>you will never get to read All-Star Superman for the first time again
Are there any comics that you wish you could read for the first time again?
>you will never get to read All-Star Superman for the first time again
Are there any comics that you wish you could read for the first time again?
>All-star Superman
>Planetary (I accidentally started reading from one of the later issues, thus ruining several plots)
Although there are more comics that I wish I have never read at all.
I don't get the ending, i read it about a month ago.
all star superman was the first comic I've ever read, everybody always talked about how good it was so I read it expecting a life changing experience and obviously by the end I was disappointed because it wasn't the masterpiece I was promised. admittedly that's my fault because one should never watch or read anything expecting it to be the most amazing story ever written since nothing ever will be able to live up to that hype.
try reading it again after having read more comics
dark knight returns was my first DC comic. i got the trade and read it all in one sitting
Mine was Morrisons JLA.
Was a pretty good book even today.
Luthor's niece is pretty cute. Just saying.
morrison jla is great. im reading volume 2 now.
>Are there any comics that you wish you could read for the first time again?
Sometimes Watchmen, but I feel it's got plenty of a re-readable factor.
I guess Ultimate Spider-man. Hold a special place in my heart, I sometimes want to reread it but can't bring myself to go through the sheer amount of volumes.