a book is trash by 5 issues
You are just special user, never change.

>The whole reason people complain in the first place was that Jane changed her name to Thor
>I care about a name change that comes out of nowhere.
Reminder: NEVER argue with characterfags, they're as stupid and autistic as this one imbecile here.

I dunno. I don’t know ANYONE who both liked it AND bought it, among hundreds of comic fans I know. I don’t have a clue who did.

Why would you wait until the end of it, after you've bought every single issue until then, to decide if it's shit? Five issues, user... If you didn't realize it by the first you're the retard.

And you’re deeply autistic.

>among hundreds of comic fans I know
Yea Forums isn't "your friends", user.

If calling your shit out with numbers and evidence is "autism", them dose me with all these vaccines user, I wanna be the most autistic there is.

Please explain

Whats killing comics is that no one buys them anymore because you can just get them for free on the internet. Pretty soon DC Universe and Disney + are going to be the only places that have comics

The art was great.

The villain was a Desak clone who wanted to blow up all the gods in the universe with a bomb.

Eric stated repeatedly he was pretending to be Thor. He had the POWER of Thor, but he wasn't Thor.
BRB inherited the power because, at the time, the worthiness enchantment was like a key.

Whatever happened to the woman who wrote this drivel?

>TFW this was her final comic at Marvel

Ah, I see.

>your shit
Wasn’t even the user you first argued with.
You do indeed have a touch of the ‘tism.

The original character of Thor was conceived as a man named Donald Blake tapping his walking stick and taking the name Thor. That was later retconned, but it was the original intention of the character's creator.

Are you genuinely stupid?

Even worse then, chiming into a discussion you're not a part of just to derail.

I mean by your own admission you don’t even read or care for Thor.
So this entire thread was pointless.

Wasn’t the original intention to make Thor a New God?

Welp. If this is true, I guess superhero comics were nice when they lasted.

She was a Mary Sue. Just like Riri Williams.

Odin forced Thor to incarnate into a human body who didn’t have his memory but was still Thor.
When did what you say happened?


Really? When was the last time you pirated a comic? And I don’t mean story times i mean actually going and searching for comics

And by doing so paid the LCBS rent and supported the industry, instead of a waste of space complaining about shit and hiking up my A/C bill

The issue was never with fem!Thor, it was with Jason Aaron.

>Eric stated repeatedly he was pretending to be Thor. He had the POWER of Thor, but he wasn't Thor.
>BRB inherited the power because, at the time, the worthiness enchantment was like a key.
neither of those statements are helping the case of "thor is a name and not a title." If anything you strengthened my argument.

>New God
Weeell wasn’t the First World destroyed because Wotan and Lokee fought one another? I honestly could see that happening if people expanded on that short intro to the Origins of the New Gods.
Thor, New God of Asgard.

I buy mine on Comicsology

I've been reading 80s comics a lot recently. Just blazed through Grimjack; much better than anything Marvel has put out for the last... decade or so?

Your pathetic attempt to try and spin this as 'WE'RE the REAL comic fans' is laughable. Squatting in the remains of a building after you burnt and claiming that the people who left when the fire started never liked the place anyway is ridiculous.

Nobody is talking about the book because Aaron is still shitting all over Thor, that bearded fuck needs to leave.

>reading NuCarol
Lmao, stop pushing your shit character

>And I don’t mean story times

I know that this whole sight has their delusions on how to consume their various mediums, but surely you aren't saying that reading a comic without buying it is fine as long as you don't download it?

Thor - dear heart - is a character at Marvel. He was named Thor at birth, he was the God of Thunder from birth, he grew up, he had to learn to control his powers, he had to become worthy of wielding Mjölnir, he had to take his place in Asgardian society, all the while being named Thor.

The power and the name are not in the hammer.
The hammer which Jane should never have been able to lift in the first place.

Her doing so effectively ended Thor as a character and franchise and everything after is a grotesque parody written by a mental patient to be enjoyed by other mental patients.

But I accept that Marvel is dead. The name is meaningless now, like the name Thor.

It's okay, we had about four, arguably five decades of pretty good stories before Satan took notice.

The entire thread is that none of the "fans" whining about JaneThor actually read or cared for Thor. If they actually did, then why has there been almost no mention or discussion of the latest Thor run? Or even of the current ongoing Thor-centric event with almost a dozen tie-in comics? Why are Thor's sales still so mediocre, if supposedly the last run didn't sell well because "true fans" were turned away by feminism?

Agreed, he shouldn't have sold shit to that professor and remain pure in his values as a Reputable Comic Retailer, since no sale is better than selling SJW shit!!

Reading (or even buying) comics from the 80's does jack shit to support the industry. Though I can already guess what your next post will be:
>"fuck the industry for all I care, burn it to the ground! give me muh classic shit with news paper printing"
Ironically showing exactly why you being a "real fan" who hates everything new puts you outside of the demographic.

Thing is Marvel overships these days, often times by 50%

So she actually sold worse.

Eric was fused with thor
BRB was given the power of Thor because the hammer judged him worthy to wield it, it didnt make him thor he was still BRB


Thor was originally conceived as the alterego of Donald Blake in the 1960s. It wasn't until the early 80s that it was retconned into Donald Blake being the original Thor.

This is as much proof as the "ghost showings" in Captain Marvel, so by your own admission, current Thor is also selling like shit (even though they haven't overshipped in a while).

>If they actually did, then why has there been almost no mention or discussion of the latest Thor run? Or even of the current ongoing Thor-centric event with almost a dozen tie-in comics?
Lurk more fag.

No i meant when was the last time he actually chose to willingly pirate a comic online.
Buy implies you spent money are there new deals where they give you free comics along with your purchase.

You failed to acknowledge this
>Why are Thor's sales still so mediocre, if supposedly the last run didn't sell well because "true fans" were turned away by feminism?
But I know this breaks your entire argument so I'm not surprised.

That's because Yea Forums never talks about things that are good.

>if supposedly the last run didn't sell well because "true fans" were turned away by feminism?
>Why wouldn't you come back to a burning building
Because the entire thing is tainted now.
Could be with all the LCS closing down

Someone already said it; people hate Aaron and don’t want anything to do with him as a Thor writer.
Why is this so hard for you to understand?

It was pretty boring. Everyone was either fawning over Jane for no reason or being stupid/evil.

>But I know this breaks your entire argument so I'm not surprised.
You must be real fun at parties.

>Someone already said it; people hate Aaron and don’t want anything to do with him as a Thor writer.
They also hated JMS and Fraction? Because the numbers are the same too, posted above: 35K in average in all the four ongoing titles (2 Aarons, 1 JMS, 1 Fraction).
I'm a riot.

>B-but it sold really good! You’re just not true fans!

>shit all over your fans
>don't even apologize

You’re angle of calling out the fans falls flat when you admit that you have no actual interest in the franchise.
Your thread is the equivalent of someone making a call out post toward’s someone they don’t like; only this isn’t tumblr or Twitter.

Have you seen a single thread outside of Wednesday storytimes? And even then I've seen storytimed Thor comics barely break 100+ replies.

You using the word "tainted" like it actually means something.

Oh there are much worse comics being written by much worse comics that are selling far better. It's not like there's some collective boycott going on with "fans".

It's pretty simple: If nobody liked her, why did it sell well? It's not like it lasted for 1 year then was dropped silently, we're talking about a run that lasted 2, almost 3 years and 25+ issues. I simply doubt retailers would've stuck with a book for this long if it wasn't pulling consistently good numbers.
That wasn't him, it was me. And I doubt that was OP either; yet again, a lot of the people whining about Jane herself weren't even Thor fans in first place.

>Thor was originally conceived as the alterego of Donald Blake
Blake realized he was larping as thor the moment he got the hammer thats why he constantly referred to Thor as another person. It wasnt a title, it was a person/god.

>You using the word "tainted" like it actually means something.
Ok, it means nothing then. People just don't like thor anymore becauses he's a man.

I'm talking about in the LCS, princess toadstool.

I've met some people who actually like whor, but they don't buy comics. It's pretty much merch from them, and the occasional TPB.

>Dropped to near fraction thor numbes
>LCS forced to buy comics or get black listed
>Retailers hated her so much they ganged up and called marvel out on her
Sure if we rewrite history im sure we can find a whole bunch of people

>threads like this get 200 posts but the ones taling about comics die out quickly
the world truly is a cruel

Attached: adam and friends.png (238x383, 215K)

Because Aaron is still dragging his balls all over the Thor book, why the fuck are old Thor fans going to come back to the book when the same writer who shit all over the place is still there smearing his shit on the walls?

>yet again, a lot of the people whining about Jane herself weren't even Thor fans in first place.

Are you calling them the thor equivalent of Kate Leth?

you're not a true fan if you enjoy eating shit

It's easier to be faux outraged by something than to invest time in a hobby. Welcome to nu-chan, we're here forever.

I never hated the concept of Whor, I hated the execution

I guess I dislike mantle characters in general, but that's more due to overuse of it in comics than anything it specifically did, i mean hell I unironically loved Kamala when she debuted

"Unsolicited opinions about Israel" was a pretty big shit to push out onto pages though, and I don't need to have been reading Thor for ten years to mock and belittle that panel and others like it

Attached: cig.png (500x344, 131K)

>If nobody liked her, why did it sell well?

Somebody obviously was buying the comics, and not just people continuing the series because they want a full set. I really don't know who.

He still assumed the name dummy. It's the exact same thing as Jane. She knew she was larping as Thor, she didn't actually think she was Odin's daughter.

Alright take your ball and go home I guess

This is definitely conspiracy tier bullshit in all accounts.

>I'm talking about in the LCS, princess toadstool.
Hundreds in a comic book store? That's hard to believe.

>"Unsolicited opinions about Israel" was a pretty big shit to push out onto pages though, and I don't need to have been reading Thor for ten years to mock and belittle that panel and others like it
Yeah you do, because it wasn't even in Mighty Thor and it came before that run too.

>I really don't know who.
By Yea Forums accounts I'm sure it was Disney itself through paid crisis actors who are also paid to cosplay as her and pretend on Twitter they like her.

But unsolicited opinions about Israel was from the godawful Angela book, not whor. Shit has the whole Titania refusing to fight Jane because of muh powerful female hero shit, the same fucking Titania who has had no qualms with beating She -hulk or any other female hero near death in the past. Aaron's writing was just trash.

So then the people who bought whor aren't true fans because they swallowed truck loads of shit.

Read it all, liked about 80% of it. I like the current run as well, but it seems like they're kind of stalling the story for the event, but shit happens yknow that's not really the worst possible thing. At least I'm not taking panels from Angela and spamming them on Yea Forums to drum up outrage.


I just hate Aaron. Never cared for his shit. He needs to get off Thor and never return but the damage is done and every writer after will follow his bs. Also dont shill a mediocre comic. Doesnt look good on your part thus far in the thread.

Local LCS stores don't care, as long as it sells. You can cry and bemoan the industry all you care, but if your precious male Thor sells as much as she does, they don't give a fuck, only if the product moves or not.

Yeah he was larping but he knew Thor was still another person and treated him as such not as a fucking title.
And how do you explain Loki targeting Thor then?
Why the fuck would you target a title and not the person?

I'll admit I was speaking with a collective lens about the character, I imagine not every writer was as bad as that one

Thanks for informing me though, is the actual ongoing itself any good

This is talking about comics

Do not reply to posters who double line break every single sentence. Him being objectively wrong about the panel is to he expected from someone like that.

are you ever going to get that ass pain treated user or are you just content to live in a world of constant butthurt?

Attached: 1547788192584.png (238x285, 132K)

>conspiracy tier
So its real and you're trying to distract from it by making up bullshit.
But heres some sources
Shit was two years ago, you must have the memory of an Alzheimer patient

>Local LCS stores
I hate you.

Expecting some who doesnt read comics to understand what LCS means
come on user dont be as retarded as him

>Shit was two years ago
Exactly, and you're still harping on about it. I like the part where nowhere in the article says anything about being "forced to buy comics" and that they all collectively hated her, and not just a handful who got all heated during a closed conference.
Their own fault btw, because it still sold above Fraction's run (you're making shit up btw, I posted the numbers above and every Thor run has sold around the same)

>is the actual ongoing itself any good
The current one, you mean? It's kind of following two stories, one is him trying to find a suitable replacement weapon for Mjolnir which was destroyed at the end of Jane's story, and the other is Thor pushing back on the war of the realms. Frankly they aren't doing much about the weapon storyline, but Thor meeting Baldr in Hel and recruiting him for war as they rode a train made of fire demons through swaths of undead to fight in a war was pretty fucking great.

>The power and the name are not in the hammer.

Attached: howcanonanonbesowrong.jpg (400x372, 89K)

Do not reply to people who double line break every sentence.

you are to subhuman and stupid to understand you are not welcome here faggot

>Hundreds in a comic book store? That's hard to believe.

I'm in los angeles, not too far from the anaheim convention center. I actually have 30 something LCSes within easy driving distance. There's two within walking distance of me now.

>Exactly, and you're still harping on about it.
Because you brought it up first
> I like the part where nowhere in the article says anything about being "forced to buy comics"
Did you even read the article
>Retailers must order double what they normally bring in to qualify for the lenticular covers at 200 percent of their orders. If your shop normally stocks 20 copies of Thor, that retailer must bring in 40 copies to meet the minimum to qualify. The retailer can then order the amount of lenticular variants on top of that. So if a retailer needs to bring 20 variants into his or her store for their loyal customer base, and they normally sell 20 copies, they’ll need to order 60 copies minimum just to do so.
You are forced to buy the comics that can't sell for the ones you can.

he mad

Attached: 1534955495568.png (632x957, 637K)

>Dude, the numbers were posted above, on Comichron. She sold EXACTLY the same, why do you bother lying? And of course they lasted more, she's a LEGACY character.
SHE's a shitty legacy character is what I'm saying.If you want to talk overall sales then why the fuck not talk about Asterix when that shit sold more than Whor's entire run and doesn't introduce retarded contemporary politics to make it work? Is that magically not a real fan for you?

>I never argued this and yet again you insist she sold less when the numbers clearly show she sold about the same
And I never argued about comic reader because its utterly pointless and irrelevant to talk about them when the whole thread was talking about how shitty the book is. Whor's entire run still doesn't sold more than Thor did overall and the fact that you have rely on some pitiful argument that a new comic selling than old one is retarded. Does people who read and buy X-men:First Class not actual comic fan since the Claremont's run sold a truckload more?

>You do realize "supporting" means paying for it, right?
and people buy shit whatever they please. so what? Your precious Jane's run is dead in the water since it is THAT shit and people would still rather buy and read male Thor as proven by your own source.

You are the foul thing that shits all over the floor, and thinks there is a failing in those who cannot enjoy living in sewage.

>And absolutely nobody bought a single issue of Jane Thor, yep, this is very believable.

Reading comprehension motherfucker. Clearly SOMEBODY is buying that shit. And more than just the people doing it just to continue their 300 issue collections.

I have no idea who, because it's not the people I'm talking to.

>SHE's a shitty legacy character is what I'm saying.
I don't care about your petty complaints, the numbers don't lie.
>If you want to talk overall sales then why the fuck not talk about Asterix when that shit sold more than Whor's entire run and doesn't introduce retarded contemporary politics to make it work?
Are you stupid? Asterix isn't a Marvel comic. What's your fucking problem?

>Whor's entire run still doesn't sold more than Thor did overall and the fact that you have rely on some pitiful argument that a new comic selling than old one is retarded.
Because it lasted two years, imbecile.
>and people buy shit whatever they please. so what?
My god.

Then it would seem the evidence shows that you are not only not an expert, but your opinions are in the minority. Stop raging over nothing and let it go already.

Rule number one: never trust co and just read whatever the fuck you feel like reading

>Read it all, liked about 80% of it.
Lying to yourself isn't healthy. There's a reason why you can't even name a single good thing about the current run so far.

How about we stop posting screen captures? Clearly the janitor is watching and deleting that stuff on sight, since my post was on topic and got deleted anyway.

Freyja firmly condemning Loki for his actions instead of playing the "I'm not mad, just dissapointed" card she always does. There's one thing. And I said I liked about 80% of Jane Thor, not the current run.

How about you admit you were wrong instead of skipping topics immediately?

How about no?
But I was. Didn't you see every other post deleted just now?

You're getting the posters confused. That guy was the one posting evidence, not the one who was wrong.

have only responded to people directly quoting my posts, so maybe you and other user need to get your facts straight.

>I don't care about your petty complaints, the numbers don't lie.
So why not care about Asterix? After all its the highest sold comic book series and still is today. Is everybody else not actual comic book fan since everybody else fail to reach the sales of Asterix? You're retarded to the core my man.

>Are you stupid? Asterix isn't a Marvel comic.
But it sold more so clearly Marvel fans aren't actual comic book fans.

>Because it lasted two years, imbecile.
And? Spider-man lasted more than that. Do people who read Thor not actual comic book fan because of that?

>My god.

Its over Thor is finished.

Attached: Thor.png (600x579, 307K)

>So why not care about Asterix? After all its the highest sold comic book series and still is today.
Because it has nothing to do with the fucking discussion, holy shit.
>But it sold more so clearly Marvel fans aren't actual comic book fans.

Does anyone else agree this thread already ran its course?

America is full of a low IQ non whites who spend more money on things that don't require a lot of reading.

Not him but you're deliberately trying to miss understand him, and you strawmaned literally three damn times in one post. Stop. To the other guy, this is your out to stop replying to bait guilt free.

Donald Blake WAS Thor. The hammer was only the key to unbinding his power, as you know - you're just being a little bitch.

I know you want to be a massive dick to show up the shitlords, but the question still remains WHO was buying the floppies, as in which demographic?

If it were the YA TPB market, it would be one thing, but these are floppies we're talking about. Does Aaron have a fanbase that will buy anything he does? I'm not saying I'm the Watcher of all the comics bought in my area, but if there are thor fans who bought the shit and liked it where are they?

>Does anyone else agree this thread already ran its course?
The thread was clearly intended to be shitposting from the first post. I'm just along to see if anyone has any interesting insight. Also, if anyone really was hyped up enough about the latest thor run so that their pants exploded, I'd figure they'd try to sell us on the shit. This doesn't seem to be the case here.

You can just scrub the racial modifier, user. It's still true.

Haven't read the run myself. Out of curiosity, how is she a Mary Sue compared to the other versions of Thor? Thor's always been overpowered, though overpowered doesn't mean Mary Sue. Just curious, though I am against the idea of changing the base characters for diversity points. I felt the same for Miles and for whatever her name is, the black girl who became Iron Girl or whatever.

>acting like this wasn't a troll thread from the start
OP knew what he was doing when he called anyone who didn't like it an incel.


I'd point out how your wrong but other anons have already done it higher in the thread.

He's only replying to the fact that other person said that thors name or power wasn't on the hammer.
The hammer bestows Thor's power on whoever wields it if theyre worthy. What i dont agree with is that you suddenly become Thor.

>WHO was buying the floppies
I dont see how this matters, but probably just normal comic readers. It's just clear that you dont have your finger on the pulse of the comic reading community as firmly as you think you do. People did buy them, that's just fact. Hell, I bought them. If you know no one who bought them that doesn't mean conspiracy, it means you dont know enough people.

you are the most rational user in this thread.

>Because it has nothing to do with the fucking discussion, holy shit.
Your entire argument hinges on the fact that people who bought and read comic book series are somehow not actual fan because they've been reading the ones that are not of the series that have higher sales. That's retarded.

brainletism at its finest

And somehow you contribute to what?

>Also, if anyone really was hyped up enough about the latest thor run so that their pants exploded, I'd figure they'd try to sell us on the shit. This doesn't seem to be the case here.
Just saying, earlier someone demanded that I couldnt name one thing I liked about the current run, and then I did name one thing, to 0 replies. It's not that no one likes the run and is willing to defend it, it's that bait is dominating the thread over actual conversation.

Jane's has some unqyantified ability to speak to Mjolnir in a more direct sense than usual. When she throws it she seems to be able to control its flight precisely. Other than that, she is equal to or below Thor in power. They even have a fight, drunken bare-handed Thor against full power Jane, and they stalemate. So not a Mary Sue at all. Yea Forums shitposted a lot that they were forcing her to be "better in every way" but that just wasnt in the pages.

>but the question still remains WHO was buying the floppies, as in which demographic?
Not him but I talk to a lot of people on Twitter who have followed Jane Thor from the start. And I mean, there's this account twitter.com/talkinaboutjane with some followers, so there's definitely fans. I mean, I talk to people daily about how much they dislike Cates' GOTG yet it's selling well, and I know a handful who actually, unironically enjoy it, so I can't speak rashly that "nobody likes it" when the numbers are there.

It's easier to claim nobody likes a series if it's selling badly. It's easy to say a series is great *despite* not selling well, due to lack of publicity or WOM. But it's REALLY difficult to claim a series or a character is disliked if it sells well, because then you have to wonder how the fuck is pulling these numbers.
And don't worry, I will. No more easy (You)s from me.

Those self styled ”actual fans” could try not being shit.

>who dont care about comics except superficially for something to whine about.
I'm confused, are you describing yourself or some fictional boogeyman who lives in your head?

Attached: VirginVsChad.jpg (1280x793, 235K)

aww, i shouldn't have added the reaction image.

You really did this whole edit and didnt touch the mustache helmet?

Anyone who reads and defends nuthor is shit though.

*chirping tuna sounds*

Attached: dolphin-with-a-gun.jpg (375x374, 49K)

>Then post it, instead of giving some vague hints that make no sense.
Femthor turns out to be Natalie Portman

>but probably just normal comic readers.
My mistake I thought I was talking to someone who actually had a fucking clue about demographic.s "normal comic readers" my ass. It's a niche market to begin with, and I'm talking about things more like:

Age, gender, ect.
Other shit on their pull list:
Other hobbies, like magic, vidia, tg, anime, and what.
Amount spent on merch and preferred merch. Posters, plastic figs,
Self identified cliques, or the like.

I know you're bigger on shittng on me than any useful discussions, but discovering that there are people buying shit that I don't know about is actually very interesting to me.

Now it's groups like THAT that are people I'm talking about, particularly if they actually buy the floppies. I haven't met any of those people in real life. I've actually met members of the Carol Corps, but not the equivalent for Whor. The carol corps people I've run into don't buy comics at all, just merch. MCU movie fans. Overwhelmingly female. Have some sort of weird catty rivalry with the Saga readers that I don't get.

Two different standards. You care enough to discuss it, and show up the fuckers. What I was talking about was someone who loved this shit so much that he thinks EVERYONE needs to see this shit, or that other people would jump in and drive the discussion. This thread isn't a good one to actually discuss the comic anyways. It's more shitposting than anything else.

Hmmm. The helmet should have boobs, shouldn't it.

If you read the Sony emails leak, you'd know Portman actually gets shit for NOT defending Israel enough, according to them. >Have some sort of weird catty rivalry with the Saga readers that I don't get.
McElvie maybe? It's the only thing in common they have.

I thought that helmet was a drawing of her vagina and ovaries.

>What I was talking about was someone who loved this shit so much that he thinks EVERYONE needs to see this shit
I think maybe you dont understand how opinions work. I don't think EVERYONE needs to see even my favorite comics of all time, not everyone will like it. I like JA's Thor, but I'm not a mindless fanatic who autistically screeches as people who aren't on my level. Is that seriously what you were hoping for? You just want someone who will defend Thor as poorly as those who are attacking it, and you're unsatisfied to find that people are instead defending it reasonably?

>how is she a Mary Sue compared to the other versions of Thor?

She succeeds at everything she does, she does things with the hammer Thor could not and everybody likes her; and those who do not like her are portrayed as assholes.

It's absurd. It seems intentional.

>Age, gender, ect.
>Other shit on their pull list:
>Other hobbies, like magic, vidia, tg, anime, and what.
>Amount spent on merch and preferred merch. Posters, plastic figs,
>Self identified cliques, or the like.
Do you usually fill out a survey when you make a purchase? Nobody knows this shit. What you're really looking for is any excuse to dismiss them, you want a box you can put them in to reason to yourself that you can ignore them. People bought the comics, people are reading it and liking it, just accept it and grow up.

>If you read the Sony emails leak, you'd know Portman actually gets shit for NOT defending Israel enough, according to them.
So what? She's israeli, her very existence is an abomination.

Be specific, don't just regurgitate what you've read on Yea Forums.

nb4 they can only post that one page with absorbing man and titania that already got posted.

If they do it would be irrelevant to whether or not she's a Mary Sue.

Not if you know the back story.
>Jason Aaron's last minute reason for why she never saw her family at all during his entire run is because they died off panel
>Jane's reaction: Fuck you Thor for being too busy saving the universe to help the ex-husband and son I abandoned for Donald Blake cock

She pimps slap odin across the cosmos, odin who can take the hammer from thor with a snap of a finger.

Damn, so edgy, you must be a provocateur.

Odin and Jane punch each other across the cosmos, and then both sense that Freyja is in danger and agree to stop fighting to go to her. The fight never goes far enough to determine a winner, and neither side seems to have the upper hand. Try again.

I didn't. I read it myself. And if you want specifics, go read it yourself. Why should I be the only one to suffer?

Not to mention Odin hasn't been the big baddass of lore ever since Fear Itself.

>And if you want specifics, go read it yourself
What a perfect (meaning: lazy) copout.

>Imagine being Thor in that scene on New Asgard when suddently Wonder Woman from the DCEU shows up and having to be all like "damn, Gal Gadot, you're fuckin' fine, all sexy with your skeletal body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally make you my cocksleeve, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another Natalie Portman in his dressing room, balls deep in her, while your fake belly bounches on her ass. Like seriously imagine having to be Thor and not only lay on that bed while Wonder Woman flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her ribcage and sunken eyes, and just sit there, take after take, beer after beer, while you had to suck face. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's PRETTY and "THANK YOU FOR THE CROSS-OVER" because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her Bony fucking Chitauri face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and soon to be alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Sydney. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively all over you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to lay there and revel in her "Hot (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Chris Hemsworth. You're not going to lose your future Movie career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

I did read it, I liked it. I'm only asking you to actually back up your opinions instead of just spewing buzzwords. You won't, because when you do they are easily completely countered like with the Odin fight. As long as you dont say your opinion, no one can tell you why you're wrong, right? Genius.

>neither side seems to have the upper hand

So... Jane Foster, wielding the power lent to her by Mjölnir, is capable of going toe-to-toe with Odin, a Skyfather.

That is a goddamned blasphemy.

So, "lazy" means 'unwilling to spoonfeed a little bitch who didn't read the comic in question to begin with'?

>easily completely countered like with the Odin fight

The notion that Jane could fight Odin at all says everything, and that you defend it says absolutely everything about the value of your opinion.

I'm just not an islamaphobe, like you seem to be.

LMAO what?

It was already explained above that Odin isn't really who he used to be, he's not at that level anymore . The fact that the two of you are feigning outrage over this just goes to show you don't keep up with the lore, specially not for a guy who claimed to have read it.

You haven't been reading Thor for awhile if you think Odin is still omnipotent. It has been a thing before, during, and after Jane that Odin's power is winding down. Unworthy Thor, the Male one, bitch slaps him around and bloodies him on the ground in the current Thor run. Odin's internal dialogue implies he thinks he's going to die in that fight. So yeah, I would say that the fight with Jane does not mean she is stronger than Thor.
Try. Again.

>Jason Aron writing
>Thor is a man again
lol no even femLoki is more man than Aron's Thor.

Attached: IMG_20190423_162642.jpg (1080x1920, 295K)

Forgot to post the page. Issue 10 of the current ongoing Thor which is on 12 at the moment, so if you didnt know about this then stop saying you actually read Thor. Odin isnt omnipotent anymore, that is objective. Jane managing to just not die until they got distracted isn't a huge feat and doesn't make her better than Thor.

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How silly of me. I forgot to include my manchild filter.

>Is that seriously what you were hoping for? You just want someone who will defend Thor as poorly as those who are attacking it, and you're unsatisfied to find that people are instead defending it reasonably?

I'm not saying I expect console wars shit or DC vs Marvel. Fans are by their nature fanatic. Someone who loves the FUCK out of the comic doesn't mean they have to fight with people who hate the comic.

But someone who likes the shit and can talk cogently about it is different than people who LOVES it. I can post a half dozen pages from Hellboy or Bone, or Punisher Max, or Usagi Yojimbo, here and get a discussion about that shit any time, because I know there's hard core fanboys who love each of those enough that they think other people need to read it right fucking now here.

Or say something like Stephen Universe or star vs which has an assload of fans, and an assload of haters. The fact that there's a bunch of haters doesn't change the fact that there's some serious, hardcore fans who love that shit enough to tattoo it on their ass, and will do it for your ass too.

And I wouldn't call it "defending it reasonably", most of this thread here is closer to "It sold GREAT, you're a bunch of shitlords for not getting it", although were actually getting into some discussion around the edges now. Not that there's anything wrong with that kind of shitposting. Thinking of it in defend and attack is not a useful way to go about it.

FInally, for the record, seeing people who LOVE the shit, and people who HATE the shit is actually pretty interesting.

You've got nothing to add to the conversation user.

I hadn't considered that angle.

IDK wtf that post got deleted. Mods on the warpath.
Maybe it's cause i said the T word.

This is just a really long way of saying "yes".

>Outragefags only care about being offended
WOW who would have thought.

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As evidenced by Mosaic, America Chavez, a number of Carol's reboots, Mockingbird, a number of Wakanda books, Gaylord!Iceman, Ironheart, Black Widow, Champions...

it was when for some reason they thought they she should be able to beat ODIN
you know the guy who can go " no hammer for you cause my magic runs it"

see and and and where your argument already got torn apart.

you mean the same guy who can't even lift the hammer himself anymore?

>I don't actually read comics, listen to me!

That image kind of hamstrings the argument that femThor "ruined" the Thor franchise, it look like it's sales have been trending down since 2007 regardless of which run.

That the sales drop is 1% higher than the last run only drives the point home further. It's like there's a bigger trend going on other than culture war.

The thing that MCU got right and 616 writers fail to understand is the fact that acquiring Mjolnir doesn't transform you into a Thor. All Mjolnir did for Donald is return him to his original form as Thor. When Steve picks up Mjolnir, regardless of comics or MCU, he never became a Thor. Steve kept his original body instead of being given an Asgardian one and Asgardian clothing. Mjolnir is just a magical hammer with vast magical capabilities.

Aaron's delivering of Odin is kind of bullshit when the last time we saw Odin after fear itself he brought all of Paris back to life after grey gargoyle shattered all of the people in the city. Whatever, Aaron's a fucking hack.

>Put up a picture of Jane Foster as Valkerie
>General reaction can be summed up as "meh"
>Put up a picture of Jane Foster as Whor
>Every troll on Yea Forums comes out to wallow in filth
It's kinda funny that no one bothered to post a pic of her new persona in this entire thread.

Attached: meh.jpg (575x246, 74K)

Thanks for the spoilers.

Bitch abandoned her child for an attempted at starting a romantic relationship with Thor. Doesn't contact child and ex-husband for months while continuous failing to rekindle romance with Thor. Proceed to blames Thor for her child and ex-husband dying. Honestly, what a horrible person Jane is.

Attached: green lantern - love you.png (560x463, 279K)

But user, that's not the message you were supposed to get from Jason Aaron!

Doesn't matter. Its has already been established in JMS's Thor that Jane outright abandoned her child the moment she heard news of Thor's resurrection. Never contacted her child even in JMS's run.

>Honestly, what a horrible person Jane is.
Nope, she's simply redpilled enough to know families sap your happiness and that there shouldn't be any impediment for her to enjoy her newly received Thor powers, specially if there were absolutely zero downsides to it.
If Zack Snyder wrote her, she'd have killed her family herself with a thunder blast.

I dont think you understand the scale we're talking about here. That feat is lightyears below Odin at peak power.

When was this? I've been reading Thor and this definitely has not happened. The only issue I've missed since Gor was yesterdays, and only because I havent gotten to it yet.

It hasn't happened yet, it's from an upcoming series written by Jason Aaron and Al Ewing in July.

Then there's your answer why people aren't reacting to it.

She's getting a new ongoing as Valkerie soon. Anyone wanna make a bet on how long it will last?

Odin is way more powerful than that. Even in Aaron's own comic, Odin was aware of something happening thousands of years into the future. Present Thor alongside Future King Thor fought Gorr across the universe and pass through several planets along the way as the engaged each other in combat. And this a a Present Thor that is weaker than Odin and a Future King Thor that was weaken due to being denied Thorsleep by Gorr. All written by Aaron of all people.

Are you one of those people who gets triggered by #1s coming out despite a logical and reasonable explanation given to you for it every single time?

Take whatever cynical, pessimistic conjecture Yea Forums will concoct out of spite, and add 6 more issues.

Nothing you say contradicts me at all. Get your head out of your ass.

>The thing that MCU got right and 616 writers fail to understand is the fact that acquiring Mjolnir doesn't transform you into a Thor.
who is eric masterson

Probably just 12 issues so that they can sell 2 volumes. Valkyrie ain't a popular title that will be capable of carrying a book. And people rarely cares about Jane Foster. Popular titles will carry itself regardless of who is carrying the mantle. Jim Gordon as Batman already proved this.

maybe because it was getting talked about in the other thor thread?

Attached: real thor.jpg (320x43, 12K)

>And this a a Present Thor that is weaker than Odin
No. Again, you clearly do not understand the scale we're talking about here. These feats you're describing are well below Odin at his peak, they do not prove his power isnt dwindling.

Looks like someone doesn't want to take that bet.

>90lb women with cancer
>going toe to toe with the king of gods
yeah i call bullshit

I'll take that as a yes.

>Nobody talks about Thor comics anymore
Because the timeline has been saved.

Forgot pic related

Attached: odin.jpg (509x620, 106K)

Stop being intentionally stupid. You're not some master troll, you're so transparent its cringe.

What's wrong with disliking a book that resents masculinity?

That doesn't explain your false premise. If acquiring mjolnir doesn't transform you into a thor, how do you explain eric masterson?
If anything you're just proving my point cause it clearly states that Eric didn't view himself as Thor the person, and therefore it was a title given to him.
and anyway that's more referring to the subplot that no one knew about the thor switch and Eric tried to keep it that way.

Considering masculinity isn't worth preserving, I'd say there's plenty of wrong.

The only thing wrong is that statement.

opps forgot Pic related

Attached: pic_more_related.png (576x529, 503K)

This one?
>What's wrong with disliking a book that resents masculinity?
Glad we agree.

Ah, ok, bait.

Yeah right faggot you cant fool me.

Seriously, what part of Odins power is winding down do you not understand? Yeah he used to be omnipotent, nobody said otherwise so you arent disproving anything. People are telling you his power is reducing, not that it has always been low.

Attached: Screenshot_20190425-135411_Photos~2.jpg (720x655, 137K)

>master troll for stating the obvious
My god that word means nothing anymore
>Asspulls from a bad writer
you sure showed me

>thinking the whole thread isn't bait
are you new?

nb4 he claims samefagging.

Because it doesn't. People just pass around the same old missinformation and ignore the people who constantly correct them so they can pretend it resents masculinity.

>Odins power is winding down
The part where its pulled from Aaron's ass

>It only counts if I like the writer!
how are you so predictable?

4 issue mini it is.

Different filenames, different posters.

It's almost like incels don't read comics and just want to bitch and cause trouble for the fans.

Weird huh

>Odins power is winding down guys
>The items he creates are still full of power though
I wonder why its so difficult to swallow that garbage writing

you had to reply to both of them in separate posts
none of that matters, the user is delusional.

Attached: lulwut.png (476x453, 226K)

Do you not understand how writing works or what. Odin isnt real user, every single thing about him down to his existence in general was pulled from a writers ass.

>The items he creates are still full of power though
Yep... Because they're not powered by him. The hammer is sentient, after all.

Weirdly, Brie has the same deadpan faced, smug assholish demeanor as Jane Thor. She would actually make a perfect comic Jane Thor.

Attached: brie-larson.jpg (1010x570, 90K)

If tomorrow Tony Stark starts supporting genoicide, you'd be all for it?

Yes it does. Thor and Odin are emasculated at every opportunity and you can feel the penis envy from Jane and especially Freya.

You seriously didnt read the comic huh. Like really, every post you people dig yourselves a deeper hole. Mjolnir is gone you autist, destroyed, so is all of Asgard. There is nothing that Odin made that's still at full power.

That's a loaded question in Yea Forums, where there's people who unironically drop books if there's "too many nonwhites".

>couldnt even answer the question
And im predictable?

Seriously, actually read the fucking comic. Every single post is just so obvious that you get 100% of your opinions from Yea Forums.

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I wasn't even the one you replied to, so I can't say.
>must make every thread about Brie Larson!!!


Absolutely nothing on that page disparages anyone's masculinity, and you completely ignored everything on the page I posted. Stop. Read the comic.

What do you call assaulting your husband in order to take a stance for the sake of feminism?

Different user, i did its garbage.

no you'll keep replying.
But sing a little song for me this time, your dancing has become boring.

Attached: danceforme.gif (397x280, 1.76M)

Ok what do you like about fem thor? Whats your favorite part of her book?

>Thor and Odin are emasculated at every opportunity
>show post where Odin is proud to be a father and of his son displaying satisfaction and pride in masculine roles, even preferring them over titles and achievements


I call them a fucking villain who is rightfully beaten and imprisoned, the fuck point did you think you had here?

The allmother was pretty fucking crazy too,

>Yep... Because they're not powered by him. The hammer is sentient, after all.
Because of Aaron's retcon. Its like claiming Wanda and Pietro are really Magneto's kids when that was a retcon and being upset the retcon got retcon.

And guess who was dethroned? Do you think it was the All Mother? Seems like you'd know that if you read the comic.

speaking of asspulls

feminism itself isn't an attack on masculinity.
I actually didn't like fem thor run. I thought the 'mystery' of her real identity was handled wrong. The spent the first several issues droping clues for it to be anyone but Jane. Even specifically eliminated her as a suspect in the first issue, and then went "Nope LOL it was Jane all along."
I also didn't like the retcon of a living galactic storm being the source of Molijnr's power and giving it a sentience.
I also thought war thor was dumb and it would have been much better to give Thor himself the ultimate hammer and just deal with Berserk Thor the unworthy instead.

See how I can name specific things about the run that I didn't like though? That's cause I've actually read it as opposed to snatching talking points from youtube videos.

Because domestic violence is totally cool it is is domestic violence against men!

Attached: jimmy have seen some real shit.jpg (444x483, 78K)

only in body user. The mind was still Eric.
Just cause someone made a post earlier in the thread doesn't make it correct.

Thor was a title/position/whatever you want to call it thrust on Eric to stand in place of the real thor while real thor was getting spanked for being a jerk.

Well yes m'sirs unfortuntely retcons are par for the course when it comes to long form capeshit, what can I say? Every time I point out how retarded Cates' retcons are, there's always somebody who says "uhhh at least X is better because!" so the same sentiment applies here: stick to whatever you consider to be canon and ignore the rest.

>I am user, curator of what retcons are acceptable or not
ok sure buddy.

>Every time I point out how retarded Cates' retcons are, there's always somebody who says "uhhh at least X is better because!"
I mean, sounds like you're talking about him retconning bendis' symbiote shit. Both are shit, but first unfortunately we gotta have bendis' wiped into oblivion.

She went to prison. Shes a villain.

No, I'm talking about his retcons as a whole, because he has been doing it for the GOTG too. "At least it's not Bendis!" applies for that too, though it has nothing to do with the symbiote nonsense, and more with the fact they completely skipped Duggan.

>only in body user. The mind was still Eric.
odin fused body and soul together mljornir had no say.

>Resorts to calling people who disagree with them incels

Shit head likes shitty comics. Guess that doesn't need spoiler tags

>mljornir had no say.
And considering that within Mjolnir resides the goddess of Tempest, Odin was once again committing sexual assault.

Glad you understand. Odin is a sexual abuser that trapped the Mother Storm inside Mjolnir, and forces her against her will to be used and handle by unwanted men. Odin basically the pimp that whore out Mother Storm.

The mother storm is quite possibly the worst addition to Thor, it's so fucking stupid and ultimately resulted in nothing since it does like a bitch against mangog. I can't wait until Aaron finally moves on to ruin some other book.

And on top of that, once she's freed from the metaphorical chains in which Odin entrapped her, it comes at the cost of Jane Foster losing her well earned powers. Because obviously you can't have women's liberation without men taking all their accomplishments away from them.

That's kinda shit, heard Duggan was doing fine. Didn't Cates even run with the stupid nerfed Penance Stare thing?

Some self-published shit preferrably, right? Big Two fans have been suffering enough as it is.

And Mother Storm going around destroying planets prior to her imprisonment at the hands of Odin? It was Mother Storm's right to do that as a strong, powerful independent giant female space storm cloud. How dare a man tell her that she can't go around destroying planets and doing as she please.

The Penance Stare that Robbie somehow acquired despite being a fake Ghost Rider? The Penance Stare that somehow caused a cosmic heavy hitter like Starbrand to explode despite the fact that isn't what the Penance Stare suppose to do?

Glad to see you're all enjoying your cirlcejerk after everyone you were baiting before got tired of issuing the same obvious corrections and stopped replying.

Ok, but the argument we were having was about if thor was a title or a person. Not about the hammers consent

She's a force of nature, user. No surprise that the Phoenix bonds so well with Jane, they're kindred spirit as females. If a Man like Galactus can go around eating planets because he "hungers", these powerful goddesses and forces may as well do the same, without question. It's a sickening double standard if you ask me.

>Didn't Cates even run with the stupid nerfed Penance Stare thing?
Cates made it even worse by having Thanos "enjoy" the stare and use it as a TV set.

Thor isn't a name that Jane just took or earned, she didn't go by Thor until he willingly gave her the name. Thor is a name, names can be bequeathed, it's not that complicated.

The one Thanos was using to basically jerk off daily.

Well if the body and soul is that of thors then it can hardly be a title

>5'5 and 432 lbs
got it

Post it now

>iPhone shitter
>Posts sjw crap

>Odin isn't really who he used to be
>Odin's power is winding down

How is he not? Did he stop being a Skyfather at some point? Does the fact he has been written by a pair of worthless cunts mean the character is somehow profoundly changed?

>feigning outrage

Go. Fuck. Yourself.

...according to aformentioned worthless cunts?

And yet she gets to lift the hammer.

Fuck this gay Earth, fuck Marvel, fuck the trash who defend this shit and fuck Jason Aaron all the way to Hell.

>masculinity isn't worth preserving

Ha. Now you brand yourself.

The only thing that image proves is that Aaron is full of shit - a pathetic little hack with daddy issues.

Man. That is not a flattering photograph.

apparently it is for a lot of anons in this thread.

then we get into a whole philosophical argument about if it's the thoughts of a person that make the soul or not, as Thor and Eric were clearly two separate people.

>Mjolnir is gone you autist, destroyed

Um... no. Mjölnir is inside the sun, but this will not destroy it. I mean, that would defeat the whole point - idiotic though it is - of chaining the Mangog to it with Gleipnir, the unbreakable chain.

Of course, if the Mangog is incapable of overcoming Odin's worthiness enchantment, I don't see how it could not be destroyed by Odin himself.

Also it seems a little unkind of Jane to cast her "friend", Jason Aaron's idiotic creation the Motherstorm, into the Sun, after all that thing did for her.

...Is that image meant to suggest Odin is NOT emasculated by that hack? Because then it's deeply ironic.

>Absolutely nothing on that page disparages anyone's masculinity

Do you habitually lie, or only when you're trolling?

he did, they all got deleted for being a thread de-railing faggot.

That fucking death pissed me off to no end, penance stare Bull shit aside, how the fuck did a starbrand blowing up not leave an immense miles deep crater in south africa? the original Strandbrand destroyed all of pittsburgh, and that was just from someone trying to get rid of it.

i mean it's obvious you don't know what that word means, could you define it? Use it in a proper sentence?
Are you the same user that keeps using retcon to mean "change I don't like, but doesn't actual conflict with pre-existing lore?"

philosophical argument arguments aside Thor wasn't a title

It is in Marvel.You're applying Norse mythos where it doesn't fit.

According to Aaron, the sun is capable of killing Thor and Mangog, and destroying Uru and Mjolnir.

And in Time Runs Out, his death took out several Beyonders that surrounded him. Even if you push aside how Robbie have Penance Stare and why Starbrand exploded, the explosion should had killed Robbie outright.

I mean we're just gonna have to agree to disagree user.
If Eric (as thor) gets all the powers but retains his mind, then it's clearly a name/mantle/powerset that was passed onto him.
If we're quibbling over Thor being a name passed onto him, or a title passed onto him then that's just semantics.

>You're applying norse mythology, fundamental naming conventions, and logic all to mock a stupid concept written by a terrible author
Pretty much

Are you calling Kirby "terrible"?

Attached: Thor-Comic-Mjolnir-Destroyed-Jane-Foster.jpg (798x407, 85K)

i meant Aaron

>Are you the same user that keeps using retcon to mean "change I don't like, but doesn't actual conflict with pre-existing lore?"


>i mean it's obvious you don't know what that word means, could you define it? Use it in a proper sentence?

A character known for his emphatic masculine nature, such as Odin and Thor, being depowered or demeaned or otherwise marginalized by female characters and meekly acceding or being impotent to stop it, is emasculation.

I don't think that is true. And I despise Aaron.

lrn2 quote the right people user.
also not that user, but he clearly knew who you meant, and was making fun of the fact that it was Kirby not Aaron who created all the shit you were bitching about.

But he had two Thors fly through a sun earlier in his own run.

Attached: 470BAF8E-C021-44C4-A67D-89DAE734F3CA.jpg (1249x1920, 619K)

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>i meant Aaron
too lazy, also pointing out that kirby had the idea but decided not to follow through with it.

wasnt that the point of changing it in the first place?

also that's not the definition of emasculation.

Attached: doubt.jpg (600x341, 20K)

You expect a writer at Marvel to follow a continuity they established themselves? Your standards are clearly too high.

not that user but what is then?

Well all the female shit he put in there has nothing to do with the definition, and even if it did all of that emasculating action happened before fem thor. Thor got emasculated back in original sin and it was Fury that did it to him.
honestly he was half right, i just refuse to give ground.

wow you are dumb.

>honestly he was half right, i just refuse to give ground.

What a shock.

And no, it doesn't reflect on women, since it was a man (technically speaking) who wrote this garbage.

I mean i've been honest this whole thread about my feelings on both the writing and what i did and did not like about it. and backed up my argument with examples from the comics past.
all you've done is yelled "but my equal standards!" "emasculation!" "these retcons don't count cause I don't like them!" and cherrypicking shit for bad faith arguments.
Why should I make it easy for you?

You know shit is bad when the writer can't even keep his own continuity straight.

>Thor got emasculated back in original sin and it was Fury that did it to him.
...wasn't that ALSO Aaron?

Wow, that’s pretty dark

Not because she beat her husband. That was portrayed as a good thing.

Jane Fster Thor and the new Supreme Squadron are the only 2 good things that Disney did in these last 10 years with Marvel comics

Why should I care what you think?
Your opinions are anathema to me.
These stories are vile corruptions of ideas that were once strong and beautiful.
Things that were worthy turned over to the hands of low men who taint everything they touch and reduce it to worthless pap.
Instead of empowering the weak they would diminish the strong.


What even.

By - I must again recount - a man.

that's a big lie, Mjolnir and Mangog are not destroyed, Mjolnir is sitting at the center of the sun holding Mangog in prison there. And just before War of the Realms Thor has been dive bombing the Sun in search of Mjolnir, his shitty hammers keep melting in it, but his Uru arm is fine.

Thor's Uru arm was melts from contact with the sun. Thor was also nearly killed from his contact with the sun. Mjolnir was melted.

why keep lying?

Attached: thor sun.jpg (1988x3056, 1.57M)

and the page before in case you still don't understand

Attached: thor sun 2.jpg (1988x3056, 2.02M)

Its says right there that the sun is capable of roasting him. Something which was never possible pre-Aaron. Thor visited Atum at the center of the sun and fought him just fine.

Attached: 4152389-5990418501-Thor_.jpg (902x1372, 364K)

>Donald Blake WAS Thor
That was a retcon so that they could bring in more Norse mythology.

What is this?

That and they realized trying to make him a conventional superhero with a secret identity was a bad idea to begin with.

Was there a stepdaughter in the car, too?

it's HURTING him, yes, but not killing him. He still is fully intact coming out.

Change in media consumption
Higher price in comics
Lack of taking readers into account
Poor hiring practices
Change in general culture

Comics were doomed, but SJW shit just quickened it by 10 years

Ya, it wasn't the design people were complaining about, it was the lack of characterization the new Thor had in her opening arcs, before it was revealed she was Jane, and also, that she was called Thor, as Thor is a name and not a title.

>legbeards are people
Yea Forumsmblr strikes again

The infrastructure of the industry only helps the big 2, and both of them really only do one type of comic. The push for diversity came because they realized that with their aging core fanbase, new readership had to be found. Unfortunately, they thought that representation in characters was the way to go rather than do different stories that aren’t capes (and get better writers holy shit). Manga has pretty much cucked them as a result, even with the success of the movies.

>The infrastructure of the industry only helps the big 2
Wrong. One justification for IDW failing was that people go to the store for big two, end up browsing through stuff and go home with other publishers' comics. The big two screw up, readers lose motivation to visit the stores, everyone suffers.

>The push for diversity came because they realized that with their aging core fanbase, new readership had to be found.
Not really. Marvel hired a "diversity department" (a stupid bitch that doesn't know or give a shit about comics), likely due to demand from Disney.
I mean, is it any coincidence that Star Wars ALSO became a fucked up mess in their hands?

>>Thor is a man again
>>Nobody talks about Thor comics anymore

You mean Marvel Diversity caused the comics to bleed around 80% of the fanbase?

>Except FemThor was consistently one of the highest selling Marvel books while the new series is struggling.

Taking into account some of Marvels highest selling comics were struggling to hit 20k this really means nothing since a ton of those sales were only to comic shops and not to customers, comic shops were also denied the right to return unsold issues for a refund and Marvel over shipped 90% of the stock just to pump the numbers like they did with Captain Marvel.

Also with MCU CM taking into account inflation the film currently sits at number 140 in the rankings for sales and has still fallen shot of it's projected goal.

6/10 avaerage boring film much like ironman 2

>You mean Marvel Diversity caused the comics to bleed around 80% of the fanbase?
Considering there hasn't been a noticeable dip that accounts for that "80%" you're talking about (maybe like 5% at most), I'd say you have no idea what you're talking about.

>Taking into account some of Marvels highest selling comics were struggling to hit 20k this really means nothing
This is definitely a lie.

Iron Man 2 is alright, far better than most, if not all of the last phase.

>How did BRB inherit the power of thor when he touched moljinr for the first time?
Because it's the "Power of Thor" you complete fucking retard. As in you get the power of the person called Thor

This is absolutely correct up until the push for diversity part.

See the deal is, comics were always kinda diverse but books they wanted to push were given to extremely shitty writers that didn't know shit about their source material and unlike decades past the editors did absolutely nothing about it, resulting in terribly written and executed pushes of terrible characters while also "taking away" older characters people liked, resulting in the push for diversity that was halfway already there being associated with extremely low quality stories, leading to a massive pushback not towards bad writing but towards identity politics.

I always like to give the example of Jaime Reyes. In general, people love Jaime and he's a young ethnic replacement for an older white guy hero, yet people like him just fine. Then you have Whor immediately associated with a female villain treating Whor as so groundbreaking that she turns herself in out of respect for women everywhere(!?) and that's just... it doesn't work. It ignores what came before and tries way too hard to treat itself as groundbreaking when it's really not in any way.

You CAN have legacy characters, even minority replacements for popular characters a la Jaime, Nick Fury, etc and make it work, but the way Marvel framed it was insulting to longtime fans coupled with just bad writing in general.

tits or GTFO
Metaphorically speaking of course

And yet Beta Ray Bill didn't acquire Thor's physique on top of his already powerful physique. All Beta Ray Bill got is a powerful magical hammer with vast force manipulation called Mjolnir.

What's your point?

lol you mean Yea Forumsmblr. This place died a long time ago.

Then why are we still here?

Just to suffer?

People complain about shitty things and quiet down when those problems are fixed. Why does this surprise you?

>someone spends years on end kicking you as hard as they can in your ballsack
>they stop, but still in position to resume kicking you in the ballsack
>"Haha, everything is better now, no harm no foul!"
I will never understand marvelcucks.

You just described Rebirth, and the kicks they are delivering again now

>Taking into account some of Marvels highest selling comics were struggling to hit 20k
why do you even attempt to spread such stupid lies? Marvel kills any other publisher at sales


It's actually true, feminism isn't an attack on masculinity, at least not real feminism, american feminism though was hijacked by crazy lesbians in the 60's and 70's and became the shit show it is now. Those old lesbians were pissed off man hating nutcases who took feminism from empowering women and putting them into and even footing with men, to more extreme views.

>those aren't real feminists!
Every time

Should've been Freya, Queen of the Valkyires rather than New Valkyire.

What do you want to argue, user? That all women who are not submissive hate men? Is that the binary we're going for?

>women are either submissive or feminists
Every time

You sound like a snob

>Yea Forums shitposted a lot that they were forcing her to be "better in every way" but that just wasnt in the pages.
Lies and You're retarded

Must have really upset you how hard Marvel fucked up with the SJW thing.
Think sales still haven't recovered. And after endgame we'll see it happen to the MCU, tasty

Okay. Define 'feminist'.

Thor has always been a shit character with shit lore and shit fans hehe le Beta Bill and frog with a hammer ebin. Oops only sold 3k copies an issue better reboot it every 6 months and try again. Jane was a vast improvement on the character.

Since this is the goober thread you should know that Mark Waid closed the case today. Case dismissed Richard gets nothing. Nick "I've been a lawyer for 4 years in Minnesota so I know all the laws in Texas" Rekeita was perma banned on Twitter, the defamation cases brought by Vic the Man With 101 Vic-tims are all getting slapped so he is losing everything, Avengers is on pace to make $5 billion, Captain Marvel made 6x more globally than all of you incels publicly predicted, and basically. Your entire sad way of life is eternally BTFO.

Attached: image.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

If you really believe that is a victory, you deserve the world you will get.

>Mark Waid closed the case today



Why does Marvel characters suddenly seem to have a talking pet dog as a gimmick now? Dr. Strange had one last year and now Thor has one too?

GotG had one years ago.

Anyone who calls themselves a feminist

That seems very debatable.


"1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
2 : organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests"

The Oxford dictionary:

"The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes"

The Cambridge dictionary:

"the belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state"


So it would seem it creates not a binary, but a trinary:

1 - people who believe that women are inferior to men, let's call them 'misogynists'.
2 - people who believe women and men are equal, let's call them, in the context of the currently prevailing culure, 'feminists'.
3 - people who believe women are superior to men; let's call them 'misandrists'.

Incels/Comicsgate and SJW work the same. Trying to stuff their shitty vision of politics and society into whathever they find. They are activists, regular readers/fans.

Just bumping to kill this thread

>They are activists, not just regular readers/fans.

>consistently selling 50+k for years
>bad for current Marvel
50k monthly sales is top 25 floppy sales, doing it consistently is not common outside of Batman and Spider-Man.

There was claim that one book got overshipped by 50% years ago, it's not a common thing for them to overship by more than 10%.

>Posting BiC unironically to defend your point
Haven't read about the case closing as that other user puts it, but I knew the whole thing was gonna get thrown out as soon as the deposition confirmed Waid had nothing to do with the decision of cancelling Jawbreakers, specially not after admitting there was no contract signed in first place due to Meyer's own negligence (and yes CGer, you do need a contract signed if you're handling a contract for a service or product above $500 in Texas, verbal contracts don't cut it for a project valued way above that).
Since the lawsuit was all about determining whether he had a hand in that and AP explained once again he hadn't, then nothing else needed to be done.

>muh dictionary definition
Every fucking time

More like a whole decade ago.
And not him but anyone who adheres to feminist theory is a feminist. Calling yourself an engineer while not having the slightest clue about engineering is just as stupid as claiming you can simply go and consider yourself part of a movement without taking into account what it truly is about.

Yes, and what is wrong with that, dear heart?

Unless it turns out Dunn perjured himself.

All this over a comic I hesitate to describe as mediocre.

>Unless it turns out Dunn perjured himself.
It wouldn't make sense, since he claimed the decision was taken before even talking to Waid, product of the retailers who decided to boycott and the creators inside AP itself threatening to leave if he was published.
It was a shitshow from the start because even without taking the call into account, the fact remains that Meyer never signed the contract sent by AP. It's also the funniest part because their ignorance of the law fucked them up unknowingly.

An engineer is a progession. Feminism is a social movement. Comparing the two is retarded

Okay, let's keep it closer then: calling yourself a vegan doesn't cut it unless you actually follow a vegan diet and lifestyle. Same applies to feminism.

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>You will never see a self-destructive jackass character who is female,
Jessica Jones and drunk Captain Marvel?