>villain character is a mass murderer, is beloved and can get redeemed with no pushback
>character raped someone once, always brought up for no reason
Why is rape character poison while homocidal manics like the joker get a free pass?
Villain character is a mass murderer, is beloved and can get redeemed with no pushback
People relate better to rape victims than dead bodies
Well to be fair if the character is a maniac and suddenly isn't you can't really hold them to the same level of fault for the crime can you. It's even worse if they also feel sympathetic for the lives lost and guilty over the crimes committed. A rapist just wanted to bust a nut real bad kinda hard to feel for them.
rape is sexual torture. torture is extra evil, while murder might be justified.
>rape is sexual torture. torture is extra evil, while murder might be justified.
54% of women ejaculate during rape
This is fact, since this is the case then women must at least subconsciously enjoy the act.
What an awful example, Joker was never offered a place in the good guys team,Joker never canonically got the chance to be free from his accusations. The best offer he ever got was to live the rest of his life alone in an Arkham Asylum room.
If you want to give examples of people forgiven from all their crimes you could mention
>Lex Luthor
>Dr Doom
uh huh
For the same reason you can show front and center people being cleaved in half and their blood and innards spilling all over the floor, but the hint of cleavage is a big no-no.
So whats going on with this, are they really trying to censor the fan service on fucking mortal kombat?
Fuck off Yea Forums
if the people in charge of making the money thought removing the mortality and combat from mortal combat would earn them more money, they would do it.
Why are feminists such prudes? On fact why are they so fucking squeamish about anything violent or sexual at all?
>This is fact
>no source
No it ins't
Because fourth-wave feminism is a comfort club to soothe and prop up its members at the expense of anyone functional. No surprise it attracts the ugliest, most dysfunctional, most embittered specimens of women into its ranks, and these will want to gaslight society into thinking beauty is bad and being a fat dowdy spinster is attractive. Imagine a bizarro-world Yea Forums.
It's really hard to explain but murder while evil can still be considered "honorable" in most cultures if skewed enough.
Rape, in just about every culture is meant to emasculate and embarrass. It's purpose is to hold control over a person and "mark them". Because of that rape is considered dishonorable. It's even why its very common for real victims of rape to refuse to report it because they don't want others to know about the "dishonor".
my ass is bigger than hers and I'm not even a woman
>Because fourth-wave feminism is a comfort club to soothe and prop up its members at the expense of anyone functional. No surprise it attracts the ugliest, most dysfunctional, most embittered specimens of women into its ranks, and these will want to gaslight society into thinking beauty is bad and being a fat dowdy spinster is attractive. Imagine a bizarro-world Yea Forums.
Ive never heard it described that well before
>its very common for real victims of rape to refuse to report it
And it's funny how the exact opposite is also frequent.
Because they make teenage girls wet like nothing else
>an asian female being flat-assed
If anything, they made her way more on-model.
>rape makes teenage girls wet
Tell us something we dont know
Asians with big tits>asians with big ass
>be me
>aspiring writer
>check wattpad to see what other amateur writers like to write about
>99% of the site are self-insert erotic stories where the female MC is raped by an uber alpha werewolf chad
I can confirm this
those are even more uncommon
Their is a surprsing amount of bigfoot rape fanfiction out there
>54% of women ejaculate during rape
You mean squirting, I don't believe you.
What's worse is when they act like RACISM is a way worse crime than literal murder.
For some reason racism is the irredeemable crime that mass murdering villains look at and go "wtf dude".
>check out wattpad a few years ago when I was getting into writing to see if there was anything that would fit my niches
>it's all this horseshit
>could barely find any male users that weren't homosexual or openly transsexual
It's like there is no self awareness on there at all.
honestly it makes me more motivated to write something that subverts the tropes of the entire ABO genre. btw if you guys don't know what ABO is, this pandora box is not worth opening.
What does ABO mean?
alpha, beta and omega. Alphas are chads/stacies, betas are normalfags and omegas are submissive chicks/twinks. There are many digusting details about this genre that I'd rather not talk about.
>asian female
She's not even human.