
Attached: buttpossible_by_lordaltros_d9n1qqz-pre.jpg (882x906, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 4szhhup3gok11.png (1919x883, 1.74M)

Attached: Gogo suit07.jpg (1920x1080, 192K)

Attached: cutesexyrobutts.jpg (1250x833, 83K)

Attached: thots be ringing.jpg (850x1511, 215K)

Sorry, wrong pic

Attached: The++were+seriously+bothering+me+spent+a+couple+minutes+_3fcf9197cc4333918a665664761dd7ab.jpg (1000x1236, 121K)

Guy ass
A nice change


What possesses someone to post this off of /aco/?
That's where the audience for this fetishy stuff lives. Next you'll be posting rule 34 with censor bars. Seems pointless.
I remember all the years people whined and cried for a western porn art board.

Attached: Alan_Keyes.jpg (416x431, 61K)

Canon huge

because I like these non explicit pics, fuckboy

what possesses you to ask this same question every fucking thread?

/aco/ became western /d/ and people like to share cheesecake over actual porn. Though some people just want to toe the line.

Attached: Toys.png (834x605, 594K)

Attached: by pH.jpg (632x1024, 129K)

>/aco/ became western /d/
He says unironically in a titanic ass fetish thread.

Attached: ben-carson-on-race-r.jpg (600x600, 97K)

>big asses qualify as /d/
You suffer from severely limited perspective, black man poster

Attached: DAm3V1iXUAocG5d.png (1024x1098, 400K)

Attached: laika teenage robot.png (808x800, 232K)

The best kind of huge.

Attached: Gogo suit04.jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

Attached: ass.png (2728x2160, 2.78M)

To an incredibly unrealistic degree yes, visit /d/ sometime

Attached: thixxar.gif (700x607, 380K)

If you think /d/ would settle for any of these, you are sorely mistaken or trying to save face.

get on my canonical level

Attached: 540x360.jpg (540x360, 9K)

Attached: gasd.png (514x330, 128K)

Attached: 1553320284406.jpg (1198x667, 64K)

You already have a board for this

Attached: message.gif (500x375, 143K)

>it's another stealth fat acceptance thread full of shitty doodles
Go back already, you aren't fooling anyone.

Attached: 1555184494040.png (404x404, 3K)


don't mind the soibeast.

Attached: 1556151646377.jpg (882x906, 140K)

It really is.

Still comically oversized but definitely an improvement.

Fuck off irishman.

Fuck off brapfag.

Go be a nigger somewhere else. Nobody else are hordwired to like fatties.

She isn't Pixar though.

I like big butts and I cannot lie but OP's proportions are fucked.

I remember seeing you two in the last thread. Are we really going to do this again? With a fat lover and a anorexic lover bickering?

That's pretty odd since I haven't been in a fat agenda pushing threads for months. The only reason I bothered opening this is that OP is Kim pic I haven't seen before.

post the webm

I wish that was me

I wanna take them just like this. Start with Dam in the back, let the other two feel as the force of my thrusts pushes against them as well. Once I'm done with Sam, get her out of the way and do clover, then Alex when I'm done with her.

But imagine the smell, user, and get turned off.

I wish we got that supposed forth season of Avatar. Instead of Bryke's comics.

Attached: vambre9.png (347x501, 158K)


Attached: knives.webm (1920x1080, 1.17M)

At this point you are a vocal minority whose sentiments are not shared by the users of this board or the mods. Kindly fuck off or post some fat asses, my good sir.

Attached: 1555986575438.jpg (780x1200, 229K)

Attached: 5XTn4I.gif (400x300, 1.35M)

That ass though

either or but.

Attached: makeminemusicbutt.gif (250x226, 2M)

there's no sex appeal. this just looks like a normal fucking pic.

is there some retard out here who thinks this is sexy? do they boggle eyed desperately hide their boners as they struggle through crowds of women?

Attached: 1550294319981.jpg (478x463, 158K)

Yep , that me , hehe :D

I never cared for face sitting, and now that I've seen the trailer for the live-action The Boys show I really don't care for it.


Attached: go 2.jpg (597x532, 68K)

why does he gets happier when the artist made her objectively worse?

Attached: 1506739489797.png (374x376, 221K)

>w-we're totally the majoroty and nobody hates!
Oh fuck off. Fat agenda threads like these gets at most 200 IPs, and that's counting samefagging from phonefshitposters trying to imflate the counter. You're not even close to being a majority on Yea Forums. The mods being drooling retards that don't give a fuck about the job they volunteered for doesn't mean offtopic posting is suddenly okay.

Attached: ass1.jpg (750x757, 69K)

Attached: Gogo net.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

Because weak men fear large asses.

Because he's a normal person that doesn't like fatties.

Has she got anything going for her?

Okay ireland.

Attached: 1542755796763.png (539x1433, 160K)

She's probably a pleasant person to be around. Brie seems like she gives off a nice aura and the air around tastes like honey.

her tits are okay but everything else is insufferable, especially the personality

Attached: 1552333178416.jpg (1473x2047, 221K)

most people don't bother saying something to people who put their softcore porn here instead of the board for it, they aren't celebrating your stuff

you realize that normal people have relationships with these mysterious beasts known as "women", right, and they don't just look at pictures of grotesquely proportioned characters

You realise that you are trying way too hard?

Attached: gaz.jpg (791x1280, 97K)

>thread was made one hour and 30 minutes ago
Yea Forums really is dead, this thread would've hit image limit by now a few years ago

It was a different time

finally, ASS!

Yea Forums is dying. People leave and there's no new blood to replace them. Because Yea Forums is synonymous with reactionaries. Hate to say it. But fox news killed 4channel. Slowly.

Attached: buttpossible_edit.jpg (1152x906, 87K)

Attached: commission__dat_chaotic_apple_bottom__by_ck_draws_stuff_dcsv026-pre.jpg (1158x690, 79K)

Nah, /pol/ acting like dipshits and the dipshits that were looking for a home during Gamer Gate are what killed Yea Forums.

Attached: 1471122922700.jpg (850x400, 64K)

Attached: 1488908425.lordaltros_chubby_kim_possible.jpg (853x1280, 139K)

Attached: chel_booty_by_bxblazexd_dcum6yb-pre.jpg (828x966, 99K)

Fox lead them here. Fox did a report on Yea Forums and then this place became a home for said dipshits.

I liked that movie but I loved dat ass

Attached: ashi.jpg (1200x1493, 92K)

>Yea Forums is dying.
Thank god, maybe now all the retards who've infested this shithole over the past 6 years can finally fuck off.

Fuck sake

Attached: images (77).jpg (562x545, 17K)

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Attached: 1542755733693.png (788x1160, 210K)

Attached: parr_for_the_course_by_riendonut_dd1uxsx-pre.jpg (894x894, 93K)

Superior Version

Attached: Ashi butt.png (846x550, 222K)

Attached: incredibles_da_by_jay_marvel_da7nbtj.png (604x740, 247K)

this one was made before it was revealed she wasn't wearing spandex right

Attached: 1429980632400.png (642x287, 287K)

> full version on tumblr!
not anymore it ain't.

Yeah, fun times season 5.

Attached: sample_5a838a7f136083ee1a0bd7ec71b2945a.jpg (850x660, 127K)

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Attached: 6369863d8a6088ad5744fa8553ade574.png (1050x1486, 311K)

He is a gay

Attached: e1367fba-face-4f2c-b1c6-18ef4e4b75bc.jpg (317x810, 102K)

Kino thread

Attached: IMG_0104.png (500x682, 575K)

Attached: IMG_0419.png (1500x1500, 1.68M)

That looks retarded

This needs a continuation.

Attached: IMG_0511.png (965x1820, 284K)

Attached: IMG_0780.png (900x1200, 266K)

Eris' design got so fucked up in the later seasons.

Attached: IMG_0826.png (620x1368, 401K)

Attached: IMG_0827.png (1370x3000, 926K)

I don't see anything. Why would you post blank images?

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Attached: IMG_0910.gif (720x724, 2.7M)

Meh, she's always hot to me no matter her particular look.

Attached: Vlcsnap-2012-03-28-09h49m09s95.png (512x384, 165K)

Stop posting trash

Attached: 1438551690176.jpg (677x426, 51K)

Attached: IMG_0976.png (865x1190, 215K)

>posts THAT instead
Speak for yourself, pedro

Attached: IMG_1621.png (573x914, 205K)

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Attached: IMG_1710.jpg (1671x2287, 357K)

Fucking lol thank you so much for posting this LOL

Attached: 1549582550459.jpg (841x640, 94K)


Attached: 1508454237641.png (800x733, 391K)


Now that's just sad.

Attached: IMG_1733.jpg (829x1000, 163K)

Wow, the first random mention of this show I've ever seen and it's softcore R34 shit.

Serious question, are you genuinely mad he posted that? Was that the first time seeing that spoiler?

Attached: 200% ASS.png (316x650, 421K)


whats it from

Was flavor of the month here in like 2012. Lost media until last year.

Attached: IMG_1776.jpg (765x990, 275K)


Attached: IMG_1848.jpg (1280x1263, 793K)

Attached: buttpossible_edit2.jpg (1116x945, 86K)

Attached: 53693000_296869231009912_7854706556866832097_n.jpg (1080x744, 98K)

This is Scarjo on the set of Avengers. Technically Yea Forums but if it gets deleted I won't be upset.

Attached: ScarJo.jpg (1597x2400, 472K)

>he doesn’t like lord altros

I want giant ass Kim bullying Bonnie

But if it's cheesecake, why bother?

this is safe for work. a thread with non-nude pics like this would probably be deleted on /aco/

>thick butts
If you think all women need to be sticks with small boobs attached and that big asses and thick thighs are "fat", then you are sorely mistaken.

I'm convinced that anyone who thinks a girl having some meat is a bad thing is unironically in the closet. There is a world of difference between a fat ass and being obese.

Attached: 1554163727391.png (700x1150, 512K)

what if I like them big user?

Attached: file.png (800x800, 134K)

Yeah it's fat, but you're a disgusting scat obsessed assfag so anything buttcheek smaller than a basketball is a stick

Okay, why is it that you think big asses are "fat", despite the fact that the girls posted here don't have disgusting-looking guts and way too chunky arms? Have you even seen a woman in your life?

Heart disease and diabetes are bad things, user.

Fuck janny

Did you not read a word I just said?

That's what you get when you wear SmartyMart jeans instead of Club Banana.

>W-waah! Yea Forums won't comform to my standards! I know, I'll force them to think in the way that I do!
Not everyone has the same opinion as you, stickfag.

It's from a Kids WB show called Detention.

Yeah, and the lardasses you fap to have diabetes. Just because it's all in their ass or stomach doesn't mean it's healthy.

Attached: 7b26dcb71123483c14c4c6c2ce1ffdcf.gif (560x560, 224K)

I'm not obsessed with scat. I actually think it's disgusting and repulsive.

Attached: tumblr_inline_pe4eerzWOi1s5cszy.png (824x1080, 149K)

Yeah okay, Ireland

Ass is magic

Attached: IMG_1782.png (376x700, 92K)

seething samefag
have a (you)

Attached: DHdCpHQXgAEPol0.jpg (1268x2048, 196K)

Attached: IMG_1845.jpg (850x606, 111K)


Attached: IMG_1847.png (1199x1950, 768K)

Attached: IMG_1877.jpg (1191x1252, 300K)

>half of the comments are apart of a single reply chain
the intelligence of fartsniffers

You guys know that one of the animators working on this scene said he purposely made her ass really fuckin’ big?

I don’t have the screenshots but perhaps someone does.

Tight ass can be fun too!

Attached: IMG_0375.png (963x1300, 894K)

why don't you go back to your boards user?

Attached: 4_by_blushmallett-dcbgg98 - Copy - Copy.png (500x666, 190K)

Yeah of course I know that, I come here a lot.

Attached: IMG_1011.jpg (1010x712, 118K)

Attached: ad2670048a6e3040be36f3b0c27777baca04dd88.png (1563x2000, 924K)

Attached: IMG_1016.png (2000x2000, 1.4M)

This is the ass fetish thread, not the inflation fag thread.
You don't like big butts, proportional or extra thicc. OP's image looks like she's wearing quadruple absorption adult diapers containing more crap than a constipated Clydesdale.

Attached: Leela's butt.png (443x594, 143K)

>Comically huge tits
Ew. This would be fine with b cups.


Attached: IMG_1100.png (1662x1600, 1.13M)

source link

Whatever gets you off bro.

Balloon titties are nice!

Attached: IMG_1109.png (1366x768, 888K)

>thinks faggots also haven't fallen for the "thicc" meme
the intelligence of fartsniffers

Starting to run low on worksafe, Yea Forums relevant asses

Attached: IMG_1644.png (955x1333, 731K)

>Waaah, waaaah!

I'm obsessed with ass and I'm not in any way a brapfag.

Attached: IMG_1645.jpg (1017x786, 126K)

These aren't even worksafe. Just stop dude. You don't need to toe the line with this stuff.

Yea Forums is at its best when we're sitting together drooling over lewds.

Attached: 1518396667585.png (1280x1552, 643K)

keep crying

Attached: 1553735759064.png (3000x3000, 774K)

No puss no nips no asshole no problem.

Attached: IMG_1702.jpg (1400x1019, 201K)

Cheesecake threads are always the best

Attached: IMG_1736.jpg (1400x1517, 131K)

Attached: IMG_1721.jpg (1276x1293, 178K)

She was from a pixar short

Attached: sisters being pals.png (1200x1200, 521K)

You're by definition a brapfag since your obsessed with the part of the body where shit comes out of.

t. Brie "the narcissist" Larson

And the fucks have dropped to zero.

I prefer this one

Attached: IMG_1022.png (1467x921, 3.39M)

but its fine to show male nipples

No, Inner Workings is a Disney Feature Animation short and played in front of Moana.

Attached: 1479769196520.jpg (937x1350, 925K)

LQ ass

Attached: petit paul.jpg (745x518, 41K)

Attached: the mental discharge.jpg (1424x2088, 527K)

This website is for those 18 and older, you might want to come back after puberty.

Attached: IMG_1893.png (2033x1400, 1.29M)

Attached: IMG_1743.jpg (1200x1200, 678K)

Attached: You're welcome.png (352x656, 238K)

Attached: IMG_1804.jpg (1280x907, 108K)

>"mmm yeah I want lick suck and fuck that ass"
>"ew don't remind me that poop exists"


Last one from me so the rest of the thread isn't RRR spam.

Attached: IMG_1802.jpg (1280x1823, 194K)

Who are you quoting?


dose anyone have the pics of the cosplayers doing the ravenravenraven pics

Prepubescent and illiterate. That's a rough combo, buddy. I'd give you some advice but you'd probably not get much out of it since you can't read so well.

Attached: tumblr_inline_ouyjikc1zW1r3wwhp_raw.png (1334x1691, 299K)

>Zuko bigger thant Sokka
Objectively false

/aco/ is literally, objectively superior for threads like this. Here's why.
These threads are almost always filled with reposts of the exact same images every time they're made. This is due to the fact that Yea Forums is a work safe board with it's subject matter restricted to just comics and cartoons, as a result, the variety pool of images that are allowed to be posted is quite shallow. Whereas on /aco/, you have the ability to post both SFW & NSFW images, furthermore /aco/ allows images of subject material from a wider variety of different media so long as they are of Western origin, this includes comics and cartoons, video games, original characters, etc. This allows things to stay more fresh and therefore more enjoyable.
/aco/ was also made for this exact purpose in the first place, so both Yea Forums and /aco/ would be better off if you made these threads there instead of here.


That's a lot of words for a thread you don't like. I prefer Yea Forums's immediacy and the fact that it's only softcore. We have no /e/ equivalent for western stuff.

Cartoon girls are sexy, there is nothing wrong with posting sexy cartoon girls.

Destroy that boy for killing the thicc

the turdeater is upset

>/aco/ is literally, objectively superior

Stopped reading right there.

Attached: IMG_1624.jpg (1200x974, 538K)

This denial is great.

Attached: IMG_1810.jpg (1280x1181, 68K)

Based and dedpilled.

If you're going to resort to such a low effort strawman argument, you might as well just admit defeat.
>I prefer Yea Forums's immediacy and the fact that it's only softcore. We have no /e/ equivalent for western stuff
Did you not read my entire post? You are allowed to post only softcover material on /aco/. Just point it out in the thread's OP. If people try to derail it with other images, report them for trolling.
As for the immediacy issue, that could be fixed if everyone went to /aco/ if they want to get their rocks off.

You know Butt character doesn't get enough love?

Attached: Well rounded character.jpg (389x679, 212K)

Attached: titanseastspecial01-28.jpg (663x1023, 226K)

No I didn't, because I don't really care what you have to say. I will continue to post cute Yea Forums girls here forever, and you're going to have to accept that.

Attached: IMG_1805.jpg (825x1400, 91K)

Time to post canon comic ass.

Attached: 1513457343894.jpg (838x1345, 398K)

Attached: Ice ass Tora.jpg (936x462, 480K)

Attached: That ass is fire.jpg (480x626, 322K)


Attached: 1422522418150.jpg (1988x3056, 1.33M)

Attached: 20180924_150623.jpg (800x916, 462K)

Attached: 2928379%20-%20Becky_MacIntyre%20Chillguy%20Dina_Sarazu%20Dina_Saruyama%20Dumbing_of_Age%20it%27s_wal (2400x3000, 567K)

Attached: RCO050.jpg (1024x1517, 466K)

Cloth draping over ass is amazing. Leaves something to the imagination.

Attached: IMG_1809.jpg (1205x3400, 467K)

God I wish that was me.

Attached: RCO033.jpg (1016x1600, 539K)

Haha too much for me but you do you user. Always was more tolerant of wacky proportions than most, but the appeal of hyper eludes me.

Attached: RCO023 (1).jpg (1332x2048, 564K)

>the appeal of hyper eludes me
it's just 乇乂丅尺卂 丅卄工匚匚

Attached: RCO022 (1) (1).jpg (1041x1600, 392K)

Look at that weak-ass, non-smeared jump. I never realized before how badly animated this was. And this is Freddy fucking Moore directing!


You just know Zatanna got that ass.

Attached: RCO017_1464680840.jpg (956x1524, 662K)

Attached: Gogo BE.webm (640x360, 563K)

Attached: RCO017 (4).jpg (1041x1600, 473K)

Smears were more of a WB thing at the time since they animated faster than the Disney guys

/aco/ was and was always going to be western /d/. I don't know what any of you expected.

Some classic canon comic ass.

Attached: RCO016_1468483936.jpg (926x1404, 261K)

Attached: RCO015_1490200924.jpg (3975x3056, 3.23M)

Back then smears were seen as cheap tricks and not a tool to make better cartoons.

Also, it's a wartime toon what do you want?

Thank you based comic assposter. I'm pretty much a cartoon-only but a cute girl is a cute girl.

Is this racist? Or is it race-ASS?

Attached: RCO015_1469204274.jpg (968x1438, 539K)

>Wade I'm trying to sneak around but I'm dummy thicc and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting Shego.

Welp, guess im following this artist now.

It's Dumb Bunny from the Inferior five, a parody superhero comic created by Edward Nelson Birdwell and Joe Orlando. Think Early Mad comics.

Attached: RCO008.jpg (1016x1492, 461K)

Attached: RCO006_1468911687.jpg (1200x1846, 389K)

Attached: 1554145254720.jpg (282x524, 41K)

Good, I'm balls deep with DC comics and was wondering when a marvelfag would show up.
>that one page where Carol Danvers booty was empirically categorized as insane

Attached: RCO010_1468984275.jpg (1008x1600, 466K)

Attached: RCO022_1466355861.jpg (800x1278, 211K)

based jinu

Well to be honest, I just love ass...And big tits
There, have some Peegee

Attached: Page 014 (2).jpg (855x841, 226K)

1 step below inflation porn. Disgusting.

Attached: 1463597625773.jpg (1988x3056, 2.04M)

Did Livewire turn into Shazam?

Oh I'm not complaining about it.

Attached: 1418994912188.jpg (1561x1832, 1.56M)

Just how big of an Ass is "too big"?

Attached: Rita Punishes her daughters.png (3000x2500, 3.41M)

Really not that bad at all. Bubbly, sure, but not that big. Unless their other stuff is bigger.

It's a long story but basically it's just a recharge for her.

Attached: RCO020_1466355861.jpg (800x1278, 200K)

Attached: 6D077605-B6EB-40B0-9636-8833187E6F9A.png (2400x3000, 2.42M)

Trust me, if this is the only pic of his you've seen; it gets worse.

Uh, is it wrong that I find them kinda cute together?

Attached: 2c147f43-84cc-4429-bdca-ad9c07d21ffc.png (499x574, 517K)

Attached: Wonder Woman cosplayer who's being spammed on this board as a means of spoiling Endgame.png (245x245, 44K)

Attached: 1491766895481.gif (360x270, 1.5M)

Attached: 1476875689959.gif (300x225, 1.67M)

Totally natural.

Attached: RCO007 (3).jpg (1600x1230, 795K)

Thicc Alien Greys.

Attached: CFB1350E-C751-4DF6-A714-E90DAC5C898B.png (2070x2300, 1.13M)

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Attached: datass webm.webm (1208x666, 1.51M)

Attached: pecos bill spank.webm (544x400, 400K)

Here user, have that in slightly better quality.

Attached: Kick Buttowski Not Without My Cere.webm (1920x1080, 582K)

Attached: Symbiotic Titan_booty.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

Attached: 1458651045163.png (347x368, 223K)

Attached: F0A9E46B-E24F-47EF-8977-0A9D3B8477C0.png (1800x2894, 1.9M)

Attached: 1457462236462.jpg (1136x640, 98K)

Attached: Mrs. Incredible.webm (1920x816, 699K)

Attached: aimimg_4v.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

ill never understand how they got away with it

Somebody dropped the ball or something. I think it was that weird time that twerking started to creep into normalfagdom and some perv animator convinced a fossil upstairs that it's the new hip thing and not seen as THAT sexual. That's my running theory anyway.

id go to jail for a year just to bury my nose in her ass for 15 full seconds.

Attached: 1503542127954.png (548x650, 66K)

It's not even good.

I find it actually very surprising that some fanatic has recreated this scene exact but with an extention where she bends over and peels her bottom tiights off. Spreading her cheeks and admiring herself. I mean it's not like this is a real actress or anything.

I agree. It's beyond great. Those particular pants. Dat ass. A full day of acting. Get out of my dreams and on to my face.


t. self inserter

>I find it actually very surprising that some fanatic has recreated this scene exact

sorry typo



Attached: 9D8CA655-FE33-45A9-94E3-BD3F1A0BCD41.jpg (691x565, 129K)


Attached: 1555729621210.jpg (1242x929, 595K)

Ohh helloo Yea Forums! I am on the back of the cheesecake yes?

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 44K)

Attached: flytales datass.jpg (1193x876, 142K)

Better version

Attached: 1556044893913.jpg (509x501, 32K)

I love that they know
don't forget my queen Elsa.

Attached: Olaf.em.uma.nova.aventura.congelante.2017.1080p.WEB-DL.6CH.h264.DUAL-WWW.BLUDV.COM.mkv_snapshot_19.4 (1920x1080, 928K)

You know, now that your edit has tricked my monkeybrain into not throwing up the natural homosexual disgust barrier, from an objective standpoint, Pete's got a pretty nice ass.

low test

You oughta be locked away for blueballing us like that

Attached: 445533222.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

God bless the French.

Attached: Agent Heather big butt.jpg (466x1039, 79K)

Are you the faggot who was pitching a bitch tent over on Yea Forums in that Rosalina thread?

t. 3000 lb legbeard

Going by the interviews, I'm going to have to press X to doubt.

Attached: Trudy booty.jpg (478x358, 31K)

Very true. It's not just the size, but the shape as well. A huge ass can be easily ruined if it looks lumpy like silly putty (and has a similar consistency), while the only real problem with a small/tight ass is that many often lack an appealing shape outside of when the girl is bent over.

Attached: Luanne ass shake.gif (640x480, 1.79M)

Fair enough. They might have pitched the scene as "she does the ass shake that all the kids are laughing and joking about", and the suits just shrugged and didn't remember this was fucking Genddy, the MASTER OF THICK THIGHS AND BIG ASSES

Attached: DzqUgQHXcAA688S.png (711x907, 208K)

Attached: Agent Heather follow.jpg (480x360, 17K)

t. Zuko

Attached: Agent Heather booty.jpg (790x964, 124K)

I kind of feel like there's a middle ground between these two that would be the best size. Of course, I also feel like a problem some people have with the original image is the lining on her pants, and how it it's kind of easy to get confused by her posture overall. Obviously, the anatomy is all over the place, what with the shaft neck and her upper body looking to be at a slight angle, but then her legs/pants seem very confusing because of the lines/creases for them.

Attached: April dance.gif (398x718, 3M)

i like this bit

Attached: eris.png (2560x1436, 3.35M)


What comic and which issue?

have sex

Blue Beetle 15

Attached: Blue Beetle 015 (2007) (digital-Empire) 018.jpg (1988x3056, 846K)

I really liked her newer design when she had billy's mom's hairstyle

I wonder if Enid's a virgin. An attractive adult weeaboo should be popular with the boys, but you never know.

Attached: Enid in a onesie.png (885x1500, 284K)

behold, the fourth worst image you will ever see!

Attached: thumb.jpg (428x600, 59K)

I like you user

Attached: dctoh7w-b839d7e9-e78e-47ae-a87d-6457e15a41ac.png (688x1389, 490K)

Because of the punch line. She is doing all that dancing and deducting so Octus would do her homework for her. She finishes dancing and handle out her paper expecting him to be so horny he would do anything but Octus says no in a indignant tone. Is suppose to be funny.

based /brap/poster

Relevant copypasta:

I still say that a big jiggly Jenny could have worked.
>Jenny, in her quest to be accepted and popular with humans at school, notices girls with certain assets receive more positive attention
>initial request tossed out because Nora can't see any improvement to function, and has seen how her previous indulgences of XJ-9 have backfired
>Jenny comes back with list of positives, leaving out her THOT motivations while citing improved capacity for rescue and cushioning impact
>Nora takes this to a natural extreme, Jenny winds up dummy thicc and spends the episode with ecchi-tier shenanigans
>Sheldon gets brain damage from his blood being directed to an erection rather than upstairs

Attached: 1550953380050.png (820x1200, 284K)

OG Gwen is best Gwen

>"one step below inflation porn"
Ironic considering he has done that sorta thing before (pic related).

Most of his recent art isn't that bad in my opinion tee-bee-h. What maked you hate his artwork though? Is it the facial reactions? Is it the situations? The shading?

Attached: commission__wonder_booty_by_grimphantom_d8k4m0n-pre.jpg (858x931, 80K)

Grimphantom's pretty fucking trash honestly. I can't respect any artists who panders to inflationfags.


Attached: HaydeeJenny.jpg (1590x1577, 509K)

I'm more concerned about how all his art descriptions sound like a middle school memer that just discovered boobs when he's in his late 30s or something.

I don't think Ron would have a problem with that

>Yea Forums is dying. People leave and there's no new blood to replace them. Because Yea Forums is synonymous with reactionaries. Hate to say it. But fox news killed 4channel. Slowly
Glad to know that this shithole is finally dying. Faggots on this shitty website deserve to be nuked.

Attached: Excellent.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Now THAT'S more like it.


Attached: ideal woman.jpg (1800x1800, 368K)

Attached: 1450976912400.jpg (1024x576, 48K)

>who is this 4-chan?


Attached: 05a721eb4c8acbaaf7ae0754c38e553dfa3d8c1e704a6d19e639a005cbaf8fda.jpg (625x468, 49K)

Attached: female predator4.jpg (752x1063, 167K)

Attached: batman.jpg (482x483, 39K)

Yes this please

Attached: 1465844237620.png (1999x2000, 260K)

Attached: 1548322823123.jpg (877x481, 89K)

>Kim Possible
>ass instead of navel

Cringe and blue pilled thread

Attached: 7BD06282-A0BF-4637-A27E-F0C5792CC3E9.jpg (583x824, 170K)

more thoses edits please

is this some last-century PSA against homosexuality or something

Attached: 1555588490538.png (496x501, 196K)

Just imagine how glorious the tan lines would be.

>calling Nu-Harley "Hot Stuff"
So she shot him in the face right?

If your upper torso doesn't look vestigial, your ass isn't big enough.

Now, I'm a guy with a shortstack fetish, but I don't think whoever drew this was trying to give her midget proportions on purpose.

am i the only one who thought her left leg was the bright patch of her pants and way smaller than her right one

I think this was the last issue of the STAS tie-in comic, too. Given how it ended up developing Livewire more than the show itself did, it's only fitting that she brings it to a close.

Someone just dox the janny already

If /pol/ could do it so can you

Attached: fucking moron.jpg (1248x979, 315K)

Attached: bigbritbooty_color_by_da_fuze_dd47pab-fullview.jpg (1280x1280, 125K)

>her ass crack is probably peeking out

Attached: 1520279566630.jpg (719x1089, 106K)

What are you trying to say?

jeez, who shit in your cereal?

>Yea Forums isn't filled to the brim with kiddies like Yea Forums and /pol/ are

Thank god.

There's GOT to be a bigger version of this.

Like I said before. Good, that means more room for me.

>Yea Forums is at its best when we're sitting together drooling over lewds.
it is depressingly sad how true this it.

It would actually be in character for B&M's Eris to fart is she caught you looking at her ass

Asians with booties aahahhh my weaknessss

Oh my god twerking rule 34 is my fetish and i never get to see any of it its so rare. I am going to furiously masterbate like a monkey now

Attached: 5DA5BAB4-0E86-4683-810F-412E19A6501C.png (500x384, 73K)

Female asses are a miracle of the universe. Fuck I love cartoon booty so much. I'm learning to draw specifically to express my love for it.

Attached: IMG_2064.png (944x1174, 497K)

Just call it booty shaking, that fucking fake word is just retarded.

Harder to search for with sites that have tags.

Have some official content then, on the chance you missed it.

Attached: 1481586996137.webm (504x282, 536K)

I wish a grill sould do that to me in real life weh

Alright ill call it shaking their ass while dancing ill call it that for you. Point is I have a freaking problem. I can fap to hentai/rule34 of that all day. Its a problem. But theres not enough of it. Theres only some art thats done by really quality artists. Most of the time on deviant they look like napkin doodles

>you will never see a well made Western cartoon featuring tween incestuous sexual bullying
Feels bad. Whatever happened to all of that "erosion of morals" and "sexual debauchery that's degrading our society" every moralfag that could get on TV was crying about in the 90?

Stop posting with a name, bro.

I have seen that a long time ago. That the problem. I desperately want new stuff done by good ass artists. I have a need to see cartoon females squad and shake their ass up and down with their hands on their thighs so i can masterbate furiously like a chimpanzee with no shame

Same. Whatever you call it, it makes me horned up like a motherfucker.

We can only hope the internet gets to it one day. If only amateur VAs willing to do porn were more prevalent , I think we would see more.

Really can't be that hard to search when booty or ass shake aren't that many letters.

Doesn't always come up with what I'm looking for, or it's not of a very good quality.

>implying VA's are a problem
You can literally get good voice acting for free (as in for praise and attention). Same for writing, writers would even pay to see their scripts animated, not the other way around. Obviously the problem is the time-consuming and skill-intensive and therefore expensive process of animation.

Ass shaking is two words so its not a tag. And when it is a tag its always naked and during sex. I like to see it without sex too or clothed and I like the position where they bend their knees and place their hands on their thighs while shaking that drives me off the walls and I only see that in the “twerking” tag

Loads of tags are two words

I keep finding the good art i specifically like in the twerk or twerking tag like this gem. Most of the time theyre having sex. I like it when the girl is in this pose. I swear most artist who draw in all these tags cant draw

Attached: 59FFE71D-860A-4BE4-B7F7-8C8343F7FA07.png (900x1047, 1.04M)

Plenty of the boorus use ass shake and have around 1000+ images from what I usually see.

What episode is this from?

/aco/ is shit.
literally in some threads.
Plus the retarded furry ban despite the fact that a fuckton of cartoon characters are animals

seems like the same stuff to me, only with completely banal images you could find in any comic or cartoon in addition to the grotesque monstrosities

>sir do you know how Shad you were going?

Attached: Shadman 6.gif (300x224, 884K)

>Literally has the artist's name in the image
>People STILL don't know what shadman's artstyle is

For me it's the loli ban that's entirely inconsistent. Some images of OS Gwen are deemed ok and some aren't as an example. /aco/ needs to drop that rule.

Furries are cancer

That's autism for you.

That's the litetal opposite of autism, getting details wrong. Call it retardation.

It is autism because the dumb fuckers have "trained" themselves to go apeshit over any artist who even scarcely resembles Shad.

Shad sucks so I don't see a problem with this

Kinda like how Yea Forums has trained itself to label anything incorrect as autism? Like being bothered by people laughing about artists who draw shitty porn of children's cartoon characters?

Attached: 1533691655141.jpg (994x1072, 297K)

Attached: 1543328497979.png (1600x2063, 544K)

Attached: 1543181482842.png (886x1500, 436K)

Attached: obW0H9Z.jpg (5000x6000, 2.24M)

Attached: tumblr_p0zfaixipz1wfihano8_raw.jpg (1000x1000, 242K)

Attached: tumblr_pcs5tsZjFn1sxr4x7o1_raw.png (1000x1000, 220K)

He's still not nearly as bad as people meme him into being.
That's hardly the case here. It's fucking retarded that people are so triggered and autistic over a fucking artist.

Would eat

Attached: Betty Boops Halloween Party.gif (640x469, 992K)

Attached: Kardashia-Kardashian_ass-so-fat.webm (1916x1076, 1.61M)

Attached: 1421479352076.gif (500x561, 972K)

Attached: Kardashia Kardashian.jpg (923x923, 322K)

Attached: Love's Rich Bounty.webm (320x240, 2M)

Attached: Tigress butt.png (1500x2160, 1.83M)

Attached: skadi-weather-butt.gif (255x335, 163K)

This is the cleanest source of the video I ever saw. The saturation's fucked though. I have this one but it's the wrong aspect ratio.

Attached: old ass animation.webm (340x232, 2.88M)

Attached: Batgirl takes out trash.png (1120x1072, 1.43M)

I petition to redefine Kansas's status as "flat as a pancake" to "flat as Brie Larson's ass"

Attached: Donna got back.png (512x384, 336K)

What is this from?

You'd better provide source.


Attached: bottom thread.png (250x100, 6K)

Not sure why, the design of the girl kind of reminds me of Cyber Six in a way.


I want to reincarnate as a woman's shapely ass.

Mind Control Manlet?

Weirdly had a thing for Donna

This is by owler. I thought we would talk about twerking instead of bitching about shadman for the millionth time

those side tie panties are always nice to see

Attached: azula.png (800x1200, 705K)

You just know...

Attached: buttpossible_edit3.jpg (1156x945, 85K)

Should have made a superior titty thread.

Attached: yay.png (571x321, 167K)

That's not weird at all, Donna always caught my eye too.

Attached: santa_yautja_03_by_theroyalpredator.jpg (900x1245, 219K)

She was hot, even if her personality was kind of shit and she might have had some odd kinks

Attached: bitch fight.jpg (520x555, 115K)

>wanting to vomit out shit everyday

Attached: buttpossible_edit4.jpg (1224x1000, 101K)

Attached: Kiva's ass.jpg (600x1360, 114K)


how about trying a different picture?

The clap of her butt cheeks will alert Draken at that size

Attached: Bad girl butts.png (1080x1080, 655K)

Attached: Dl84Xu2U0AA40nF.jpg (1423x2048, 170K)

Is this like some new Yea Forums thing that's spammed by one person again

Bat ass!

Attached: Carlos dat.jpg (249x167, 16K)

Spider-Man: Someone should stop this...

Attached: 1546130223664.png (550x1123, 284K)

Bastien Vives's works

Attached: vives-femme-30nl.jpg (1028x1453, 1.56M)

sure, but it's not exactly on-topic, nor good quality
it toes the line on way too many fronts desu

Attached: tumblr_inline_op1r00IJBZ1r3wwhp_raw.png (1002x1118, 454K)