Amazing Spider-Man #20

Amazing Spider-Man #20

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Thanks for the storytime!

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I hope you all have an amazing day.

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this is become a chore to read.

Ah, man, his chip is gonna break and lose control again.

You don’t think he’ll pull another SHED again with Billy?

called it

Ah, I see this guy subscribes to the Batman Returns school of villainy.

Well that's pretty edgy.

I like Black Cat being a parental figure.

Was there a letters page OP?

Thanks for the storytime! I'm enjoying this arc a lot.

I actually really like Ramos' art on this series. He has gotten so much better since the 90s and 00s. I think he is actually really good at this now.

There was this.

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What the fuck lil Kraven.

Well bummer, thanks awayway OP

Poor Black Ant. I hope he and Taskmaster can reconcile after all this.

Everyone saw that coming, but okay.
Doesn that mean Spidey inadvertently killed a dude last issue?

He has vastly improved.

Probably not a good idea to tell the bloodthirsty hunter about the chip that stops you from being a more challenging opponent.

Lizard/Conner is either going to go berserk and kill/eat either Kraven or Kraven’s son.


>Kraven's Last Clone Saga

Thanks for the storytime.


Man, I love how Specer writes villains

This one is a really good page, now I feel bad for this idiot...

No black ant stopped him before he did something he'd regret

Billy will kill Kraven jr, you will see... it's pretty obvious, Lizard can't do shit, Billy will lose control and kill him, then he will run away.

Oh yeah. I forgot he stopped.
He still hurt the guy badly though.

thank you, user
I hope you weren't bored as I am
This is the worst Spider-Man series right now. Superior, Miles Morales, Friendly Neighborhood and Life Story are way better
Only the Superior Foes parts are worth reading

It’s forgivable since Peter didn’t know.

>Spider-Man comic ranking
Life Story
Friendly Neighborhood

The event turned out to be underwhelming. Specially because it feel like it's dragging.
4 issues of contemplative Kraven looking at the horizon going "it's not time yet, but they will see...." and barely any action even though the set piece is "army of VR rovots vs all animal villakns together.
Spencer has been building up to it since the start but it seems like he's afraid to move it forward now.

Nice one, Connors.

This is how it begins

no bully lizard

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I'm liking friendly neighborhood so far though I don't understand the hate or low sales

Poor Edward. Kraven really screwed him over when he dragged him into one of best remembered and beloved Spidey stories.
Now he'll never find peace.

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I'm liking it too.
Maybe it's the humor? I don't find Peter out of character there but I guess he's a little too quippy?

People kept screeching SJW during the first arc but I never got that vibe. I've been picking that up and I just start buying amazing. I was hoping to just get the trades but my LCS never seems to have them

I'd go
Life story
Friendly Neighborhood
infinity lower
Ghost spider

when are we getting a mini about Mayday getting her dad back? She is everything Marvel wants right now and could easily work alongside Miles as spider-man why are they so obstinate about it?

Felicia goes baby crazy when?

dear god imagine the cleavage man!

>why are they so obstinate about it?
Because if you give people a good Spider-Woman it will make their pet Gwen look like the shit she is.

they burned the spider woman name to many times I wonder what maydays name should be? Spinnerette would've worked but that's already been used,

She's the one who earned it.

You ain't wrong but it doesn't sound great to say, or maybe I've just been burned by so many bad spider- women in the past

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Does Marvel remember Black Ant is an LMD? I feel like they don't.

is he a regular LMD or is he one of those special ones that fury used to use?

I'm not the only one who realized they printed this page with the artist's original drawing page unedited right?

It seems like one of those things that's just been dropped because it was dumb.

I thought Gwen was Ghost Spider now?

According to a bunch of people there was supposed to be this arc that ended with the original O'Grady brain in the LMD body but the book got cut short so it didn't make it in so a bunch of writers just treat him like that happened off screen.

I know a lot of people don't like him, but I've read SO many issues of Spider-Man drawn by Ramos, and I really like his style, that it's gotten to the point where he's my definitive Spidey artist.

Nobody will ever call her that

Ive been having fun with Spencer's run thus far

I'm not a fan of superior to be honest so I found this pretty alright the others are better though.

Not him, but I kind of liked that name though. Better than another Spider-Woman or Spider-Gwen.

Marvel fucking hates Mayday because A. she's stuck in a parallel earth and Quesada and company have explicitly stated they want Spider-Girl to be set in the present dag main Marvel Universe and B. She's a living reminder of the Spider-Marriage.

Hell, if they could, they'd probably rebrand Spider-Gwen Spider-Girl if they could.

Is that why Renew your vows was set in such an odd continuity? where no one really aged? Why can't we just have that for may? The only thing needed for her is a dead aunt may and you can just age everyone up a bit

Right. Im not gonna say anything about Renew because some people seem to like it but there's no reason Annie couldn't have just been May.

I enjoyed it for the most part but I would've preferred another mayday series. Though the idea of a younger spider girl did work well imo, its just the time skip fucked it

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I just find it a little depressing that for whatever heroine marvel wants to push, spider or otherwise, Mayday is still the only one who carried a series to 100 issues, with no events and not even all that many crossovers. It didn't just get to 100 and stop there either, I forget the later issue count but she had to have hit 125 easy.

That might explains it


Fuck Stan Lee

Yikes, Felicia looks awful in the second panel.

Kraven's face looks off model in the fifth panel.


She does got a rather rodent look about her

Fucking loving this run, holy shit

There were 30 issues of Amazing Spider-Girl, 11 issues of Spectacular Spider-Girl, and the one-shot Spider-Girl: The End.

>but there's no reason Annie couldn't have just been May.

I think it's just so Slott can get the credit for creating that version of the character

This hurts.

Life Story started out good, but dropped the ball hard with the #2. Why have Peter marry Gwen if she's just going to die like that?

Miles is only slightly better than Bendis' run, but nothing special.

Don't care about Superior Spider-Ock.

Friendly Neighborhood and Amazing are great 'cause they're written by people who actually care about Spider-Man.

Her dad's alive so she should go back to being called Spider-Girl.

142 issues then.

>Puddy Cat
It was eons since I heard that.

Connors will end up controlling the lizard, or he will accept what he is and become one new lizard, thus achieving control and beating lil Kraven to the death

Sergei is probably happy that his son tuned out to be weak

Yup Marvels most successful heroin and they just bury her because Queseda had something against women and happy marriages. I bet if Reed and Sue weren't so iconic he would've had them divorce as well

Annie's a totally different character from Mayday though. Like her entire personality is different. Not that we're ever going to see her again for the same reasons Marvel likes to try and shove Mayday to the side.

Anything is better than using the fan nickname as anything official but there is nothing wrong with calling her Spider-Woman especially in a universe where she’s the only spider character and thus has no reason to come up with a derivative name

Thank you OP

It’s not a fan nickname though it was the official name of her book for years

>Miles better

Yeah in bizzaro world. Idk what it is but miles cant carry anything. Coming to 616 was a mistake.

I love the Spider-Marriage. Both Slott, then Conway/Stegman/Houser's RYV only provided about half of what I wanted from the potential of the series.

Still collected the heck out of it.

About time.

ruh roh

I thought his arc was over, maybe kraven just cloned him just like he cloned himself, he might have gotten some dna from him back during last hunt

>dropping a mini because you're a dumb shipper

Her dad isn't Spider-Man, he retired

I always figured the Civil War tie-ins were building up to that but they got cold feet at the last minute

But it's not her superhero name

There was that book that had her use it in front of a random civilian. But it seems stupid to not have the characters name be the title of the book, but everything about spider Gwen is awful so I suppose it’s fine

So how likely is the OTP (Tasky/Ant) to survive this arc?

Yeah, and how come Superman's name isn't Action Comics? How retarded!

Action comics is at least the bare minimum descriptor of the comic, spider Gwen literally sounds like the real name for the character

Though are you telling me the pointy eared guys name isn’t detective comics? Mind blown

Not their fault if you have brain damage.

Very likely. Less likely is them working together again.

They rarely ever used her name in the books because she was always meant to be a one off concept and they never wanted to push her as the 5th spider woman. But you enjoy your trash comic user

They were too OP together.

>if you don't agree with my idiotic autistic pet peeve you like the comic

It’s a terrible comic that emphasizes its boring universe more than its core character.

Things we know in spider Gwen
Why captain America is a black woman
Why Matt Murdoch is the kingpin
Why frank castle is a crooked cop

Things we don’t know
How old gwen is
Why harry Pete and her were friends
When she got her powers
Where she got her suit or web shooters from
How fucking old she is

But yeah it’s all neon and pink how amazing

Wait? Girl Doc Ock is alive?

I am more surprised White Rabbit hasn't been killed yet.

Why? She's like only Spider-man villainess

She is just a normal woman dressing up as a rabbit. Fuck, she is a rich heir who make costumed heist because she think it is fun. she literally embody both aspect of what Kraven hate: Villain usurping a totem and rich asshole who don't know what to do with their money.

Hm. Nick, is what you, mutherfucka?
White Rabbit not about what totemic shit, she based herself as White Rabbit from 'Alice in Wonderland'.
Aside from that, Lorina really mentally ill, really psychotic shizo, and took even drugs and meds (not so usual for many craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazey supervillains in comics).
And, if we don't counting Alice theme, shit about rabbits all about sexual aspect, she KNOWS she look like a Playboy bunny, and owned perverted BDSM-bisexsual sex club with Skein.

Overall, main problem with she in storyline is that she not that animal-themed vilalin, she is madness-themed villain only.

>White Rabbit not about what totemic shit, she based herself as White Rabbit from 'Alice in Wonderland'.
I know and that was my point.
See >usurping a totem

Kraven despised people who took on a totem without earning it. that why all costumed people with an animal them were taken.

are you stupid? And 'all costumed people'... why Grizzly not here? and Iguana mutated animal, not like lizard.
and why Stegron here, and Sauron not? Why stegosaurus is ANIMAL, and pterodactyl is NOT?
Or Kraven like here 'dudes, Sauron is cool, don't kidnap Sauron, dude just love Lord of the Rings, he is not totemic pterodactyl!', but don't know about 'Alice'?
And Puma really a totemic animal, and Owl like animal owl, he is eats rats and other shit.

All event just shit with nonsense if you really know all that characters.