KSBD Kill Six Billion Demons KOS 58

It is said Sword Saint Meti had a great fondness for rats. Like dogs, they did not complain much, ate almost anything, and kept you warm at night.

Law of Blades

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More of Meti being the fucking coolest, and more of Maya being a fucking idiot


Is that Mottom?

Meti, if you knew Incubus was a fucking traitor in the making and the same thing that you utterly despised, why continue giving him opportunities to build up power?

Whoever seeks to master sword law is inherently an idiot. Why should she care about those who wish to die cut up by other idiots? A dumb psychopath is still dumb.

Also, it's pretty clear that Maya isn't entirely correct about Meti or her intentions.

Maya is 100% a moron.

Always has been, and always will. She has never been able to really understand Meti or her lessons.

...it makes her a very good candidate for royalty to be so dummy thicc. Honestly.

Either Maya is being too hopeful about Metis opinion of her, or Meti just wanted to die and specifically trained one to do so, more or less

Those demiurges are gonna either fall over dead of exhaustion, or Meti is gonna tire of them and kill them both dead. Either outcome is cool.

Could be. It has her colors and her style of dress. But I'm not certain either.

>Two Demiurges
>Two keys
I’m hoping Incubus just walks up and kills them for their keys before offering one to Maya.

I don't think Maya's wrong, if it was past Maya saying this shit I wouldn't believe her for a second but this was a lesson she didn't understand until much later. Incubus ain't right and Meti knows it.

I think Maya is deluding herself about the nature of Meti's lesson. Meti here is only saying that the victor is the one who imposes their will, and Maya failed to do so if she wanted the rat to live. It's not a value judgement on which of their desire was right or wrong, only that Maya hesitated and let someone else decide the future.

That would be the coolest way for them to get their keys.

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I highly doubt it, but the hypebeast within me demands it

You know, that makes me think the orange chick really is Mottom and that she is going to witness whatever it is that ensures Incubus keeps getting shat on till this day.

>incubus kills bloodied blue dude
>stealing nadia's kill
>is about to kill nadia but maya stops him
>he does what he is told
>maya is shown to be clearly stronger than him and nadia questions why she didn't take the key for herself

A completely valid takeaway from these flashbacks is that Meti and Maya are giant, self-righteous assholes and that Incubus put up with their shit for way too long.

Something to consider is that Maya and Incubus have very different backgrounds and formative life experiences, and Meti and Incubus were treated the exact opposite by the citizens of the Yellow City despite the exact same circumstances.

>Wait, fuck; that wasn't supposed to happen.
-quote attributed to Meti, sword saint, upon the ascendancy of her pupils

Everyone needs to stop bullying best boy Incubus.

Incubus did nothing wrong.

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Because if she is truly Royalty, she would know of her own death, and not give a shit. She is giving lessons for the future, but like Zoss and Hansa, Royalty know of their own fate, and are readily accepting of it.

Traitor to what? Personally, I don't think meti cared who she taught. If she did she wouldn't have bothered with anyone but maya. I do think she understood that inubus was no better than a beast but at the same time I don't think she cared.

In fact, if she thought he might have been trained well enough to kill her in a battle, I think she would have done it on principle alone.

Not her color of atumn.

Her key isn't green either

>Royalty know of their own fate, and are readily accepting of it.
this is not a qualifier for Royalty.

What a fucking cool page.

You assholes as bad as autists in the fucking comments.

Excuse us if we want to keep the convoluted terminology as straight as possible, foreknowledge is clearly an asepct of true royalty but is not necessary to be an aspirant to royalty, and either only the predivision godhead was True royalty unless we are calling the new gods royal as is commonly done, and only one of them has that as a trait.

the post
why even come in the thread if you're just going to throw a bitch fit when people don't agree with your interpretation of the lore?

Poor little Ratthew

user don't lie, Inc has done quite a bit wrong. But none of it related to him being best demiurge.

I'm guessing this is when Maya and Incubus went from being close to being enemies

I didn't say it was a qualifier, I said it's something they know of. Hansa kept his pipe around cause he knew it would lead to his death, Zoss didn't fight the angels when they came cause he knew that's where he would die. It's possible Meti knew her death would come at the actions of Incubus so she is raising him to that point and also training Maya to be prepared to face him later in life.

Algernon nooooo

That's fair.

this kind of page was why I got hooked on ksbd, this is so fucking nice

In case Maya is right, then she probably accepted Incubus as a student to motivate Maya. After all, she only accepted to shave her hair after Inci did it, to not be left behind.
But I like the theory you guys are posting, that Maya is somehow deluding herself into thinking she was somewhat special to Meti, when in reality she would have train any fuckhead who shaved his head.

I mean Abbadon did say that Incubus is incredibly good at killing people with swords and is therefore a poor swordsman, so maybe Maya is right about this one. Although, most of her other flashbacks show her to be an idiot so it can go either way.

She didn't give a shit about Incubus, he served only as an example of what not to do

>pic related

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I really like this page. It reads like a parable or something.

>Hrrnnng Meti I'm trying to learn the law of the sword but I'm dummy thicc and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps screwing my stance.

turn out murderous auntie Maya was a moral fag and has the higher ground along
who would have known

It takes no time to blindly follow a simple order, but it takes time to decide you want to disobey the order plus the realization that you need to stop the one who will follow it. And that's only if you know the other person well enough to instantly know he will do it. The killer will always be two steps in time ahead of the savior, no matter what. Meti's the idiot here.

I want Maya to be right about this because if Incubus realized the same thing Maya is saying here then it explains so goddamn much about his personality. Down to trying so hard to fulfill his Master's death wish as well.

I think meti is gonna tell incubas to cut herself down and maya will hesitate to stop him once again

The point is that yes the killer has it easier because they act on impulse but in order to be great you have to be that much better/faster/cleverer then them in order to beat them.

Meti wanted to teach something, which she did.
What you said applies, but only strenghtens Meti's lesson: be ready to kill if you want something, cause others will kill you for what they want.

Something that I think both Meti and Maya fail to consider is that Incubus was a destitute, starving orphan; he's probably just happy he doesn't have to eat the rat raw after killing it as his only meal of the day. I think the problem is that neither Meti nor Maya really understood Incubus because he was so dissimilar to them.

Killing a rat to eat it was likely the most natural thing to do for him.

>nearly scalp your head just to get the chance to escape your shitty life
>get used a teaching aid for someone else
Incubus better do something vile soon because he's becoming a bit too sympathetic.

Royalty is a continual cutting motion. Not a single cut after thoughtful consideration, not a flurry of blows in retaliation, and it is most certainly not a blade restrained.

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>Incubus is incredibly good at killing people with swords and is therefore a poor swordsman
Like he just swings his sword around like an idiot hitting people despite lacking any technic or form?

So Incubus is a parallel to the Centurion from Het and the Rakshasa? I guess that makes Maya a parallel to Het.

This honestly just makes me like Incubus even more.

>ded parents, living on the streets
>body ravaged by famine and disease
>leap at the chance to survive, grasp it
>get taken in by the greatest swordmaster ever
>desperate not to ever fall into abject lonesome poverty again, so do everything she says without question
>turns out she's just using you as a cautionary tale for her actual student
>basically manipulating your desperation and ruining you on purpose, so Maya can learn a lesson
>"you know what, fuck this bitch"
>kill her, take her key, feed her corpse to the dogs like she wanted

Incubus keeps it real.

No being good with a sword is not being a good swordsman! the god of swords Intra i think used idiot moves and carried no sword im not sure if we have enough examples of what are "good swordsman" to understand what the author means but i think it means getting what you want since thats the goal of being a swordsman but thats just my interpretation based on how tied to royalty it is.

we still don't know what it means exactly, which means people are going to reply to you with a bunch of bullshit theories that make no sense

Meti once talked about people who enjoyed the Art of Cutting and people who enjoyed the result of Cutting. Judging by panel four, Incubus is the latter.

Good page
Last one was kino though

Live like you always have your sword drawn

It's in the manual, son

>Like dogs, they did not complain much, ate almost anything, and kept you warm at night.
But is Incubus a dog or a rat?

First page Incubus is looking at Maya while Maya is looking at the mouse. What does this mean?

That's an awkwark angle to cut something
>inb4 only if you're not a student of Cutting

An albino lab rat.

>Meti's the idiot
>Not constantly being ready to swing your sword.
Imagine being as unroyal as this guy.

I wonder if Maya blames herself for Meti’s death. If she wanted her master to live, she should have been prepared to kill Incubus on the spot, right?

>Maya is idiot Meti
>Incubus is idiot Intra

Meti had a key? I must have really missed something.

This, if you're just being used as a tool to teach your masters actual student and nothing more then his anger is warranted for lashing out against her.

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We don't have any reason to believe Maya's assessment of Meti's true intentions is correct.

Intra da bess swordsman is completely artless. Maybe Incubus’ deal is he eventually figured out ALL the arts (he mastered Head of John at some point at least) and became the perfect technician but lost the reflexive killing instincts of his youth?

Good catch!

I know what it means. He kills instead of just dancing around. He is not a swordsman, who has mastered doing all kinds of intricate, fancy forms and tricks with a sword. He has not mastered the sword. He is simply a master of killing WITH a sword.

I love it when skilled and powerful people are just reduced to having to beat each other to death with their fists.

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You guys are self aware enough to realise that the fanbase is approaching homestuck levels, right?
These threads are almost as bad as the comments on the comic itself. Please, take a step back and look at yourselves.

she doesn't. People assume this because she had a halo at one point, though having a halo doesn't mean you have a key, it means the person is powerful.

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>the fanbase is approaching homestuck levels, right?

shit man, can you point out where.
just reply with the post that are as cancerous as nepeta posting and anons typing like the trolls and Erping and RPing

Oof, this is a good one. I'm adding this to my "Completely fucking stupid things to say" bait bucket.

if you count the comments on the website there's no shortage of people rping as 82 Gobbler of Cocks Swallows the Seed or whatever

>if you count the comments on the website

were not the comments on the website, most of those people are from tumblr/twitter crowd that follow abbadon and don't realize the autism they harbor cause nobody called them out for being faggots.

But do not actually have your sword drawn at all times, or you will look like a floundering moron

Hesitation is defeat!

Well, it's a good thing that faggotry won't find a place to plant roots here unless we go out of our way to tolerate it and give it a home right?

Incubus has clearly taken some lessons in charisma being the sarcastic fruit he is today. He used to be a fucking feral child. I don't know if he can even talk right now.

Oh man for real, I don't know how that slipped past me.
I wonder if it's just that Meti and Maya taught him how to or there's some bs going on

>masters of over a dozen forms of martial arts
>end up on the ground wrestling and punching at each other's dicks
So mma in a nutshell?

It did try to take root here a couple pages ago, but they were mostly ignored and then didn't stick around. Starving the autism works, people.

Kinda impressive how far Maya has fallen down on my list of favorite characters with this little flashback.
Where's all the "Murder the gods and topple their thrones"?

Guess he wasn't smart enough

I'd love to see his own portrayal of his past self. I'll bet he saw himself as some wee innocent /ss/ material, that scamp.

not if you remember what that first s stands for

More likely it happened later. At that point they are still just two students, and seeing your companions as irredeemable usually takes a lot more than that.

>You guys are self aware enough to realise that the fanbase is approaching homestuck levels, right?
I wish. I missed out on Homestuck so it would be great to fuck cute K6BD cosplayers

Ok user you got me there.

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Have there been ANY k6bd cosplayers? Any at all?

i think abbadon has retweeted a couple of cios

After her home city and all its inhabitants get mercilessly slaughtered in the war, presumably.

Unfortunately it turns out the most effective fighting style is just grabbing someone and throwing them on the ground. Reality sucks.

There was I think one Allison and Cio each

I can feel you, mostly.
But remember this is a flashback anyways

>the two Demiurges in the background have probably been fighting for days
>so tired that they are just shoving each other now
this is pretty funny

Im working on something right now but it takes forever because Abby really loves detailing everything. K6BD is a bitch to cosplay.

I really wanna see someone do a Zoss.

i will accept no k6bd cosplay unless it's an old unwashed scrawny ass indian woman cosplaying meti

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That panel of Incubus cutting the mouse is so hilarious, he's so nonchalant about it and almost seems happy to do it.

And very beginning of the comic Allison. This is all I could find of k6bd cosplay.

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Fuckin sick

>White rat
>Albino boy
It's symbolic of him wiping out his weak, scavenging self by exercising the strength he developed after seizing the chance to be trained by Meti.

aesma beat the red eyed king by , essentially, hitting him with increasingly larger rocks.

If u wan prottec, you mus also attacc

I’m gonna be disappointed if Maya’s assessment is accurate. It won’t ruin things for me, but thinking Incubus existence was nothing more than a lesson for her feels like loathing and narcissism more than anything else.

Maybe this is why the others think of him as an imposter; they don't see him as a student either and they all feel that because Maya was the real student then he's just a pretender. Could also tie in to Maya conquering those worlds, by going out and taking them she was trying to protect them but in doing so she abandoned Met's teachings, which is why Meti saw her as a failure and went off to die with Incubus landing the killing blow because only he was left/good enough.

I think the twist is gonna be that they were both lessons for each other, for Maya to be more decisive and willful, for Incubus to not be a sociopathic fuck, but they both failed to learn from each other.

>I don't even know if he can talk right now.
He understood language enough to learn that Meti wanted her students to shave their heads with their swords.

Are they good swordsmen? Both also seem like good candidates for Royalty since neither of them give a shit about something like that so they may attain it with little effort.

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is cassandra from the tangled tv series an ideal candidate for royalty?

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look, Maya's essentially unformed at this moment

weak, hesitant

the easiest way to define someone is through opposition

simply: create a monster to create a hero

I wonder if meti had been secretly encouraging him to seek her training while maya was away.

Damn, that works.

and Intra is already an idiot, so that makes Incubus, like, a double retard

It strikes me that we still haven't seen past Incubus talk yet. Can he?

Swordsmen are just idiots, aren't they?

Seems out of character for everyone

>Too stupid to know he can't beat Meti in a swordfight
>Too stupid to know not to run into a decapitating slash
>Too stupid to know he should die after getting his head cut off
Until it's shown how he did it then this is how I picture Incubus killing Meti and why he learned Head of John afterwards.

I saw a book one Alison at Dragoncon a few years ago.

I'm trying to get back into shape for a Zoss cosplay, but realistically I'm looking at 2 years at least to get swole enough unless I do a stack.

>Meti was the one who learned the wrong lesson the whole time

>>Meti was the one who learned the wrong lesson the whole time
Nah Meti learned that lesson during her first fight. She ended up breaking all her weapons and killing her opponent with her bare hands, right?

It's only about winning.

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>'m trying to get back into shape for a Zoss cosplay
Looking forward to it user, even if it takes awhile.

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Good luck user, thats one hell of a goal but if you push through youll also be a total beast of a man.

You could also do the fully suited Zoss from the very first pages of the comic if you wanted to be able to cosplay him sooner, at least until you get beefy.

The only con I attend regularly is DragonCon, and fuck wearing a full suit of armor lined with fur on Labor Day in Georgia.

>The only con I attend regularly is DragonCon
You lucky bastard, I'm super jealous but I know what you mean about the heat. Still though, you'd look awesome.

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Someone fucking cosplay Juggernaut you damn cowards.

A juggy cosplayer would definitely get arrested for being a walking assault weapon.

And it would be fantastic. They could even sass the cop as they got taken away the way Juggs would.

>"Do you like tea, deviant?"

>Kill this rat
Coincidence that incubus kinda has the appearance of a lab rat?

I don't think it's coincidence.

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-said user, who was a fool who had never learned not to blindly trust narration boxes.

oh no

user is Royalty, yes.

Thats not Mother Om. Remember that her husband was the one that became Demiurge during the war, one of the original 7, and then killed him in his sleep and thats how she became demiurge.

>meti subdues incubus during a casual practice spar
>suddenly out of the blue orders maya to kill him
>maya doesn't do it

Where is it said she was married to him during the second war? As far as I know they married during the first conquest, before things went full on universal crazy, and she stole his key later on, presumably some time before the second universal war.

I kinda want to see these flashbacks from Inky's PoV at some point.

not everything stupid is royalty, user.

Spoken like a peasant

You're the biggest evidence of that, you fun ruining fuck

All of the old keyholders are "demiurges", not just the remaining 7.
She only got her first key(s) when she murdered her husband. The rest she got by killing the shit out of everyone else.

Aside from maybe Incubus (we dont know his deal), none of the 7 received all their keys at once. They got one or a few, then earned the rest the hard way.

Nah, the opposite. Look at the two Royaltyfags:
>Meti had form and Big Brain shit
>Intra had no form but had Big Brain shit
Both were considered mega-badasses, so Big Brain shit is the juice you need to be a mega-badass, not form.

Incubus has gotta have form, but no Big Brain shit. That's why he's fucking amazing, but he's no good. Like an incredibly realistic drawing with no soul behind it.

It was always homestuck shit. The fucking comic had its roots on the MSPA forums.

>The fucking comic had its roots on the MSPA forums.
Sometimes I forget this.

Would fit the Hansa mold. But what about Aesma, then?

I think that it's a cosmic principle that sufficient amounts of WANT is enough to overcome any obstacle.

We're talking about swordsmen, which is why I used Meti and Intra as an examples, not Royalty in general. I would argue Aesma is the final boss of Big Brain though - even if shes too blind and stupid to realize it

It's funny to think that Homestuck, a product with the potential to be good but was ground into toxic waste, was a springboard for so many better things that didn't shit the bed. Everything that went wrong with Homestuck did. At first - it was good. Interesting literary everything backed up by interesting music.

I had enough of Homestuck around the part they added the new kids. I don't fucking know how anybody continued with it beyond that point - I can't even imagine what their brains are like. The people who enjoyed it are probably just broken people but those who hated it every step of the way to the end and completely couldn't help themselves with whatever new content just dropped in the past week I cannot imagine what drove them to even give Hussie page views. The only reason why I mention those individuals who saw Homestuck to the end and are still rational is because at some point, when you reflect on Undertale and KSBD, you will question where were their origins and the answer would be Homestuck. And then you'd have to explain how something so good can come from something so fucking bad; you'd have to constantly remind people that Homestuck is not to be touched even if it was the progenitor. It's like the Gods pointing at Chronos and saying, "Yeah, that guy - responsible for everything but fuck him. Some of us are good and some of us are trash but that guy at the top, we don't talk about him."

Ok since several people now have brought it up, can you explain to someone who knows absolutely nothing about Homestuck what went wrong and why everyone acts as if it's the plague in webcomic form? What the fuck happened? I know the fandom is horrible and have run into them at conventions so I know that side of it is terrible, but what is it about the actual story that's so bad.

Undertale is a weird case that feels like almost the opposite, where the core product is a well written, self containing story. And the abhorrent cancer comes from the autistic fandom that wants MORE MORE MOAR nestling around it. To use the greek myth analogy, it's like hope remaining in Pandora's box while all the evils flew out to plague mankind.

I'm not expert myself, but from what I gather it started from an escalation of the author getting carried away with unnecessarily convoluted, self-referential meta statements until nothing made sense and nobody's actions had any meaning. Also, someone called Vriska apparently is an unlikeable horrible person who gets rewarded for never changing.

Well you got the toxic fandom right, and the other blemish it had was several questionable story progression. Sometimes it's kinda visible when Hussie's losing steam (and thus allowing for another dark note to happen: the hiatus, especially megapause and gigapause). Then there is that business with The Odd Gentlemen for a Homestuck game, that ended up in TOG essentially using said money to fund their other games... while not making a lick of the promised Homestuck game. Shit blew the wind out of Hussie's creative sails.

Yep, this guy also nails the descent into mediocrity rather late into the story, when people have already invested too much emotionally into the webcomic to drop it.

Look, I'm not some expert in Homestuck, which is why I say that a unfortunate reader of Homestuck to the end will have to be present to account for KSBD's origins and argue stringently that Homestuck doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as something like Undertale.

Someone will need to add to what I have to say but I guess we'll start with the good. Homestuck is a webcomic about four friends living in various corners of the world playing a video game together. They were a bunch of wildly different people who were charming, weird, clownish, and generally dealing with being kids and having teenage-antagonistic relationships with their parent or guardian; in many ways they were adorable and we learned about them from their incredibly extensive chatlogs.

It turns out that this video game has implications on real-life. Upon the first kid activating the game, monsters start appearing, Armageddon approaches the world, and eventually, the kids have to enter the game itself to save the world, each helping the other enter the game from the game dimension to the real dimension. All throughout we see other worlds observing and having fringe interactions with the kids or impacting the kids' lives. Some "trolls" on the Internet start harassing the kids. There's some nice animations occasionally, backed up by good if not great music, and as I said before, the author spent lots of time writing dumb conversations between the friends.

Turns out, those "trolls" are kids themselves who also played the game, the game destroyed their world, and now they are observing the four either harassing or trying to be friends with these kids. And there are 12 of them. We're hundreds of pages in and now the story takes a bit of a detour to explore what happened to these 12 trolls as a foreshadowing of what will happen to the 4 friends.

Okay that's enough with the good. tl;dr it was fucking charming and there was a lot to read

Oh right, I also remember that dumb "deliberately" shitty puppet-show-in-a-webcomic thing Caliban was doing which was used to explain a lot of important character developments. That technically falls under self referential meta, but it stands out as one of the things I remember being complained about most.

Going into Homestuck Generals back when they were still regular was a strange experience. Between the waifuposting, there's a unique sense of despair, exhaustion and fury. It's like being inside of the Omega Sanction while it was being used on a furry.

Anyway, based on the latest spicy memes aren't Dirk "Bro" Strider and the Condesce/Mrs. Crocker somehow the main villains again? Because...weird time shit, I guess.

There's a thing in storytelling called a character arc. You've literally only seen Maya at the beginning and end of hers.

Now the bad.

The author introduces 4 more kids. Then introduces another 12 trolls. We went from having hundreds of pages of tight interactions between four main characters to an explosive 32 THAT I KNOW OF.

The entire setting is steeped in "this has happened before", which is fine because apparently this video game exists to destroy planets. The problem is that the author starts spending hundreds of pages of words developing parallels and connections and self-referential bullshit. This is related to that, this is retconned to be responsible for this, that person actually did this thing we saw hundreds of pages ago. It's like the author just incessantly went back to some random page in the past and for new content just tried to make a connection to the current situation or characters.

Basically it became evident he had no clue where things were going. Not even the remotest plan. Now, in some degree of fairness, his previous comic was all about random bullshit happening all the time. But Homestuck was the biggest clusterfuck in literature history ever. I'm sorry I cannot say more because I honestly don't know. I don't know how the fuck it got worse; but no question it got worse.

The fanbase. Imagine you're some impressionable teenager. You've read Lord of the Flies and have some understanding poetic devices like metaphors, alliteration, foreshadowing, irony, etc. Then comes Homestuck, which is pop-culture and is deep with poetic devices. But you're some stupid teenager and you don't really know yet that poetic devices can be abused and when they are, they are bad. The Homestuck fans were presented with a product the likes of which they've never seen; in their hands was a product that was wilder and crazier than anything mainstream. And unfortunately, there was nobody to tell them that it was dogshit. And that devotion was affirmed and reinforced by the Internet and conventions. The word "cult" comes to mind.

That's all I got.

>ksbd thread is now a homestuck thread
How could you let this happen? You must kill your opponent before he strikes.

You forgot the anticlimaxes. Homestuck never had any proper fucking climaxes. It was fucking terrible. At least the epilogue had the final boss battle. I can now forget about it forever after reading that.

Seriously, how are Bro and Mrs. Crocker the final bosses?

Royalty is continuous posting motion. Clinging to regrets results only in stagnation.

Who wants to bet Meti's "compatriots" literally are the surviving 7 Demiurges of the modern era and Mottom over there is about to freak out hard when she figures out exactly who's watching?

I wouldn't quite say Maya is at the end of her arc just yet, otherwise why go to all this trouble to track a parade of fools and subtly antagonize Allison?

It has some plot justification about there being a tier beyond god tiers called ultimate selves and some patented Homestuck meta narrative horseshit. But it really boils down to this. Sometimes teens grow up to be shitheads. When people change they can change for the worse.

Dirk was a pretty bad and manipulative boyfriend so I can clearly see how he can grow up to be an asshole. I really didn't pay attention to Jane though, so I have no idea if her descent to fascism had any basis in her character.

If Maya is this compassionate then how come she'll end up being Allison's enemy one day?

Wait, hold up, are the epilogues the ones with meat and candy paths and both are fulla text?

Yeah. If you want the LE final battle, read Meat. Some stuff happens there and it ends on a cliffhanger and a new villain but I don't give a shit because I got what was denied to me a few years ago.

Oh god, Hussie went full Final Crisis. You never recover from full Final Crisis.

Road to hell, good intentions etc. Also I would not be surprised if she eventually came to the conclusion that Royalty is inherently evil and the world would be a better place with it gone. Or at least, it's most viable candidate dead.

...you've lost me again, HOW can Jane grow up to be the Condesce when she's another species?

Oh wait, you though the Condesce was one of the new villains? No, it's Jane. She's full Hitler, genocide the trolls etc. etc.

>Mrs. Crocker
...huh, uh. Okay. Okay, I guess this is a thing now.

That said
>genocide the trolls
Honestly after all the bullshit incarnate that is Vriska and their insane ideas about relationships and their even worse actual reproduction method and their shitposting I can't fault her for that at least.

>Sometimes teens grow up to be shitheads. When people change they can change for the worse.
It's like some sort of insane Medaka Box fanfic if Medaka Box were still popular enough to have fanfics for

Incubus a cute

Got way too meta in a bad way. Something called the Critical Moment happens that concludes almost all the plot tension. Past that point enjoying the comic as a reader requires looking at it like watching a burning building. In fact this sort of thing is alluded to a few times in-comic. It's like a very slow self-aware emotional breakdown. (And then the author actually forgets how to write and draw the comic while taking time off to badly manage a spin-off adventure game.)

Moral of the story?
Fuck Demiurges and FUCK poor people.

Hussie got screwed out of literally millions of dollars and lost all interest in the story he was telling. This happened around the same time that the comic exploded into borderline mainstream popularity so he suddenly found himself completely depressed writing something he no longer wanted to write while meanwhile getting constantly assaulted by new fans who didn't really get what Homestuck was really about and constantly pressuring him to include this or not include that.

So the story ground to a halt and went on hiatus for years while he tried to resolve the money situation (because he owed the money to the kickstarter backers) and find some renewed interest in the story but it ultimately never really came back to how it was before.

Recently homestuck started up again but I don't know if anyone has actually read it, I don't really feel like I need to anymore...

It's been proven time and again that if you give much power or much wealth to the poor and desperate, they will either become monsters that prey on others or fuck themselves over until they are worse off than before. At least without proper course correction.

Oh shit

We do have one reason, in her sword manual says she only has one student, an idiot speck of a girl with more talent for eating than swordsmanship. That implies that either Incubus leaves in a huff at some point forth, or that Maya is right and Meti doesn't actually see Inc as her student.

This is really fucking dope

Attached: switch.png (521x570, 511K)

It's been a while since i've read that bit of lore. did it say explicitly that she only had one apprentice or does it only mention one?

>I am Meti, of no house but myself. In my 108th year I am surrounded by fools. My compatriots cling obsessively to their destiny, and my only apprentice is an idiot speck of a girl with more talent for eating than skill with the blade. Therefore I have decided to die drowning in the boiling gore of my enemies, of which there are many.


At first it's about kids playing cosmic-Jumanji, and the apocalypse. Pretty fantastic concept and execution. The comic makes use of cool storytelling gimmicks (chat logs as dialogue, some audience participation, pages that are .gifs/Adobe Flash animations/interactive games, etc).

20% of the way through, the story introduces teen romance/drama. Thankfully it interacts with the Jumanji kids in a fun way that progresses the plot (MOSTLY). The author starts talking about "trolling" and frustrating readers on purpose. He introduces a "controversial" character that the story starts gravitating around on the regular, even after she dies and becomes a ghost. A "critical moment" happens that concludes various plot threads.

30% of the way through, Jumanji becomes a backdrop to more teen romance/drama. Plot progresses at a snail's pace, mostly focusing on a three year timeskip. The Big Bad Mastermind is introduced. They quickly fade into the background along with the original villain, but the Big Bad keeps getting teased. This goes on for ages. At some point the author gets $2 millions on Kickstarter; that trash fire's been burning ever since.

Finally, 90% of the way through, 90% of the cast dies, to be replaced with clones. A character retcons the three year timeskip to save the "controversial" character from dying. She solves all the issues in Mary Sue fashion. Characters suddenly regress, some end up worse than they started. Plot points are hastily concluded or forgotten. The original villain is depowered and has a happy ending in the background. The Big Bad becomes relevant just long enough to get fought off-screen for a while. An animation concludes the story, the fate of major characters is left unadressed (including the Big Bad's). Some "official fanfiction" is released on Snapchat as an epilogue.

3 years later, more official fanfic releases in text form, to both tie up loose ends and presumably offend as many people as possible. That was last week.

>You want the rat alive? Kill the other guy
What about just blocking the sword?

Attached: 1538413930370.jpg (512x687, 184K)

Damn, Incubus has gotten smooth and wordy for someone who used to be a gutter orphan and a silent sword-murder monk.

So, she wanted to die fighting her enemies. And Incubus killed her. She probably challenged him on purpose.

he could hypothetically keep trying over and over, and all he has to do is succeed once while you have to succeed every single time

This, whereas if you kill him you have permanently succeeded.

I dunno about that, he doesn't really look like he's enjoying it. He's just acting with zero hesitation.

Well in that situation, the lesson would still come down to who has the greatest will, and whether she’s able to keep blocking every time Incubus tries.

Go back to training, Ender

user, this is the art of CUT. A sword is not meant to block, it is a useless weapon after all, if you are using it to do something other than cut you have lost even more than inaction.

yall think there could be a master of the art of shooting

That saves the rat from the blow, but not the other guy. Incubus would keep trying to kill the rat until Maya stops him.

You can say that Maya could just choke him out or cut off his hands or whatever, but I think Meti would see that as a doomed half measure. It's probably why Incubus is alive in the first place.

Layla Brimstone son. Gun witches got gun kata and gun broomsticks and spinning guns shooting more guns.

Granted it's kinda useless when you got people like Maya who can split bullets with their mind, but hey it looks cool.


Imagine having attained phenomenal cosmic power and the best you can do with it is be a glorified crack dealer living in your own squalid crackhouse blood sewer.

Dirk went full Caliborn/Gnostic Demiurge trying to hijack the narrative from Calliope, who may or may not be any better. Jane became a trollcist politician.

Attached: Luther.jpg (2037x3056, 1.45M)

what the hell is wrong with that anatomy

A lot. Guy is a freak. Plus Tradd uses a lot of stylisation in his art that is almost ancient greek art tier. But in context of the story him having such a body is completely logical. There are other guys like him.

Wait, Luther Strode matures? Might have to start reading this shit.

Yeah, you as well could. Ending kinda meh, but It's finished and pretty short.

i dont think its that deep

the only difference is the story being told really

Cool scene, but he'd never offer one to Maya.

>Dirk went full Caliborn/Gnostic Demiurge trying to hijack the narrative from Calliope
I find the epilogue's handling of this to be fucking hilarious. Becoming the narrator of the story isn't such a fucking amazing thing. Hussie's been one. Doc Scratch has been one. Fucking Caliborn has been one. I mean fuck, the Exiles from the very beginning can input commands into the kids heads already. By the time the spooky orange text came out, it wasn't in any way intimidating. Shit's been done before.

She offered him noodles, least he can do is offer a key to the multiverse.

He didn't want noodles, he wanted a sword.

To escape the wolf, you must be lucky every evening you walk through the forest. The wolf need only be lucky once...

>Royalty is inherently evil and the world would be a better place with it gone.
You may be on to something there user, but instead of Royalty being inherently evil, I think she's after destroying the demiurges and their keys. In a way the keys started this whole thing and keep awful people like the Seven in power, and the universe will be better without them.
>"Murder the Gods and topple their Thrones"

>Look, I'm not some expert in Homestuck, which is why I say that a unfortunate reader of Homestuck to the end will have to be present to account for KSBD's origins and argue stringently that Homestuck doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as something like Undertale.
Hi I followed Homestuck for all 7 years of its comic incarnation and was an active poster in /hsg/ all the way up until it was officially banned
This is correct
Additionally, it is infinitesimally unlikely that anything will ever "approach homestuck levels" again because of the perfect storm of time, place, and cultural zeitgeist that led to Homestuck's rise and fall to begin with.
Something becoming popular does not make it as bad as bad things that have coincidentally also been popular, even if it's popular with a similar crowd.