Seriously what the fuck?
>IW Thanos = 10/10 and great performance
>Endgame Thanos = Malekith with new clothes
Serious, this movie is a fucking shit, also Loki with the tesseract, and?!?? Seriously 100 plot holes, gamora literally disappears Captain Marvel = useless, Gary StuStark makes the stones float without any sense, what a fucking shitfest my god

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what is it that you can't understand you moron. tell me and I'll explain it to you

List of all the characters this movie has fucked:
>Black Widow
Did I miss anyone?

I really liked the movie especially since my expectations were pretty low but the time travel shit makes no sense.

So Mjolnir is just gone from the timeline until 2024 now? How did everything from Avengers 1 and onward happen now that Loki got away in the past? Does Hydra think Captain America is on their side in the past?

I mean, the story beats resulting from the time travel were really good but after all the shit-talking about how Terminator and BttF time travel is bullshit, they don't do a lot better.

ah shit I just remembered that Cap takes Mjlonir with him, so no time paradox there. Loki would still fuck everything up though

Dr Strange is a huge asshole who told Stark to an hero and then didn’t use the time stone to resurrect him.

You want a Paradox What about 2014 Thanos going to 2024 and dying in the future but never returning to commit the snap?

By my count there are at least 2 other alternate realities now that the Avengers created by fucking up

Three different timelines. Main one, one where Loki escaped at the end of Avengers, one where Thanos jumped from 2014 to 2023.

Different timelines.
To think they explained it at least twice in the movie, really surprises me how many retards didn't get it.

The branching only happens when you remove the stone. If you return it as if it was never gone the branching doesn't happen.

then how the fuck did 2024 captain america turn old and just sit on a bench waiting for the others to notice if its different timelines every time

Then there's still two branching time lines

I dunno man. Maybe the 100 year old man sneaked up on them land sat at the bench to be all dramatic lol

nope, you should pay more attention.

They built him a time-machine in his new timeline when the technology allowed it

your mom

yeah but if there are two timelines now, then you have one where it's everything we saw up untill endgame where everyone is still dead from the snap, and the new one resulting from time fuckery that brings everyone back five years after the snap, the amount of shit that changed in history like loki escaping, thanos dying in the future before even starting to collect the stones, and captain america deciding to stay in the past yet showing up in the original timeline where he left, would cause serious continuity problems

The dialogue from the Ancient One:
>"The infinity stones create what you experience as the flow of time. Remove one of the stones and that flow splits, now this may benefit your reality, but my new one, not so much. In this new branch reality, without our chief weapon against the forces of darkness, our world will be overrun, millions would suffer. So tell me doctor, can your science prevent all that?"

>yeah but if there are two timelines now

>So, Thanos did great in Infinity War.
>Yes indeed.
>Yeah. Let's kill him in the first 5 minutes and bring a past version of him that doesn't have the same development as his actual version.

This movie is going to be analyzed to pieces and it's all going to fall apart

>Red Skull.

At the end of the day, he truly was the avengers endgame 2019 marvel studios all along.

The stuff in New York still happened because its still in the past. The present can't be changed.

What was the point in even taking the stones back to preserve the time line when it was already irreparably damaged by Thanos leaving for the present before the events of GOTG 2?

its not different every time. You alter it by messing with the infinity stones. Otherwise shit is predestined. Cap is in a loop. He grows old in the main timeline by returning to the past.

Maybe Tony's snap is fixing thanos place in history rather than killing him.

>You alter it by messing with the infinity stones. Otherwise shit is predestined
That is literally not implied anywhere. You can create a branching timeline by messing with anything. There's a branching time line where Clints son didn't die playing catch because Clint took his glove. Just like there is a branching time line where The Snap never happened because Thanos left that time line

that's what I was thinking too after ancient one's explanation but Thanos from 2014 died in 2024 without fucking with the stones so wouldn't that be the same timeline since he didn't use anything other than the pym particle wormhole?

There is nothing in the movie that implies any of that.

Yes there is because Thanos goes to the future without any stone fuckery

I'm pissed with what they did with Cap. Why is Black Widow, Gamora and Loki there though?

absolutely nothing in this movie makes any sense whatsoever, and all future movies are now going to have to face the criticism of "why didnt they just time travel"

What they REALLY needed was someone like Order and Chaos or another cosmic entity to show up at the end and go WHAT THE FUCK GUYS I LET YOU TIME TRAVEL ONCE BECAUSE I THINK THANOS IS A JERK BUT NO MORE OK OR I'LL COME AFTER YOUR ASSES and then vanish

They really should've ntroduced cosmic entities along time ago. The movies could've benefited from it.

they need to use a reference a DBZ Future saga, so people can understand.

>Remove one of the stones and that flow splits
>without our chief weapon against the forces of darkness, our world will be overrun

Reminder that Prime reality has ZERO infinity stones. They've all been effectively "removed". Thanks, Thanos.

>The present can't be changed

Old Man Rogers says otherwise.

I mean, while it would be cool for someone like the Living Tribunal to suddenly materialize and talk shit to the Avengers, I don't think it's necessary. The rules of time travel in this movie are vague enough so that the heroes won't try to rely on it because all it ends up doing is creating a parallel universe while leaving the original fucked (maybe, depending on your interpretation of Ancient One's explanation and Cap getting old in the saved universe). Then again, if you go with that interpretation, the Avengers might as well have done nothing at all because all they did was create a new universe where bad shit didn't happen while the old one still goes on.

This is Thanos.

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>tfw nobody gives a shit about that

60 years
60 years doing nothing

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Why would anyone? The 2014 timeline was doomed because without the Time Stone Dormammu would win but that's no longer a problem.

If Cap didn't return the hammer Asgard might be overrun by dark elves and then by Hela if Odin dies but he probably did.

As much as I love BTTF, Time Travel is a can of worms that shouldn't be touched in most media.
It nearly always opens timey wimey plotholes, and introducing the concept of differing timelines that can be hopped between tends to put a damper on achievements in the story.

You know what ?
They used the time travel thing to give us a colossal tribute for 10-year of stories with cameos everywhere, but did we really need this?

Maybe not? wouldn't it have been better to throw the gems into space and make the film a colossal space treasure hunt with only one group back in the past to recover the only gem that was destroyed? And Thanos tries to prevent them from finding them?

My main problem is that the search for gems ... is terribly boring. . And I didn't appreciate the reset of Thanos development.

The final part is majestic, really, but to get there you need a great effort.

I mean, logically it would have made for a better story if they left out all the cameos, time travel shit, and Thanos character regression, but Endgame is a fanservice popcorn flick and was built from the ground up to be one. It's fine for people to enjoy it the same way one enjoys watching their team win in a sports game, and I doubt most fans of the MCU watch the movies for their compelling narratives in the first place. Not that it excuses a bad plot but I can see what they were going for.

Why does everyone hate Star-Lord so much?

Literally the only good part is Wanda bodying Thanos
Which is perfectly ruined by the chick squad five minutes later

Cause they were about to take the glove off Thanos and he REEEEEEEEEed

>Which is perfectly ruined by the chick squad five minutes later
What the fuck even was that nonsense? They're all at different parts of the battle before that then they immediately separate again. Most of those chicks don't even know each other. Bloody ludicrous

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is it just me, or are too many time travel stories caught up in the notion that at least one of the main cast knows how know time travel works
like I can't think of anything where the time travelers are always second guessing what the rules are, and there is no smart character that has all the true answers

That part was fucking embarrassing to watch. I don't hate any of the female characters in the MCU at all except maybe Carol and Valkyrie, and even then it's just annoyance and not hatred. The fact that they took the time to make a group shot completely irrelevant to the plot and contradictory as to how the fight is actually going on was so jarring that I can't believe people are defending it. Like imagine if literally every black person in the MCU suddenly got a group shot as well during the middle of the fight despite having nothing to do with each other besides their skin color.

And in the end it didn't matter at all since Carol was 100x more effective than the rest of them combined and could have just picked up the glove and piledrived through the army like wet tissue paper, but instead they have an elaborate game of catch that ends up fucking them over when Thanos destroys the van.

Steve went back to the 40s to be with Peggy, dumb dumb

Did anyone expect Jango to beat Windu?

Thanos and Gamora are at least gone from one timeline. So Quill never teams up with the Guardians, Ronan never gets his hands on the power stone, Ego never finds Quill (probably).

The one with Loki and the Tesseract is a bit contentious, since they're supposed to put the stones back as if they'd not gone missing in the first place. So Loki either got the Space stone to Thanos or kept it to himself for Shenanigans. Who knows. Maybe cap putting going back at the right time stopped Loki from getting it.

The 1970 Steve returned to probably the most contentious. With him going back and potentially living that life with Peggy, he shouldn't be back in the main timeline at all. But he is. So ignoring that handwave and inconsistency, that timeline should have 2 Caps.

In that case, he still shouldn't be in the main time line. They broke one of the first rules they set.

>mfw there was a fucking chocolate bar commercial before the movie that more or less spoiled Widow'sdeath

Someone is definitely getting into trouble for this one.

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Why the fuck Wasp left Scott alone with the Van, if anything she should be the one repairing it and Scott fighting.

Because he's the brains of the two?

It's because half the retards dicussing this are basing thier judgements off of greentext summary spoilers.

>Why the fuck Wasp left Scott alone with the Van
So she could be in the YASSS squad, user. Does it make sense? Absolutely not

But Hope was the one that helped Pym build the original portal, she knows a lot about it.

How to fix endgame:
>Thanos used the stones to instead revive his generals, which is how the avengers find him
>He keeps the space stone and fucks off to an unknown planet, the other avengers notice the stones are missing
>Still doesn't want unnecessary violence, he gives the other stones to each general (maw = time stone, obsidian = power stone, glaive = reality stone, proxima = mind stone
>nebula is taken with thanos and mindfucked into supergiant, whom thanos entrusts with the soul stone
>the remaining avengers regroup on earth, form plan
>stark wants to enlist the help of villains, such as yellowjacket and Ultron, who survived in one of his bodies as seen in Spiderman: homecoming
>causes another divide between the avengers, but no fighting; captain america and iron man eventually realise that they have to put aside their differences and work together, as opposed to trying to prove that they're right
>before they can leave earth, iron man gives a suit to pepper 'just in case'
>because of this, two main teams are made to find the stones: iron man, the villains, war machine, hawkeye and black widow head for the the mind stone first, with plans to resurrect vision, while thor, rocket, hulk, wong, valkryie and antman look for glaive
>iron man's group succeeds, but ultron uses the mind stone and comes to the realisation that he will be depowered once this is over, escaping
>this sends team iron man into a tailspin, instead searching for ultron
>wong is intrigued by the nature of the gods, and builds a fast friendship with thor and valkryie

>How to fix endgame:

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Yes that would be better instead of that clip show