Is he trans?

Is he trans?

Attached: DF2C5679-BF19-4632-A8BC-1EFD25E9E876.png (298x504, 47K)

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Probably not

No. But he is every gay character from late nineties sitcom ever.

Yes. She wears chest binders. Explain that if she's not trans. And also
>Noelle Stevenson
>ever making a biological male a hero
It would never happen, she's a committed hardcore misandrist.

>she's a committed hardcore misandrist.

Attached: dobson she-ra.png (500x610, 344K)

Why would you get- oh it's dobson, never mind.

I never understood that crop top situation. Maybe Bow isn't comfortable showing off his bod (despite the fact that he has a nice body)

There’s actually plenty of people who think he’s trans on the reddit.

of course they do

They’re not wrong here

That's less misandry and more an edgelord who's in denial of her sexuality and dealing with it by being edgy. Honestly, the crazy one is the guy who took the time to compile all of that. I don't spend that much time compiling porn from my favourite NSFW twitter accounts.

Jesus, what a fucking cunt.

reddit is always wrong user

Either he's not fully committed to the idea (testing phase) or he has a damn good trainer.

I really don't get this "MUH EBIL WHITE MAN" mentality when it comes to media pandering. Do they also bitch about China pandering exclusively to the Chinese people with their own movies and TV shows? Minorities exist there, too and they're treated far fucking worse (and portrayed worse as well).

It's dobson. That's all the explanation you need. He's an outlier and always will be.

You also have to consider they look at things through an Americancentric lens.
In history, all they were ever taught were about the colonists and their actions, so that’s what stayed with them.

No. He black.

You say that every thread you literate autist

He was wearing the transflag

I’ve only said that once.

I seriously have my doubts Dobson is straight.

No, he's just playing the long game until Glimmer is ready for the cock.

No, just your typical pathetic self loathing white man who thinks acknowledging how he hates his maleness and whiteness will gain him favors from the LGBT community.

No because Chinese people are a minority that has also suffered under centuries of white oppression

>Chinese people are a minority
There’s literally a billion of them

>the white man has been on top for so long even other ethnic groups who are just as guilty of their own crimes get a free pass
Success breeds jealousy, I guess.

Attached: 1554651297230.jpg (600x800, 70K)

And, y’know, a crumb of pussy.

I don't get what's wrong with taking a self-centered view of the world. I don't want nor need to give half a fuck about a bunch of retards in some irrelevant shithole non-country in an nonexistent part of the world like eastern europe or south america

America went to shit the instant we started caring about the world outside our own boarders

Even in China, there are (western) Chinese people who are an ethnic minority.

Well, you are proof with what's wrong with a self-centred view of the world. It limits your vision and ambition.

what they did so wrong in season 2 that even the people who liked the show are complaining?or is this just a strategy to bait people into watching it?

Fuck ambition. All ambition did was fuck up everything

I think the show legitimately dropped the ball faster than Voltron.

But in this instance the people behind the show are basically redditors/Tumblrkin. The inmates are running the asylum.

You have to be over eighteen to use Yea Forums.

It probably took 10 minutes to copy and paste those posts into Paint. Well worth that small effort to inform potential viewers what a cunt she is.

You're not allowed to think anything positive about yourself unless you have a cunt, are brown, or want to fuck strange things goy.

If you deny anti-Semitism exists, you're probably an anti-Semite. If you deny racism exists, you're probably a racist. If you deny misogyny exists, you're probably a misogynist. If you deny misandry exists, you're probably a __________.

The funny thing is even leftists hate Dobson. I saw one Gamerghazi (anti-gamergate subreddit) thread where someone posted one of his cartoons and everyone was just shitting on him (for mocking Robin Williams' daughter or something).


Only a sith deals in absolutes. Seriously though, imagine working off of such a limited mindset that simply not getting worked up over something means you're just as bad as the thing people are upset about.

Oh, so, whenever I see someone call this woman a cunt, I know it's the creepy guy that stalks her. Thanks for clearing that one up for me.

Is it really stalking if it’s in the public eye?


It is.


I regularly call her a cunt and I'm not the guy who compiled those tweets. I often see this on Yea Forums where when people criticize something everyone believes it's just one guy for some reason. Many people dislike nu-She-Ra, deal with it.

>Many people dislike nu-She-Ra
most people actually

Because, you have to care about someone to hate them. So, if you regularly call her a cunt and post compiled tweets. Then I'm going to suspect you piled them. Deal with that.

Oh stop

>>The crazy one isn't the one who took the time to write all that, the crazy one is the one who screenshot it.
Nice try Noelle.

Attached: 2315_7ff8_500.jpg (500x380, 81K)

Outside of tumblr and reddit, it’s okay at best.
Not the worst thing ever but it’s not lighting the world on fire.


Attached: 1555141812141.png (635x358, 140K)

>I'll just deflect! That always works on Yea Forums.
Got any other bright ideas?

Are you the one white knight for Noelle?

deflect what? all the hateful tweets, while claiming they're the one under attack.

So, I'm either Noelle or the white knight for Noelle. Gonna pick one?

So obsessed with someone. It makes me glad I'd never have a stalker.

you're the one who keeps rushing in to defend her.
Though I'm still pretty sure you're Noelle herself, trying to shill her shitty show.

...I actually like the covering of man-titties

Never actually defended her. Just called people out on their shit. If I was trying to shill a show. I'd shill to people that are liable to actually pay for netflix, instead of just pirate everything they watch. That one's kind of obvious.

you dont seen to care about Noelles shit thou

You're not alone.

>>Just called people out on their shit
Hey, just like we're doing to Noelle. You should join us, since you don't care about her and have no interest in defending her.

Why would I care about someone acts edgy to deny their heterosexuality? Especially when you care enough for the both of us.

>Calling her out on her shit
If you actually wanted to call her out on her shit. You'd make her show but good. Instead of just circle jerking on Yea Forums.

>You'd make her show but good
not that user but, what?

no, showing people the things she ACTUALLY SAID is sufficient. For someone who is above all this, you keep responding for some reason. It's not like anyone is asking you for anything.

i mean his character came off as gay even in the original

I mean, you keep responding as well, it's not like people are asking you to call out Noelle, and what you call sufficient I call lazy.

but a lot of people hate her. i'm not denying i do, but it was one of her many other haters that collected those tweets.

Of course I keep responding, but I'm not the one babbling about not caring and this is all a circle jerk on Yea Forums and being all hypocritical.

And no, I just want people to know that Noelle Stevenson is an asshole so I think her tweets are good for that. I mean, I don't know how making my own show would let people know that. That just doesn't make sense.

Boo, weak justification for also being an arsehole. Maybe don't call me a hypocrite if you're only projecting?

Who just so happened to be you.

>So, I'm either Noelle or the white knight for Noelle. Gonna pick one?
Not the same guy

I'm projecting being a...hypocrite, what?
You're just tossing out whatever you can at this point aren't you? You gonna call people incels next.
And who is denying being an arsehole, well except you Noelle?

Okay i actually had a hearthy kek

Bow was über fabulous in the original.

If he is, Hordak is the real hero of the story.

Attached: Heretic.png (1206x1500, 739K)

That's not the topic of conversation.

Easy it is to post a edited 4channy infographic when you have a billion faggots on the streets and the majority if not all of them are white, don't forget that also the ones who also lead into the overall degeneracy are also whites

He's literally Bow. Or Beau or Bo.

>gay or tr*ns
When will trannies and fujoshits fuck off?

Attached: blog_shera_and_bow_flirt_16.jpg (720x576, 119K)


Nope. Just a faggot.

have you really never seen a black transvestite prostitute in your life
theirs hundreds of them man,they make up the vast majority of Transvestite prostitutes(don't ask how I know)
the most famous and influential Transwoman of all time,who led Trans rights in the US was a black transwoman

Straight white guys, particularly old rich ones, have run the world long enough (and, not coincidentally, into the ground).

Learn your place.

They've been treated as a inferiors, and were economically-and-otherwise -colonized, by the West. Europe and the USA have stuck their dicks into very land they found that wasn't "developed" enough to stand up to them, and jizzed all over everything, exerting control because they could and to turn a bloody profit, looting national treasures & natural resources, controlling territory, and stealing human labor (and lives).

Misandry isn't really a thing.

>Misandry isn't really a thing.
Dykes are poof that you're wrong.

OG Bow was

Attached: Bow Princess Dress.jpg (2000x1600, 1.05M)

Is that that motherfucker Corey Graves?

>"As a cis-gendered..."
>me: " Alright, that's Dobson. Hey, I am right"