Johns is just bidding time to retcon the entirety of Heroes in Crisis
Evan Barnes
Johns has rewritten the script a half dozen times and made Frank throw out an entire done issue
Nolan Martinez
It's probably all the supplemental stuff
Wyatt Mitchell
Good art takes time. It's easier when you have a team of assistants finishing every single lineart and the final product isn't in color.
Jaxson Martin
Doomsday Clock is essentially DC's Civil War 2
Austin Thomas
It's a number of factors >Johns didn't prewrite the thing, and has to adjust the script because of other shit happening in canon >Gary Frank is fucking slow at sketching this >Dan Didio can't do his fucking job, and would rather let this entire thing tank over petty reasons
Leo Miller
What the fuck are they doing? I feel like I’m watching something burning on the ocean, it’s miles away and I can’t tell what it is, but I can see enough to know that something is not going according to to plan.
Sharp's Green Lantern looks ten times better and comes out on time
Logan Bell
No, that's Heroes in Crisis
Chase Ward
Sue me.
I don't know how he does it.
Liam Hall
>Sue me. You're suffering enough waiting over two months for an issue of this to come out. He's good, but I can't imagine someone finding this art as appropriate fruit for the labor.
Samuel Johnson
Pretty much this. We'd probably get this out faster if Didio wasn't so obsessed in having his sycophants rape Rebirth over a bar stool. Johns made this event with the idea in mind that it would line up with everything in Rebirth at the time, then Didio reclaimed power and things are back to being a clusterfuck. Now Johns has to continuously rewrite the script to line everything up whilst also dealing with slow as fuck art and active sabotage.
Jeremiah Ortiz
>waiting for two months >suffering Are you 12 years old?
It's coming out either way, and I'm pirating every issue. I literally have no problem with its schedule.
Isaac Hill
well good for you but the way the industry works is the event books bring in the casuals (no such thing for a fanbase this small but..) who impulse buy and hopefully get hooked on other books.
Christian Watson
HiC is One More Day
Camden James
I feel that this would be fine if it was some non-canon elseworld, but come onn....
I love ya Gary, but you ain't ready for event books. They shouldn't have given you this title.
Nolan Jackson
I don't give a shit about casuals either, my man. Do you think this is Yea Forums?
Wyatt Davis
this is what you get when alan curses your project dont cross him
Mason Miller
At this point, they might as well rename this The Never Ending Story