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Can Steven redeem him?
Nicholas Ross
Isaiah Bennett
nope, all the good writers/directors left this shit show after season 3
Adrian Mitchell
damn there's nothing going on in that crotch, maybe that's why he hates Globgor so much
Ian Brown
Which show are we talking about here?
Eli Sullivan
Maybe he's got a pussy down there
Connor Smith
> make Steven his sister
> make Steven cry
> ????
> redemption arc done
That's what Sugar did.
David Bell
Obviously Star. Steven Universe never had good writers to begin with.
Julian Clark
How does he wipe his ass?
Brody Roberts
his snake armes lick his asshole clean, obviously
Blake Rivera
Can Steven redeem him?
Ethan Lewis
Sebastian Hernandez
based and crystalized
Ryder Rivera
Based Sugar
Chase Roberts
It would probably be pretty easy for Steven. He's a stubborn idiot, but he isn't pure evil. He just does and says fucked up things without thinking.
Elijah Jenkins
>make a pony head tier side character that has no qualities other than being a loud obnoxious retard
>give him an ep or two where he is not chimping out like a tard and "learns" things
>shoot him down in any way, shape or form that frogposters and other memers can turn into a partisan issue
>instantly gather a huge following of apologist contrarians explain how he dindu nuffin
we got some free thinkers, shut it dowwwwn
Ian Rivera
Yes. By letting Rhombulus crystallize his ass and then locked him away so I never have to see his ugly face or listen to his retarded fans again. Then he would be a hero.
Tyler Miller
Reminder that Eclipsa raped Romulus.
Alexander Mitchell
we all liked Rhombulus and we're all in a state of grief over what befell his character. let Yea Forums grieve.
Aiden Reyes
By letting Rhombulus be the one who imprisons Eclipsa forever.
Samuel Reyes
>we all liked Rhombulus
this sounds more and more like Yea Forums showing up at some rando's funeral for the buffet pretending to know him and accidentally getting dragged to the podium for a speech having to make up plattitudes on the spot.
John Perry
Not them but, frankly I love any character voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson
Jordan Russell
That's fair enough, a VA is the soul of any animated character. But I really don't see how people feel the need to defend him or how the show treats him for his actions for character reasons. Characterwise he could have been thrown off a cliff if his existence would not have been important enough up until now.
Gabriel Thomas
It’s just his personality for me, you see he’s a dumb guy but he’s got a good heart, he was the guy willing to confess, and he made a mistake. He released a monster, yes, but if that monster can be forgiven, why not the guy who freed him.
Oliver Hall
Stop lying.
Bentley Hill
literally how could anyone not like Rhombulus
Grayson Brown
Redeem implies there's something to atone for.
Nonsense. He's a powerful magic user in a series with few limitations for it.
Mason Reyes
Rhombulus is almost as fucking annoying a waste of a character as ponyhead. Fuck off
Blake Allen
The bandaid nipple shit is gross, he's a retard and stupid looking.
Sebastian King
> Meanwhile, Ludo is the only character who isnt an annoying shit anymore.
Kek, oh how the tables have turned...
Jaxon Wood
Steven doesn't redeem men. Male privilege is the unforgivable sin.
Dominic Hughes
We all know Rhombulus is a Gem and part snake, ergo foreshadowing
Lucas Bennett
Leo Reed
He voices Principla Lewis from American Dad, Joker from The Batman,
Ian Garcia
>food analogies
never change Yea Forums
Levi Wilson
You mean save? Because he needs to be rescued so he can join the fight against Eclipsa the Queen of Darkness.
Justin Carter
>Steven's powers impress 3 so much he decides he wants him as his new host
>Connie slips on Taxxon guts and the Visser grabs her, tail-blade to throat, demanding that Steven surrenders as his new host
>"Ok, I'll do it." Everyone gasps.
>Somewhere off screen, Pearl screams "STEUEUVENNN NOOOOOOOEEEEIEUUUU"
>Yeerk worms into Steven's head
>Cut to inside Steven's mind, he sees the Visser appear in his Andalite body, but as he gets closer he turns into the Yeerk
>Steven unleashes full Talku no Jutsu, telling the Visser how just because he's small and doesn't have powers doesn't mean he's weak, you can be strong in other ways, it's not right to steal peoples bodies, blah blah blah
>Visser realizes this is true, crawls back out of Stevens head and into the pool
>Convinces all the other Yeerks to just live as blind worms and spend their days pretending they're watching anime and inventing new ways to be queer
>The galaxy is saved
Ian Jones
I don’t even know what you’re referencing but sounds neat
Jonathan Diaz
Drew this for an user in the drawthread but it seems it's pretty relevant to this thread too.
Dominic Reed
Is he wrong?
Liam Myers
Damn, that’s good
Luis Johnson
He was always annoying
Cameron Allen
Angel Ward
season 1*
Justin Turner
Oh yeah, i remember now
Daniel Hernandez
Who the fuck cares?
Anthony Brooks
Those arms....
Charles Fisher
What doth life?
Ian Gray
How do you redeem someone who did nothing wrong?