I miss this show so much
I miss this show so much
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I like how this exchange has like three swerves.
I don’t
It was honestly perfect.
I assure you, when the Sonic movie comes out, everyone's going to remember Sonic Boom
It's Simpsons-style writing. Classic Simpsons, I mean, where every joke had at least three or four kinks or layers or reversals or just packed itself so tightly with the next joke it all felt like one sprawling gag.
the writing was really snappy plus it's always a treat when a stale franchise gets a great entry
This show would be better if they dropped completely "normal" plot and gave more time for jokes or something else. It feels like they had to fill some kind of quota with fights. I still enjoyed it a lot though. I also want Dave to be happy.
Actually this. It’s pretty clever the only thing about it that makes people overlook it is maybe it’s association with sonic of all things.
I gotta give it props. It tried its best to be its own thing instead of going the super serious direction of Sonic X, SatAM, or underground.
Is idiot-bro Knuckles the best version of the character?
Eh, super serious can be good user. What you should really be grateful for is Sonic Boom not taking the randumb approach to comedy.
nobody agrees because ""fans"" hate the reboot that wasnt even a reboot
Me too, user. Me too. Granted, you have to know something about the sonic fandom to get some of the jokes which is probably why it didn't do so well. Or maybe it was because Rouge had like 10 seconds of screentime and Shadow only appeared twice.
It was the last cartoon that has solid comedic writing. The writers knew their limitations and made the best out of it.
I’m fine with it being over honestly. The writers where too good for a show relating to Sonic. They are better off working somewhere else, in a show that actually has a good premise.
Have they though?
>sonic x
>super serious
what did he mean by this
The part where Tails has to murder his girlfriend
Japanese version and MUHRIA. Soldier has traumatized flashbacks.
>Granted, you have to know something about the sonic fandom to get some of the jokes which is probably why it didn't do so well
It didn't do well because it only aired around 6 in the morning or so and then got dumped on Boomerang. I honestly don't understand why CN even bothered to acquire the show if they were going to treat it that way.
>Or maybe it was because Rouge had like 10 seconds of screentime
Rouge wasn't in the show at all.
At the very least, it's the best thing to happen to his character in decades. Nobody else really seems to know what to do with him anymore, since his personality isn't as well-defined as the more recent characters. These days, he's mostly devolved into "the other guy that hangs out with Sonic and Tails".
He doesn't chuckle. He's the Raphael of the group.
its the same in euro version too
He's essentially a completely different character, but he's definitely more charming/entertaining than game Knuckles. Boom Sonic, Tails, and Amy are also a lot better written compared to their game counterparts and feel like actual characters instead of generic shonen cliches. Eggman seems to work in almost every iteration, so he was still a treat even if they went with the whole "frenemy" angle instead of just being a flat-out villain.
>Rouge wasn't in the show at all.
Oh. It's been a while, but I could've sworn she had a cameo-tier appearance. Seems like it was just wishful thinking ;_;
I mean, that's what his theme song implies, but that same game portrayed his personality closer to Leonardo than Raphael. He wasn't really a hothead, just very diligent.
I wish Tyson Heese formed a team with the writers are for a 2d god tier Sonic cartoon
Also let's be honest. Back in 3 he was a right cheeky cunt.
More like the writers knew that between the autistic fanbase and CN's scheduling, nobody was going to watch the show and so they figured they could get away with making a total satire of the franchise.
That's a good point. I question if they'd get to do half of what they'd want to on a more, for want of a better term, observed series.
Pretty much this.
I don’t know where they went after this. I hope they landed a good gig.
Anything is better than working for Sega. Except working for Konami.
>that episode where Sticks takes off her shoes to walk more quietly, and they censor her feet austin powers style the whole episode
they knew what they were doing
I don’t remember that episode
Me neither. I'm guessing Austin Powers style is a dumb way to say her feet got Liefelded.
>Shadow , the guy whose not even a Hedgehog all of a sudden calls Sonic a disgrace to Hedgehogs
Did the writers even play the fucking Games?
Brawny Knuckles was a surprise treat with how likable he was given everyone's initial panic when the designs were shown
>Not a Hedgehog
>Name is Shadow THE Hedgehog
You're right, he's not A Hedgehog. Which is even more reason for him to be pissed the most famous one is such a disgrace!
I haye Sonic and I also hate cartoons based on video games, but these are actually pretty funny.
Biologically he is an alien who was made to look like a hedgehog
Are you roleplaying as that anteater
oh shit, I notice it now. This show is so fucking good.
The Shadow in Boom and the Shadow from the games are completely different. We never found out if the one from Boom was artificially created and had alien blood flowing through his veins.
t.14 years old Gamer Grump incel fan that never touched a titty his entire life, whose parents are likely divorced
Well that escalated quickly
I remember a lot of people on Yea Forums were triggered that day.
At first I thought it was stupid and Staged Protests at my local Walmarts, Targets, and GameStop with GOOD and PURE signs saying "KNUCKLES ARMS ARE NOT SWOLE" but eventually I accepted him as the best iteration of the character which will become his Prime and True version when the Sonic Boom universe merges with our Dimension C-1488 as I have foreseen it in my SOULMIND as the BBQ Goddess Hyperpeyronie
If you have a kink for seeing a initial varied and interesting competent character being degraded horribly to a useless no-brain bland joke "character", then I guess so.
>While I agree on principal that it's wrong to stereotype, Im the only one who actually knows how to cook. AND I ENJOY IT.
>What you enjoy is irrelevant!
Hey, Knuckles. I know I lied to you numerous times and stole your shit but Sonic who saved your life and protected it is totally out to get your stuff this time. HONEST!
It's almost like it's a fucking reboot or some shit.
That blame fell on sega as after like adventure 2 he basically get short end of the stick as gullible characters who gets tricked by everyone and he no longer protects the master emblem, unfortunately they can’t do anything with his past thanks to panders.
Knuckles was a lot of things throughout his existence, competent was never one of them.
dammit penders!
is this a motherfucking liefeld reference?
He roadblocked Sonic and Tails and carried himself pretty well in his story in S3&K
If the only alternatives are "Muh Emerald" and Penders, then yes.
The fact that the man who gave us Nipples the Enchilada actually does a Sonic comic now still blows my mind
I love that Eggman doesn't remember his name
That is hilarious, it was probably just because they didn't have a model of her with the shoes off, but still funny
>goes to animefeet wiki to retrieve blurry sticks feet
>wiki is closed
That's not implausible actually. There's a few somewhat unliefelded seconds in the last ~2 minutes and it looks like she is wearing shoes.
So the best hypothetical incarnation of Knuckles would be one with Boom!Knuckle's physique, but not quite as meatheaded but still kind of dim, while adding the cheekiness of Sonic 3 era Knuckles, and retaining his whole "guardian of the Master Emerald" schtick present in the classic games and Adventure series?
Oh, and give him a nice hat, like he had in the OVA. The hat was cool.
>it was probably just because they didn't have a model of her with the shoes off
And also because there's no way to show a sonic character's feet without it looking terrible. You either get giant gross looking human feet or the Sega approved solid block feet.
That sounds about right
Someone that isn’t really smart, but is still fairly clever
there were some characters in the show at one point who wore sandals, they just have nondescript round paws.
Looking into it, turns out they did. There was some videos showing early animation and test footage that her with the blob feet.
The original video is now unavailable, but I found it on someone else's shitty youtube video
Skip to 5:45
What are the best episodes of Sonic Boom?
Tails' crush.
>Eggman suffering in the postal bureucracy hell while observing Tails failing wooing. Ends up throwing away his villainy for the brocode and helps Tails get some tail.
I love the episode where Tails is trying to fuck with this other fox girl and he tries his friends different cliche methods. Eggman straight up says "You got no game kid, let me help you." That had me dieing, the fact that Eggman was such a bro that he helped Tails get some pussy made me give this show a chance.
Fucking this.
The episode where Sonic is injured and kidnapped by his number 1 fan ala Misery from Stephen King. The whole episode is a roast to the Sonic fandom including in universe fanfiction and shipping.
Eggman's not a doctor. (I forget the episode title)
>Bye bye bird musical number
>That one divorced clerk who is unafraid of death
Boom Shadow = Ocean Dub Vegeta
Games Shadow = DBSuper Vegeta
what episode?
ooo SonXamy spicy!
>didn't even want to write it but had to out of fandom obligations
that's what truly got me.
I forgot that was a thing holy shit
There's one for anime bath scenes as well. Unless it was closed too.
"go away amy I'm not in the mood"
This scene still gets me every time.
Is that fucking real?
Why wouldn't it be? This show has a ton of meta jokes.
Read the fucking post.
>I remember a lot of people on Yea Forums were triggered that day.
I was in that thread when it aired, Yea Forums pretty much collectively loved it what the fuck are you talking about.
i think he's talking about when people spammed it for a bit.
I like idiot-bro Knucks alot
this show had absolutely no right for being so damn good!
Eggman really was a bro when it came down to it
It's funny because I hate Sonic Team so fucking much.
>I thought your middle name was “The”
It’s the simple things that made this show great. Are we really never getting season 3?
depends on how much time are people willing to wait.
samurai jack, young justice and johnny test had to wait years for theirs.
No and the only reason the show got so good in the first place was because they stopped caring about it and let the writers do whatever they want
The game was an absolute failure and by that point CN didn't even want the show and only had the two season out of contractual obligation.
>by that point CN didn't even want the show and only had the two season out of contractual obligation.
CN doesn't want any third party show or anything DC that's not TTG.
He's right, you know.
>(I forget the episode title)
It's not often I have to say this to the same person who posted the picture, but it's in the filename, user.
It had the best rendition of eggman
That's not even the most scathing one
I am to drunk and full of peanut butter
He's actually not right. He undermines his own point by referencing gender roles, thus acknowledging there are expectations that must first be broken writ large before gender equality can be the status quo. If gender equality WERE the status quo, then yes, he'd have a point, but we as a society aren't there yet. You must first show that something can be done before it becomes as a matter of fact that it can be.
This isn't your blog faggot
Isn’t chuckling one of the first things he did in Sonic 3?
No, he’s a hedgehog hat was made in a lab with some alien blood mixed in.
Yeah, Knux was totally smart in Sonic 3, you know...
>that episode starring Chris-chan
>orange soda
>the painting
>the fics
that fucking episode was Disneyland to me
Fandom is cracking down on fetish shit. All that autistic crap is getting the axe.
how annoying
Tell me about it. Where am I supposed to get my fix now?
That place has been going to shit for a while
>autoplay videos
>fucking webp images
>threatening uncyclopedia with deletion for being too offensive
Anyone with sense is moving to their own hosts.
I still think the joke would've been better if they left out the feminist part at the end
>it's real
That's some god-tier pandering.
>It's a Misery parody
I'd make him less dim, and more ignorant and too trusting.
>middle name was "The"
Hate to interrupt but the best Knuckles punchline in the WHOLE SERIES is right here
Care to point where in the video it is?
I forgot timestamps are fuckered on Yea Forums. 5:25.
Go away, Penders. Nobody likes you and you ruined the Sonic Comic franchise in the USA.
I'm high as hell right now. wtf did I read?
>samurai jack, young justice and johnny test had to wait years for theirs.
Who even wanted another season of Johnny Test!?
>Johnny Test
Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.
>competent character being degraded horribly to a useless no-brain bland joke "character"
Games themselves do just that, yet without adding charm to his personality. Even Silver could pull off a "gullible idiot" schtick better.
Think of it this way. If johnny test can come back, it leaves everything else open for a comeback.
Unless it's one of those shows written off for tax purposes.
>growling intensifies
robotnik has been well done in every sonic cartoon.
"You seem to be a little short."
"That's not what the fans say."
>sonic wakes up strapped to a bed
>held captive by chrischan parody
>he looks up at the ceiling
I'm not and I still don't have a clue. Its like one of those stoke posts but its missing the random gibberish that gives it a bunch of >yous.
>then, some "artist" draw 999 gorillions cuck pics.
*it angers
Normally I'd tell furfags to yiff in Hell, but I'm intrigued by these dramatics and I wish to learn more.
Also, I want some Tails porn.
Not much more to elaborate.
One autist of a Sonic drawfag gets butthurt over Tails' frequent use in Sonic porn, so when Sonic Boom pitches their own Tails shipping, he flips out and churns out dozens upon dozens images and comics with Sonic as a veritable sex god who keeps cucking Tails out of every character ship he ever had. With time, it became clear that cuckold ended up his fetish when he began applying it outside of his "Tails gets cucked" project.
Remember the whole episode that mocked Chris-Chan?
I will always be surprised by the amount of people who misinterpreted Tails as a girl.
>Zooey has 162 images on e621
>90% of which have been drawn by Dreamcastzx
Talk about dedicated.
It's a spoof on what Chris Chan believes nowadays.
And I say spoof and not parody because if you change just a few words that's a sentence he could actually say out loud nowadays.
So basically,
Homer Knuckles > Shounen Rival Knuckles.
oh god it's the sonic ice cream bar face
Okay, that shit had me died
Was her name a joke or do people actually spell Zoey with two o's? Because I've only ever seen Zoe, Zoey and Zoie
yes we already talk about it every thread
Yes, and even Sega agrees because they replaced Knuckles in the rival role with Shadow as fast as they could manage.
This is actually the least original and interesting Robotnik that was ever written.
So Knuckles is the Piccolo of Sonic?
the heck is "eulipotyphlan" and why is there nearly 16k of it?
I love Boom Knuckles and Eggman
>Eulipotyphla ("truly fat and blind") is an order of mammals suggested by molecular methods of phylogenetic reconstruction, and includes the laurasiatherian members of the now-invalid polyphyletic order Lipotyphla, but not the afrotherian members (tenrecs and golden moles, now in their own order Afrosoricida). Lipotyphla in turn had been derived by removing a number of groups from Insectivora, the previously used wastebasket taxon.
It's a fancy way of tagging "hedgehog" so you don't get infinite returns on characters named "the Hedgehog", or characters who are hedgehogs in other franchises outside of Sonic.
jesus knux!
that's some avenue q's schadenfreude's levels of dickery.
>It's a Team Sonic and Eggman are friends or cordial episode
who did it better: sonic (and the rest of the team) being frenemies with eggman or perry the platypus and heinz doofenshmirtz?
I want to give it to Sonic and Eggman if only because their show is actually about them. The only reason Perry and Doof even exist is to pad out the B side of an episode. And Im sorry if you need a B plot in a 11 minute cartoon you failed as a writer.
i liked how sonic gave eggman a win on new year's day even if it's a pity win.
Sonic: Technically, it happened in the blink of an eye. Nobody saw anything!
Eggman: What? But, but... I... Oh!
Sonic: Well, nobody but me.
>you don't get infinite returns
>16K results
multi-tails was a cute episode
>think I'm gonna hate the series cause Boom in general
>that writing
>the absolute escalation of hilarity
I want it back, but at the same time, I don't want it to turn into the Simpsons.
I was quite surprised that by it's second season the writing suddenly got pretty good, even kinda sharp/witty then what it originally was which was just a by the numbers sitcom with AU Sonic characters living on an island. It's fine that it's done, it would've gotten shit again if it went on too long and the Boom sub-franchise overall was in the shitter with this cartoon being the only thing people liked about it and Sega just pretending it never existed.
I'm torn. On one hand, I prefer the way the Sonic Adventure games handled all the characters, on the other, everything about Sonic Boom's writing is better than the newer games. I was also a big fan of Knuckles as a kid, so I dislike how they turned him into the butt of every joke post SA2.
I guess if they need to turn him into a joke character, I'd rather Sonic Boom's version of him than every version of him after SA2.
You're confusing "gullible" with "no-brain".
It's the version Tyson Hesse went with, it's a good fit for him.
His crayon drawing thoughts get me every time.
Shadow the Hedgehog is not canon
Every Boom incarnation is the best version of these characters, except maybe Eggman. Not that he's bad or anything but the competition is just too great.
The Tysonverse/Maniaverse are my personal favorite versions of the characters, with S2 Sonic Boom a close second.
>baby in a blender
they know
Anyone have the "cup of tea" bit?
When will Sega stop pandering to Nintendo fanboys and faggotd who watch Egoraptor and Dorkly and bring back EdgeKino?
Not really, it had good fandom-related jokes but was insanely weak in other departments
You have to get these references to enjoy the only good part of the show
>Fandom Related
It was literally pandering to the Gamer grump crowd who hate Sonic and the Fandom
The producers of this show should be blacklisted by Sega, just like that faggot Aaron
Yes, she's an animal and she has the word "Zoo" in her name.
I dont get that image.
It was weak in the action department, yes. But I also like the humor in this show in general, not just the times they take a piss on the franchise. I watched most of S1 and the entirety of S2, and I enjoyed it a lot with the exception of the "robots in the sky" arc. It was a funny show on its own, not just because it was a sonic parody.
>That part where they flat out say some of his fanfictions are nsfw, very possibly SonicxTails too
How the fuck did they get away with it
Yeah, pretty much.
This is too good. I wonder if hiding her right foot behind CN logo was even intentional.
There's definitely points near the end of the episode where they show her running with shoes on so I think it was just a way to get around remodeling. Which is a hilarious way to do it
Sonic : Goku
Tails: Trunk
Amy : Chichi
Shadow : Vegeta
Silver : Trunk
Knuckles: Picolo.
Dreamcastxz1 worst nightmare
I heard that Tails was the head writer’s favorite character once. Which makes sense, this was the most well written Tails has ever been as a character: never annoying, smart, but funny and smarmy. If Sonic Boom got any thing right, it was Tails and Eggman’s characterization.
I agree. I really liked Tails' characterization in Boom.
No one was watching Sonic Boom anymore aside from people on Yea Forums.
t.projecting 14 years old angsty kid
Ok, i get it, but i must say:
We already have an actual sonic fan in the episode as an analog for the fanbase, i dont think its necessary for them to add a sonic themed fan to drive the point that sonic fans are crazy, specially when the episode revolves around an actual crazy sonic fan.
They did had a quota. It was billed as an "Action/adventure show for children". SEGA won't let them go full evil ham with the comedy cuz then they can't sell action figures (not like they ever did).
I mean, why do you think the Shadow episodes where so asinine and boring compared to the others?
It's because his role was Sonic's rival and then Shadow showed up so now he's just kinda there, he's the Tien of Sonic.
Tails should be Krillin
And funny enough he's the one who gets shitted on the most
>Shadow beating up Sonic is the most viewed Sonic boom video on youtube
Looks like ShounenChads win again
This proves Sonic character designs fall apart once you remove gloves & shoes. They're just big blobs of singular colors with heads attached.
Pretty much why they never remove gloves and/or shoes, even though Sonic Forces has the option to wear fingerless gloves/no gloves or sandals of some kind where the avatars have one giant big toe then just a blob.
That's how he was in the SonicAdventure era anyway.
I've been watching gamegrumps playthrough of SA2 recently and it's really funny remember how little Knucks gives a shit about the main plot or even Rouge's flirty games. Dude just wants his emerald.
It's even better when he tells Rouge he's sorry for hurting her because the cutscene makes it look like he's whispering it to the master emerald instead.
The thumbnail does always looks like a pregnant sonic picture, like something taken directly from deviantart. Was this on purpose?
Hands can work
Bugs is know for wearing gloves all the time and his hands look perfectly fine
Not anymore after the latest short
>Eggman: hey look everybody, it´s Shadow! Shadow is here!
Based writers mocking edgy fans.
Just make this fucker head of sonic team already. He shits gold.
>arms in the painting are tan instead of blue
It's good but the lack of any VA even just for very basic sounds is unsettling.
>the teleport out of the car into walking
I just realized Meh Burger is a reference to Good Burger.
Before the episode even was announced this song happened
Holy shit
Eat shit, it was hilarious how they did it.
Oh shit...
Fucking Omega. Man, I don't even care how the game turns out this shit justifies it all.
The lack of voices actually is a tremendous plus. The characters actually feel more alive than they ever have.
>Eggman's VA has been kept on the role since 2003.
>Pretty much every other character has changed at least once.
How does someone hired by 4kids do it?
Or are they just capable of hitting the bullseye when it comes down to casting?
I swear to god, these fucking writers..
They must have been lurking in these threads.
Never skip leg day
They're probably shitposting with us right now.
All they needed was a Tails Gets Trolled episode and the show would have been complete.
TGT will never ever be referenced in any capacity due to how obscure it is and it can't be done without referencing other ips with no apparent reasoning. The closest we'll ever get was that Hello Kitty promotion.
I busted so many loads to cloudz's sally/tails pegging comic
Rouge is cute in this short. Also in general.
The show was a labor of love.
Fug, this bat is cute
>Shadow taking chao's the popcorn turns it slightly darker
shouldn't it turn lighter, or is shadow considered a Hero?
He's been good since 06 I think. He was also on the revolution's team in forces
...Are you a writer user?
I cant believe Eggman is fucking dead
For some funny reason I always remember the "guuurrrr" parts of this show.
I don't get it
It is a double meaning. He says he is short (of the money), Knuckles thinks about height instead.
I just forgot about it.
The episode where Sonic is trapped in a world where Eggman is the leader of it, if only for that B-Plot with Eggman and his shapeshifting brother from another dimension trying to convince everyone that his shapeshifting brother is actually Sonic even when he fails horribly.
I also enjoyed Eggheads and that climax with Sonic feeding Eggman his own modified cookies to turn him into another Sonic.
Mayor Knuckles as well for being funny throughout.
Two Good To Be True for giving us the ultimate hammy Knuckles.
Fiendbot was much sweeter than it really should have been being just another Iron Giant rip-off...
Fuck it, this show was glorious through and through...
Does Chris Chan know about this
Possibly. He was asked about the "misery" episode and completely denied seeing any resemblence.
>the way Shadow just walks out of the teleport with no car
>Tails misses with the bat
>Pulls out a gun
I'll admit I laughed
For what it's worth the show runner had been writing for live action sitcoms since the '90s and I think worked on The Simpsons. Granted it was all shit like Herman's Head, Teen Angel and turn of the millennium Simpsons but still.
Love your work
> The closest we'll ever get was that Hello Kitty promotion.
Please, please show me!
Is this taken out of context from a comic? Cause it feels like it
Nice Penta
I have no experience with Sonic other than the Boom show and that one PSP game where Eggman turned everyone into cards, but stuff like this keeps making me want to get into it.
Holy shit Chris-Chan's actually here
It was at the end of that anniversary stream in 2016 IIRC
dammit Knuckles quit making me laugh
moshi moshi emeralds desu
Fucking based.
let's try and remember a world were a Feminist was still stupid, but an innocent thing, not what they've become today...jesus christ what they've become today...
Feminism was never innocent.
There's more than 1 kind user. It's just that the Radicals have morphed into an outright mob.
>tfw no Marxist feminist waifu
But really nerds were really annoying about Shadow.
Any sources on this?
little disappointed that it doesn't sound like "penis" when you isolate the syllables, but happy with the nod
Even (((wikipedia))) touts her exploits as heroic.
I'm more disappointed that people even managed to make that connection in the first place.
I remember a class in my college years about her. The Professor asked "Why do you think she did this?" I replied "No amount of liquor could make her look attractive." I nearly killed the professor with that quip.
>I nearly killed the professor with that quip.
Died laughing or triggered?
>Those teeth
Man, I'd hate to be a fruit she is eating
You sound like a fag.
Puncture the skin and tear it away to access the flesh inside
based sonic
The entire sequence of Eggman actually fighting the dummy was also hilarious.
It predicted the future
reminds me more of airplane and naked gun. might just be how im reading it.
It definitely has a bit of that Naked Gun class.
based retard
Oh yeah. America used to like OJ Simpson.
I can't believe Eggman's fucking dead
>That Eggpawn falling to it's knees and doing a skyward scream at seeing the crushed Eggman
Bad since the start.
But not for the reasons you would think.
>Was this on purpose?
Considering how self-aware the show was, it's pretty likely.
>"Wait your turn Knuckles"
>15 seconds of them looking at each other with elevator music.
My fucking sides.
How weak do you have to be to let politicians wedge between you and your wife?
>men busy at work
>women stay at home watching propaganda on tv hours on end
not hard to see
average american
>every time women get the same rights as men society collapses
huh strange how history repeats itself
Who knew Robotnik was so honkpilled?
>not the Bulma
That isn't real
oh god it's real
Maybe even if he isn’t a hedgehog he can identify that Sonic is a disgrace to his own species
And then everyone clapped
>Then he teleports a Chao's popcorn into his hands
They really nailed Ow the Edge.
it's a dick joke
I want a season 3 and the finale is mainline Shadow fucking up chaos control and ending up in tv boom universe, shit going south because now there's chaos emeralds, and mainline Shadow telling Boom Shadow to chill the fuck out. And mainline Shadow is voiced by OG SA2 Shadow VA.
When sonic boom came out people were criticizing the fact their legs were so god damn long.
that and SPORTS TAPE
Oh my fucking god how did they slip that in without veing noticed
The bosses didn't care. Boom was allowed to get away with just about anything they wanted because management had already given up on it and they had no real oversight
>women should not vote
Stopped reading there.
My grandma was against women voting, because she consider that women were better pressuring their husband voting for the candidate of their choice.
With women allowed to vote, men could say their wives to vote for their candidate and stop pressuring them into a choice.
I felt like she was animated pretty stiffly compared to the service Tyson usually gives Sonic characters. I think her chest got in the way.
I don't. Just another parody run of the mill sitcom with no soul in it. I'd rather watch Life with Louie instead of Seinfeld.
Except nowhere near as clever and nowhere near as well delivered.
Yeah you see, with Simpsons and Futurama the jokes are dry, but the delivery isn't. They actually know how to make the delivery work in a surprising manner.
With Sonic Boom you always expect lame deliveries and stupid jokes.
Simpsons takes those stupid jokes and delivers them in a well paced manner that makes you chuckle due to the surprise. That and the simpsons have many other things going for it aside from well timed gags.
isn't the joke the fact that scientists will never be able to convince everyone that climate change is real, hence they will never be able to 'prove' it
>I think her chest got in the way.
As should all chests.
I want to cuddle with this badger
No, he said prove, not convince.
>and helps Tails get some tail.
Because two wasn't enough, apparently.
>Chad giving /r9k/ advice.jpg
No the joke is that they can't prove it because all of the information and evidence they present is always circumstantial and coincidental at best.
Well it is impossible to prove anything unless you can get both parties to agree to the same rules about what constitutes proof. Somehow I doubt that's what they were going for though.
No. He was the only person that made noise. Either everyone else didn't laugh or smiled. I don't know, since I didn't look around.
Laughing. He liked a lot of my jokes during my time taking courses. He even said I should be part of his entourage if he ever got rich.
>they see your Chaos Emerald
This is the cringiest shit I've ever read on this board and I only read up to "why woman shouldn't vote"
Just the 500 paragraph ramblings of a lunatic
Go back to tumblr
>doesn't realize he's on Yea Forumsmblr
No, that was actually the point of the gag.
>Trannies think the idea that people can vote is Tumblr
Go back to China and your Winnie the Pooh god emperor if you believe this
He literally chuckled at his very first appearance.
nah I think I'm just gonna go vote instead
Why don’t you vote in the election of your life, and end your current term? You can be part of the 40%
>and now here they are, the most daredevil group of riders to ever burn wheels in the Sonic races
>That isn't real
You mean global climate change?
>good thing i brought a bigger chart
My sides
>underrated joke
Can Wisps just fuck off already
Nah, they're being kept as long they can because Iizuka thinks of them as shorthands for power ups these days. Even though shit like elemental shields from Sonic 3 were just fine.
"Climate Scientists" always get shit wrong because they can't measure the whole Earth simultaneously.
Al Gore and AOC: "the world will end!"
WORLD: Glaciers grow
...Is that a reference to Beartato?
They're obviously just referencing people complaining about Sonic changing as a franchise.
Holy fuck, that is the single most brilliant thing I've ever seen relating to Sonic The Hedgehog in any form of media ever. It all makes sense now.
I didn't even watch the Dilbert cartoon very much, but I still hear Daniel Stern's voice in my head whenever I read a strip. That whole cartoon had flawless casting, literally everyone had a memorable voice that perfectly fit their character.
I like how Boom really made people appreciate Amy.
>that shadow
>that rogue
>that eggman face and death
>chao turning evil
This shit is way better than it has any right to be
What is he planning?
>Sonic realistically getting more scared of swimming.
With how many episodes with this premise end with the character overcoming their fears, this was honestly a enjoyable change.
Based retard
Who knows.
She'd probably bite your dick off trying to get at the tracking device.
My grandma thinks ketchup is spicy
>scientists will never be able to convince everyone that climate change is real
No one is debating climate change. The planet's climate changes all the time. In fact, the fact that it changes all the time and scientists have less than a century's worth of data on real time climate change versus the 4 billion years Earth has existed is exactly why no one listens to scientists anymore.
Before I was born they said the world would be frozen by now. After I was born they said the world would be hot, arid and out of fuel by now. Now they can't even say "global warming" anymore and have moved the goalposts to "climate change", but either way they keep telling me I have to pay more taxes and use more inferior products because white countries "care about the environment"
What it ultimately comes down to is that climate science is junk science. It's literally the astrology of the sciences - a scam for money.
Basically you just live somewhere where climate change doesn't effect you
>knuckles laugh
>shadow ignoring everything
>robotnic's :O face
>rouge explodes
>shadow abandoning his car and just walking into the crowd
>robotnic dancing and being hit by a car
this is amazing
You would be too if you knew LA would flood over.
It gave her a new character but didn't pretend her old one didn't exist
The stalker is still there under the surface of the college freshman
Climate Change's threat doesn't come from the actual changing climate, it comes from the rapid and unprecedented change in temperatures. The last time global temps changed this fast, it killed 96% of all marine life and 70% of all terrestrial life.
The science has been firm about this since the 70's. During the "global cooling" thing it was catching headlines just from magazines and papers. The articles themselves were talking about the validity of global cooling, which was always a niche and small size of the climatology science. The term climate change is the working term used in science for changes in global climate, such as this. The real name of climate change in this era is; Anthropogenic Climate Change or man caused climate change. Global Warming isn't actually entirely wrong as a term, just not fully accurate. As climate change worsens, the average global temperature will increase, therefor warming the globe. The difference here is that it doesn't get the entire scope of climate change. Climate change as it's biggest effect will cause massive disruptions in global and local climates. In the northern hemisphere, climate change is slowing the jet stream, meaning that weather get's stuck where it is. This leads to times like February where cold weather hangs for an entire month. This is why the term climate change is used more often than global warming these days. To try and capture the full complexity of climate change on our planet.
>The Professor asked "Why do you think she did this?" I replied "No amount of liquor could make her look attractive."
Sounds like a great show, thanks Yea Forums!
It doesn't help climate change is being used as a picket issue for lobby groups with no realistic solutions. Like the wind turbine lobby which even in the UK never returns the investment without constant subsidiaries
perci is the new rouge?
You do know that going green isn't about earning money, right?
me too. I wish I had watched it more when it was airing.
Is the result of this.. a wet pussy?
>when Eggman helps Tails with Zooey and actually gives him good advice
>when Eggman doesn't dismantle Mombot and instead pays for her to go on vacation
>when Beth the Shrew falls into Eggman's trash compactor and he goes out of his way to get her out
She only starred in 1 episode and it was the second worst episode of the series.
Scott Adams is a stupid jerk
This is like... Jodorowsky levels of brilliant.
Sonic Cartoon power rankings:
OVA > Boom > Those Mania And Racing Overdrive shorts > Tamers12345's vision of Underground > SatAM > AOSTH > Underground > Those autistic videos like that "Can your Hedgehogs dance?" video > Sonic X
I still can't understand how a show produced in 2015 can look worse than a 2008 console video game and a 2012 PC video game.
Well did you get rich user?
That's pretty much the main reason conservatives go against climate change so much: the solutions people propose are too "leftist" for them.
Is that 3D made to look 2D or the other way around?
The world may never know.
For me its the Lady Goat.
I wish, she even had the shipping hook with Tails and everything.
>no stories about Zooey and Perci fighting over Tails
> everyone perci interacted with misread her intentions
> People still don't get the joke that Perci being interested in Tails was also an illusion by Tails own twisted POV
What the hell are you talking about? Did you even watch the episode? That doesn't even make sense. There was no misinterpreting of Perci's intentions, she got into an accident and she wanted her bike fixed, that's clear as day.
The point was Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy were trying to shift the blame of Tails' workshop burning down to the other two. They were retelling the same events but painting themselves in a more positive light to try to absolve themselves.
The conversation was over at that point. Tails wasn't retelling a story, much less a story that needed to be twisted.
>that fucking painting of sonic holding a chili dog that looks like he's goddamn pregnant from afar
What the FUCK?
Didn't even notice at first, but now I can't stop seeing it.
Based and Dilbertpilled
11/10, it even has Crush 40
Sonic : Goku
Tails: Krillin and Bulma
Amy : Chichi
Shadow : Vegeta
Silver : Trunks
Knuckles: Piccolo
>women can't even read further than that and they want to vote
>Stupid or MURDER?
Triplets, IIRC.
i don't get it
sonic fan
I'm guessing this is something about Chris-Chan, because I don't follow that scene at all.
It's been a while since I watched it, but he probably had Sonic themed everything in that house. I think you may be grasping for deeper meaning than was intended.
Shoot what?
>he is a sonic fan
>as shown by his sonic themed everything
>like the sonic themed fan
>you are grasping for a deeper meaning than him being a sonic fan by saying he is a sonic fan
Yes, a sonic themed fan, as with a load of mundane Sonic themed items. Not "SONIC FAN, GEDDIT? HE'S A SONIC FAN!"
>muh hive-mind morality
Literally every point there is countered by the fact that guys can stay be the stay-at-home spouse.
>racing gives you rings
>that you spend
>at the chao garden
>Nobody has mentioned the "gotta go fast" joke yet.
Be careful what you wish for. I shudder to think how a Chao Garden would play out in this day and age.
Thumbnail made me think this was the bit from the This House Has People In It sketch.
>I was born they said the world would be frozen by now. After I was born they said the world would be hot, arid and out of fuel by now.
what kind of sci-fi shows have you been watching?
Popular science.
he could've added how the soviets should've unleashed nuclear armaggedon.
Let that old shit rest in peace.
Jesus Christ Tails is such a manlet.
woah nelly
Mostly 2D, but stuff like the cars and Omega are 3D cel-shaded objects. It's all in a 3D environment, of course, but the majority of the characters, props, and backgrounds are animated in 2D.
Nah they knew someone would get their rocks off her naked feet me
He always was I thought this was common knowledge
Get a load of THIS
Yea Forums loved that scene! What the hell are talking about?
Absolutely basedman
>Sonic Boom is the Sonic based show where AMY is the straight man.
Yt's so fucking weird...i mean it makes sense in-show...but its weird as fuck
Why didn't they just use the normal game designs for the characters? Would've made it god-tier if they did.
I love this film, but by god does this advert make it sound uninteresting as fuck.
Its because no one ever comes out with solutions only expensive novelties.
Scott Adams hasn't had an office job in years and literally reuses the same fucking jokes as before, it's just no one calls him out on it.
>The last time global temps changed this fast, it killed 96% of all marine life and 70% of all terrestrial life
The last time that happened the only drastic effect was that people stopped having bazaars on the river Themes.
Space travel is a fucking expensive novelty especially if you read up on how NASA "scientists" used to do their designing and building their initial rocket systems and it was only done to have nukes in space.
I feel like they were trying to be uninteresting for some misguided reason. But fuck is the writing top notch, it deserves better.
It should be noted that the cause of that event is speculated to be a giganigga meteor and the oxygen levels were about what they are now. The Permian era was coming off of the highest-oxygen biological era in Earth's history; a lot of things had evolved to be running on way more oxygen.
I know not everyone likes it, but something about this Eggman only being "evil" because he's the only human around is pretty funny to me. Kind of feels like you took some average user that hated the Sonic franchise and just plonked him in there.
I don't care if this story is total bs, it's hilarious.
I'd be nice if something made that into a skit and filmed it.
I get that they know who chris-chan is but I'm curious how deep down the rabbit the hole they went when they found out about him.
I get the feeling you could find out about him just by using a simple google search of "sonic fan".
Eventually you'll find him.
They knew about the orange soda.
What episode was that again?
When I was in kindergarten (so, early 1990s), we were told that the Earth was cooling due to CO2 blocking the full effect of the suns rays and we would experience an ice age in my lifetime. About 10-years later we were being told it was now going to melt the poles and dry our oceans within the 2000s. You can kind of see why many don't believe in climate change.
I'm pretty sure you're pulling shit out of your ass on learning that in Kindergarten.
Not that user but that was taught between 1995-2005.
God I want to facepalm every time I see some NPC wearing a NASA shirt. I love Star Trek but think space programs are the biggest wastes of money. You couldn't find a more expensive way to research better bedding.
No, I'm not, but continue to be a closed mined jackass.
Not fucking in Kindergarten or the fact that you actually remember it being taught.
There were people saying it would happen in 1999, which obviously ain't the early 90's, prior to that I can't find anything about it that doesn't involve nuclear winter and wasn't in the 80's.
I do remember it because I remember it being a part of these little magazines the teachers gave out to students to read. It was written so that a child at that point could begin to grasp concepts like this. They kept the explanations simple and I remember a amphomorphic cartoon bear was one of the mascots that would explain things. It was kind of light "Highlights," but less pages that felt more like a newspaper than an actual magazine.
I distinctly remember it for three reasons. The first being that ice age prediction. Second, it was what lead me to being fascinated with space at that age. Third, it's what got me into wanting to be an astronaut and wanting to ride in our space shuttle because it reminded me of a plane, which I thought was amazing.
I don't have 100-percent perfect memories of everything in my early childhood. Those I do remember stick out because of things like that. They had an impact on my life.
No, the 90s was all about "CO2 is making a huge blanket that keeps the heat in" It's the fucking Greenhouse Effect and there are probably like twenty episodes of Captain Planet about it.
Day After Tomorrow came out in 2004 dipshit.
There was a guy who'd "take even money" that the earth was going to cool down. It DID, but not to Ice Age levels. And that's as close as I could find to something about Global Cooling in the 90's. Maybe user was reading a really out of date magazine from the late seventies.
He talked about that during an interview once.
I'm not sure which since there's 3 on Youtube but I'm pretty sure it was this one
Captain Planet was all about toxic waste, garbage in the oceans, and other waste pollution up through the mid-1990s. I really didn't like the show, not because of the message, but it was just a real shit show from my viewpoint.
I also remember the name of that magazine I mentioned. It was the Weekly Reader.
"Sonic fan" wouldn't work, that would just give you Sammy
Legs the echidna
Knuckles skips leg day apparently.
I only ever watched the 4kids dub, is it worth going back to watch the Japanese version? Is there much different? Is it better? Is Rouge allowed to be sexy?
I though Shadow would be a hentai sex God meme in comparison to sonic and tails in terms of most drawn nsfw.
how else would he one punch badniks?
He doesn't get as much exposure in the comics/cartoons. A big portion of the crazy sonic fandom doesn't even play the games.
Plus knuckles is pretty much more drawn better in nsfw.
Shadow's Vegetaisms make him too autistic for that, sex is NOT edgy.
>Sex is not edgy
>Hasn't seen bible black or dark versions of taimin asagi
Face it, Shadow doesn't get much hentai because he's one of the most hated sonic characters in the franchise and failed to leave a legacy based impact influence to Sonic lore after SA2 or on the same level as Tails, Knuckles and of course Sonic. Shth and 06 tried too, but that just made him more a polarizing figure.
He'll even Rouge is more iconic in comparison when she was introduced herself being hentai material automatically and became meme'd with Knux and Tails because there more famous than Shadow.
yea when I was in kindergarten we didn't learn about it. it wasn't until like second grade and then it wasn't anything about CO2, it was about aerosols destroying the ozone layer and how we need to stop burning styrofoam and spraying aerosol to save the earth because once the ozone layer was gone it was gone forever and we'd all die from the sun's rays
now decades later we found out that the ozone layer actually regenerates so no one cares about that anymore and it's all about global warming.
>one of the most hated sonic characters in the franchise
You mean Silver, don't you?
it's overrated, but man did it have some good times
>Now they can't even say "global warming" anymore and have moved the goalposts to "climate change"
maybe it's because people keep confusing things when you say "global warming"
They are the main characters for a reason
Used more and more exposure=more porn
It had some witty jokes to it but it's not as amazing as some people say it is. Really if you replaced any of the Sonic characters with characters from another franchise it would stay the same.
A lot of them has my bondage fetish so it's alright with me
>Really if you replaced any of the Sonic characters with characters from another franchise it would stay the same.
TTG says otherwise (then again 2003 fans have no sense of humor)
>I can't defeat Sonic because we're always facing each other on land!
>Yeah, *that's* the reason
The problem is that the majority of the best jokes are directly tied into the history and state of the Sonic franchise itself, so you need the context of it being a Sonic series for it to work
It's a better analogy when talking about the first season only when it was more a generic sitcom. The second season it got more into a headspace of jokes where the characters being from the Sonic franchise is what made the jokes work.
Considering how rich the CEOs for wind/sun-energy companies get, you'd think it WAS about earning money.
How is it overrated?
Shadow is based on multiple purist boards and gets mostly mocked to spite his fan base which are creepy landwhales or actual little kids.
>more exposure
>explain why characters like roshi, raikage, and big mac get more porn despite not being main male cast members
>going green isn't about earning money,
>Creepy landwhales or actual little kids.
Isn't that the entire Sonic fanbase
Fox Babies episode when, lads?
No fucking way...
but if you use someone else's mouth the skin doesn't tear
As it should be
Adult Gamers are fickle autists who should never be listened to
Look at OSRS where the userbase spergs out because they weren't consulted on adding a pub