Lets meet the squad
Avengers #18
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This is the best Superman comic I've seen in months.
So is this a new Hyperion, or the same one that was in Hickman's avengers?
You'll find out in a few pages
Hard to tell, the end of the last SS book did a lot of retcons with time travel that I kind of missed out on.
No one is even sure if the last Hyperion mini is still cannon or not.
That guy in that last panel is using all of his brain power to burn the image of her perfectly toned ass into his mind.
>shipping wondy and supes
That's how you know everyone involved is evil
I'm digging Wonder Woman's new outfit.
I really really want to have sex with this Wonder Woman
Shit now I really want to see that sextape
So are they all LMDs or something?
The comma between periculosam and libertatem shouldn't be there.
That blond chick looks a little bit like powergirl.
Oh hey it's you again
>that font
OH no.
>Kyle Richmond is suddenly black now
I am highly confused.
He was black last time.
Coulson is Maxwell Lord
The mephman has been busy these past few months between Avengers, champions, and probably something else
Wait, is this the Supreme Power version? Wasn’t he killed?
>salty as Hel
When will Jason Aaron stop writing comic books?
This really is all Deadpool's fault.
would explain why Kyle has a heavy tan now.
>before they went soft
AH HA! So they DO know they mellowed down!
I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out the fat ass on the woman directly behind Nighthawk’s head.
Don't know if it's the same one, but the one from the Night Hawk mini and the book where they killed Namor was black.
>you’re. D.C.’s greatest heroes!
Ever since he got humiliated in vegas and lost his throne to Johnny Blaze people have lost respect in him, so he’s flexing on everyone to show them that he’s still got his mojo.
American Squadron Supreme
What is aunt May doing in dc at a time like this?
Best Justice League has arrived!
>Crisis in the 10 Realms
Frost Giant lives don't matter?
>writing Hyperion
That's a nope from me
If you could make such powerful LMD's, why the pretense?
Why marvel does superman better than dc?
This page is alright.
keep reading
At first I was a bit miffed that it was only these five, until I realized that they're actually a 'good' version of the crime syndicate of america. I wonder if they'll change their costumes hen they go full sinister.
And now an army of frost giants gets eaten be Wendigo's or kidnapped by the Canadian government for another Weapon # program or maybe Master of the World grabs all of them to try and harness their inherent ice magic.
Coulson is alive again? DP lobotomized himself for nothing?
How the fuck are they supposed to surrender if you're speed blitzing through the heads and torsos, Hype? You're turning them into corpses before they even realize that you said anything.
>that guy again
it's always either him, Dormammu or Nightmare
could have gone with another demon, for once
Yeah but this is supposed to be some big overarching plan of Mephisto to get back his throne from Blaze.
>marvel wonder woman is a super strong alcoholic, that's always horny
Doing god's work there Coulson, god's work.
Coulson's face...shit.
And once again, Marvel manages to do a better Justice League than the actual League.
An America First, vicious, uncaring for the rest of the world, in leagues with the devil Justice League is the superior version for a Yea Forums resident.
Yeah that sounds about right.
Carol v Zarda wherein Carol breaks her brainwashing with a kiss WHEN
"There's No Stopping Us Now!"
Aaron is a MADMAN.
>could easily deal with a problem but decide to send it some other countries way because we cant be bother to lift a finger
Didn’t this Nighthawk die in Secret Empire offscreen?
What happened to him and the original one, I think his name was Kyle?
But their name is Squadron Supreme of America
the more american thing to do would be to butt in on other people's problems if they have that tasty tasty oil
Oh, okay. So we're building to Avengers vs Justice League gone the way of Irredeemable?
>SS of America isn't much better
>America first and only even if the rest of the world falls
Nu-Coulsen would be a total diehard Trump supporter wouldn’t he? That sounds like something a Marvel Universe Trump would say
>Your D.C's greatest heroes
DC's Batman can't prep time his way out of SHIELD's Marvel realism.
Supreme Power Nighthawk was black. Can't remember if he had the same civilian name. Either way, user, it's 2019 and representation matters.
Aww yeah, definitely a demon himself.
But damn it, I can't get my defenders nighthawk if he's pretty much evil!
Who cares? Stop being a whiny bitch, not everything is a dig against your imaginary friends.
Because they sent Bendis to DC.
So, what's going on with Coulson? He's never been the "America, fuck yeah!" kind of guy.
>Who cares? Stop being a whiny bitch, not everything is a dig against your imaginary friends.
Funny you should say that I think both ASS or SS of A are hilarious. Don't see how my post was whinny for pointing out an unfortunate acronym
not really sure what's is going on with the Squadron, if they are LMDs or the original ones but brainwashed, or even normal people turned into them
Btw really liked the issue.
"SS of A" isn't an acronym. SSA would be the acronym. No one says "JL of A"
SU Nighthawk was also Kyle Richmond. I guess he’s just suddenly alive again.
Nah this is a new batch of them. Though you gotta wonder where all the other versions of them who are still alive vanish to considering that there’s multiples of them in 616 alone
Earth 616 Kyle, the white one, is essentially retired from the hero game. He gave up the nighthawk persona in the last defenders mini from a couple of years back. Supreme power nighthawk, the black one that was running around with the group that killed Namor, was killed off panel after his solo got cancelled. Those is either an advanced lmd, or a clone of the black nighthawk.
I liked that mini too
Maybe mephisto is doing all of this to get back at deadpool.
I really like this costume
Kinda hate the name The Blur though. Just steal Speed Demon
>You're D.C.'s greatest heroes!
Why is Coulson still canon? the motherfucked has two different origins in 616.
Isn’t “616” Nighthawk also not the real deal? He actually died didn’t he?
What are you talking about?
The last Squadron Supreme ongoing had a Supreme Power Nighthawk vs 616 Nighthawk fight.
Supreme Power won, and it turned out the 616 version he killed was a skrull.
I don't think we've seen the real one since the Last Defenders series
Why are Robo Gordon Batman and regular Batman fighting? Oh, wait..
A little too on the nose?
He also wasn’t the ‘associates with Mephisto’ kind of guy but then Aaron happened to him
Even in marvel, J’onn gets shafted.
Wow do my eyes deceive me an Aaron book I enjoyed.
>Colonel Ledger is a Skrull
Wayyy back in classic defenders, iirc 616 Kyle died and some other Kyle was brought in as a replacement, that Kyle had an existential crisis. That’s all i remember
That was the Squadron Supreme Kyle. He went back home, and 616 Kyle was resurrected in the 90s.
Perhaps they're all brainwashed superskrulls, left over from the skrull invasion...
>possessed by the soul of Dell Rusk, the former U.S. secretary of defense.
what the hell continuity is this?
I like it, but I'm confused as hell
based Coulson
Man, Comics Coulson sure sucks balls, doesn't he?
Yep, although whatever this is it's the most interesting thing they have done with him. I guess it's better than just another pale imittion of the MCU. Most comic writers aren't that good, they miss what made the movie characters enjoyable, and they can't replicate an actor's charisma (just see Star-Lord when most writes wrote him post GotG movie)
Ok break some of this down...
> Supreme Power: Killed by Thanos during Hickman's run. Killed again by Squadron Sinister in Secret Wars. Nighthawk lived and went to 616 for pic related team, killed barely on panel in some BLM propaganda book.
> Squadron Sinister: Killed each other in their Secret Wars mini series except Zarda who escaped to 616 and pretended to be good for a while on pic related team. Hasn't been seen since.
> Classic Squadron Supreme: Killed in flashbacks to Hickman's run in pic related book. Zarda survives but has her power drained by Sinister Zarda leaving her human.
> Hickman's Hyperion: His world died and was pulled into 616 and was on Hickman's Avengers. Then got on pic related team and hasn't been seen since.
> Hyperion from that Thunderbolts arc with Luke Cage and team stopping Kajiu from monster island: Burned by the Man-Thing, hasn't been seen since.
So we have...
> Supreme Power Nighthawk (if he lived)
> Sinister Zarda
> Classic Zarda (if she got her powers back)
> Hickman's Hyperion
> Thunderbolts Hyperion
Who could be the members on Aaron's Squadron but brainwashed or they are new versions.
>Killed each other in their Secret Wars mini series except Zarda
Sorry clarification, they killed each other in their Secret War mini but were reborn and killed each other again to see who would have the right to escape their dying planet that was shown in flashbacks in the Robinson book.
Good recaps user. I read all those books too.
New Blur could be 616 Speed Demon. When was the last time we saw the real deal?
hyperion's waist piece looks metallic
is it a belt? a small corset? a goddamn chastity belt?
>dat ass
Why is Coulson alive and evil?
It's a girdle.
Helps to gird your loins.
Was that the one with doll and junior or has there been one more recently?
Is that the one with the trucking and carnival freaks?
"Why you're D.C.'s greatest heroes" lel
I feel like this is trying to be clever, but everything is so on the nose.
God you must be an insufferable edge master
can't blame a guy
Speed Demon’s real name is Joe Sanders, not Stanley Stewart, and the origin doesn’t match up.
Why do they have to make good guys consort with evil?
Ugh, yes, by Chuck 'the fuck' Wendig. That book was terrible.
Alex Ross did a sweet variant for this cover.
Also, when I picked it up, I noticed the legacy number was 718. But issue 10 was legacy number 700. So they're counting No Road Home as well? Pretty sneaky way to get to the next "milestone" issue.
>The mephman has been busy these past few months between Avengers, champions, and probably something else
haven't they also been doing a really slow burn on his involvement with OMD in various Spider-Man books over the last couple years as well
Ginger aquaman got shafted too.
Your services are appreciated, I nearly missed it.
>Mephisto as a musclebound chad instead of a scrawny red faggot.
Almost didn't recognize him. He looks great.
>Doctor Spectrum isn’t the sexy woman from The Great Society anymore
>Whizzer has replaced Blurr once again
>D.C’a greatest heroes
It’s like a fever dream
>You're DC's greatest heroes!
Sometimes comics are alright
haha get fucked canada
Thing is you had to realize this is hamhanded meta-commentary from Aaron.
He wrote Wolverine and the X-Men where Logan was a Principal of a school of kids instead of a killer, but also still a killer when the book needed a boost in adventure and action.
People rightly found it absurd, and so Aaron created Lobsterboy, a redneck simpleton fanboy who thought Logan should go back to being a braindead badass. Because Lobsterboy later becomes evil, the message is clearly only evil people disagree with Aaron's, and more importantly Marvel's, take on Logan getting put over.
And now here we have a more sinister Coulson echoing that belief. Like with criticism over Foster, Aaron likely hasn't got over people illustrating how idiotic the Nice Guy Logan era was in of itself more so to make Scott, the original role model boyscout who became Mutant Hitler with the wave of a wand, look worse by comparison.
He likely knows that people know it was a contrived push, his special it seems, and that he was the bookie put on it, but instead of just accepting his role he has to talk back to the crowd through characters with all the eloquence of a "NUH UH" to feel he's still got one over people.
This series started in fact with Aaron taking issue with fans not being fans of the newcomers, so he had Tony try to carry that across by basically saying he'd prefer if the children were out there dying in his place because it's new and interesting, and they're just old men, which actually informs about their experience and survival but never mind that. Then sighing as if it's such a bother to save the world when Steve talks sense into him that an invasion of super Celestials is no time for this.
And even without 4th wall knocking Aaron's writing speaks for itself. It's like this issue was ghost written by Red Hulk era Loeb.
All of these Squadron members are clearly being brainwashed by Coulson, it doesn't really matter what their real names or origins are
>D.C.'s greatest heroes
You cheeky cunts, I love you.
Yes they are. They also count WotR mini for Legacy numbering of Uncanny X-Men.
Kelly got pretty close to tackling it in SM/DP, and Spencer looks like he'll get around to it eventually. Based on how Hunted is going, I give it a year.
No you git, they're mocking the people who didn't like Whor and Wolvelaura
How's Marvel been since Bendis left? I haven't touched any of their stuff since Marvel Now started, but Bendis is currently sabotaging DC so it might be time to start reading Marvel again.
This could be my favorite comic page in a very long time.
Same as always, a few standout greats (Immortal Hulk, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Champions), most mediocre, a few stinkers. Some good minis, too.
So are they making fun of DC and their push for SMWW?
This is literally Yea Forums memes about Batman, including the mother thing.
It's less bad especially with the Bendis OCs being written by other writers but it still has its issues with Aaron and Slott still around.
I don't get it.
This is literally what DC did when they rebooted the comics in 2011. That's literally their mentality in regards to Wonder Woman.
I thought black nighthawk got killed off panel in Chicago a year or 2 ago
Considering Mephisto's involvement, he might anything from a highly advanced LMD like Max Fury or him brought back from the dead and brainwashed by Coulson
This is very good
It seems like we got into a doorway where Disney did not buy Marvel and we looked at seeing comics as they should be without SJW agenda or new comics and the art style of toddlers currently applied to little girls that the marvel remains stucking in our guts
>likes american beer
>liking pisswater
And to think, she was almost perfect.
To be fair, Hype and Zarda fucking goes back to Greunwald’s squadron supreme book.
This is the real Marvel comics
This is fucking trash
Marvel should not do comics only for girls, they should make comics for all
And that style of art without definite muscles, all then seem to be 12 years old, it's disgusting
Stop publishing this trash
Does not sell, nobody wants
Ok sure, but I would totally let marvel rising squirrel girl sit on my face with her big chunky ass.
never got why some writers want to make The Flash have trouble holding down a job, he'd be able to hold down several
Some good stuff.
>Immortal Hulk
>Fantastic Four
>Conan the Barbarian
>Doctor Strange
May as well read a bunch of series and decide for yourself. There's a decent amount built up
look at the mommy milkers on that Not-Wondy
>no sexy naked fishlady
missed opportunity
>naked in giant blood
yes please
>SHIELD collects Avengers sex tapes
how much you want to be it's the only reason O'Grady worked there
What I wouldn't give to have sif step on me
>What the shit is this? There's only five of them, where's my skymaster? Where my amphibian?
>I'm sorry Coulson, but Ross said that there was no money in the budget for and I quote 'filthy skrulls or fish tits'.
They only role her out when it's something the coast guard needs help with.
They'd probably think that she were an atlantean sleeper agent, since Namor has declared war on the surface world again, for the umpteenth time. Also, they'd have to monitor her closely as to not have her fish pussy plastered all over which internet.
He meant writing wise, cuck. >you're edgy because you have different tastes than me
Never change, shithuman.
picture for reference, also shows a bit of the cosmic hierarchy, and to add to the hypercrisis discussion that this issue generated, there is an hand put in a very specific position.