I used to think my life was a tragedy, then I realized it's a comedy

I used to think my life was a tragedy, then I realized it's a comedy.

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>It ends up being a gorefest

This is unironically a great way to think about life. Don't feel sorry for yourself, stay upbeat!

user, that's not what it means when people are always laughing at you


If everyone is laughing then it means there is something to laugh about.

>Biggest flop of 2019

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It doesn't matter if it flops user, as long as we got a few good laughs out of it.

I love how these people can't spend 1 second without thinking about all of that.
like chill bro It's a capeshit movie lmao

Their just bitter at life.

Imagine being the sceeen writer. Wanting to make a movie in the vein of Taxi or Falling Down that examines our current society and how we treat the under privileged, only to have WB buy it for a few thousand bucks then slap Joker onto it and completely cheapen and misunderstand the original point your script was trying to make. WB is pretty fucking out of touch man.

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Still so serious user, your feel a lot better if you just sat back and laughed at the situation.

but i'm frank..

who are these oven dodgers?

is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?

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>It doesn't matter if it flops
I wish more people would take this tack. A good movie is a good movie, no matter how many fucksticks cheated themselves by missing it.

i used to think my life was a tragedy, then i realized its a porno

Isn’t that what they said about BvS?


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They were right.

I'm more than little worried we'll be getting another mass shooting during this film's theater run.

Who's more serious Frank or Bruce?

But I saw that movie, twice, and felt cheated out of my money, twice. That movie was a dumpster fire, and Joker doesn’t look like it’ll be any better.

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It can't floop. It has one of the smallest budgets on a superhero movie since the past two decades.
Even if it did Fanfourstic box office numbers, it would still make it's own budget x 3

Underrated post.

I'm seriously worried it'll go for the "13 Reasons Why suicide rate" epidemic. But far worse.

To be fair, I'm pretty sure everyone's life's a comedy to someone...

Anything that doesn't make a billion is a flop to company warfags.
Don't try and make sense of it

Just how fucking racist one person must be when you see a clown and talk about white skin behind the makeup.

I used to think they were only 13%, but it turns out it's 50%.

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>make a movie about a man battling serious depression and other mental illness
>people mock it and hate on it just because of the man's skin color
How is that not fucking racist, if it was done to a movie with a black dude everyone would be up in arms against posts like that.

American Psycho 2 all over again?

Um, sweaty, you can't be racist against white people.

Fuck off /pol/

t.Tom King

Villain movies never flops. Suicide Squad made alot of money without China.

(((Why))) indeed.


There's a school of thought among certain groups that you aren't allowed to have problems or that they aren't important if you're a member of a privileged group.

This trailer music was some fucking kino shit tho.

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1:15 gives me chills everytim without fail

>that last comment

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I don't get why people get triggered by villains and get angery at the actor for playing a villain. bruv

LiberAls are genuinely afraid of poor white people

This is why Republicans are gonna win again
Because leftists have alienated the entire white working class population
In this era where their is more class conssiouness they could have easily gotten the poor working class population on their side but they keep on shaming them and insulting them
And instead of seeing what their problem is they double down on talks of privelleg

This people aren't so different from trailer bullies. Picking up on a target that can't hit back, only for how it looks. Not knowing or wanting to hear real situation, but assuming it, and harassing in a way to fit their environment.
Gotham really needs Joker.

that seems a bit ironic to say on Yea Forums.

no they arent stop making up shit just because a few loud retards said stupid things

A few loud retards with POWER.

Nobody gives a shit about reasonable people with no power.

fat tumblr bitches with blue check marks do not count as people with power

can we... can we claim the clowns as "white face"?

Seeing as how everyone bows down to them whenever they utter a peep, they seem to have some.

Oh look twitter nobodies. Who cares?

>Forgetting Heckboy
Can't say I blame you

We laugh at comedic characters, not with them