G.I. Joe: Sierra Muerte #3
G.I. Joe: Sierra Muerte #3
And that's that.
Download links are in the Win-O' Thread.
That cover is actually fucking awesome.
How many issues is this?
nice logic CC!
Solid cast of characters.
deadpool AND dragonball reference?
This was fun, hope he gets to that second mini with Serpentor and Cobra-La.
The random conversational dialog in this miniseries has been amusing, though a bit cartoonish. Which, I suppose, is fitting given the style of the comic, but at the same time maybe a LITTLE too self-aware. Not that I'm really complaining or anything.
>Snake Eyes is red
what the fuck?! lol!
>30 second rule
>Buy the exclusive variant fanboys!
Is storm shadow being truthful here or just an fucking with the commander?
Red Snake Eyes just looks weird, dude.
Does he have a fork in his back? What the fuck?
Sleeping Phoenix is from Hama's run, it's not new.
Refresh my memory? Did they capture Destro and Baroness in the last issue? And how?
Janyne? the model lady and another dude attacked Destro and Baroness and Destro's armband gun thing malfunctioned and fucked him up and the joes said they'd save him if they both came in
what the fuck?
>water slide
That sounds really cool. I'll definitely be looking forward to that miniseries if it ever comes out.
Wait, how did I miss this? I check for storytimes every Wendnesday and this is the first I've seen this.
I got really excited for a second because I thought it was Larry Hama.
Legitimately did not see that coming!
Why the fuck did she throw them out?
She already said it. She wanted a clean slate(cobra free life)
>he just has the flu
what the fuck lol
That's retarded though.
It's actually probably one of the best non-Hama G.I. Joe comics.
It's easier to hide if you don't have stuff to take with you. Even if they convert all the assets into cash, someone from cobra will just keep going after them.
Some stuff is just too much of a hassle to bother with.
So is this over? As in the entire miniseries was only ever meant to be 3 issues?
how well did it do financially speaking?
There's no point in it. Why the fuck would they not want to be connected to Cobra? They never had a problem with it in the past.
any links to previous storytimes?