Top 10 Big 2 (Marvel/DC) Comics

Post your favorite Big 2 comics:

>Saga of the Swamp Thing
>Crisis on Infinite Earths
>Enemy Ace (Bob Kanigher and Joe Kubert run)
>Ghost Rider: Trail of Tears
>John Constantine: Hellblazer (Dangerous Habits)
>Micronauts/ROM Spaceknight
>Moon Knight (Doug Moench/Bill Mantlo)
>The Dark Knight Returns
>Thor (Walt Simonson)
>The New Frontier

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Other urls found in this thread:


>>Moon Knight (Doug Moench/Bill Mantlo)
>Moon Knight
>Bill Mantlo

what the fuck

The Dark Knight Returns
Batman Year One
Frank Miller's Daredevil (I'm going to count all of it as "1 comic")
G.I. Joe (Marvel era of course)
pre-New 52 Superman
Roy Thomas' Conan
The Punisher (when it doesn't suck)
Steve Gerber's Foolkiller

deleted my original post because I didn't notice the "DC and Marvel only" part

And if I removed licensed stuff then it'd have Alan Moore's Swamp Thing and Doug Moench's Moon Knight in place of G.I. Joe and Conan.

1. Superman - Secret Identity
2. Batman - Year One
3. Daredevil - Born Again
4. Batman - Mad Love
5. Starman

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7. The Autobiography of Bruce Wayne
8. Grant Morrison's Batman
9. Steve Ditko's Spider-Man
10. Seven Soldiers of Victory

(I'd have put Top 10 in there if ABC books count, though)

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Have you read Gerber's Foolkiller miniseries?

Weapon X - Barry Windsor-Smith
Swamp Thing - Alan Moore, Bissette, Veitch, et al
Justice League - Giffen, DeMatteis, et al
Fantastic Four - Lee/Kirby
Thor - Simonson
Sandman - Gaiman et al
Shade the Changing Man - Milligan and Bachelo
Watchmen - Moore and Gibbons
Warlock - Starlin
New Gods - Kirby

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No, but I looked it up to see what it was about.

Why is he dressed like Chariot Requiem/Musketeer?

I'm currently reading Shade for the first time and really enjoying it. It's ripping off Swamp Thing a fair amount but I expected that.

Would DC's run of the Shadow count

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Foolkiller was a kind of one-off character in the 70s that was never really meant to be taken seriously. He had a comic-booky disintegrator raygun and he'd kill people that he thought were "fools". He eventually gets locked up in an asylum and basically isn't heard from again.

In 1990 Steve Gerber had the idea to introduce a new dude, one who was completely sane, who, after having the mother of all bad days and at the lowest point of his life, stumbles upon the old school Foolkiller's disintegrator raygun thingy and has this "I've got nothing to lose, I might as well try to make a difference in the world" moment. In short, he becomes the "new" Foolkiller.

It's basically the "what if superheroes were real?" kind of story that was en vogue at the time. But where it differs from Watchmen is that Watchmen was based on a lot of pop-psychology and assumptions (that were ultimately proven wrong) about the state of geopolitics. Foolkiller on the other hand assumes that you don't have to be crazy to be a superhero, but it'd destroy your life if you tried. It's also much more down to earth and doesn't have any "grand schemes", instead focusing on one man's self-destruction and the horrible costs of his impulsive decisions.

It is arguably Marvel's single most underrated comic, one of the great masterpieces of "serious" superhero fiction, and one of the few Marvel stories that ranks alongside DC's legendary cape stories like Moore's and Miller's and Morrison's, etc.

Try Moonshadow then, despite the fact that its only published in Marvel as a non-superhero. Pretty good.

Idk about it being Marvel's most underrated, but there's also still the stigma revolving around vigilantism and how it compares to Watchmen.

We see Rorscach just break into a house out of cathartic reasoning to do so. Yet, with Foolkiller, it's a power trip, but I wouldn't say that it's played straight.

But Moore is probably the only good one out of the three. Miller just wants money and Morrison is too weird that his stories turn over their heads more so than necessary.

i dont read marvel comics desu, i just stick with DC and pleb tier manga
>all star superman
>grant morrison doom patrol
>grant morrison JLA
>the dark knight returns
>kingdom come
>mister miracle
>alan moore and scott snydder swamp thing

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five from DC:
1. Hitman
2. Ostrander Suicide Squad
3. JSA by Geoff Johns
4. Mike Grell's Green Arrow
5. The Question O'Neil/Cowan

Top 5 from Marvel:
1. Ultimates 1 and 2 by Millar/Hitch
2. Hickman F4/FF
3. Priest's Black Panther
4. Thunderbolts by Parker
5. Journey into Mystery by Gillen

admittedly I'm not as familiar with Marvel's past as I am DC, so most of my choices are relatively new. I'm basically obsessed with 80s and 90s DC. They were at their apex.

>I'm basically obsessed with 80s and 90s DC. They were at their apex.

are you me?

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Kino taste, user.

JLA fucking rules. I tend to reread it when I'm down on the state of cape comics, like oh hey this shit can still be good.

grant morrisons JLA run and rock of ages in particular is the pinnacle of superhero comics inmho

the only thing i dont like is blue superman and harpoon hand aquaman but thats not grants fault

Kirby FF, Thor, Cap, Shield, Kamandi, Fourth world
Master of Kung Fu
Werewolf By Night
(Doug Moench is under appreciated)
Morrison’s DP

Simonson did better for Thor. Sterranko for Fury.

Werewolf By Night was where Moon Knight made his first appearance.

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Has anyone ever heard of Enemy Ace?

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I just read the silver age Neal Adams "Revenge Squad" comic that was the inspiration for those holograms from Rock of Ages. A couple of years ago I read Kirby's Super Powers and realized it was the inspo for the Darkseid future in Rock of Ages. I swear It's the gift that keeps on giving.

i made this in honor of rock of ages

I'll just list the potentially controversial ones and get it out of the way: Infinite Crisis and Cary Bates' Action Comics. I love the former in particular and Johns will always be good in my books for writing it, no matter how badly he butchers the New Gods.

Such good shit. My teeny tiny pet peeve is that Part One has a J'onn sequence that's a tie in to the 1998 Genesis event that's never paid off or acknowledged anywhere else. Just Grant being a good continuity sport.

Nice, I want this for a ringtone

its made up for by him shapeshifting his brain to match jokers

Fury sure; Thor, nope.
Moon Knight: Obviously.

Not that guy, but Simonson's Thor so totally outclasses every other run on the character that as far as I'm concerned the other runs might as well not exist.

Standalone stories:
DKR, Year One, Crisis, All-Star Superman, Kingdom Come, New Frontier, Marvels, Red Son, JLA/Avengers

Waid's Flash, Morrison's JLA, Miller's Daredevil, Simonson's Thor, Lee-Ditko-Romita's Spider-Man

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Yes, DC's war comics were the best thing they had going on in the silver age

And what about outside it? Enemy Ace had a run called War Idyll in the late 90s.

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Do you have one for Marvel. There's only the Doom and Strange story, but other than that, Marvel/s, Daredevil, and Avengers (and Moonshadow and Annihilation and Infinity Gauntlet and Iron Fist), basically zippo.\

Would really like to see Ghost Rider, Thor, and Moon Knight in action.

Trips of truth. War Idyll is one of those things that baffles you why it isn't better known.
Agreed. Once you get used to the repetition in the early stories, Enemy Ace is one of the best, most truly 'adult' things DC attempted back then. Even the stories with the costumed enemies were pretty good.

That said, don't expect to see him any time soon in this political climate. I'm honestly glad he wasn't in the Wonder Woman movie.

It's a bait chart.

The original Moon Knight volume is pretty great. Especially the issues where the artist really cuts loose and starts experimenting.

>Dark Knight Returns
>Silver age Superman
>Doom Patrol
>Seven Soldiers of Victory
>Howard the Duck
>Punisher Max
>Fury: My war gone by
>Unknown soldier by Dysart

>Kirby Thor
>Simonson Thor
>Bendis Daredevil
>New X-Men
>Brubaker Captain America
>Roy Thomas Savage Sword of Conan
>Jim Starlin Batman
>Morrison Batman
>All Star Superman

Off the top of my head

I love Gerber's Foolkiller miniseries! I always wondered if he had more or that was it. Didn't like that Bendis threw him in among the prisoners in New Avengers and had some kind of grudge against Spider-Man, that didn't make much sense to me.

Simonson's run is the the best but Kirby's is class and my favorite comic of the 60s

Not in order...

> Batwoman Elegy
> John's Aquaman
> Azzarello's Luther graphic novel
> Superman Red Son

> Silver Surfer Requiem
> Iron Man Haunted
> Hickman's Avengers, New Avengers, Avengers World & Infinity (minus the arc with the evil alternate Avengers)
> Hickman's Ultimates (minus the very end)
> Rick Remender's Uncanny X-Force
> Thor - God Butcher & God Bomb
> Thor - Disassembled

Non Big 2...
> Godzilla - The Half Century War
> The Wake

I love Kirby Thor so much, not even Vince Colletta can ruin it for me.

I was honestly kind of disappointed by Simonson's run. Most of it is drawn by Sal Buscema, who is fine but he's no Walt.

>dangerous habits
Horribly overrated story, Jenkins' and Delano's run are miles better

How is this bait, this chart literally has the best stuff I've ever read except for 2 or 3 I haven't read yet. It may be missing a few great comics but it's accurate.

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> The Spectre Vol. 3
>Jonah Hex. Vol. 2
>The Shadow Strikes
>Hellblazer: Dangerous Habits
>The Marvels Project
>Sub-Mariner Vol. 1
>Golden age Plastic Man (technically Quality Comics but whatever)
>Lucifer Vol. 1

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Yeah, wrong Buscema kills it for me.
When simonson fans talk about the run, I think they just ignore that part- as well they should.
I also feel like it just sputters in general after the ragnarock arc.
I sold my fist edition omni. Zero regrets.

only Chaykins

Kinda stupid of a reason to drop a comic because pencillers changed, don't you think?

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I mean, how drastic is the difference between Simonson and Buscema? In terms of plot, after the Ragnarok, how does the run up until #382 hold up?

The fabled stand at Gjallerbru, frog Thor and the fight against Jormungand are pretty amazing.

80s/90s DC is fucking incredible, my favorite comic publisher of all time.


Does the Fenris Wolf make an appearance in Simonson's run? Just checking.

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I still like Thor after Sal, but dropping a comic because an artist change isn't stupid at all. If I don't like how a comic looks I don't really give a shit if it's well written

Unless the change is drastic from Miller's Dark Knight Returns to Strikes Again..

Yes, user. I’m stupit. I hope you feel validated.

I don’t like it- but I respect your opinion and I’m legit glad you have comics you like so much. We need more of that.