>Creates his own Omnitrix
>Creates a feature that makes his aliens more powerful, Hmm almost like an Ultimate Form?
>Wants to kill Ben....for reasons?
Fuck this!, This isn't Kevin!, This is discount Albedo!, Give Kevin back his absorption powers, Also how the fuck was an 11 year old able to get DNA samples of aliens from all over the galaxy let alone recreate an alien device from a civilization light years ahead of humanity?, Also if he is just a school bully why does he want to kill Ben so badly?, The Original Series had him as a homeless kid so it made sense for him to be a sociopath and only wanted to actually Ben after turning him into a freak
Creates his own Omnitrix
It's a cartoon for children, user.
Not an argument. Even childrens' entertainment must be held to some standard.
Ben 10 really took a dive into the dumpster the longer the series went on. Pretty sad.
No it mustn’t
This Kevin is implied to have no family, his Omnitrix was given to him in a dream, and it's implied that he only follows Ben around to have some companionship. He doesn't really want to kill Ben, and would likely regret it if he did.
All your complaints have been addressed.
He's not fucking homeless and has access to good education. OS Kevin was into causing chaos and destruction so that it he could make money off it and wasn't even into killing Ben until he got in his way
He doesn’t want Ben dead. He just wants to see him suffer
Where the fuck does he get the DNA of aliens all over the Galaxy?, You can't get it in a dream, Having absorbed the Omnitrix and becoming a mutated version of them would make more sense
so was ben 10. If a children's cartoon can do better then doesn't make this even sadder?
For what, So far all we know is that Ben was his victim as a kid, Why does he want to suffer when he has a cool watch that gives him superpowers
It’s kinda fun
He's not homeless, but judging by that freezer burn Ben gave him that one time, he may as well be. That instance was the only time we've actually seen Kevin angry enough that he looked like he was out to kill Ben outright.
Fairly certain that the dream situation was set up to purposefully raise suspicions. It's clearly not something Kevin learned or gained on his own.
So was the original Ben 10 you fucking mong. Did you just forget the series had multiple iterations before this shit heap came to town?
Bullies typically don't have good reasons for their actions at the best of times. But a common conception is that bullies have a mentality that leads them to want to make friends, but because of either their worldview or the circumstances in their lives (or even both), their usual method to make 'friends' is to all but assault the ones they set their eyes on.
Reboot Kevin isn't necessarily a bad kid, as he has FAR more redeeming features than his OG version did at that age, but he's not all that emotionally stable and it shows.
>Far more redeeming
OS Kevin had been abandoned by his parents, He gets harassed and bullied by gangs and lives in a fucking abandoned subway, Reboot Kevin appears to have it easier, Hard to sympathize with some one like that
>kids willl gorge down any garbage so it doesn't matter
just go off yourself user, the world doesn't need people like you, kids can have opinions and appreciate when things are legitimately good, fuck off
>Reboot Kevin appears to have it easier
Key word there: "appears." The kid has storyboard stuff pretty much admitting his life is shit, and as we later found out, OG Kevin had a mom. He had someone who cared. Reboot Kevin might not even have that.
Obviously it must. Over wise a prevailing mindset that children don’t need quality ends up with people who think mustn’t is a real word.
It’s not. It’s a contraction.
Will they redeem him in the future or it's full villain forever?
>Homelessness = sociopath
OP has the smartz
Musn’t is. Mustn’t isn’t an actual word you illiterate.
Yeah, it’s a contraction, look it up.
They used to but sadly those days are long passed
>Literally offended 14 years old
If it is, then it’s an archaic one that’s fallen out of use for good reason, and anyone who still uses it instead of musn’t, which just plainly sounds better, is an idiot regardless.
As opposed to figuratively offended?
You mustn’t act like such a dick about this
He's already into Gwen, doesn't really want to kill Ben and family, and just seems to be a kid with a shitty life. He's getting redeemed.
>how the fuck was an 11 year old able to get DNA samples of aliens from all over the galaxy let alone recreate an alien device from a civilization light years ahead of humanity?
it´s left vague for a purpose. It will be answered in the future. Also, if you have seen the reboot, you know this world exists in a dumb setting where people accept Ben´s aliens. It doesn´t try to be realistic in any way
>Also if he is just a school bully why does he want to kill Ben so badly?
He doesn´t. He keeps following him around because he´s the only person who has any connection with him. He´s lonely
>The Original Series had him as a homeless kid so it made sense for him to be a sociopath and only wanted to actually Ben after turning him into a freak
This isn´t him. This is a more sympathetic version of him, who´s more of a sad, pathetic kid than a criminal. The only time he endangered anyone who wasn´t Ben was when he was possessed and when his alien lost control.
He just wants to beat Ben to prove he´s superior to him since his self-esteem is so low. He has lost every match they´ve had, and his superpowers are just a copy from Ben. He´s pursuing Ben because he´s the only other person that has an Omnitrix, and unlike OG Kevin, this one doesn´t want to harm innocent people with his aliens.
Also, I´m sure there´s something they aren´t showing up from his past since they already established that Ben doesn´t know why Kevin hates him so much. Past Kevin just bullied Ben. That doesn´t mean he hated him, just that he was his punching bag. Something happened that hasn't been shown yet.
>Reboot Kevin appears to have it easier
Did you only see the first episode he was in? The boy clearly has no one else in his life besides Ben, and even if he did have a house and school, it´s clear that he abandoned it and he´s now living in the streets.
Also, his parents may be dead.
what storyboard stuff?
>OS Kevin had been abandoned by his parents
Technically he ran away and the energy absorbing fucked with his memory and made him think he was abandoned, but that doesn’t change that much.
> this world exists in a dumb setting
That’s all you really need to say.
I think they´re heading for the redeeming route, but given how many episodes are left, unless the next ones are Kevin episodes, there won´t be enough time to redeem him this season. Maybe in S4.
But that´s fine as long as S3 ends with Kevin and Ben in better terms.
Direct comparisons to the OS arent arguments because this is its own universe with its own logic, rules and canon. Just saying its different isnt an argument. And this is coming from someone who likes the OS more as well
>that Greymatter in the corner
lol I'm thirty but I bet your ass I know 14 year olds smarter than you, hell I know 12 year olds smarter than me, age should not and is NOT a quality filter
So after catching a few snippets of the reboot S1, and not being impressed, I initially gave this a hard pass.
Now it sounds like things might be not quite as bad as I initially thought. Where should a skeptical user start if they wanted to give nuBen a second chance? Give me your top 3 episodes.
This image looks like the start of a Shadman comic strip.
As someone who’s seeing this third season just for Kevin, watch the episodes he’s in. I was able to understand it mostly fine given how dumb every other character is.
If you have to watch 3 to see how he’s like then watch “This one goes to 11”, “Franken-Fight” and “Introducing Kevin 11”.
(Before you ask, the first and last episode I mentioned do have similar names, and it’s stupid. They are different episodes and aren’t direct continuations of one another).
The rest of the episodes are typical dumb jokey episodes made for toddlers. There’s a couple of good jokes here and there, but as a whole the show is just average. It’s not as bad as you think it is, but besides Kevin I don’t find anything interesting in it
Was any of the Vilgax stuff any good? Apparently the artist of Manly Guys Doing Manly Things worked on him, and I’ve always really liked them.
Yeah, Yuri does a good job on him
So was the original dumbass
>The rest of the episodes are typical dumb jokey episodes made for toddlers.
Y'know, excluding the overarching plot revolving around the Forever Knight, or Glitch, or the previous story of the Fulmini, but let's ignore that in favor of stroking Kevin off some more.
Kelly Turnbull? Yeah, he also made episodes for this season. One of them that has Kevin is “Which Watch” so check that one if you’re a fan of him.
The Vilgax stuff was...allright. He’s one of the few non-idiot characters in this show, and he has a neat introduction. I wouldn’t call him amazing, but he’s fine in this.There was a special where Ben and Vilgax have to team up, and that one is pretty fun (and semi-important to the plot, it’s the S2 finale)
The only reason I liked the Fulmini story was because of Vilgax and Ben teaming up. Everything else was lame. The villain was lame and Glitch is lame.
Forever Knight so far is just another “man in shadows” who won’t be interesting until it’s revealed what he actually is planning. He shows up a lot only to say “yess, this will help my plans. Everything’s falling to place” and he barely does anything. Not to mention how plenty of his “character building” episodes involve Kevin.
I’m not saying that kevin gets the only good episodes. There are good episodes that don’t involve him. But I don’t care about those like the ones that do involve him, since he’s the only villain in this show that isn’t an idiot or cartoonishly evil besides Charmcaster (and she’s just ok)
Take it easy, OP. It's a cartoon made for children. Go make your own cartoon.
>i'm thirty and i'm buttoffended about a kid's cartoon
uh but I'm not? I was just argumenting on the quality on cartoons, I'm not OP dude
He´s a good boy deep down
we should all do it
It’s gonna have demons, it’s werirdly popular with Yea Forums
>lul i'm just here for Kevin
Why watch the show at all then? Go fap to some gay porn of him. That would probably be more fulfilling than sitting around waiting for new episodes to drop just for one character.
Im not watching him for porn, weirdo. I just like his character. And it’s a strategy that works since they have given him a bunch of episodes allready, and he’s connected to the main plot.
It helps that Cn uploads a bunch of episodes at once on the app, so I can choose which ones to watch.
>the main plot.
Which you don't care for by your own admission. Again, just wait for porn. It's probably better than wasting time on an episode just for the one character.
I'm same. I heard he's getting a spin off so I wanted to see how his character is.
Kevin had his origin rebooted multiple times, even a kid with no explanation on the mother.
I like that Kevin spill spaghetti over Gwen, compared to their old boring relationship
I care about Kevins involvement on the plot and what he does. It’s possible to watch a show for one character, specially if the character is important. There’s been hints that they’re making him join the team, and I want to see the process of how he gets there.
Also, like I said, I don’t fap to him. Don’t tangle me with you pedophiles