Who was better for Gadget?
Who was better for Gadget?
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Monterey Jack
A slut like Gadget's probably going to require a joint effort
Fat Cat
Basil of Baker Street
Double tag team rape.Dont ask the bitch for her opinion, serve her right for teasing them with a form fitting jumpsuit
I prefer Gadget/Speedy Gonzales
The correct answer is neither because it ruins the goofy fun kids show dynamic. Shit's too pure to be ruined by fucking drama romance bullshit. Call the cops I don't give a fuck
I find both attractive but anyway
If she'll make the guy her complete bitch then Chip since I love seeing egotistical dudes get controlled. If not then Dale's laid back attitude might suit her better, though he has Foxglove as a option also
Who gives a fuck about that shit though
Dale because his dick is bigger and Chip is too up his own ass
unless of course a steady job is required then definitely Chip
If Gadget, Monty, and Zipper were brought in to those regular Chip and Dale cartoons where they're wearing no clothes, would those three still wear clothes?
Both, Chip spoiling her materially and Dale giving her cock her when Chip's not looking.
Chip, because he has a hat.
I've always wondered why this is even a question. Chip is clearly better for Gadget, Dale belongs to Foxglove.
I do. The Boom comic was fucking awful. Shit soured me on the idea of a reboot completely
>be me
>that story about the ISS having only one woman-sized EVA suit
>look for the Gadget glove spacesuit scene to share with friends
>jackpot: youtube.com
>wait a minute
>channel name "StealthPornucopia"
>read description
>wtf space suits are the opposite porn IS EVERYTHING A FETISH NOW
i mean it's not like gadget wasn't mai waifu back in the day, but come on. at least stop jerking off long enough for her to do an EVA. fans like you are why we can't have nice things.
Mickey, obviously. He can have more than one girl.
>You want Rescue Rangers Stealth porn? There's a scene in Last Train to Cashville where Gadget investigates a clue while lying on her stomach. We get a close up of her from the front as she does this and they forgot to add her little undershirt XD
Is he right?
Jesus Christ, Canada
Who is Mole?
So that's what episode this was from.
Honestly, Chip's a bit of a control freak and egomaniac, and Dale's a goofball who can't take anything seriously. Gadget deserves better than either of those assclowns.
But the Boom comic did away with the whole love triangle thing by making Dale/Foxglove even more canon.
>They bring here back and just about make it official
They knew the fans when writing this comic
Yeah I liked the comic, I dunno what that other user's deal is.
Chip and Dale are for each other. They're absolute faggots.
Too much furry drama. Within the first five pages they had Chip lashing out at Monty with some garbage that was absolutely uncalled for and way OOC. Chip's a control freak but in a funny way and not an "I have issues that need to be explored" way.
>Shit's too pure to be ruined by fucking drama romance bullshit.
To be air user, even if it's a goofy show he has serious personal issues
Hell, most of the Rescue Rangers do
Both because any red blooded woman would want to have threesomes with two sexy brothers
[citation needed]