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Stepford Wives are pretty hot, based and redpilled OP

i hope you're saying 'lol' as in, 'this is retarded'. because this is retarded.
get this pol shit out please

>Just keep house + make babies and I will take care of the rest

Wtf I love Islam now.

This but unironically

Why the guy who made that comic made the Husbando wear a shirt that used to have a swastika embroidment, that was then removed later ? What did he meant by this ?

Seriously, what the fuck did mean by this ? What's the subtest ?

Holy fuck these right wing comics are just getting uglier and uglier.

>emily youcis
>complaining about anyone else being degenerate
>when she made this

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I am not even sure it is a right wing comic. I mean, It's painful to do, but have you read the text ? The conservative side sound like a bad parody.

>the rightist values are on the left
>the leftist values are on the right
What did he meant by this ?


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oh wow this is going to trigger so many libtards lol.

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I was going to reply with a cute HeHeSilly comic but apparently the Twiter is gone. Did he deleted it himself or got banned?

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Naah, I am not watching that shit.

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I mean... Maybe ?

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there is no joke, Youcis is unironically redpilled, she even got fired for it.

This looks like a warped version of something Daron Nefcy would draw


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Hold up, is 140IQ actually considered high by some people?

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fun fact, this is the same crazy bitch from this panel

>not nun life

You can't post here if you're underage.

>Emily Youcis

What is it with edgy losers with internet poisoning going full Reich recently?

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It's more likely to make them laugh at how stupid the right is.

I love these. Haha

IT's higher than 100.

Emily Youcis scares me, man.
On one hand she's probably the most unique female animator out there, or at least the only one who doesn't make the same anime inspired cute stuff. Her reputation's tainted because her early newgrounds shorts are abysmal, but her newer animations have actually fantastic fluid animation.
On the other hand she is legitimately and without a hint of irony, batshit insane. Her talents are used on fucking outsider art shitposting. She's spending an unhealthy amount of time on her pet project for someone who's basically a pariah from the animation industry, and yet she's somehow still subsisting.

I'm afraid that she'll go postal if she ever finishes that damn movie.

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What's her current source of revenue ?

Based on this her husband.

but she isn't blonde. Also, doesn't she dabble in animation and drawings ? So isn't she spitting in her own soup when she bash women who seek for Art degrees ?

Her 140 iq 100 aryan husband who want to kill all jews and then flee to Mars.

>animators and artists should never use their talents on shitposting
This must be the gayest post of 2019

She yelled at a crowd of people that animation was the only reason she didn't kill herself, that people who went to animation school were a bunch of suckers and to just make their own animation instead of cucking out to the industry, that adult swim stole her idea for mr pickles, and was somehow more belligerent than the drunkard on the same panel.

That's not what the user you were quoting say. He is saying he is worried her power level of shitposting might break reality. Not the same thing.

user, its one thing to shitpost for fun, its another to spend over a decade on one single shitpost to such a degree that it negatively impacts your life.

>that adult swim stole her idea for mr pickle
You do realise that only make her get lower in my esteem, right ?

You say that like I'm telling you anything except that the bitch is fucking insane and paranoid.


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>wants to be an Aryan homemaker
>can't even sell fucking pistachios for a living

She's crazy, user. You're looking for logic in the wrong places.

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I can't get a read on her. This is ten years old and I can't tell if she was crazier back then or crazier now.

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>morbidly curious to check her videos
>but if I watch them, youtube will start to bombard me with similar suggestions
I think I will restrain myself.

Remember guys

Don't stick your dick in crazy

use incognito

What ? what happened to her husband ?

So this is what femanons are like.

>I was going to reply with a cute HeHeSilly comic but apparently the Twiter is gone.
Good because those comics are ugly too.

Right wingers shell out their cash for any little bit of validation in fiction because they can't find it in reality.

Just enjoy the ride when it happens
>he can’t appreciate the beauty of long term shitposting

The fuck is this. the fuck is that, I mean is it parody, un-ironic? Is she shitting on both sides or what. What is this?

Why would someone who makes shocking gore videos do a 180 into being a tradwife? Is this like those super progressive people that secretly have shady sexual assault history, or those preachers that get caught sucking dick?

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i want to sell out because if jesse lee peterson can make it and he has a fucking stroke then i can fucking make it.

>What is it with edgy losers with internet poisoning going full Reich recently?
It's always been like that. A lot of reason people end up in these groups in the first place is because they were rejected by the mainstream, so they end up trying to rationalise reasons why they're failures and come up with conspiracies and shit.

>go through life being a degenerate
>realise nobody gives a shit about you
>go extreme and become a born-again Christian.

Marilyn Manson had his career revealed to him the day he stumble upon the bondage material of his super conservative uncle.

Marilyn still goes every Sundays on the churchmass of his town.

>building ON a dyson sphere

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Well, if you put building on the inside, they will fall into the sun.

>becoming an 80s post apocalyptic warrior or a stepford wife
I mean, I know which one looks more fun.

>taking a nigger’s cock being better than anything