In case you're wondering about her role in Endgame, she's barely in it. She shows up at the start to tow Tony and Nebula to earth. Afterwards she declares she might not show up again and is absent until the final battle. And all she does there is destroy Thanos' flagship, briefly fight him and get punched into space.
Endgame Carol
She's badass for the time she has though so Carolfans will be pleased. Maybe not worth the whole 3 hours if Carol's your only interest in the MCU but fun enough.
>And I.... am Marvel
Imagine if that scene actually occurred
>if Carol's your only interest in the MCU but fun enough.
Da fuq
>if Carol's your only interest in the MCU
Any one who honestly feels that way should be lynched.
Well I watched Guardians because I thought the Kree stuff could be setting up Carol. Turns out it was kinda? Otherwise not really into the movies.
That's really under-selling it.
>Destroys Thanos ship
Saving everyone in the process, literally has the entire scene dedicated to making her look like a god coming down from on high to save the day
>fights Thanos briefly
She ultimately overpowers the Biggest Bad of the MCU single-handedly (literally, she pushes him down to a knee with one hand) and forces him to cheat with the Power Stone to defeat her. It was nakedly obvious shilling for Carol's 'most powerful' status.
Carol is only in it for 3 minutes but there isn't a single second she's on screen where her role isn't to be superior to everyone around her.
If this is true, good. We didn't get 10+ years of building up main heroes for a secondary to steal the spotlight.
Kamala is my only interest in Marvel to be honest, I haven't seen any of these Avengers movies in their entirety
Compare this to Steve briefly trying to do the same in the previous movie, compare the emotional weight. Wake me up when this doll is a character.
Hell, compare it to Wanda from the same movie. Wanda ALSO over-powers Thanos single-handedly and forces him to resort to orbital bombardment, but with her it feels completely natural because unlike Carol, Wanda has had an arc. She's lost the love of her life to this monster who already killed her once and is fucking pissed off, and it's made all the more impactful because also unlike Carol we've seen this character grow with the team and develop control over her powers for years. Not just 30 years of off-screen space shit or 5 years of off-screen relationships built with the Avengers we're never shown (Carol herself is a walking case of 'tell don't show' in terms of character).
Imagine being this easily rustled by a character in a superhero movie.
She's really not in the film all that much - 3 brief scenes, but they do shill her pretty shamelessly with each one. If she was in it more, it would probably get insufferable - as it stands, it's just a little annoying, but they move on quickly enough.
>Be invested in a film franchise over 11 years
>Overpowered, under-developed character jammed in where she doesn't belong in the 11th hour like a bad fanfic where her only purpose is to show off how much stronger than everyone else she is
Most people are usually rustled by bad writing and shit characters, especially in shows they like.
>If she was in it more, it would probably get insufferable
Actually, I think just the opposite: she would be infinitely more sufferable if she WAS in the movie more. What separates her scenes from other people being shown as extremely powerful like Wanda or Thor is that those characters are extremely empathetic. You watch them interact with the team, grow with the team, you clearly see their faults/strengths highlighted against each other, fail almost as often as they succeed. Imagine if Carol had actually gone with the group into the Time Heist, being shown playing off them and making her into a person and giving us reason to care about her. Her shining moments could have actually felt impactful if she spent any time at all with the Avengers on-screen, rather than us just being told she's part of the group now after a five-year timeskip we never see.
they went with the No Brie cut of the film
none of the girls has a big character arc to be honest
>It was nakedly obvious shilling for Carol's 'most powerful' status.
But Thor could have killed him when he had all the stones, she lost to one stone.
>Carol's your only interest in the MCU
Nobody is that retarded.
The difference being Thor had to fail first and then struggle his way up to get to such a point. Thor watched every single remaining person he cared about die right in front of him, had to survive his ship's explosion and be rescued by the Guardians, then make his way to a forge where he had to undergo a trial to forge a weapon made 'specifically' to counter the Gauntlet.
Thor's shining moment wasn't shilling because it was earned and tied into his character arc. Carol has no arc to speak of so the only purpose of her over-powering Thanos with literally one-hand can be trying to sell her on her power alone.
why is she so obnoxious in her interviews?
>movie about the O6 Avengers wrapping up their arcs
>Why didn't Carol get more screentime?!
Her arc in her movie was great and the power showoff in Endgame was rad. She'll have her time when she forms the Ultimates.
So basically, Carol is physically stronger than the fucking Hulk. The character who's whole thing is raw strength is weaker than her because gurl power.
Acting in character, I suppose. Maybe part of her contract? Whatever it is, it's clearly working going by how triggered anons get over her every word.
Please gain access to carnal pleasures.
She's always been stronger than the Hulk.
>inb4 the same two Hackman pages Hulkfags always post
This tbqh famm
>hey peter parker, wanna /ss/?
>movie about the O6 Avengers wrapping up their arcs
>undercut all their accomplishments thus far by shilling the new FOTM as being oh so powerful without any sort of arc to justify it
This wouldn't be difficult to do, just do exactly what they did with Nebula, who has just as gripping a story as any of the original six while also using a fraction of the screen time, or even just as much as Ant-man or Rocket who don't change much over the course of the film but are still made likable in how they play off of the cast and make them feel like worthy additions to the team.
Also: Carol's arc isn't even that good in her own movie. She starts the film as a cocky reckless snark machine and ends the movie in the exact same way. The only thing she learns over the course of the movie is how special she is and who the real bad guys are, she doesn't even have to spend more than a few minutes figuring out her full-potential as she's flying around destroying entire missile salvos and fleets immediately after.
>she's barely in it
Reminder that they made multiple different cuts of the movie, ones with more of her and ones with less, and picked how much of her would be seen based on how her solo movie was received. Her solo movie was officially a huge success, but that's obviously a Potemkin's village type situation.
>incels actually believe this crap
Outrage shilling on YouTube must be an easy life
Even with Rescue Pepper and their "Pose as a Team" Moment.
>incels actually believe extremely plausible things
Just out of curiosity, even to honest Carolfags:
Can anyone look at this scene and feel it isn't in any way at all forced?
You won't find anyone who genuinely likes Carol here, or in the world.
Honest Carolfag here.
Of course it's forced. Is there somebody who would say it isn't?
The question is if AND THAT'S A GOOD THING
Old Carol who was a fucking alcoholic mess that tried and had a decent buddy cop movie relationship with Spider-Woman, I at least enjoyed her back then.
>briefly fight him and get punched into space
Never to be seen or heard from again.
At no point during Carol's alcoholism did she even interact with Spider-Woman. Take your fake Carolfaggotry and go.
Back to her home planet.
She's at Tony's funeral.
Her being buddycop with Spider-Woman is all during KSD's run and her Avengers Assemble
Glad to see you acknowledge KSD as the best Carol writer user.
Speaking of that whole era before she started getting constantly rebooted as they tried to get her into a niche. Her Ms.Marvel era as a whole was better than this trash.
that's exactly what he said you retard
Tony literally kills himself for nothing. Wtf. Shit movie.
she is also stronger than Thanos and Thor
Not a carolfag, but I think it's within reason giving the girl team assemble thing like this, since, they also did the men version ten minutes before.
>men version
do you mean the Thor, Cap, Iron-Man team-up? Because that's not really a 'men version', that's the 'characters with trilogies' version
He killed Thanos and his whole army though
>there isn't a single second she's on screen where her role isn't to be superior to everyone around her.
So that's why they cast Cheesy.
I mean minutes before the cap saying avengers assemble.
>0.10$ have been sent to your account
>inb4 you post evidence
sigh why you guys always gotta post something that proves my idiotic claims wrong!>:(
>it's not worth paying for it if you only like Carol
You feeling okay user?
>0.25$ have been sent to your account
Then I'm really confused what you mean by calling that the 'men version' because Scarlet Witch, Okoye, Mantis, Shuri, Wasp, and jeezus knows how many other females were in that line-up with the men.
Oh, my bad, then. I only watched the spoiler camrip version, and it was hard to make up whos in the video. Only distinct characters I could recognize were star lord, hulk, spidey, iron man and cap so I thought they were doing the men assemble version.
she's like a fucking walking infinity gem, how it's a surprise that she's stronger than base thanos? still the power gem is enough to send her flying out of the fucking battlefield
fucking tony lasted more against thanos + gems in infinity war
its only forced because they still try to sell you that valkyrie or oyoke can do shit, hell why the fuck is mantis there, the only ones that could actually help carol get away with the gauntlet would be rescue/wasp/scarlett
Powercreep yo
hulk whole gimmic is that he gets strnger the longer he figts angry, MCU hulk was too much in control by the tme of infinity war to get any kind of strength out, doc hulk must be a joke in endgame
Gotta make everyone show up for the final battle, even the support units.
>appears to solve Tony/Nebula stuck in space problem
>appears to solve giant ship problem
>gives non-stone Thanos a run for his money
How would they have brought Tony/Nebula home and dealt with Thanos' ship in the no-Carol cut?
>The character who's whole thing is raw strength
user, he was already beaten by Thanos on a 1 on 1 fight.
Not really. In this case, the Deus Ex Machina are literally the Infinity Stones.
tony and nebula fix the ship but have a more "crashing" landing on earth
What does this expression mean? Cap was showing desperation trying to get the Gauntlet off. Talk about wooden acting.
Know what's worse than losing to a Hulk? Losing to the Based Mutant race despite all that cosmic power.
Wait I haven't seen Strange in any of the leaks, is he prominent in the movie? The whole thing was his plan
and i'm grateful.
It's his plan, but he doesn't do much. He is basically in autopilot mode all movie, already knowing how it will end. He gives Tony a knowing look when the time comes.
he shows up at the end with the rest of the ex dusted opening multiple portals for literaly everyone to arrive
also him and tony have the usual staring exchage of
>I die here?
He only shows up in the final battle when the Snap is undone
I would have bought a gun.
Some things cannot be forgiven.
On second thoughts, a plane ticket would have sufficed. I just wouldn't be sure who to strangle.
I just don't fucking get it. What are they thinking with this? Who is this supposed to impress?
I want this boring overpushed alien hybrid to fuck this teen twink in the amazon position.
If it ended with her dying and passing her title to Monica Rambeau I’d be okay with it.
So the two cuts were true? we got this one because she's a useless bitch?
No. Stop falling for obvious incelbait.
i.e. have sex
>she's a useless bitch?
She's hardly useless.
But a bitch? Ten points on that..
Exactly this. Carol's power level is so far above everyone else, it makes the other characters look tiny and useless.
>Thanos sucker punches Carol out of the fight with one infinity stone. Who was introduced one movie ago.
>Thanos needs to use all four of the stones he had at the moment to defeat Doctor Strange who wasn't using the Time Stone which Thanos acknowledges could have beaten him. Who was introduced three movies ago, with one cameo, and in his solo film alone saved the universe.
>Carol is somehow still considered "too overpowered"
People still getting mad about Carol just proves the R E N T F R E E meme completely true.
>punched into space
Hah. Like the Hulk scene from the comics?
what kind of cuck basedboy enjoy this?
Strange was actually shown struggling and working his way to get up to where he is today. The very first fight of IW Strange is defeated in a one-on-one with Maw, who has NO Infinity Stones despite Strange having access to one.
Carol has never once been shown to struggle since she released her full potential, and in her very first real confrontation in which she faces something challenging, she is unphased by a direct blow and visibly makes Thanos shit himself upon realizing he can't hurt her. The big bad of the entire 22 minute franchise is brought to his knees by YAAS QUEEN who wasn't even an entity in the MCU until the previous movie, no build up to her arc or character to make such a stomp mean anything other wank. Do you see the difference between the two of them?
>22 minute
22 *movie
Yes. One makes you seethe.
Weird how literally no one complains about WANDA also overpowering Thanos in the same movie on her own. Could it be, perhaps, because Wanda actually has development that makes a confrontation with Thanos in which she stomps worthwhile, and despite the difference in power he actually manages to make Wanda break a sweat and leave you in question of who will win?
It's almost as though Wanda is a much better written and implemented OP character than Carol is because she has more to her than Dell commercials shilling her power-level.
Why does it make you so happy that other people are miserable?
I'm going to be honest, I was really expecting Thanos to push her shit in because she ended her movie thinking she could do anything. It makes the most sense for her next arc to be realizing there are things she can't do on her own.
>Thanos shits his pants
He punches her out of the fight like a Little Mac main in Smash Bros. That doesn't seem like a guy shitting his pants to me. Hell, fucking Iron Man lasted longer against him. Wanda in IW fucking did more to him, who at the time had no clear reason to despise Thanos like she did in Endgame.
Yeah, Carol is powerful, and yes, I will agree that she's pretty boring and Larson's acting can fall pretty flat. But the same could be said about plenty of MCU actors/characters. Thor was pretty boring in his initial appearance, and Cumberbatch wasn't nearly as good in Dr. Strange as he was later.
If I were in charge of a CM sequel, I'd honestly give her the Nega-Bands and put her in the Negative Zone and have some kid who has no desire in being a hero bonded with her. It'd give Carol some restraint, and giving her a character to bounce off of could make for a great dynamic (bonus points if said person is a teenage boy, that'd make for some good/hilarious interactions).
Not him, but you people were going to get mad at anything Carol did in the movie regardless, there's no reasonable form of this conversation that can occur when you've got an axe to grind over a character just because the actress is annoying IRL.
So I may as well just enjoy you being mad since there was no universe where you weren't going to get mad anyway over dumb bullshit outside of the movie or corny girl power stuff that normal human beings can accept as perfectly fine without shitting themselves in rage.
>you people were going to get mad at anything Carol did in the movie regardless
No. No, I wasn't.
Not if Carol had been a good character, and I wanted her to be so badly.
MCU Captain Marvel is an affront and it's a goddamn disgrace they gave it to Larson.
And Dvoret.
And Floden.
>He punches her out of the fight like a Little Mac main
Resorting to the Power Stone to do it. Yes, Thanos has used the other stones to beat the other heroes, but there was always the implication that Thanos could have won without them (giving reason to believe Strange's "it was the only way" shit). No one, not even the Hulk or Thor, would just shrug off a full-blown punch from Thanos like it was nothing, yet Carol demonstrates she can do it easily. If Thanos is supposed to be one of the strongest fucks in the universe even stone-less, what the hell does this say to Carol's future? The only thing that overpowers Carol now (the stones) are all gone, so there's no reason she can't just steamroll everything that comes her way.
>That doesn't seem like a guy shitting his pants to me.
Look at this pic, user. This is the face Thanos makes after Carol tanks his head-butt. Thanos has been shown being agonized, injured, exhausted, but never at any point has he been shown this out of his fucking mind terrified. It's like that 'Carol stops Thanos before the snap' webm that is clearly played up for parody only played painfully straight, the way Thanos looks here is downright emasculating. It's poor taste to turn your biggest bad guy into a jobber, driven to his knees with Carol only using one arm, for a character who's had little to no role to play so far (outside of exerting smug superiority) right before he dies.
What exactly is the point of a character as strong as Captain Marvel?
Now when ever there is a problem, the answer should be to just call her.
Is it true Tony snaps Thanos away once he gets the infinity gauntlet himself?
I don't think it's a good idea to have to make your character struggle by putting weights on them / limiting them. It implies that they'd succeed if they were at full strength and the only thing holding them back is circumstance, rather than some internal flaw or actually having to push themselves past their current limitations. If Carol's biggest flaw is thinking she can do anything, putting weights on her is just going to justify the way she thinks because oh, now the only reason she's failing isn't her fault, she'd win if she weren't forced into these restraints (and she'd be right), and the story becomes not about growing, but re-obtaining what they lost.
I agree that is possibly Carol's biggest issue, but if she receives a humbling it has to be while she's at full strength, realizing that her power even at maximum isn't enough for every situation and coming to grips that she isn't invincible.
Lol it's obvious she was a fucking afterthought
God she looks so bored.
I feel the same way about Doctor Strange. He can beat most villains with minimal effort.
>Well I watched Guardians because I thought the Kree stuff could be setting up Carol.
Da Double Fuq
>Carol is only in it for 3 minutes but there isn't a single second she's on screen where her role isn't to be superior to everyone around her.
That shit pisses me off, especially the exchange between her Thanos, which pretty much shows that she's stronger than Cap, Iron Man, and MOTHER FUCKING GOD OF LIGHTING THOR, if it were just the 1st two I could buy it, but all three NOPE, NOT HAVING. Also she got her powers from the space stone right, meaning she should AT MAX be as powerful as 1/6th of Thanos with all the stones, so what fucking sense does it make for HER to not be damaged by Thanos WITH ALL 6 STONES. IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. Aside from that she was decent in the funeral scene... I'll give Brie that...
I watched the same torrent too, men never get any emphasis on what they do (because its expected).Watching the Big 3 in action was great tho...
I liked it, but purely for the fanservice aspect - we never really got a shot with all the female avengers working together. Some call it an A-Force tease, but I really just wanna see Wasp be an Avenger - seeing Hope team up with Scott at the end was also one of the best parts of the finale.
It's kinda like Superman in Justice League; His presence made everyone else irrelevant after all that struggle.
>the original mcu female avenger missed the female charge because dead
At least they acknowledge that Superman fills power gaps in their plans towards the end. He can't do *everything* because he's not as smart as Batman, as experienced as Wonder Woman, as tech-savvy as Cyborg, etc. He relies on the rest of the League. We know he is falliable because he gets his ass kicked and straight up dies because of the weakest member of the League.
Carol does not have this dynamic. She is presented as having no need for any of the other Avengers and as superior to all of them combined. The only character who can threaten her in any way is the big bad, and she overcomes him, and now he's dead.
Except she is in you retard.
Also they already said Brie filmed her Endgame scenes before her Captain Marvel movie.
Did you not watch Infinity War? They did this shit with the females in the Wakanda fight and even against the only female Black Order.
While I didn't like that it implies Wanda is stronger than Thor, or that Thanos can only randomly brute force his way out of magic, I can say it was far more enjoyable than Captain Marvel's interaction with the Titan. Also how can someone who has the power of one stone, be stronger than someone who is currently wielding all of them. At least with Wanda, she was man handling base Thanos, but the shit with Carol makes no sense...
This was a little cringe, but that's okay because the entire third act was basically just non-stop fanservice, so let the feminists and tumblrites have their share of it.
They could've made Carol likable if she finally got her ass handed to her, like all the other heroes have at one point or another but no. One punch doesn't equate to the massive beat downs we've seem other Marvel heroes get.
MCU Carol is basically just Goku at this point.
>Okay, everyone, just stall him until Carol shows up and goes Super Saiyan whatever number she's at now
Minus the charisma and the brain damage excuse.
Yeah, as someone who doesn’t like Carol the movie feels less like it's wanking her off and more so sparse in using her she’s basically a glorified heavy bag that Thanos actually has to put some effort against instead of just bodying like he’s Professor Scott Steiner at Sacrifice.
I think it’s telling she had a similar Stormbreaker moment at the very start of the movie and even after talking herself up, getting a surprise energy alpha strike off, ramming into him personally after being established as able to push a spaceship to Earth without straining AND Thanos being all fucked up from breaking the stones-
-he still knocks her off like an excited raccoon and the other 3 need to jump him to seal the deal. If anything Carol’s inability to learn from this experience makes her look worse in comparison to Tony and Steve
>if Carol's your only interest in the MCU
slightly higher quality cut of that
Shit like this is why I sincerely believe that Carolfags are just advanced shitposters who refuse to break character.
>You... You should have held my other hand.
Does anyone know why Brie Larson chooses to play Carol as a high-functioning autist/sociopath?
You're an autist who hates women.
But Goku's actually likable. Carol's a Vegeta who never got his shit pushed in.
She read one of the reboots.
>Like Black Widow and how she's portrayed
>Like Scarlet Witch and how she's portrayed
>Like Maria Hill, Gamora, Nebula, Mantis, Pepper, even Valkyrie
>But because I don't like this one female character I'm a misoggynee
They should have called back to Iron Man, by having Tony build a super arc reactor using parts of the Benatar, augmenting the ship's engines.
Its like the writers forgot all Tony needs is a bunch of scraps.
It was working cause Carol kept Thanos from closing his fist.
Yeah honestly Carol was doing just as good as Wanda really, in that it was a base Thanos who wasn't able to use the infinity stones (unless the power stone passively giving strength boost is a thing in the movies).
>poor little whiteboi
The only way I could see Carol being 'this' overwhelming for Thanos in a way no other hero was is that Thanos had to be exhausted by the time he fought her
>Fought Tony, Cap, and Thor 3 on 1 taking a lot of damage, especially from Mjolnir Cap
>Fought a really pissed off Wanda and took major damage
>Took a direct, combined blast from Rescue, Shuri, and Wasp that sent him flying
>Had a re-match against dual-wielding Thor and Captain, was on the verge of getting his head chopped off again
>All this while fighting who knows how many Wakandans, sorcerers, and Asgardians
Thanos was approaching his last legs and was showing clear signs of sustained injury by the time he fought Carol, who entered the fight at near 100%.
Also Carol is the strongest being in the universe. So there's that too.
>when she shows up with that haircut
This is kinda retarded that she can handle Thanos and that Thanos had to take the infinity stone out of it's socket to deal damage to her. It's unearned.
If you want to see her earn it you could always watch her movie.
She's in 1 before End Game. That's unearned. That's not taking into consideration how stupid it is that the Avengers got their name from her while Nick Fury's lines in Winter Soldier got ruined just for a fucking joke with a cat.
yeah I like to think it was def teasing A Force, and there's rumor that Marvel wants to focus on more female empowered movies down the road so maybe that's the next big Endgame style path?
>if Carol's your only interest in the MCU
How would that even be possible?
It'd be cool to see A-Force or Fearless but I would hope the 'main' line, if there is one, is Ultimates
If you were a big Carol fan and don't really care for the other heroes in the MCU?
Can someone make an edit of this image where Carol is pointing at her crotch?
she does fuck all to earn it even in her movie lmao. she literally just goes full mary sue at the end even though she could barely use her powers the whole time time.
Even in the MCU Captain Marvel ruins everything.
So... Thanos can't damage her and we know that Thanos without gems can damage Hulk so... why Tony used the Gauntlet? what enemy we will have in future Avengers movies if Carol could one-shot any threat stronger than Thanos? what fucking enemy she will fight in her sequel? I doubt they will waste an Avengers/team tier villain (Graviton, Nefaria, Doom, Galactus, etc) in an individual movie.
This is fucking stupid, I guess they will nerf her in the next movie, maybe Rogue will help...
There is going to be so much shipping and porn.
You know even though She's barely in it she still managed to usher in the worst scene. When all the women lined up even though it made no sense I heard a few groans from people So forced
>It's literally I have to go now. Other planets need me
>they also did the men version ten minutes before.
Those are three guys who have known each other for years and are the main characters of the movie. Most of those women don't even know each other. It's not remotely the same
Carol just pops in and out at convenient times. She's not even a character in the film. Just a plot device
Peter Parker is for Mantis /ss/, now this lame as fuck pairing exists.
He's in his late teens
That's what the Time Stone is for
Why have two seperate versions? Why even do a mens only one?
Christ how did they fuck up their roster of women so badly that it makes DC look progressive?
why does she appear so fucking repulsive. Like seriously, that face just doesn't fit the pose or anything, that jaw line appears far more masculine than hers in reality, and thats not even going into that god awful facial expression. Jesus
>Not if Carol had been a good character, and I wanted her to be so badly.
Fucking this
>Tank Thanos headbutt like nothing
Where was she when Thanos fucking around murdering half of the planets in space?
yeah ugly as fuck
Yet the Russos will be praised for it.
But the villains he faces - Dormammu, Umar, Shuma-Gorath, Zom - are so insanely high-endit's usually still brown trousers time.
Well, I am an autist who loves women, and I stil share the other user's opinion.
And I deeply distrust anyone who defends this. Why do you do it?
I just read those reboots and that's not the reason. Badly-written though some of them are, Carol comes across as more vulnerable, not less. Even the worst Carol writer (Probably Stohl) writes her more likable than this.
I read it more as 'Get away from our son/little brother'.
Where she also earns nothing.
>If you were a big Carol fan and don't really care for the other heroes in the MCU?
...You'd hate this portrayal.
Meh this whole film felt like a shambling wreck across the finish line.
Graviton was in 'Agents of SHIELD'.
Hmmm.... the only way out is to depower her. And that is no longer possible since the Gems don't exist anymore.
You have to wonder whether that won't have consequences for the universe.
It was forced as Hell and I still liked it. I would not mind an Avengers composed of mostly women, like the original team was mostly men.
Doing more important stuff on a thousand other planets that do not have superheroes for some reason!
Who the fuck should she fight so that there'd be any semblance of tension?
It's like watching someone play a game with cheat codes, it's just boring.
Just watched it. Based Russos keeping it Tony
Nothing really.
Should've never existed.
>The Negative Zone has its own Infinity Gems
>They're all negative versions, of course
>The Cosmic Sceptre is the Powerless Stone, which drains power