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How do you bequeath your powers to someone else via last will?
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That's enough of DC for today...
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... Sir John Gielgud was born 115 years ago on the 14th...
Attached: Merlin (Quest for Camelot).jpg (480x360, 15K)
... Joseph Ruskin would've been 95...
Attached: Galt (TOS).jpg (500x324, 22K)
... Rod Steiger would've been 94...
Attached: I+like+the+cut+of+your+jib_228589_5463185.jpg (498x356, 37K)
... Gerry Anderson would've been 90...
Attached: gerry-anderson-pup_2437457k.jpg (858x536, 105K)
... Bradford Dillman would've been 89...
Attached: Dr Lewis Dixon (Escape From).jpg (401x401, 21K)
... as would Jay Robinson...
Attached: ambassador_petri_of_troyius.jpg (295x300, 76K)
... Arlene Martel would've been 83...
Attached: T'Pring.jpg (500x375, 79K)
... Dave Gibbons was 70...
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... as was Chris Langham, who wrote for The Muppet Show...
Attached: Chris Langham.jpg (580x350, 49K)
... and John Shea...
Attached: Lex Luthor (Lois & Clark).jpg (786x584, 62K)
... Katsuhiro Otomo was 65...
Attached: batman - black & white #4 pg40.jpg (907x1265, 326K)
... Peter Capaldi was 61...
Attached: 12th Doctor.jpg (1600x1145, 409K)
... Brad Garrett was 59...
Attached: Lobo (DCAU).jpg (640x480, 33K)
... Daniel Clowes was 58...
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