Guys DC Universe Rebirth brought Wally back! I'm so happy he's around once more and I can't wait to see his adventures...

Guys DC Universe Rebirth brought Wally back! I'm so happy he's around once more and I can't wait to see his adventures to come, everything will be so much better from now on, nothing will ever ruin this!

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FUCK Wally and FUCK legacy characters!

What happened? :(

This but without one shred of irony. King did good.

Honestly? Who cares? I mean, granted, I haven't followed DC since the start of the New 52, but everything has become progressively edgier. This is nothing worse than what we saw pre-/during-Flashpoint under Johns.

You should expect your favorite character to be spat upon by now. And know that it won't really matter in a year anyways.

This guy is right, DC has always been shit, why people act like this is something new everytime?

Johns never did anything close to this bad, dude.

Johns entire career is filled with killing off C/D listers and making popular characters edgier

Johns started the trend of killing TT/Titans characters for shock value and derailed the cast of YJ.

Johns' career is also filled with bringing them back to life and writing very good comics that define certain franchises like JSA, Flash, and GL.

Though I guess you could say Superboy Prime was kind of like what's going on with Wally West here, it's just that Superboy Prime wasn't really a distinct entity from Superman until 1985 which was very brief, and then as Superboy Prime himself.

Have you read his stuff around Flash Rebirth? Rogue's Revenge and the short Flash run that acted as a prologue to Flashpoint were both incredibly edgy. He was killing babies and grandmothers for shock value.

Wally and Barry should be merged

Wally discharged speed force energy causing an explosion in a holodeck suite being operated by the Trinity under the guise of a mental hospital accidentall killing a dozen characters. He then proceeded to tamper with the the bodies to mutually frame Booster Gold and Harley Quinn while he made plans to kill himself in guilt.

Complete stupidity.

The "kill a bunch of characters" thing is just a Crisis trope. COIE and Zero Hour both did it. I guess Johns started it with Titans because that was all that was left to cull from the previous two events.

Superboy Prime was supposed to go villain at some point around COIE afair, they just delayed it.

Speed Force energy kills people? I've never seen the Flash's lightning that's always shooting off of him hurt anyone.

>Johns' career is also filled with bringing them back to life
He only brings the legacy characters he grew up with back. And then he kills the supporting cast for the sake of "character growth".

C'mon man, it's not hard to see why he's appealing. But he's part of the problem. It's the same golden boy syndrome Bendis had at Marvel a decade before Johns. Early stuff was great, but then you start to notice the weaknesses until they become glaring issues that you can no longer ignore.

I can accept character death in good stories. I prefer it when their deaths are meaningful parts of the story (like when Superboy/Conner died). HiC is different from that, though. It's like the polar opposite of having a reason for anything.

How about instead of grafting Wally's traits to Barry we just give Wally Barry's origin. Wally West is a better name because of alliterative appeal.

Or you know there's nothing wrong with just letting Wally be another super speedster. If we're really oh so concerned about multiple people called the flash, just bring back Wally's public ID and have him just be called Wally West.

Tell that to DC. and Tom King.

I had never heard about that before. As far as I know Superboy Prime was just created to have a Superboy stand-in during Crisis since they were retiring the character concept afterwards.

Wally can't be public when Barry and Iris are around. The entire point of Wally being a public hero was that everyone in his public life that he cared about were dead at that point (Iris and Barry) but now that they're back he has to have a secret identity. Otherwise people would put two and two together and realize that Barry is The Flash and Wallace is Kid Flash.

So, once again, Barry ruins things for Wally.

I'm foolishly waiting until the final issue to make a call. There's lots of opportunity to pull out of the tailspin. The time travel shit, the fact Wally has a villain whose gimmick is that he wants to make Wally's life horrible, Nemesis, whose deal is pretending to be other people showing up in Sanctuary. The fact Speed Force has never been shown to have a "living in a world of cardboard" effect on people. Why did Wally do this elaborate sting instead of just giving himself up to the trinity.

There's hope. There is always hope.

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Creator who kills your favorite characters in digital media doesn't like when you joke about killing him over digital media and cries to the internet police. Nerds HATE him!

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Rebirthfags are the worst because they ignore all the quality titles that are being put out today.
>dial H for hero
>freedom fighters
>Grant Morrison's green lanterns
>teen titans

>If we're really oh so concerned about multiple people called the flash
The people who can only handle ONE TRUE FLASH are the same people who are keeping Messner-Loebs sleeping out of his car and unable to find work.

Does death motive characters? Yes. Does it need to be the only method of motivating characters? No. Especially when it's done again and again. At that point, we should just call laziness laziness rather than trying to dress it up as anything different.

I'll concede there is logic in this. I really don't want Wally calling himself Dark Flash which would be the only remote, though highly shitty, reason for doing this to the character. They've killed his relation ship with Linda off panel, and all this other crap with flash war and HiC. Right now our best hope for wally is Manhattan fixes things and puts wally's life back in place along when the JSA and Legion are restored at the end of doomsday whenever that is.

>I really don't want Wally calling himself Dark Flash

great costume tho

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Isn't that Captain Canada? Or Guardian from Alpha Flight? Can't tell from the thumbnail.

Did they ever address how Dick ever got his secret ID back after Forever Evil or why nobody figured out Bruce Wayne is Batman after Bruce Wayne's former ward was revealed to be Nightwing AKA the first Robin?

>The people who can only handle ONE TRUE FLASH are the same people who are keeping Messner-Loebs sleeping out of his car and unable to find work.
Agreed. There's nothing wrong with Jay, Barry and Wally sharing the name.

I mean I'm hoping it's just a poorly executed set-up for Zolomon to come back, but we all know it's just King shitting all over Wally and the Flash family in general.

Wasn't there some sort of magic shenanigans involved in making everyone forget Dick's identity?

>we all know it's just King shitting all over Wally and the Flash family in general.
>we all know
That's a funny way of saying personal opinion.

He should try working customer service, death threats are daily and constant and you have to actually talk with them. Content creators can be pussies sometimes

Okay come back next month when it turns out I'm write and you can get butthurt about being wrong.

>writing very good comics
idk about that

DC needs to give Bill a job, like one of the Black Label prestige books or just an arc on any series

>There's nothing wrong with Jay, Barry and Wally sharing the name
There's especially when you have two people calling themselves the fastest man alive.

It was Spyral mind erasing technology last time I checked.

I listed them man. If you think his JSA and Flash are bad then you're dumb as rocks. I can see not liking parts of his GL but it's generally pretty good.

The only thing that might happen is they stop wally from dying, and they try to give him some sort of pick me up encouragement. Not sure what the fuck they could do for the later though.

Maybe they'll make him Spectre and have him fuck off for a decade and then do a redemption arc for nostalgia in 2029.

I really do not understand editorial's obsession with making everything dark, depressing, and faux-epic. Goodness forbid superheroes just fight crime for once.

Insisting they're can only be one flash is like insisting there can only be one Kryptonian. That lead down the path of Russian General Zods and shapeshifting protoplasm angel Supergirls. Fuck even if you erased Jay and white Wally you'd have black Wally and and like three Reverse Flashes. Theres nothing wrong with Jay and Wally.

Maybe because not everyone is you, ladderbro

I just searched his @ and scrolled down like 4-5 tims down and saw no death threats

They'd have been deleted by now. It was probably just a couple of them.

King's picking out the insipid posts to gain sympathy. Other creators have gotten far worse than him for really petty reasons. He's using it to defend himself from criticism and intentionally draw a parallel between people criticizing him and people threatening to kill him.

You wouldn't want to be like those death threat lobbing jerks, would you? Then don't criticize my work!

>King's picking out the insipid posts to gain sympathy
Just stop sending death threats user.

It's literally King making fake accounts to send threats to himself. He's that fucking crazy.

What happens when Wally's last good act is restoring more of the pre-New 52 universe? What if it's actually this that brings back the JSA/Legion, and not Doomsday Clock?

Has anyone considered that Wally (the fan-favorite) might sacrifice himself on the altar of some bigger autistic fan obsession?

He's probably sending them to himself to make himself look better. It's the hot thing to do these days.

There is no hope. King is pushing the story and he has a great deal of protection from editors. Worse, said editors will not interfere for the sake of the fans, since A. They think King is the bees knees and can do no wrong and B. They REALLY don't like Wally.

It's way more believable that some butthurt wallyfags sent him death threats over twitter than him faking death threats.

Part of the purpose of DC publishing Batman Eternal, was to unfuck Nightwing after Geoff Johns outed him.

Spyral had a machine that would erase peoples memories/warp reality and erase all evidence, from Forever Evil onward, that Dick was Nightwing. At the end of the event story, DC used the machine to reset shit for Dick so only the usual suspects knew he was Nightwing.

As for Lex, him knowing Bruce was Batman got dropped like a lot of Geoff's planned JLA stories when DCYou happened. However, IIRC he wasn't affected by the mind wipe machine but Snyder hasn't really done much with it in JLA since then.

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Yeah, see, that's a good comic page.

To be fair death threats on twitter are the more dangerous than anything King experienced while pushing papers in the military.

Oh my bad. Is this how people greet their bffs?

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At least he served. Really this is the exact attitude that makes me believe that Tom King really did get death threats from butthurt wallyfags.

Because we aren't sucking his cock for sitting at a desk while the rest of the military went oil hunting?

It's pretty complicated, yeah.

>signing up to kill poor brown kids deserves respect

Lol, "served." Trained counter insurgents to murder innocents. Great job.

CIA isn't the military. He didn't serve anymore than a public school janitor does.

Him flipping off Jordan, calling him a traitor, trying to kill him every time he came back, and being the instrument for Hal being manipulated by Parallax, then forming his own Corps to eradicate the Green Lanterns so he could control the entire universe is complicated? Seems pretty clear and cut to anyone with common sense that he's a piece of shit and Johns isn't very consistent with characterization. Almost as if he made some hokey, sentimental bs at the last second and people who've only ever read his run eat it up.

Well what are you doing with your life? Besides sending death threats to comic book writers?

Take your pills and go to bed, King.

Nice save wallyfag, you went from he's faking those death threat tweets to belittling his civil service career to the classic calling me the author you're whining about.


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Getting really butthurt because you're stuck in the military because you have no actual worthwhile skills, huh? Enjoy hitting an IED you hick.

That's an edge

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That's not exclusively Johns's fault

This dude is such a spineless pussy. Does he call the cops on people who yell in traffic? What a fucking clown.

List of innocent men, women, and children I have directly caused the unjust deaths of: 0

Already way ahead of Tom King.

Those idiots might be giving him death threats, but he's an actual murderer. Glass house.

Only tgl is good there, casual

>know that it won't really matter in a year anyways.
lmao, last time Wally was gone he was gone for half a decade

Funny thing about this is no one can find an example of the death threat tweets.

But every single writer on twitter has come out in defense of Tom King. It's no longer about his garbage comic and entirely about protecting Tom from horrible, mean, unfair comics fans.

Well executed false flag. You can tell this man was in the CIA.

>Funny thing about this is no one can find an example of the death threat tweets.
Well did you actually look?

Don't worry Yea Forums you can still have a Wally West, as luck would have it they introduced a new character named Wally West who has super speed what a coincidence haha isn't that great? No need to miss that last one. You aren't racists are you?

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Yeah. So did some other people wondering what was up.

I guess it's possible they all got took down super fast and Twitter was on their game but usually Twitter is shitty and slow about this stuff.

Honestly i've started to realize just how fake every 'death threat' creators receive are.

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>Yeah. So did some other people wondering what was up
Which already kinda shows your bias on it not being real doesn't it?
Because the idea that some angry wallyfag shot off an angry tweet at tom king will always be more infinitely believable than Tom King faking death tweets in an attempt to garner sympathy.

Tom King is a really depressed nutcase from the CIA. False flagging is real believable.

It's on the party making the claim to provide proof. King didn't even post the threat just a bullshit response.

Go to to bed Tom

I love this thread because there's one really angry kid who is a diehard King fan and thinks military service is the highest honor a man can achieve, and means said person can do or write no wrong. And that's just adorably precious.

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Scott Snyder is such a pushover. King himself is constantly humiliating Snyder both outside and inside the comics.

That’s definitely not true though, a lot of writers take a run and shit on Characters... Bendis on Iron Man for example he went into the run to purposely fuck over Tony to prop up RiRi

I ain't mad, and I grew up with Wally as the Flash. You know why? Because Wally has no place at DC when Barry is the Flash. You all saw how bad it was when they put him on Titans. Nobody was happy outside of the one story that gave people the feels.

don't send death threats what the fuck is wrong with people

>thinks military service is the highest honor a man can achieve

I'm a big kingfag and still thinking HiC is salvageable but this is hilarious

You damn well know Sinestro was having a boner during this. Not even joking, having Hal be the big bad that takes down the GL is probably the greatest thing for him. Knowing his pupil has done what he always wanted. And then Hal fucks with time and actually wins.

JSA was written by Goyer. Johns' Flash was worse than even Waid's, another shitty writer.

if you think his Flash is good then you're a Johnsfag and actually retarded

He's also super dumb because CIA is explicitly not military service.

Bruh if you're gonna start shitting on Waid and Johns Flash you might as well stop posting in cape threads. Probably just isn't your bag.

Maybe you should read good capeshit instead of hanging on to a couple of shitty fanboy writers.

I just can't figure out the target for this event. Wallyfags hate it, obviously. But people who don't know Wally very well or at all are going to read it and still hate it because it just doesn't make a lot of sense and is a mess overall. Seems like a really long event just to kill off a character.

There are people that will buy events if they think it has a major impact. This is just a maxi-series but it has implications of being an event and other comics reference it. People will buy stuff just because they think it's relevant.

>Target for events
It's the same every fucking time. Redditors and people with a single digit iq. Events are made specifically for retards.


>thinking this is the first time they do this

Welcome to this fanbase, i hope you'll grow up and drop your strawman, you seem to be pretty retarded.

Baron is better than both of those pansy ass balding fairies

Johns absolutely slaughtered C and D listers for the sake of shock value. But I can't help but respect the man for not killing Kyle Rayner despite everybody approving and even encouraging it because he didn't want to put Kyle fans through what he went through with Hal

Theres better more respectfull ways to write him out. Have him get back with Linda and have him lose his powers saving her from something. They go off to live a normal life together. There, Wally gets a happy ending and Barry is free of the "competition" Didio fears so much from Wally.

Actually some of us like black wally as a separate character from white wally because he's one of the few characters calling Barry out on his shit.

No, it's Dark Flash, Walter West, he is Wally from an alternate Earth, who was the main Flash for a little while after the Blue Cobalt saga.

>I'm foolishly waiting until the final issue to make a call.
I bet you are expecting the Trump presidency to have a brilliant and unifying final act, too.

King never served in the military. The CIA is a civilian organization.

They never should have brought White Wally back if this was all DC could think to do with the character.

This guy is so weak. Only weak writers will babble about this stupid shit. You"re good and confident about it or you're not.

>JSA was written by Goyer.
Yeah, I'm sure mr "Martian Manhunter is too weird for normies" Goyer was really involved in writing the fucking Justice Society.

Delay clock

>The CIA is a terrorist organization.
Fixed that for you

So, non-military. That doesn't really change my point that Tom King is not ex-military.

Are you retarded?

Goyer was only ever a co-writer, and given his general disdain over the more outlandish elements of superheroes, and how hard the JSA series leaned into those, it's easy to infer that his involvement was more on the "general ideas" level, with Johns doing most of the stuff that made the series stand out.

The series went to shit after Goyer left and Johns never wrote anything good after that. It's more than safe to say that Johns was riding on Goyer for that run.
Goyer joking about MMH doesn't have anything to do with anything.

>Know that nobody writes one of these things to shit on what you love
Tell that to John fucking Byrne

>His Wally run starts with Zoom killing the unborn kids of Wally
>His Barry's run starts by killing Barry's mom
>Gets rid of Wally West
Johnsfags are retarded, they applaud Johns in the same way someone cheers for his dog if he shat in the bed but then eats the turd.

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Lived that suit, such a waste for current wally to not use it. It's like when Dick was bitching about Batman's cape and people in the source was hyped thinking it would mena Dick would use a form of the batman beyond suit.

Please explain yourself.

Two terms.

No Geoff’s Wally run, starts with Wally trying to survive the Mirror world and having to team up with Captain Cold to survive, Zoom doesn’t appear until midway through. Geoff’s Run also ends on hugely positive note with Wally stopping Zoom and bringing his two unborn children back to life.

While he does write some edgy stuff, there is always an underline theme that things can and will get better, and that hope is a powerful thing

Booster Gold is a giant reset button.
He can undo all of this, with Back to the Future zaniness.

Remember, King's next project will be Booster Gold.

What DC stuff is even worth reading these days? Everything's either got Bendis taint all over it or is trying too hard to be edgy.

Rebirthfags can finally kill themselves. Jesus fuck were they super insufferable with their marvel bashing around this time. We had legit daily hate threads dedicated to everything marvel. Im glad shit has slightly calmed down now that DC has starting sniffing its own ass again.

Prieststroke's good whenever it's not crossing over with Teen Titans. Other than that, aside from the Super Sons mini, the whole line's a trash fire.

Yang's Terrifics, Lobdell's Red Hood, Russell's Wonder Twins
in their seasonal specials, they sometimes give Loveness a few pages
besides that, nothing

Fuck off Dan

Maybe you’re right, but at least complicated friendship between Hal and Sinestro made both better, and guys like you made them really really boring