This week's Star Wars comics
>Vader: Dark Visions #3
>Doctor Aphra #31
>Galaxy's Edge #1
This week's Star Wars comics
Other urls found in this thread:
Meh who gives a shit
bitch be crazy
I love her crazy expressions.
I like this chick
I relate to her
Her face in the third panel in the middle row reminds me of Sheldon Cooper.
Can force users be cloned, or does it mess the midichlorians?
I mean, worst case scenario is that she'd have a Hayden Christensen as a sex slave, but I think she'd rather have a Vader
Well it wasn't logically going to end any other way but still, geez Vader, what a waste. Could have sent her on some sort of crazy suicide mission or something. She'd have done literally anything for you.
You know you're fucking crazy when Darth Vader kills you within a minuet of listing to you talk. Here I was hoping that she would become a Harley Quinn-like character and gone on Rebel murdering sprees to show her love and devotion to him.
I don't think he even realized she existed prior to her opening up his chamber.
Dude has the force, he must surely have sensed her off-the-scales crazy over him. To be fair Vader probably thought she was better off dead than being in love with him.
Every story can be improved with bloody revolution.
The DYKE is dead. Finally.
Her solicits are up to 34 and it doesn't have a "is this the end" tagline.
not like it would matter, since it would have blown up with the DS before her chance to ever leave and find a cloner.
Next week
>Adventures: Flight Of The Falcon #1
>Star Wars #65
>Age of Republic: Han Solo #1
>thinking they would kill her off and end the ongoing in this fashion
top kek. a whole new 'book' is starting up soon.
The stalker girl story was cute. Too bad Vader ended it early
Once you go orange you can't go back.
this is deranged
>hopeless is capable of writing a decent short story
>hopeless isn't even his actual last name
I've learned quite a bit today.
Fuck Ani she was cute
Just how popular is Aphra. Like if Disney made a solo movie with her to start a new set of trilogies or to reboot the franchise revolving around her how big would it be?
Gotta give Vader credit, he still cares for his dead wife
I'll be honest. As much as I dislike the new canon in general, the Darth Vader comics have been a consistent high point for Star Wars stuff in the last few years.
it would be worse than Solo. her personality and the fact that she's a she and a lesbo would be enough to turn away a lot of the ""fans"" of SW. She hasn't even shown up in anything other than comics and that one short story in FACPOV to get more people interested in her yet.
They could easily make an interesting story for her movie(s), maybe her into the whole old republic theme with some archaeology dig or artifact or something, but I don't have high hopes for that idea as a movie. A book series would be amazing.
the only people who still buy star wars media would celebrate the fact that she's a carpetmuncher.
I bet she's a sub.
what credit? he sees and hears none of the shit going through her mind. to him she's just another Imperial to ignore until the one time she fucks up and deserves being killed. there's no reason he would have done that because of lingering attachment to Padme.
ended up being so obvious I'm mad I didn't see it before
Vader's Thoughts :
> I'm tired
>My Everything hurts
> Im the chosen one
>when is sheev going to help me bring padme back ?
> Why is my nurse here ?
> Shit she saw my face
> She's confessing her feelings cute
> she's crazy and isn't my wife
> I miss padme .....
> I'm tired of her shit
She's popular enough but nowhere near movie popular. I'm half expecting her to appear in some animated series on Disney+. I still don't understand the visceral hate some people have for her especially since her sexuality has been totally irrelevant as a character motivation and Tolvan could just as easily be replaced with a man that she royally fucked over and felt regret about.
In the old EU cloning force users almost always lead to them becoming insane like Joruus Cbaoth or the feral Starkillers from Force Unleashed
I don’t know if the nu canon cares enough to ask
cloning hasn't been touched in nu canon yet outside of AOTC and those cat people from the Lando comic. It's because of Palpatine using clones in the ST movies to keep living, which made it an off-limits topic to writers since TFA development.
The end of the previous Vader comics with him attempting to pull Padme's soul out of the force, or whatever the fuck, showed him coming to terms with the fact Padme wouldn't love the man he is now. I think he's officially over her by this point.
Tell me that’s not more than speculation
why would the story group, with their huge iron fist they have around everything SW currently, just let some second-rate author write about cloning force users in a book few fans will read, or let alone buy? they want to save all the big details and reveals for the movies first, then let the authors have the scraps to continue on with.
We have no information about Snoke yet; his upcoming Tales of Resistance comic issue will be the first information. We have bare bones details on the First Order and how they went from the one cell of Imperials after Jakku to the FO within 30 years.
The whole 30 year period is barely touched outside of things that have to directly touch the movies in some way. The Mandalorian, as it appears so far, is the first thing to be set in that period that has no relation whatsoever with the ST or its characters.
bros, where's my yandere gf
>the twist is Vader only killed her for tracking shit from the garbage compactor into his quarters
Sheev already clone himself Rey is his clone we going Ultimate Jessica drew route
keep telling urself that Vader
I like how this is the most blatantly commercial page in any comic book based on a Disney theme park attraction.
if the price of stalking is death in the Empire, then it is
Ironically if she exists you'd probably never even know
helga in space
>The end of the previous Vader comics with him attempting to pull Padme's soul out of the force
What issues?
25. Pic related.
She's just a nurse, it's not like she has any combat experience and the Empire isn't running out of fanatics any time soon.
>Ronto Wrap™
>that placement and size of the lightsaber
She pulls off the Imperial Army outfit pretty nicely tho
This, I hate that I liked a Hopeless comic but this was kinda funny, gave me Tales vibes.
When did Darth Vader become a Marvel character?
April 1977
I don't usually post in this part of Yea Forums but I have to say that Vader: Dark Visions is by far the most bizarre of the canon comics released so far. Definitely not what I expected it to be.
Seems like Marvel quickly scrambled to replace Wendig and thought what if we just created a bunch of wacked out one-shot stories. Almost like the young adult canon novel The Legends of Luke Skywalker but not as badly written.
Perfect for work for the Empire
Thanks for the storytimes.
>It was after this day he locked his quarters
>Not because of people coming in while he's rewatching old sextapes of Padme
>But because some crazy bitch tracked in some mud
>Kill waifu
>Everyone goes up in arms and throw a mob
Do you think Vader realized she might have enjoyed force choking?
If they'd gone with a force choke and she gets out a "harder daddy" before he awkwardly stabs her I would have lost it
she walks in and gets sabered for seeing his face. at most that's like five seconds worth of time, most of which is her being blocked by the pod's teeth
>that guy standing at a perfect right-angle to Sheev
What the fuck kind of composition is that? Panel would have looked better without him there.
a healthy kek was had
Twitter is pulling a bitch fit
>the misogyny LITERALLY jumped out
I can't even tell if this is being serious or joking
Why do you care about what twitter thinks?
Anyone get a pic of the tweet it’s blocked?
>account went private
They're onto us boys, abandon ship
Ah, sorry, I closed the page already
>hid their tweets
That's fucking hilarious
These robotic bastards are the best to come out of Mice Wars. Hope to see them animated some day.
Weird to me that he killed her
A force choke maybe but
calling her garbage was just unnecessary
he should apologize
Ok what the fuck is wrong with Aphra? Its not like being LGBT is her main personality trait, none of her stories so far have being dull and in fact have introduced some interesting characters not to mention locations and yet Yea Forums keeps bitching about her. If this is not an incel thing I dont know what the hell it is.
>Why is she portrayed like a wild-eyed madwomen?
Hmm, I wonder.
>*huff huff*
>*huff huff*
>*huff huff*
>*huff huff huff*
>*huff huff*
Bold move mouseketeers, bringing Raimi on board for your nuWars canon.
I can't read Triple-Zero's lines as anything other than Creepio.
Guess the Secret super weapon
> A Sith holocron maybe the one from malachor
> something from the old republic era
> Super Weapon plans from sheev's empire
I'll bet on virus of some kind ala Blue Shadow or Krytos
>one post away from triple zeros
How... How does this person think this character's obsessive behaviour is in any way remotely healthy or empowering? Why are they surprised her superiors in the fucking EMPIRE behave badly towards her? Why is she surprised DARTH FUCKING VADER is portrayed as a ruthless, heartless villain?
Damn. I do like seeing his suit without the cape. Still gives suggestions of his Jedi outfit
Are you serious? The Emperor would never let him hear the end of it. He wouldn't even be mad, he'd just needle him over it until the day he chucked his ass down the shaft
The thought of Sheev acting like a middle school mean girl teasing Vader about that girl who has a crush on him is joyous.
Oh god yes. They'd go through so many goddamn subordinates every time he'd have a meeting there'd be shortages and all the while Sheev would be cackling like a madcunt
The hatred started up once she got her solo book. About the same point in time other well liked brown characters on Yea Forums suddenly got a hatebase despite not actually changing.
Nah I don't think it was because Padme, at that point everyone he cared about died or he thinks they betrayed him (or both) and anyone else to him is either a weapon or tool to be used, or trash that is beneath him.
The only positive thing anyone can get out of having a relationship with Vader is to be an Imperial who is efficient and competent in their job as well as aid Vader in what he does. Loyalty to Vader is a plus but he still won't trust fully anyone. It's the only way I see Vader having some respect for someone or at least giving them some form of value.
Considering the circumstance he probably thought he was but remember Anakin is really emotional if anything. Just see how he loses it when he finds out about Luke. Padme is the first person he thinks about and it's the memory of her telling him she's pregnant and how happy he is, suddenly there's something that matters to him again.
That is true, even inf the Emperor was top dog he wasn't a joyless cunt. If anything I bet people feared more the idea of Vader being Emperor over Sheev.
Dooku sounds nothing like he usually does, but it's not a bad performance
its a different VA and he's suppose to be younger
Much abliged
That implies Sheev's return was at all planned at the time of TFA by JJ "mystery box to be solved later" Abrams
He can't be that much younger if he's already hanging around with Ventress. Actually do we even know how old she is?
>Considering the circumstance he probably thought he was but remember Anakin is really emotional if anything. Just see how he loses it when he finds out about Luke. Padme is the first person he thinks about and it's the memory of her telling him she's pregnant and how happy he is, suddenly there's something that matters to him again.
This. Vader's whole thing is that he convinced himself he's shed the entire persona of Anakin Skywalker and all the baggage that comes with it, to the point of regarding his younger self as a separate person. By the end of ROTJ we see that the old Anakin was never truly gone, just buried under layers of repression, denial, and good old self-loathing.
Star Wars is dead, why the fuck are you still talking about it
Movies are hot garbage but the comics are good
Wrong, Disney shill
old star war good
new star war bad
Hyped as fuck for this
You need a name, shitposter, like the Shit Wars Guy of legend. I think I'm gonna go with "Mouse Cum Guy".
Way to give the shitter attention and power.
Nah, it makes him more obvious to everyone and people are more likely to identify his posts and less likely to take the bait or if they do, in a mocking fashion. I've been around a while, this is for the best.
It is a hermetically sealed chamber for his open wound of a body. If someone tracked in a ton of sewage because they had a boner for my rotten decrepid ass id be pissed too.
>it's only one person that doesn't love sucking mouse cock!
So since Fallen Order actually looks good, I'm ready to dig into Didney's new EU. Fucking shit apparently Marvel's already oublished like two other Vader series before this one. Which one is first? And are they decent the way this issue is?
>Vader doesn't want fuck
Is it because his dick is missing/crispy?
Vader knows not to stick his robo-dick in crazy.
it was
Vader or Sheev? You can only have one. The other disappears from history.
The 2015 series by Kieron Gillen introduces the character of Doctor Aphra, and is set in the bridge between ANH and ESB. The second series from 2017 by Charles Soule (also known as Dark Lord of the Sith) is more prequel trilogy oriented, picking up right after the events of Revenge of the Sith.
Vader (2015)
Vader Dark lord of the Sith
Vader Dark visions
in this order
>Charles Soule (also known as Dark Lord of the Sith)
Is he trying to usurp Filoni?
he can try
>obsessive people
at least the name fits.
But seriously this is Vader not some Bishounen anime man, she disturbed him during meditation and she proclaimed her love for him that's a straight up death sentence.
>not some Bishounen anime man
Is that so?
Jesus it’s likr there demanding perfection out of a fucking one shot story who gives a fuck about nameless fangirl Vader’s a monster
Dumb waifufags gonna be dumb waifufags.
This isn't waifufaggotry, this is seething Reylos who see this issue as an attack on any fangirl that's horny for villains.
>who gives a fuck about nameless fangirl
She's a GIRL user, you can't treat them like all the disposable Imperial officers Vader chokes to death or the Rebel scum he cleaves his way through with nary a second thought. Or y'know, all the younglings he slaughtered or those Inquisitors he killed just for having feelings for each other. I fucking hate this timeline.
The outrage over Nurse Fangirl getting killed is going to be eclipsed by the outrage over the outrage, isn't it?
Try Rodians.
Nah. Someone just needs to mention the newest updates to the ST, then everyone will focus on that. In the meantime, enjoy all the fixfics where Nurse Fangirl lives and she and Vader live together in a spacecraft over Planet Bob.
Ironically I think Dooku sounds better than Ventress specifically because he's not trying to sound like Christopher Lee. Whoever is playing Ventress is trying too hard to sound like Nika Futterman and while she kind of gets there it feels like she's putting more effort into sounding like her than in actually playing the role.
Basically the same reason Sam Witwer's Sheev sounds terrible despite sounding so close to ROTJ-era McDiarmid.
I'd like to think his thoughts were something like >Huh, didn't think anyone would enter without knocking.
>Moron tracked sewage into my room, better send a second droid to clean that up.
>Wasn't that a nurse?
why is Boss Nass so based
He'll start filtering specifically for the ones with cybernetic fetishes, and posting them to assist Vader, just so he can laugh when he reads the death report.
I kind of agree but I also kind of wish they had just hired Corey Burton.
>who gives a fuck about nameless fangirl
The girls who self insert as her because they wrote this exact fic during middle school.
I bet you anything I could find at least three with this same fucking set-up.
It's probably just the watercolors and my own biases, but the fantasy sequences remind me of Sunstone.
I do miss the voice a bit, but at the same time Corey has the same problem going on. The dude has amazing vocal range, but for Dooku he's pushing his voice so deep that it limits how much he can do with the voice. You'll notice the same thing if you try to make your voice as deep as you can and then try to talk, your voice loses range.
If they could just have Corey talk at a more normal level and then pitch down his voice he'd probably be perfect.
Fuck it let's dig up Sir Christopher and scan his vocal cords into the computer. Then Corey Burton can be the performance capture for the Christopher Lee vocalization software!
>HQ in the Star Wars universe
PLEASE don't give the Mouse ideas. Horrible, horrible ideas.
Soon LSG will reveal that stormtrooper was actually also a cute waifu the whole time
Vader can't stop killing waifus
You either die a waifu, or live long enough to be the thot.
A Ysalamiri.
If you were a Sith Lord in that position, what would you have done?
9 out of 10 times that bitch dies.
Anyone know which comic is the one where Vader brings a piece of Naboo in a container to make a point when visiting a conquered planet?
Choke that bitch out and then snap her neck when she moans and asks me to choke her harder daddy
I would consider any girl who was attracted to and wrote self-insert fanfic involving the actual Darth Vader instead of prettyboy Anakin to have good taste.
Apparently you, considering you took the time and effort to post.
>If anything I bet people feared more the idea of Vader being Emperor over Sheev.
Pretty much. Sheev not only tolerates the political shenanigans of his underlings, he actively encourages them, both to keep them too bust to think of usurping him, but also for shits and giggles. Vader has no such patience, he hates political games, and if he ever became Emperor the very first thing he would do would be to clean house. Under Sheev you can get away with just about anything, so long as you pay taxes. Under Vader , your life expectancy is dependent entirely on his mood at the moment.
Taste is irrelevant here. I'm concerned about coherence of thought, understanding of character, and quality of writing, NONE of which these people, if you can call them that, seem to ever have.
Projecting yourself onto a character is one thing, a very common thing closely tied with empathy.
Self-Insertion is the work of an underdeveloped mind. I can excuse it in a 7th grader, but that doesn't make it right.
Harley Quinn in space
Remember when Marvel had artists on staff?
>getting mad over a bunch of idiots on twitter
Wonder how many people that call out the ones mad about nurse girl's fate are mad about the adventure time ending.
I don't get why people would get pissed at this. It's such a simple story.
>The only positive thing anyone can get out of having a relationship with Vader is to be an Imperial who is efficient and competent in their job as well as aid Vader in what he does. Loyalty to Vader is a plus but he still won't trust fully anyone. It's the only way I see Vader having some respect for someone or at least giving them some form of value.
DH put out a comic that was exactly that. Some low-ranking-but-dedicated officer is propositioned by Vader to help him on a job, with him offering a shitload of his own credits and guaranteed career advancement. She nearly dies like five times in the process but follows through in a professional manner and he delivers on everything he promises. She still ends up with crippling PTSD because Vader's a scary motherfucker but it was a cool comic nonetheless
twitter retards thinking the nurse is a stand-in for fangirls
That's so weird. Even if it was, Vader isn't really somebody to look up to. He killed a temple full of younglings and they draw a line in killing one fangirl? Star Wars has always been inclusive, in a way that it didn't care about gender that much, so I don't see why they think they're getting pushback from Disney or Marvel.
Her irises turn red when he stabs her. I don't think that's supposed to be the lightsaber because that's not how irises work.
So...I guess Vader stabbed her so hard she immediately feel to the darkside?
I think it was just artistic license, done for effect rather than actually being literal red eyes
Oh man that's really bad.
Part lightsaber, part dramatic effect.
See that her eyes are blue again while her body turns the same color.
>Vader isn't really somebody to look up to
That doesn't mean he isn't popular the most popular SW character.
>Dooku has a sister
New wrinkly waifu?
>Vader: Down
Would you go down on Vader?
maybe maybe
Ghost Prison was a good one as well, low ranking imperial officer does everything right, becomes integral in ending a coup against Palpatine and Vader, always sides with Vader.
He makes one mistake though.
He gets personally noticed by the emperor who considers taking the officer under his wing
Vader then kills the man as soon as they are alone
Someone should draw this
A piece of Alderaan. The first Darth Vader annual.
>So since Fallen Order actually looks good,
Well the book is primarily "Ventress finding out Dooku's past"
As for her age, there is only 1 source, from a fucking Lego Star Wars book, which puts her birth year at 47BBY, this makes her 25-28 in TCW, which fits her quite nicely to be honest
Bishone that became an ugly bastard. A damn shame really
>emotionally unstable whiny little bitch
Heres the first one
Odd correlation assumption
>Give Vader a little more credit
Not only does he canonically hate everyone and everything, but she bothered him while he was meditating, tracked mud over all of his shit, and didn't do her her very basic duties. She was a liability.
>Hopeless wrote this
Well would you look at that
They do know the man they're trying to give "a little bit more credit" is the guy who ordered an entire planet be vaporized with all of its inhabitants still on it, right? The same guy who killed a bunch of children because a crazy old man told him to? The same guy who threw away his entire life because he was spiteful of a council that thought he wasn't prepared to serve as a member? The same guy whose sole saving grace was that he eventually killed the crazy old guy? The guy who's canonically genocidal, kills his own troops, was fully prepared to kill his own son, successfully killed his former best friend, killed... RELATIVELY innocent sand people who were just minding their own business?
They do know that, right?
>look up vader on twitter
>see a bunch of seething morons miss the point and assume the psycho stalker chick who collected his blood represents all fan girls
I was planning on buying the whole trade at once since this is a mini but I'm kinda scared that Marvel is going to do something stupid and release an edited version or pull this issue.
>fujos self insert as crazy fangirl
>Vader kills crazy fangirl
>fujos feel attacked
Who'd have thought?
>Triple Zero
>Not the Republic Commando book
Fuck I'm getting old
These people don't like Star Wars. They like Star Wars fan Tumblrs and Twitter accounts.
I'm not saying you have to like every story (I'm more or less an OT purist) but this shows a baffling understanding of the character. The guy was okay with destroying an entire planet.
>Here I was hoping that she would become a Harley Quinn-like character
That you have this sort of will make you a very bad person. Please, become better.
I could buy him doing something different if this was post meeting Luke as Luke starts making him more human again but yeah
>Runs into garbage compactor and pushes her own face into knee deep shit water
The worse thing about this is that someone out there is fapping to this.
You'll find that 90% of the time Yea Forums's bitching has little to do with the actual work and everything with what it represents.
Aphra is a Disney EU female character who is gay, after that nothing is important to some.
Who gives a shit about fujos?
Breack dancing chewie!
based claudia grey making it canon that the Jedi weren't actually celibate, and that that was more of a suggestion than a rule for them.
Qui-gon got it in on Felucia when he was a padawan.
did she fall or did vader force push her?
I think he did more than that, since Rael fucking the barmaid counted as "bending the rules" but whatever the fuck Qui-Gon did on Felucia counted as breaking them into several pieces.
Qui-Gon confirmed for multiple child rapist, and it was all those Felucian farmer dudes who look like the Eraserhead baby. Qui-Gon raped a bunch of Eraserhead babies.
This is why women should be herded and caged, their only use is for breeding
>a lesbo
I thought she wanted to fuck vader?
have you not read anything with aphra in it since her debut
Gillan came out and said that she was TOTALLY NOT lusting after Vader and Luke and was TOTALLY ALWAYS a dyke
>crazy fascist nurse working for the empire, stalking and taking advantage of vader as his physician to store pieces of his body in her fap box
>endangers his life with her stalking by tracking garbage into his hermetically sealed chamber and staring at him essentially in a state of undress
>kylo ren fangirls mad he killed her
Sorry, is the idea of one of your caregivers having delusions about you and creeping on you during surgery and following you to your private home/bedroom supposed to be a good romantic fantasy?
I assumed she was bi
Don't silly user, bisexuality isn't real
Yeah man, didn't you read the Twilight saga?
Welcome to Clown World.
I think it's fairly obvious that I have not.
It's more that they're accusing the authors of seeing all Reylos as psychos storing pieces of body into a fap box.
Well, if the shoe fits...
It's only creepy and weird when a man does it.
Because its basically a self ripoff of old stories that are now non-canon thanks to disney.
I dont actually care about her being gay or the character, i actually enjoy them and realize this is the best chance some of em are ever going to have but i know why everyone else might be mad.
vader would kill any girl without batting an eye.
only padme exists in his mind
>nazi-lover dies
>this is bad now because reasons
the absolute state of liberals
Which stories? I wasnt into Star Wars until Clone Wars.
The queen looks like she's telling Vader what a bad boy he's been.
>how dare you hurt my children
"i'm sorry"
>yeah you tell him, mom!
imagine the sex
Vader pushed her out of his way
>armor as a black as a nigger
>has the voice of a nigger
>behaves like a nigger killing little white Jedi kids and
Could you say she likes being
t. some /pol/tard in the comments section of a vdieo about this
It's probably for the best that they completely scrapped Chuck "Wibble Wobble" Wendig's story, he probably would have killed the fan again in the next issue.
The salt this issue gets I’d hilarious it’s like they can’t comprehend that she’s just some crazy bitch
Han looks a little like Bush.
>my fellow Corellians I didn't not have sexual relations with that Zabrakian
that was clinton not bush, but you get a slight kek from me anyway
You want to know how I know you're underage?
She did just come straight from the garbage compactor
Because I eat whatever I find from under my fingernails?
Looks like Vader's been killing younglings again
At least she got what she wanted, being penetrated by Vader
It's funny, cuz this actually sends a pretty good message for girls I think. Don't romanticize assholes. They're not wounded baby bad boys, who you can heal and make better with your love. They're assholes. But no, something bad happened to a female character so MUH SOGGY KNEE
Take my (You) and get out of my sight, Carlos
I like how vader just becomes this huge asshole after his waifu dies. Like you'd think that he'd at least be decent to his troops considering thats how he was as a jedi with the clones.Reminder kids, don't do the dark side.
Wife, he married her
>is the Aryan ideal
>tries to seduce a Jedi with an obvious fetish for Jewish girls
Most women are crazy. I would get their complaints if it was some overall good male character but it’s fucking Vader. It would be abusive if they did get together. Again women are mentally ill and crazy.
Wrong, cis male scum!
CIS for life
You came to the wrong neighborhood, motherclanker
Disney continues to rape Star Wars by giving Vader a fucking girlfriend? Are you fucking serious?
Read the comic you dumb nigger
>inb4 i don't need to read it to know it's shit, mouse cum guzzler
He rightfully kills her like the obsessive lunatic she is.
You fucktards come to a thread of a topic you hate just to complain. If you hate it, then stay the fuck out of here.
So it seems to me that the nurse isn't gonna get laid, but I feel like we should consult an expert
To quote Star Fox, 'Hey Einstein! I'm on your side!" To put it another way:
Scrutinizing in process...
I dunno. She got penetrated pretty hard.
I don't think he's here user. So you'll get nothing.
and like it
Why is he so fucking mad all the time?
Contrary to what Imperial propaganda will tell you, his dick was burned right off
>constant sheev laughter.wav
Yeah, I wonder why
>Crazy girls like bad boys
Some things never change...
He saved Star Wars once. Are you ready to have him save it again?
Who drew this?
>open twitter
>nonstop complaining about how this comic promotes violence against women and she dindunuffin
nuWars fangirls on suicide watch. This shit REALLY struck a nerve with them.
He's literally powered by angry. His boss trolls the entire galaxy on the regs. His waifu daed. The only setting is Always Angry.
See lower right of pic
>filthy disgusting megumin
Get this trash out of my sight!
Eh if anyone gets mad about this just ask them how they would react if the genders were reversed.
>Going into Vader’s meditation chamber dripping garbage water everywhere.
He did her a mercy.
His boots don’t fit.
Isn't it incredible that this well-written, well-drawn story is getting criticized because it holds a mirror up to the fanfic brigade? Why can't we just appreciate good comics when we get them?
They see a bit too much of themselves in the character and take it as a personal attack.
All of this:
...along with that stupid litebrite on his chest randomly beeping, constant itching from his artificial skin, limited movement, and that his cybernetic joints tending to pinch his still living flesh.
Eh. I think he would have choked her.
>new comic BTFOs shippers like Faggy Reylo fans because its essentially what they make it out to be, and how it would realistically end
>meanwhile Obi-Wan x Ventress remains strong because they actually express intrest in each other throughout TCW, and half the time its a usual "casual sex" basis
Fucking BASED
At least he has some fresh woodoo hide to polish his armour with.
Choke, then mind reading her fantasies, then the kill.
So is she half monkalamari or what?
I loke how she is more of a vader fangirl than that doctor whoever and yet still a better charactee.
I’m femanon and I love what Hopeless did here. I do not relate with women who lust after serial killers and evil characters which btw is fewer than you think but an annoying vocal minority who think they represent the interest of all women.
To be fair, he's very suceptable to viruses and toxins without the suit, isn't he? I know it helps him breath but I thought air quality was another thing.
Anyone pissed that Darth Vader got a pass in the end? After all the shit he did, he gets a pass and goes into Force Heaven. That's bullshit.
Well, I suppose you'd be pretty mad about it if you weren't a Christian.
I'm still not understanding how girls like here have had 0 exposure to this troupe that is very popular for women to read/watch. I don't like it myself but I'm not so ignorant as to think their are not girls that in large swaths that do enjoy this. I mean, 50 shades and Twilight were mass money busters that had guys either rapping the girl or treating her like a pet. Crazy person getting put down for being crazy is rather tame.
Stealing Lord Vader’s cape? That’s a paddlin’.
Christian Grey and Edward are nowhere as psychotic and fascist as fucking Vader. Then again you have some women who literally lust after irl serial killers so...
Take that back Aquafag
She’s got lower visibility than Mara jade, or Kyle katarn or starkilller.
It would be like launching a new character.
I dunno. I think her stories are boring as fuck, like a d minus day on the eu, but not enough to really care.