Do you read any comics with your gf?

Do you read any comics with your gf?

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How do you READ a book with another person??

kinda simple by reading the same copy of said comic after each other are done or looking at it at the same time.

This. Unless you’re both doing voices for the characters while you read, you’re basically just reading it independently.

Of course I do.what else would i flip pages with ?

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I read 'em with her and her sister.

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I have never had a gf.
I have never even held hands with a girl.
God I am so fucking lonely.
t. 25 year old guy

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My fiance and I did that when we read Bone together

>hey anons! I have a gf! let's talk about it
right click. hide. profit. maybe even report

Me and friend got drunk once and voiced out The Redeemer. We had to alternate who would do Klovis because it was ell on our throats, but aside from that it was pretty fun.

Funny, the last time I had a "gf" was before reaching 15. But I'm not exactly lonely right now, and certainly won't whine about it on Yea Forums to get attention.

She really liked Graham Annable, Chris Ware, KC Green, Nedroid, Qwantz, Achewood, that sort of stuff before she died.
We used to go to bookstores and she'd end up spending half her paycheck on graphic novels.
I miss her very much.

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God, I wish I could find a girl who would be interested in capeshit comics as much as I am. Sadly, I can't, so I read alone, as always.

spoiler: you will never find any
And I'm not saying it to be mean, I'm just saying the way it is, and will be

it ain't gonna happen.

I havent found a girl that wants to spend time with a guy who only spends all of his time browsing Yea Forums and watching anime and cartoons and playing vidya.

This plus my terrible fitness level equal an unnattractive person. No attractive girl wants to spend time with an unattractive guy.

Honestly though, when I die, I think I'll be okay.

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Did she leave you or did she pass away?

Forget the whole "you need to earn a GF by being a 'real' man" thing, I fucking despise losers in poor shape of any gender who do not believe winning and getting in shape is even necessary. You make me want to slap you super hard just for existing as a sloppy mess.

Leave him alone. Not everyone SHOULD be a winner

He says she died in the middle of the post.

Ah shit reading comprehension

I'm sorry to that user, Its hard losing someone you love

You sound angry, is this the reason you don't have a gf?

nah, fuck him

nous, because I'm not a girl and thus can't attract lesbian tomboys.

user that made
Nowhere did I imply that working hard wasn't nessecary. I don't work on my outward attraction, and as a result, don't recieve any.

You're projecting pretty hard right now desu.

Wow, you totally defeated my argument. I suddenly want to be a loser in poor health.

Do I look like a fucking normalfag to you?

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i read the new elfquests with my wife. didnt care for them, but she loved elfquest as a kid, seemed kind of hippish with the free love and what not.

>fuck him
But I am not grill?


that's even better

wanting a comics gf right now is wanting an sjw gf

I mean, sure I share floppies with my bf. Mostly just because he’s interested in what I read and he doesn’t care to read full on prose books to pick my brain. I certainly don’t narrate them to him like a bedtime story.
I should try that.
>meme tattoo
holy yikes my kikes

fuck off faggot

What if I’m a heterosexual, cisgendered woman?

haha yeah, all the time

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If you are what you say you are, then I am God, and you shall address me as such

Opinions on the Chaoskampf?

Don't know what the fuck is this, and I don't care

Deep inside I already know this, but I'm still hoping for a miracle

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It’s a religious joke you retard. Unironically go google it.

Just hit the gym, nigga. Seriously, it's a fucking cheat code to attract women and lifting is fun.

My hobbies are literally video games and comics. Bitches are willing to look past that shit as long as you're attractive.

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>tee hee I'm a woman but I also use racial slurs!
>I bet you weren't expected that huh ;)
>boy oh boy here I am! The woman!
>The very important very special girl!
>It's me!

I just want a nuclear holocaust to wipe the sin from the face of the planet,leaving behind nothing but charred glass.

I refuse

>just become gay user, it's great

Yeah exactly, anger isn't really attractive

It is natural and right for a large percentage of men to die kissless and alone

Paws off that meat catto!
Leave the baloney!

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Oh, I am not worried about attracting, just want to physically hurt everyone who willingly abandoned hope for better living.

>and lifting is fun.
Don't lie to the man user
though jogging is kinda fun

It is also natural for those men to become completely disillusioned from the societies they live in, opt out from contributing to them, and potentially even radicalize and end up committing acts of terror.

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why? where is the logic in this?

No she’s mostly into mainstream anime.

With my what?

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This is what happens when their own nation fails to radicalize them and recruit them into the military. Modern liberal democracy is a perversion of the natural order.

Liberal democracies of the west will collapse due to their own impossibility. The aspect of young men within these societies turning against them is just one of the reasons for the coming collapse.

Yes. She is blind and i tead her american comic books she likes very much but they expect expensive because only sell them in the capital. I often pretend to read one to her while acctualy i just come up with spiderman adventures myself on the fly. I describe her panels and read dialogues in character she loves very much. I came up with story where batman helps filiace fog travel around the world in 80's day

No logic, I just despite those who abandon hope. It's stupid and is a waste of one's life time. If you don't want to succeed, don't get born in the first place.

>She is blind
well, that explains why she's with you

that sounds awfully cute, but where are you from anyways?

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>implying people decide to be born

You would be surprised, reincarnated soul.


Ah so your as retarded as you are pointlessly angry

>It's stupid and is a waste of one's life time
>says as he post for the fourth time in this thread

I don't believe in such bullshit

What's a gf?

Shouldn't you be fighting for your country, instead of shitposting on Yea Forums?