Is he the most powerful character of the DCEU?

Is he the most powerful character of the DCEU?

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Darkseid exists somewhere canonically

Better powerset but he didn't show anywhere near Superman lvls of speed and strenght.

i need to rewatch this later

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Maybe it had more of the kids dynamic? or maybe an estra scene with Sivana and Billy doing the piano thing from Big.

Aw fuck yeah! We might get to see Sivana's wife then. Also, what said. Can't trump the Seid.

>Is he the most powerful character of the DCEU?
More like the biggest flop of the dceu

>More like the biggest flop of the dceu
That would be Green Lantern

>If a film doesn't make a billion, it's a flop
I wish I was your Dad so I could've beat the shit out of you and stopped you from being a faggot.

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I'm curious about those scenes, if that's true I'm giving it a watch.

Darkseid will never be a thing in DCU. There's a reason why they haven't even started production on New Gods.

Flash is because he can timetravel.

superman is weak to magic and shazam is magic

>Darkseid will never be a thing in DCU.

Attached: sNYDER DARKSEID.png (620x467, 397K)

Cool, they might re-add the scene where Billy dabs on Freddy

its going to be jokes that weren't good enough

His best feat is just the football

I... wat? Billy was bruised and beaten after his first encounter with baldy. See and other than flight, I would be willing to bet that he would struggle with Wonder Woman and Aquaman physically, and he doesn't even come close to the DCEU Kryptonians. Soon we'll be having Supergirl too.

That said he was a lot of fun and will hopefully be allowed to grow into his powers so he *can* challenge Kryptonians, and that Black Adam will already be in that tier.

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>Darkseid being introduced in a JL movie instead of a New Gods one

>beaten and bruised after a fight with his magical equal
I mean

Only magic can hurt magic.


the DCEU has been dead since 2017, OP

there literally isn't any continuity any more

Maybe Sivana's white brother will show up outside of the intro.

Serious, was Sivana child form played by an East Indian child? And was his brother only there to really show what a shitty family he was in?

Dude fuck off, just because they aren't planning to do a team film anytime soon doesn't mean everything else is noncanon. Shit, how insecure are you that you'll only like DC films if they're not attached to the DCEU?

I dunno, Mary certainly powers muh dick.

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Nah, Wonder Woman is, but it has always been poorly written in the movies or comics
It has the combined power of several Olympic gods
and it always looked like an older version of korra
a lot of power but never used them at maximum potential