How do you feel about fridging?

How do you feel about fridging?

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The way Major Force iced her was cold.

I hate how in modern times the fridge door can't be reopened right away and you're locked out while your fridge readjusts temp/pressure.

Major Force is one of those characters you want to suffer forever

It feels like a lot of effort to stuff a grown person into a fridge.

It feels cool in a twisted way.

Attached: DC villains keep sitting on your couch, eating your cake and stuffing your fridge.jpg (526x809, 250K)

A great way to bullshit your way into a comic career


It only happened once so I don't really care.

Killing minor characters who only exist for drama is lame and always will be. Killing loved ones isn't always a bad thing in a story, it just needs to be more than a cheap device.

At one point it became such a trend that now is a cliche.
Let's not kid ourselves, the Sanctuary Saga is exactly this with another name,

The fuck is the Sanctuary Saga.

Alex Dewitt only existed to be a mix of Uncle Ben (the one who gets Kyle to take this superhero shit seriously) and the idealized/rose-colored-glasses version of Gwen Stacy. She was created to die so that Kyle can be a better hero.

It's happened many many times before with other characters. Arisia was also fridged by Major Force around the same time (her body was left in a walk-in cooler!). Years before all that, Star Sapphire killed Katma in front of a fridge to put angst in both Hal Jordan & John Stewart's lives.

We can't have any of this nowadays, of course...

>Alex Dewitt only existed to be a mix of Uncle Ben (the one who gets Kyle to take this superhero shit seriously) and the idealized/rose-colored-glasses version of Gwen Stacy. She was created to die so that Kyle can be a better hero.
Yes, and that's shit. Ben works because he isn't established as a character beforehand, he's a footnote in the origin story that defines Peter going forward and becomes more defined as we see Peter grow. Same deal with Martha and Johnathan Wayne. Gwen is introduced as supporting cast and a potential love interest, and her death is a sudden swerve after years of stories because it fits the story, it takes you by surprise, and it creates a lasting consequence. Alex was designed from day 1 to die horribly. She isn't quick and effective enough to be a plot point and doesn't actually define Kyle going forward, but she was never her own character either. She's an empty prop. That's why it's shit. She's a crutch.

>It's happened many many times before with other characters.
Yeah, and it was shit there too. Even most origin story deaths are shit because they're superfluous. The entire reason we're having this conversation is because comic book hacks keep abusing death as an easy way to wring emotion out of the audience. Fuck writing anything vaguely nuanced when you can just kill a character that shows up a few times and say "Hero feel sad, don't YOU feel sad?"

>We can't have any of this nowadays, of course...
Abrupt, unearned shock deaths never stopped. They just started happening to heroes, who would then be revived shortly afterwards. It only happens less to civilians and women than it used to because even knuckledraggers can see how tired and lazy it is.

Maybe instead of lamenting the lack of halfassed deaths you could be upset at how uncommon it is for genuinely shocking deaths and lasting change are. I'm far more upset that Hal is alive than I am over Alex in general.

>you could be upset at how uncommon it is for genuinely shocking deaths and lasting change are.
Nice, I had a stroke
"how uncommon it is for genuinely shocking deaths and lasting change to be respected."

What a waste of good pussy.

>We can't have any of this nowadays, of course...
Don't even imply it's even a politics thing as much as a "you'll get called a shit writer" thing.

IIRC, Force was also a rapist, so there's a big possibility he raped her before killing her OR he raped her to death.

It's a perfectly valid thing to complain about but far too often I see accusations of fridging being leveled at anyone who dares to put female characters through the slightest bit of suffering

What kind of dumb fridge do you own?

What if Kyle doesn't furnish his home with appliances? What's Major Force gonna do then?

Well it gave Simone a platform so I can never forgive Major Force. Also I have an ice maker in my fridge & it stopped working & was told that there was no way to fix it, now I have to freeze water in my LIKE AN ANIMAL and fucking water drips on everything in there and gets fucking ice on everything.

>Implying Major Force wouldn't install a fridge for Kyle.
>Every time he uses it he remembers his dead wife.

Speaking of, I never read Marz GL.
Does Kyle report this to the police? Does he get a new fridge?

Man I'm glad I'm poor

>Martha and Johnathan Wayne
Zack, Who told you those names?

If I tell you, will you bleed?

I hate it so much that one night I had to wake up, go to the bathroom to not disturb anyone and write an essay about it on my phone to be able to sleep.