GIb is cute
Runaways #20
>Start dating a robot
>suddenly all robot bodies look lewd to you
Oh that hurts.
lol what bitch
Poor Victor ;_;
What in the fuck
>that face
What the fuck, how much of an Anka impersonator is this artist?
That's pretty cool looking
I don't know but he's better than him.
>Rri wearing a carol shirt today
>molly wearing a carol shirt next month
I didn't realize Anka didn't draw this chapter.
Gib is going to end up fucking that dinosaur, isn't he.
Don't you dare Lewd him.
The technical skills of Anka with looser execution so it looks more lively.
She was wearing Carol socks before. It's like they can't fathom a girl in Marvel who isn't obsessed with Carol. I miss Molly liking Wolverine and Doop. With Juggernaut Joining the X-men maybe she can like him for a time.
Didn't care for this issue at all but Karolina is a literal sexual goddess
Victor had a hard life
I just love Runaways. It, along with Moon Girl, does a way better job at incorporate continuity with the rest of the universe than many other titles.
So this is new? Self-regenerating body stuff.
It was more hardcore when I thought he was trying to commit suicide but he couldn't. Instead he's just making a big ass petri dish. Boo.
Wasn't his body always machine stuff that slowly made a real body?
Yes. But I think it needed a structure to work with. Maybe just a nitpick.
He should have told Chase all he needed was a tub of salt water, it would have saved everyone a lot of time.
Carol is all about the merch. It's the only way to make any money as a superhero without looking like a dick.
Was a nice issue, but can't see what the deal with Victor is. He wants an organic body again... but how is he going to save Gert if she requires saving?
The shit body that Chase made him didn't have any weapons
If he regrows his own synthezoid body, it'll have the weapons that Ultron designed for him
And it'll let him plug into Doombot to provide a diagnostic
The conflict is that he didn't wanted it after Vision
To be fair, it helps that Runaways continuity is pretty much ant sized compared to 60s or 70s characters
cute and wide
The deal is that writer wants to shove more Victorious shit. It's the most boring part of Victor's character, but it definitely is going to be used to kill him off someday for some cheap drama.
You must be really fun at parties.
I'm kidding, no one would ever invite you to a party.
>Didn't want his body back because he did evil things in it which he may or may not attribute to Ultron
>Chase made an inferior body that is harmless but can't protect his friends
>Decides to ignore his fear of hurting people again because he wants to be useful to others
You are right, I'm a boring autist who doesn't really care about anything at this point.
Strangely, I never felt more happy and content with my life.
is this porn?
Reading bump
He’s going to probe Old Lace’s dinogina.
You nasty.
Barafag artists where are you?
It's kinda weird they namedropped Pomona College and even did their research on it. Sorta odd
I'm working for money.
KEK! Old Lace is best Runaway
>all this salt