Some asshole decided it was a good idea pasting this in every single front door at my college

Some asshole decided it was a good idea pasting this in every single front door at my college.
And im keking with all the marveldrones crying

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Why be a dick? is it fun? If so can i join in?

Why is this a big deal? Maybe I'm salty because comicbook movies are for normies instead of comicbook people but I'm seeing an inordinate amount of emotional investment into popcorn bait.

It's like they didn't expect people to completely spoil it wherever they went. It's Harry Potter book release night all over again.

Most people are braindead morons, news at 11.

fuck off, hipster.

user, we're on Yea Forums, being a dick is like oxygen


This is "i prefer reading Paulo Coello rather than watch a Marvel Movie" hipster bullshit tier

So, what? Bruce is perma Hulk now?

basically yeah.

> Anonymous 04/25/19(Thu)22:30:31 No.107195682▶

Yeah, and they didn't even give us gray hulk instead.

Neck yourselves, secondary scum

That is some aggressive spoilering.

that way they can kick Ruffalo


>grey Hulk
I miss him user

He’s coming back in Immortal Hulk

Omg epic lulz, they trolled the normies XDD

>defending marvel movies
I'm not digging at them, they're fun for what they are but how do you get to the point where grown ass men throwing hissy fits is socially acceptable? I didn't take a shit in my theater seat after watching Ragnarok ass rape Planet Hulk even though I was sorely tempted to do so because that's not a very mature way to express oneself. This is bizarre.

>Some asshole
Someone based.

A man after my own heart

Second only to Brazilian prank videos


Attached: E768BBFA-B380-49C4-834C-BC3B91FAE9DB.jpg (470x955, 59K)

a true based man