
Season 2 later this week.

Pressing question going in: What exactly gave everyone the idea that Entrapta was dead? All they saw was her falling behind when the security doors were closing. Not that I'd entirely blame them for wanting to ditch her.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I like the show but the last thread worried me.

>The room she was in was immediately set aflame when the door closed.

>season 2 is so bad even the tumblr users hate it
Fucking perfect, thats what you deserve for coopting the original you lesbian faggots

I forgot who ditched her, but there was an attempt to bust open the door or try to go back and get her till some jackass said "no she's gone we can't get her"
that's why the villains seemed like better friends than the heroes

What happened was this.

The gang was running towards the outside but the robot Entrapta hacked got stuck on a cable so she went to get him. Everyone told her no, but she did it anyway.

The door closed on her when she went inside, the door closed behind her and it was immediately set aflame and another door closed after that.

Some of the original creators were lesbians. The lesbians didn't co-opt anything. People with this idea of making the next ATLA did.

>Some of the original creators were lesbians. The lesbians didn't co-opt anything. People with this idea of making the next ATLA did.
What are you on about? Of course tumblr coopted a show from the 80s they had no respect or knowledge of, to morph into their shitty slash fiction.

Entrapea did die in the show because faminins logic of thinking user.

Yes, user. Tumblr organised all of this. They planned it from the start and now they'll be coming for your hamburgers.

>not that I'd blame them for wanting to ditch her

You take that back.

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so will Catra finally rape Adora in this season? and will Scorpia rape Catra? will Mermista stop being a cunt after the rape? and will Seahawk be the best character again?

Season 2 isn't out yet.

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Saving this thread.

>not porn

The reviews are even attacking it. Its terrible even by dyke ra fans standards.

Lel, this is what you deserve

she sould've been a trap, why she's not a trap? damn cowards

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arent the reviewers "paid shills" or whatever you call them?

Only when it's convenient.

The second season is so bad it even disappointed the tumblrites and their expectations for it

I'm not surprised honestly, they broke S2 off at episode 7. Look at where that falls in S1, that's right before the Princess Prom. I'm sure S3 will have a front end more loaded with Catradora drama.

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>disappointed the tumblrites
I wouldnt pay attention to that, they lose their shit when a character is not gay enough, Tumblr outrage is not a reliable source. did they say anything about the plot?

Because they only want progressive points. No-one on board actually wants to make a progressive show, they're not Seth Mcfarlane.

The show is objectively horrible, but what im happy is now even the lesbo faggots that celebrated this stink pile are angry about it not fitting their expectations, its fucking karma for whats been done to the reboot.

If the original creators were involved in this remake. Dyke-ra would be DYKE-RA!

I mean... There's a sexy man in there. Does that count?

This is a very disturbed wamen.

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this is a boy in a wig and i will never not believe that.

I wish

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It's Sokka in a wig. Which means I now ship Callum and Adora.

Take it to the OTP threads!

>posting links to pictures about a showrunner's ideology is now deletion-worthy
Jesus Christ. Even links to porn usually don't get you banned or deleted. Mods are really riding Noelle's strapon I guess.

why was this post deleted?

But, I just came up with the ship and don't have any art commissioned yet. Also that'd be the crack ship thread not OTP thread.

not allowed to let people know what a shitty person the showrunner is.

Do it fag!

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My nigga, why do you care so much about what Noelle's like in her personal life? It has nothing to do with the show and frankly you look like a crazy person plotting a lynching.

This is peak autism

Alright, who'd you pick as artist for this piece?

are you defending Noelle on 2 threads? Nigga you're dedicated

That guy's probably confused as to what you're talking about. Real talk though, are you attacking Noelle on two threads? That's dedication! Dedication to being a creep.

*Cue scene of Wayne not speaking when confronted by his GF from Wayne's World 2*

nah, Im just watching. and you just comfirmed to me you're the same guy

The fact that she hates men is completely unrelated to the fact that the show has no likeable or sympathetic cis men?


Yeah, I believe you as much as you believe me.

Here's the archive for this thread. In case anyone gets curious.

The hair doesn't look natural, like a wig. I can't unsee Hank

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You've been trying to trash Noelle in two separate threads today? You're sick in the head.

Smug, brash asshole and barely in it.

again, just watching. thou I have no way to prove it

You're such a coward when more than one person is on your case.

why would I hide Im shit talking someone in an anonymous board you fucking retard?

Because you're a coward and cowards don't like being outnumbered.

the original show had plenty of likeable men. it promoted peace, love, and harmony between the genders. noelle stevenson think a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, and the show reflects that.

I said the same think when I tought it was just 1 you dumb fuck

well cause she's kind of a jerk who sells all her crap on things like female empowerment and love and friendship and gosh darn how we need that more than ever all while spewing the exact kind of hate she pretends to fight against. She's a bullshit artist

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Isn't this just the second half of the s1 production? Since it's 7 episodes. Netflix did some weird shit with labeling Voltron's seasons, too.

Sounds like it was originally 12 episode seasons, but they changed it to 7 so they would come out more frequently.

>Although Noelle Stevenson didn't grow up watching She-Ra, having been born some six years after it debuted

Who the fuck cares?

>Not that I'd entirely blame them for wanting to ditch her.
Fuck off, she's my tech queen.

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> Not that I'd entirely blame them for wanting to ditch her.

She's the only good character. Eat a cock, if you aren't already.

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I know right? You don't see fluff pieces like this about the spirit of Scooby-Doo every time that gets reworked

Either or, Netflix is absolutely fucky with the production of their animated shows.

No, I mean who the fuck cares that she wasn't born until after the original show premiered to the effect that they'd highlight it as if it's some smoking gun we're all supposed to hate her for?

I think that post in general was about the
>>female empowerment and love and friendship and gosh darn how we need that more than ever all while spewing the exact kind of hate she pretends to fight against.
as in all those texts that keep getting posted about all the men she hates.

I'm talking specifically about the quote that was outlined with a red box in the image attached

It also seems like she never actually saw the show until she took the job. I'd be a little suspect if someone decided to revamp Scooby Doo but was totally unfamiliar with it.

probably they promised to do 4 seasons, as stevenson has said as much. however once netflix saw what a huge flop this disgusting SJW trash was, they cut the 'seasons' to 7 episodes per piece instead of 13. sad!

Barneyfag right on time

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It's not like the show has deeper meaning or anything. You can probably just watch the first season to get a feel for what it is. Maybe an afternoon on the wiki. Also that Scooby Doo analogy is weird since every incarnation is tonally different.

>everyone i dont like is a barneyfag
Why are cancerous fandoms always on the look out for a scapegoat to project away their own cancerous behavior onto?

brought up Scooby-Doo.

And it still points to someone just taking a job without giving a shit about the property beforehand. To some people, it says that she wasn't interested in updating or refining something, she was just gonna slap the name on her own thing.

Everyone working on toy-cartoons in the 80s can be described as someone that did not give a shit about making something good and just collecting cash,

There's a reason why the only remotely decent one of those is Visionaries, which was made by a man purposefull taking the piss and going nuts because he realized his managers weren't paying attention. It was cynical slop.

and a lot of those are criticized as well. I don't get why Noelle is above criticism when Hanna-Barbera were heavily criticized and stuff like Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get a Clue! were trashed