Friendly reminder that this will be the biggest flop of 2019!

Friendly reminder that this will be the biggest flop of 2019!

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Nah, that was hellboy

>Nah, that was hellboy
Dream on incel.

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>make a movie intentionally flop so the news reports of its production staff murdering people are the real movie

Too real for you?


>sympathize with him
Isn't the existence of Batman as a hero literally premised around obliterating this dude repeatedly

Captain Marvel was the incel nazi propaganda film
Seething incel

> incel
its okay friend you can just call him a faggot, you won't be banned here

They want us to sympathize with a fucking WHITE MALE? Are you shitting me right now?

I don’t know who I hate more, the SJWs constantly posting INCEL or the /pol/tards with their clown Pepe memes.

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I'm not excited about the movie but I'll see it just to spite these guys.

Honk honk.

For pete’s sake, it’s a movie about the JOKER, why are retards acting like it’s some brainwashing machine to turn people into Nazis?

>listening to twitter
>using twitter
>thinking twitter is representative of the general public
>taking screenshots of twitter and posting them on Yea Forums
Please, if you do any of these things just end it now and do the world a favour.

>keyword searching "Joker" and "white" to manufacture outrage

This is an extremely low quality post

Pepe and Wojack were the worst things to ever happen to Yea Forums.

sure are alot of white people commenting on this, noticeably not a whole not of people of colour commenting on it

They're basically the same people.

>dc Incels are already crying

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Same reason we can't enjoy a Punisher show without someone trying to draw parallels to spree shooters or the alt-right.

It's like I'm really on tumblr!

Because they are retards, user.

Cry /pol/

Shut up, incel. Your insight is pathetic. Random tweets don't mean shit.

MCU faggots really like humiliating themselves with autistic threads like this. Already got BTFO 10 times this year. When will you learn?

Dumbo already happened. I guess Aladin might flop big too

so can we post porn on here, or will the feds shut it down?

>Aquaman will be a flop!!!
>Made a billion
>Uh, uh… Shazam will be a flop!!!
>Made back enough to warrant a sequel
>Joker will surely be a flop!

Haven’t you got tired of being wrong yet, Ladderfag?

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>Be dc

I was watch ellen because I'm an actual faggot & holy hell there is resting bitch face & then there is brie larson. She was daning with ellen & Scarlet Johansen & could not smile no wonder there was a fuss about her fucking smile.

>>Uh, uh… Shazam will be a flop!!!
It did. It didn’t even make a billion like captain marvel

Where that man of steel and Batman sequel? No wait. They flopped.

This isn't about white fragility, but it is about gripes with society. Unfortunately, if the smartest movie is made but with a minority, it becomes about that too but may receive praise for it and scorn from others who see it as glorifying thug culture or some shit. There really is this reflex people have with these sorts of movies that sort of acts as a Rorschach test, a category which ironically (intentionally), Rorschach the character falls into as well.

It’s like he lives in a society?


I know I’m not going, I don’t want some crazy guy to end up shooting me in the movie theater

No that would be verizon.

Haven't DC fans suffered enough

never mind you losers clearly haven't suffered nearly enough

it didn't even get to $400 million aka the official not flop number


>Literally afraid of fictional clowns that literally can't hurt you, because they don't exist.

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>t didn't even get to $400
Fucking pathetic

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>Incels still Butt hurt over captain marvel being popular
No no no no no

When did it become trendy to hate people for being white?

>even Twitter is pushing that "have sex" meme

Fuck off /pol/

>we live in a timeline where Cunt Danvers is more popular than Mar-Vell and Kamala Kahn

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>forgetting sonic

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>twatter screen shot thread via mobilefag with shitty Yea Forums poster memes.


I think a lot of people will see it just because they will be curious about what the fuck it turns out to be. I know I will and before the trailer I had no interest at all. Hell, even all the negative social media reaction is giving it free publicity, and there *will* be a lot of edgy fucks who identify with it enough to go see it. I'm predicting Nolan numbers.

Sonic will make more than Detective flopachu

>Aquaman will be a flop!!!
People were wrong.
>Uh, uh… Shazam will be a flop!!!
I saw a LOT more people saying Captain Marvel was going to be a flop and look where we are now.

>ask a harmless question with no undertones
>"You must be /pol/."


>I'm predicting Nolan numbers.
Flop movies that make a billion. Big fucking whoop

Kill him yourself you lazy retard.

Get punched /pol/

Impossible, the buzz is generally positive when looking at DP and-

Oh, now I see why Ryan wanted the role.

Go back to Yea Forums, Digifag

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bring on the age of the Dkino

Donkey Kong is getting a movie?

Whatever happened to DC is going bankrupt Ladderfag? And will you actually shoot up the DC office this time or just more words?

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>Retards post opinions online
I'm supposed to care why?

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Sounds better than literally anything else that is coming out in the near future.

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Digimon anime always been more popular

I... you do realise thats a contradiction? And a billion is in fact a big whoop? (And yes that goes for MCU movies too.)

thats not true if i go out and ask a rando whose the main character on pokemon , game or show, they'll say ash.

But he will be dressed as Batman.

I mean, you seek a better death than that?

It hasn't even been out for three weeks, misconceived afterbirth.

I'm not buying it. She is one of the least likable characters I have ever seen.

>Digimon anime always been more popular
user, what fantasy world do you live in?

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Dipshit, yesterday was that piece of shit's LAST fucking day to make any money.

>Having conversation with other employees about the upcoming Joker movie.
>They start spouting this incel shit
>Too autistic not to ask why they think that.
>"Well like, he's just some sad white guy."
>Again, too autistic to not point out that Phoenix's version is literally someone who got shit on his entire life, and it just broke him mentally.
>Point out that his race has nothing to do with it, and would they still think of this movie the same way if he were played by Idris Elba or somebody else?
>"Oh no, cause then there'd be racism and stuff."
>Just nodded because I'm not that fucking autistic to argue about race.

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>Dipshit, yesterday was that piece of shit's LAST fucking day to make any money.
Yes, and it made enough to justify the sequel and Black Adam solo movie

No, sweetie, just no
Who hurt you?
Have sex

>Digimon anime always been more popular
Bizzaro keep posting.

It's going to be slaughtered in the box office this weekend.

Almost no one is going to go see it while Endgame is in theaters.

But shazam is not a piece of shit like sjw marvel

>have sex
That meme is hardly new. Implying that they can't get sex has ALWAYS been the lazy go-to normalfag insult to nerds. It's just now the internet and Yea Forums is full of normalfags instead of nerds.

>Shazam finally getting the modern attention it deserves
>Gotham series ending on an extremely high note
>Swamp Thing show coming in May
>Doom Patrol still as kino as ever
>Flash still going strong, recently introduced Godspeed
>Stargirl is getting a show of her own
>Wonder Woman sequel, with Cheetah and (maybe?) the Soviets as the antagonists
>Joker and the planned Black Adam movie will usher in a new era of villains getting solo films
Yeah, I’m thinking DC is back.

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Maybe it's a sign that your views are not reflective of the society we live in.

>DisneyMoms preemptively try to tell critics sink the movie
yikes, dudes....take it easy.

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>implying we live in a society

Femanon here, seeing how this thread derailed can I ask something? How come being a slut is okay but being a virgin is not? However using the opposite is true too, people can be slutshamed and virgins be praised for not being a ratchet hoe.

It’s more because male virgins tend to be associated with anger at women because no women has had sex with them and if they had sex with women, they would stop hating.

>Maybe it's a sign that your views are not reflective of the society we live in.
It's like you don't understand the clownworld user. Maybe you shouldn't take things so seriously and just sit back and have a laugh.

mfw when Chris chan's master plan was correct

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