Aussie Endgame discussion thread

Aussie Endgame discussion thread.
Who saw it today?
What'd you think?
Is it wrong to go again tomorrow on Anzac day?

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Haven't seen it yet, going tomorrow night with a few friends.

Thanos dies twice

What is more accurate?
Dadbod Thor or
Chonk Thor

The latter, definitely

I thought it was shit. Too much time wasted on searching for stones (gets old really quickly). Too much muh feelings. Stupid ending for Cap, Natasha, Thor, Loki, Thanos. Felt like they put all the effort into IW and shat out this one because they didn't know what to do/didn't care.

It is wrong to not storm the beaches of Gallipoli armed with Fosters and Land Down Under.

Cap gets Mjolnir and gets to live out his life with his sweetheart

So the movie kindaset up the 3 Disney+ series
>Falcon & WS will be about Captain Falcon
>Loki will be about Past!Loki escaping with the Space Stone
>WandaVision will be about Wanda trying to resurrect Vision.

I'm seeing it again tomorrow with my brother who had school today.

Tony dies after snapping Thanos out of existence, after Hulk!Banner snaps everyone who was snapped back into existence, 5 years later

>Peter and Gamora's relationship basically reset back to square 1
>But Thor is part of the Guardians now so good bants with him and Quill confirmed.

I'm conflicted on the potential for Guardians vol. 3

Black Widow is sacrificed for the Soul Stone in the past, and Gamorra doesn't appear to have been returned to reality after Hulk!Banner un-snaps everyone

Probably not tomorrow but soon. I always go with my sister and I don't want a packed theatre.

Saw it.

Thor is hella fun. But kind of sad, nigga need counselings.
A shame Tony and Black Widow died.
Captain Marvel is incompetent, I blame her for Tony's death. Shouldn't be so smug if you're gonna job in the end.
Cap with the hammer is pretty cool.
Tony's kid is pretty cute.

Is it up anywhere yet

Mate, there is going to be a love triangle between Quill, Thor and Gamora whilst Adam Warlock is chasing their ass.
It's gonna be tops.

This. IW is better. Nebula's part isn't really interesting. That shit with the whole girl's team during the final battle feels really lame, like they are doing some shitty checklist. DC is way better in that regard.

Half the people from Peter's school are now adults huh, did everyone reappear in the same places they got dusted in, how about people on airplanes? Do they fall to their death when they come back?

>Tony's kid is pretty cute.
Is the kid a toddler or the gal from 13 Reasons Why? Brunette or Ginger? Because she posted a Twitter pic a while back of her with red dyed hair, and apparently filmed some scenes.

Well apparently the stones couldn't bring back Nat, so I guess if you die normally, you die for real.
So if you were on a plane and the pilots got dusted, you're fucked either way. You die in the plane crash, or you respawn in mid-air.

That part felt forced as fuck. Especially considering that they killed off the only female OG early on and didn't gave her a funeral. Not very feminist.

Doesn't the Earth move so they'd all just end up in space?

So Cap has a heart attack right after giving the shield away or what?


No, the film just ends. Presumably he has like 10 or 20 years before he kicks it.

So Chris Evans might do cameos or something?

> The scene where Peter Parker almost tells Wanda that Strange gave Thanos the Time Stone and Strange grabs his balls and puts them in a portal to shut him up was hilarious.

Maybe as old man Cap or something I guess.

Feige wants to keep open the potential to do a Wolverine/Cap scene.

Unlikely. When he was Putting the Infinity Stones back in time where they came from, he decided not to come back to the future straight away and married Sharon Carter and had a life with her, and turned back up when he left an old man.

That’s probably just them setting up A-Force

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I thought it was great, felt like a good way to celebrate the MCU. Everyone got at least one 'moment', which I liked.

So, if Past Thanos dies before the events of IW, how is he still alive to get all the Stones and do the snap in IW? Stable timeloop my ass.

This shit really makes no sense. They introduced time travel and failed to get it consistent.

Dunno mate, never watch that movie. Not sure she had a twitter, she's really young like but then again, I'm but with guessing kid's age.

Just turn your brain off for the time travel stuff as anything other than it being used as a method of travel.

I think they tried to explain it away with the splitting timeline/alterante reality stuff, but even then it still doesn't quite make sense

The Irony is that Marvel always end up reminding us how they treat their heroines as sidekicks.

DC actually let's their ladies lead so they feel no need to give out consolation prizes (which is what those girl team scenes sadly often are).

Also, they kind of neutered Wanda's kino rage mode by not having her be the team shitkicker. Ironically they had her interact with people not called Vision precisely when she would have no interest in doing so.

Past Thanos is from an alternate timeline, doesn't really explain how old Cap exists though, unless the whole MCU was always in the Cap stays in the past timeline.

>[Spoiler]Carol ends up jobbing to Thanos[/spoiler]
>Wanda puts up the best fight out of everyone against him

Muties always win bitch

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So the big epic conclusion to 11 years of movies and buildup is just a big "LOL NEVER MIND LOGIC AND PLOT". Got it.

So... did they accidentally cause Singularity when they rewrote time?
I don’t see the multiverse crisis happening anytime soon in the MCU.

But doesn't the split only happen when you take away a stone? Because otherwise you'd have a shitton of different realities where everything is screwed up. Does nobody care as long as their timeline is fine?

Except Vision .

You expected a treatise on the mechanics of time travel?

If time travel creates an alternate reality, what's with all the putting-back-the-stones-or-else stuff? If this is a new timeline, the snap never happened, period.

Actually, that might be the big bow they used to handwave everything?

see above

>Hey guys let's introduce time travel to solve all our problems without being able to treat it seriously
It's called an asspull.

Well they end up causing an alt timeline where Loki escapes with the Space Stone after Avengers 1 (assuming Cap didn’t just fix that)

No I think they all went to the same alternate universe.

An alternate universe where by right the snap never happened and yet everyone treats it as happened?

Yeah, exactly. I expected that. Never expect big blockbuster movies to get timetravel right. It just won't happen.

Saw it, enjoyed it, then I came here and didn't enjoy it as much retroactively.

So what? He fucked the rock and now Thor is uncle to a cute pocket universe?

I mean it could possibly just lead into the Disney+ series

What Tony says is irrelevent, go and review what the Ancient One demonstrated and then come back.

It's a fake concept. Whining about time-travel plotholes is easy CinemaSins bait to make yourself sound smart and dismiss any push-back with "SO I SHOULD JUST TURN MY BRAIN OFF" faux-intelligence.

You might as well get mad about sound in space.

So is there a post-credit?


Absolutely not, you can skip the main credits after the cast credits

No. Apparently at the end of the credits you just hear The sound or Tony Hammering his armor from IM1

It happened because they bring everyone back. But if its alternate timelines theres still the OG timeline around where things didn't get fixed and where there's no Avengers because they all fucked off to a better universe.

Fantastic, thats exactly what i wanted to hear, thanks

The Russos are pretty notorious for doing a token, pointless, Bectel scene in every movie.

>now women talking to each other at all is token because bechdel test

I wonder how little women have to be in a story for them to not be "token" at this point by angry nerd standards.

Got. A question
If Tony just used his nano tech iron man suit to grab all the infinity stones from the gauntlet at the end of the movie, why the fuck didn't he do that already in infinity war?

Also just gonna say, this movie is asspull the movie

Can I discuss it here even if I'm a Yuro who finds A*str*lians disgusting?
Infinity War was probably a better movie to be honest, I liked that Endgame wanted to be more character driven to give everyone proper ending arcs but it's really just too long for what it is. The homage to the vast MCU with the whole going to previous movies' times was cool, but the final battle really felt like Ready Avenger One

>be me, average MCU citizen
>get dusted in 2018
>as everyone around me is disappearing, I try to hug my wife one last time and tell her everything will be okay
>snap's undone
>wtf I'm back
>it's 2023
>my wife's five years older, moved on and had a kid with some guy
T-thanks Hulk

You expected a treatise on the mechanics of nanotech armors?

Blame Tony, he didn't want to lose his kid.

Hulk confirmed to have cucked the most people in the entire universe
I don't which is worst the cuckable hulk, Steve "no flowers for the twin towers" Rogers, or deadbeat dad Tony

You don't really see him doing that and had more time to think and prepare for a fight

Look, I get your underlying message about moving on, the future, the next generation, realizing what's done can't be undone, but MCU now has literally 3.5 billion people who randomly respawned five years later in a world that's massively changed
For all we know half of Asia or Africa could be in a giant civil war since Cap hinted at massive unrest

7 or 8/10, best Avengers movie by far but not the best MCU film

The point is that the screenwriters chose to fix everything with time travel . They could have chosen countless ways to revert the snap without fucking the plot, like freeing the dusted from the Soul Stone, Thanos regretting the snap and helping the Avengers, reversing it with another gauntlet like Hulk does.

Instead, they chose time travel without being able to use it properly without causing massive plot problems, and the only defense is "don't think about it"?

>and the only defense is "don't think about it"?

yes, because that's the defense of the majority of plot and story mechanics in comic book stories.

Can someone explain the hate for the original Avengers to me? Like I get why no one likes Ultron and I get why people like infinity war, but I don't get how people just hate on the original team up. Is it because of Wheadon?

Also I feel like endgame is gonna be just like the force awakens, where everyone loves it at first but then as time creeps people will start thinking about all the flaws and it'll be hated retroactively.

yeah, use the reddit word, that will help your cause
>le chonky cat xD

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No one hates the first movie, where did you get that impression?

Somehow I don't think that the "don't think about it" argument gets thrown around a lot while talking about non-Marvel comic-book movies.

There's been a dozen MCU ranking lists with Endgame coming out and for whatever reason most lists put the original avengers at the bottom below even Ultron.

What, of course it is. Plothole nitpicking is something that's pretty resoundingly considered annoying regardless of who makes he film. Hell Looper outright made fun of people who complain about time-travel plotholes and that got faux-intellectuals into a frothing rage at the time because Johnson dared to say that maybe character and theme matter more then plotholes. It's called understanding what the story is actually about and what really matters, that goes beyond cape movies.

So this is just a roundabout way to complain about Marvel bias? In a world where Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Shazam all got great reviews? Hell Aquaman is brimming with goofy shit and it still got well-regarded overall.

He was able to pull the stones this time because the new gauntlet was made of his nanotech, whereas last tiem it was forged with some space metal, remember?

Plot holes are all fine and dandy so long as it doesn't interfere with the emotional weight of the story. But the problem with endgame is the sheer amount of plot holes and the magnitude of some of them that makes it something you just can't disregard. They weight on your mind during the movie and actively remove your enjoyment of the film. It's okay for there to be a plot hole about how long it takes someone to do something because it increases suspense but when the overall story relies on contrivance there's no way to ignore it.

>So this is just a roundabout way to complain about Marvel bias?
Of course it's not, it's just that DC and Hellboy are widely ridiculed for plotholes. It's just that I expected more from the culmination of 11 years of MCU.
And complaining about the non-consistency of the main plot point on which the whole movie is based is not really "nitpicking".

chunky has nothing to do with reddit, maybe calm down a bit faggot

That's stupid. I rewatched Avengers. It holds up for the most part. Loki acted well as the villain and there are alot of superheroics in the film. The starting chase scene probably aged the worst and the helicarrier lasts abit too long.

Please tell me Strange does something cool

He's an add on for the final fight

he said "chOnk". which is literally the newest reddit/instagram meme word for big, mostly use for animals.
calling that Thor "Chonk Thor" is the most reddit thing you can so, unironically.

He make funni quip

What’d he actually do

does thanos have some overdramatic cliche "NOOOOOOOOOOOOI!!!" moment when he gets snap't out of existance and time for good or is it something else

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Does Rocket do anything cool?

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pretty much nothing, he joins the last fight Undusted and makes a quip about whether they have everyone and Asian Mcfatty monk responds with "you want even more?"

So he put tony down again huh?

No, he just looks dumbfounded and sits down, resigned and defeated. It's like the opposite of the last shot of Infinity War

Did anyone here really not like the ending? I felt like it was really good up until AVENGERS ASSEMBLE and then it went downhill really fast and the two major characters endings should have been switched, and it suffered a little bit from lord of the rings syndrome


nah he just sits down defeated and dusts away

he almost gets vored that's about it sorry man

No, he just sits down like at the end of IW

all of this was an elaborate Strange ruse to make Tony kill himself

I expected more creative battles but this is pretty much the fate of every crossover with this huge of a battle.

He flings some spells, keeps a dam of water back that almost floods the heroes when shit is popping off and has a nice character moment with Iron Man where he subtly implies to Tony that he needs to sacrifice himself for the "One in fourteen million" chance.

Wait when did the 2nd one happen lol i don't remember that

Aw man. Does he do anything before the final battle that's cool?

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he assaults Natalie Portman

Gah they adapted his character so well, but they just HAD to shove in jokes. That one isn’t that bad though

>DC is way better in that regard.

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Good enough for me, thanks user

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>Endgame happens just so strange can get tony to suicide
Fuckin BASED

So given that she's dead, what are the chances widow's film take place between the 5 years and we get an rdj or hulk cameo? I can see her post credits scene being her babysitting tony's kid, like she did clint's and telling her parts of her movie as a bedtime story.

>Peterson keeps ruining everyone's day by saying MCU shows are not canon
>Based Russo Brothers putting in a Jarvis cameo with the original actor from the Agent Carter series returning

Good enough for me

he's about to get eaten by one of that giant chitauri ships when Tony does the final snap

korg is playing fortnite five years after the snap
thanos is a skin in fortnite
Super Hitler just killed your friends, half of your raid team at a critical juncture, most of your clan / playerbase, and the designers of every game studio
and they put him in fucking fortnite and its STILL A POPULAR GAME IN 2023

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It will probably be like an origin story about her time in the Red Room and her first meetings with Fury and Clint.

And yet they keep using old man Howard instead of my boy Dominic Cooper. It doesn't even make sense anymore at this point

He's not wrong, though, Marvel has Captain Meh-Face as main their first female-lead movie, while DC has Wonder Woman.

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Wonder Woman doesn't get to fight female villains or random monsters. She is a top-liner and one of the leaders, and gets to fight the big villains and lead the team.

> its five years later
>the world has stopped generating food for half of the population
>machines are disassembled, scrapped for metal
>the economy is dramatically changed
>now we have to immediately find food for 3-4 billion people in the next few days or they all die of hunger

Stephen “ I’m the best at trading lives ” Strange

But seriously, I liked that this aspect carried over too


He slaps Thor and tells him to get his shit together.

Avengers Assemble feeling like JLA Rock of Ages was cool but the second third leading to it with the whole timetravel was peak "I get it but I ain't laughing" for me. Cool homages and cameos God I want to fuck Natalie Portman so much holy shit but the plot dragged and the Nebula subplot was just boring.

Captain Marvel was a better movie and Larson is way, way better than Gadot.



His Avengers movie self somehow managed to escape with the Tesseract. I say somehow because it means he's still around but without his post-Avengers developments which is such weird story choice.

Carol overpowers thanos herself and no-sells a hit from him
Cap is immediately better than Thor with the hammer
Tony’s daughter has to grow up without a father but Captain America gets to live his life happy with his family while pushing his responsibilities on to someone else
Bucky doesn’t get the shield
Only iron man got the good ending

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>you have to accomodate entire abandoned parts of cities again
>recreate factories, governments, farms, administration
>the economy completely crashed and bounced except the population suddenly doubled in size
It'd honestly make for a stellar, original RPG setting but all we're supposed to take from it is that Peter and notGanke can hug again

>Captain Marvel was a better movie
>Larson is way, way better than Gadot

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He's there but not a lot. You see him in his cell in Asgard and he's there in 2012 New York (he has a funny moment where he impersonates Cap and he fucks off with the Tesseract).

It's ridiculous. I didn't expect the Marvel appearance to be a two way street.

Yes but only in the past. When Tony and Scott fuck up the mission Past!Loki takes the Space Stone and warps away. This could be setting up his Disney+ show since this seemingly isn’t resolved in the movie

Bucky getting to be the next Cap in comic books made sense for them both in Bru's run.
Honestly MCU Bucky is still too much of his traumatized lone wolf self to be Captain America, while at the same time Sam being S.H.I.E.L.D. and having expertise in espionage and training is more consistent with MCU Cap

Do they explain why Hulk didnt wanna fight in IW?

Bucky honestly make more sense. Wilson is too much of a good guy. Bucky being a former assassin and carrying his symbol is a better dynamic.

Except she ends up jobbing two seconds later

Not really. They ask Bruce why the fuck he's Professor Hulk now and he explains that it's because 'Banner lost, Hulk lost, everyone lost and then I stopped seeing the Hulk as a virus LOL'

>origin story
all the cast leaks we have contradict that. Plus, they'd have to deage her for that.

>I blame her for Tony's death.
If we’re being completely fair, it’s totally caps fault. Tony finally had everything he’s every wanted and was the only one willing to move on. Cap dragged him into his grave

I thought it was too long. Timey wimey stuff was shithouse, and it was mostly bad, but I watch kino for a hobby so I only like 18 hour Béla Tarr films.

anyone see else at the Southland 12pm today?

It's literally Strange's fault. He knew it and he went with it anyways

Has that two-handed darth maul sword that Thanos used been in any of the comics?

>he considers tanking a hit so hard thanos ends up hurting himself jobbing
Come on user

So can we all admit that Captain Americas portrayal in Endgame a bigger character assassination than Star Lord's in Infinity War

B-but it was the only way to stop Thanos!
>t. Strange

>implying he did anything wrong

It’s the wings of the thanos-copter

Yeah but Bru Bucky eventually went to do something after getting his memories back, he went superheroing for about two years, lying low and fighting criminal organizations. MCU Bucky went to hide in Eastern Europe, got refrozen and then proceeded to have a harem of black pussy in Wakanda.

So will Old!Cap be the next #NotMyLuke?

Nah, normies who watched it are eating it up

This to be honest. It was literally always going to be the only way to do it which Strange had foreseen from the start.

>get a happy ending for everybody
>it's wrong that at the end of it you'd get a happy ending for yourself
Can't see how

Captain America’s entire thing has always been never backing down when he’s needed, that’s the responsibility of the shield and tony Gave up a life with his family all so that cap can have his own and cap giving away his responsibility to someone else and just quitting

That's not exactly how the loop works. It's a close loop story, not a full re-loop. He didn't know what would happen back in the past, because when he went back he returned to the mind and body of old-time steve

>when he went back
He didn't 'go back' though. He showed up where he knew the guys would wait for him but he didn't have the suit, meaning that 2023 Cap simply stayed in the past and lived his normal life from 1945 while WW2 Cap was still defrozen in 2011 and did all the shit that eventually led him to become 2023 Cap

Yeah, so a closed loop. He didn't know what was going on any more than most randos at that time

So if Steve was frozen in 1945 when he was 27, and then on the Avengers from 2011 to 2023, that means he would have been either 39 or 40 when he went back to 1945... so now he's roughly 117 years old at the end of Endgame.

Was the leak about space oddity playing during the stranded in space scene true?

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that's assuming 2023 cap hadn't done a history reading

>He didn't know what was going on any more than most randos at that time
So you're telling me if you went back in time right now you wouldn't have any idea of upcoming events even the ones you lived through?

Does the Hulk redeems himself for jobbing so hard in IW? Does he get at least one cool action sequence?

Not if I loop back to my state of mind at that time

Star-Lord was completely in character in Infinity War. He had the exact same reaction (Attacking recklessly out of rage) to being told by a God (Ego and Thanos) that they'd killed his closest loved one (His mother and Gamora) as he did in Guardians 2.

It's completely within character. It was bone-headed and he was thinking with emotions but that's who Quill is and thinking with his heart literally saved the galaxy last time he did it.

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He’s the only one who can use the gauntlet without dying, but he gets his hand all gross and shriveled. You get some fun interactions with chad hulk but that’s pretty much it

MCU Bucky is too much of a hollowed out ghost to be Cap and tbqh I think he'd agree. Look at the way Sam behaves in Winter Soldier and Civil War. He steps up to the plate and puts his life on the line at the drop of the hat when he thinks it's the right thing (literally harbors Steve and Widow from the US Government after only meeting Cap twice, because he felt it was right).He spent years searching for Bucky because it was the right thing to do, and he was right behind Steve 100% immediately on the accords for the same reasons as Steve.

Honestly, MCU FalconCap makes a lot of sense barring the lack of super soldier serum.

Time Travel doesn't cause dementia user, you keep your same state of mind.

What I thought they said was that all the pasts they visited became the future for a bit then disappeared when they returned, like splicing a part of a film into the middle of a film and then continuing the original film, the only problem being when removing the stones from where-ever they are means you need to put them back otherwise its all fucked.

Not if the loop is closed (aka returning to the start)

That does sound better than how he was used in IW tbqh

You just didn't pay attention.
The final thanos is a thanos from another reality, a reality in which he doesn't live now.
The ancient literary explained how it worked.

I don't think you're understanding the ending of the film.
He's still the 2023 cap. There are now two caps living simultaniously in the past. The original one, who is frozen in the ocean, and the 2023 one, who is living in his place

It's basically an alternate universe.
They explained it early on, that just because they killed Thanos in the past, doesn't mean it will undo the events that already happened in the future via the dialogue where Rhodey suggests that they kill baby Thanos instead of doing it the harder way by stealing the infinity stones from the past to fix the future.
They needed to return the infinity stones back to the past so it doesn't fuck up the timeline in the alternate dimension (past).
Not sure how this works when Cap goes to the past to return the stones, but stayed in the past and ended up in the present time as an old man though.

This is what people really hate about "time travel". They hate feeling like they've been outsmarted by a relatively simple thing.

I can reconcile the time travel shennanigans just by accepting that changing the past creates alternate timelines instead of altering the present one.

But Far From Home just does not fit in here at all unless it's pre-IW.

Half the cow/chicken/whatever animal people eats population came back too so they shouldn't have too much trouble feeding half the humans that returned.
Sucks to be those animals though.

The reality we're used to is the same. The snap happened, then they borrowed stones from other timelines to bring people back(only those who died by the snap). Cap then had to bring back the stones right at the moment they took them, so that the stones never leave their timeline.

>be spider-man
>be super early in your super hero career
>only have one villain under your belt
>now you’re in a space fighting aliens
>now you’re dead
>now you’re back alive
>the world you once knew is in ruins
>you now have a body count with “instant death mode”
>all your friends and family are 5years older now
>the guy who was supposed to mentor you on this stuff is now dead
Spider-Man is gonna be a way different character in Far From Home

Super soldier serum is one hell of a drug.

He becomes some sort of Merged Hulk who looks a bit like green Joe Fixit whose face is just a bad rendering of hulkified Ruffalo. -so probably less smart than Banner and less strong than Hulk, but in his words it's the best of both worlds

Any new Quill tracks?

I just don't get why even bother returning the stones to their original timeline if that timeline is already fucked up anyway

I mean, even with the stones in their proper place, it's still a timeline without Gamora and Thanos, and where Loki keeps the Tesseract, so it will probably follow a totally different path that will never lead to most of the MCU events such as the creation of the GotG, Ultron, Ragnarok, and Infinity War

Hell it's literally laid out a second time by the Ancient One in layman's terms explaining why they'd need to bring back the gems to avoid a branching timeline

Don't think so unless something was softly playing in the last 'you're in charge' banter scene with Thor
We get to see the "Come and get your love" opener from GotG 1 from the outside though

Doctor Strange solo'd Thanos on Infinity War and only lost because Thanos was using the stones. Why the fuck didnt he do shit on Endgame?

Got to let the boring ass people get their chance to shine, I suppose

Was Carol's turn doing the solo Thanos but lose because of gems thing.

Papa Feige said it's Wanda's turn to use magic to solo Thanos.

because he already saw the future and knew that if he interfered, the timeline where they won would never happen

I think the reason people hate time travel is because it's often written very poorly.

For example you can go the Harry Potter route and have a linear time loop route where everything is predetermined and what you effect in the past was always meant to happen.

Or you go the the Back to the Future Route where going back in time creates a new timeline all together (a alternate universe where time travel was responsible for it's creation). This doesn't mean you've traveled to a new dimension it means you've created a new one and can no longer return to your original timeline as a result.

The problem with Endgame is that it mixes time travel with the concept of alternate universes which is a completely different topic all together and adds complexity to an already complex topic. They really should have just went the back to the Future route to create a better alternate future where the snap never happened.

And bless him for that, Elizabeth Olsen is perfect

What was Carol doing the whole time before she destroyed the Thanos helicarrier

Flying back.

IDK why but between the end of her movie and this it feels like this role was created with someone like Nova in mind and then just said nah make it Carol.

>This doesn't mean you've traveled to a new dimension it means you've created a new one and can no longer return to your original timeline as a result.

Doesn't Doc Brown explain it as literally the opposite though? I remember branching universes being a thing. I remember Doc drawing the diagram of paralell realities on his whiteboard in Part II.

Falcon was never part of shield you worthless retard. Or espionage. He literally says in TWS "im a soldier not a spy" to nick fury. Kys dumbass

>>all your friends and family are 5years older now
But they aren't though, or at least Ned isn't

When Thor says “I knew it” after Cap wields Mjolnir for the first time is the implication supposed to be that Cap always could and was only pretending not to be able to in AoU?

Thats the problem. Why arent they?


>200 million more dogs suddenly appear on the planet
>all are homeless because their owners moved on

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For plot convenience just assume everyone Peter knew from school was snapped.

I was thinking more like "he could do it if he really tried hard enough" kind of thing.

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So The Avengers abandoned an entire universe and left it to die

The universe where they borrowed the infinity stones should be fine, they killed their version of Thanos in the future/original universe.

Alright this confusing as hell and I'm going to do my best to explain this, as well as a plot hole for back to the Future, and how time travel is such a difficult concept to get right in fiction.

Doc shows his diagram to Marty explaining that when future Biff went back in time to give himself the sports almanac it created a split in the timeline where Biff became a millionaire. This is the future Marty and Doc find themselves in after attempting to stop future Biff from going back in time to give himself the sports almanac and they realize that the only way to fix things will be to go back to the past to a point after future Biff gives himself the Almanac and steal it back and create yet another timeline where everything returns mostly to the way it was prior to Biff's alterations. The timeline is split again as Marty has to ensure Biff still gives himself the almanac so that future Biff still returns to the future thinking his objective is complete.

However this all falls apart when you realize that future Biff should never have been able to return to the future timeline where Doc and Marty were to rescue Marty's future son because by giving himself the almanac it would have created the new alternate future where Biff should have traveled too. Marty and Doc should have been stranded in that timeline with no way back as the dolorean was gone in a separate timeline.

tldr; time travel is confusing

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The gauntlet Thanos is using is his, you don't think Tony would design a failsafe that would let him command/dismantle it?

What do the Russos have against the Hulk? Why go out of their way to turn him into a bitch?

Because we can only ever have teen spidey in the movies

the ancient one said that apparently the loss of 1 stone will cause some imbalance or some shit to those worlds.

it kinda makes me wonder if maybe the main world would have been fucked up if thanos didn't bring back the mind stone after wanda shattered it.

I know it happened around the three hours mark, but in the end Cap brought all of the gems back to where they belonged. The only difference with the post-2012 timeline we've seen develop over the years is Loki with Tesseract.

ok so technically there are 3 timelines now.
>Timeline 1
is the main timeline where the avengers go back to get the stones to undo the snap.
>Timeline 2: 2012
Here Loki takes out the space stone from its proper place in time. THEREFORE creating an alternate branching timeline. It's what the ancient one was warning about when it came to hulk taking her time stone. Lets not forget that Cap touched 2012 cap with the mind stone prob making him Hydra by accident and also explaining away why hail hydra never comes up again.
Timeline 2 still ended up being a branching timeline with issues that will never be explored.
>Timeline 3: 2014
Here Thanos leaves the era and goes to Timeline 1 before Iron Man snaps his existence. Even if Cap returns the power stone to starlord, there is no gamora in this timeline. Gamora also survived Tony's snap, so that branch will be dealt with in GotG 3.
This timeline is safe because the thanos of this world is dead.
The only thing we have to worry about is Timeline 2.

Is thor fat the whole movie?

Despite having enjoyed the epic scale of the fight at the end, seeing Cap go full on out with Mjolnir together with IM and Thor, I have to say, seeing Thanos fight without the Infinity Stones, makes the fight less spectacular. Compare the fight at the devasted Avengers compount to the battle at Titan and you will quickly feel that the fight between Thanos and the OG Avengers gets old way quicker. Thanos with 4 of the Infinity Stones pull of so many crazy shit with the moon meteorites and and battle vs Dr.Strange being the highlights. The battle at the Avengers compound, Thanos had to rely on his brawn and his huge ass army, and the field battle came out looking like it copied off Ready Player One and I feel like Ready Player One did it better too. In short, I expected more shenanigans from Thanos comparable to IW and Endgame failed to deliver.

Who /cric/ here

He's his normal self at the beginning when they go to Garden and he beheads Thanos, then he becomes a fat boomer who plays video games and drinks all day with Korg and Miek. It seems like he's slimmed down a little in the final act but he's got his armor and stuff on so it's hard to tell. He keeps the long hair and beard in the final act but the beard is braided and styled instead of a huge mess.


After timeskip? Yes, he's basically Lebowski all the time. Only difference is that when he summons Mjolnir and changes into the armor his hair and beard are done in braids.

Timeline 3 also has everything past the second half of Thor TDW with a hammerless Thor since 2014 Mjolnir was brought back to 2023.

I did but I don't hail from a penal colony. Good satisfying capper for the movies till now. Felt that they didn't do entirely right by Steve and his send off could have used a few minutes more of him traveling through time dropping off the stones ending on him waiting outside carter's door sneaking a peek ready to go home before leading back to the return countdown. The way we got it made the whole bit feel like an extended post-credits scene than a farewell.

Regarding Captain Marvel How exactly does she job? I heard from other sources she beats the shit out of Thanos

She got smug cocky for pushing him back and letting him sucker punch her with a power stone blast.

She could have beaten Thanos and was overpowering him, but he sucker-punches her with the Power Stone and she goes flying off like Team Rocket.

She flies through Thanos' flagship and blows it up like she did in her solo movie. That's her big moment. She faces off against Thanos and does the hand-grab thing Cap did in Infinity War to stop him from closing his fist and using the gauntlet. He headbutts her and she no-sells it, but then he pulls out the power stone with his other hand and blasts her with it and she knocked away pretty hard. That's it.

Aside from before the timeskip, yes.

Thanks for the info. I'm glad she didn't play to huge of role in the defeat of Thanos and that it was Tony who kills him. If anyone deserved to do it, it was Tony.

Steve might have returned the hammer when he returned the reality stone.

Really wished Strange split the huge wave like Moses instead of turning it into a twister

I think that retard meant to say he's part of the Avengers but Bucks isn't. Also Cap is a soldier not a spy, Bucks is an assassin, so Falcon is more suitable for Cap than Bucks.

>t. snyder

After all that build up and characterization of Thanos in IW, is it true he's been turned into nothing more than another generic bad guy in this one?

I feel like this takes too long to build to that final act huge battle. That needed to come 20 minutes earlier and let us see that more.

I personally wanted to see more people have a go at Thanos.

Nah. He still has the same motivation as in IW of fixing the universe. Just that instead of half of everything, he would get rid of everything and start the universe anew.

This is one thing that really bothered me about IW. How does Thanos manage to hold and manipulate the Infinity Stones with his bare hands? I thought the whole point of the gauntlet, Loki's sceptre, and the Tesseract was that they insulated the user from the destructive consequences of direct handling.

I thought it was that he'll still do the half snap but just make sure no one remembers the dusted so they wont notice anything wrong/different and try to change things.

I've liked some of the previous movies and I enjoyed Endgame. I also have really bad social anxiety and I don't like being around big crowds. Is it worth it for me to see this opening weekend or should I wait a couple of weeks until the crowds thin out?

The writers are idiots and wrote themselves into a corner with the Infinity Gauntlet so what do they do? They decide to have present Thanos just destroy the stones for some damn reason because they know that the heroes stand no chance otherwise. Shit.

>I enjoyed Endgame
then you already saw it so why have trouble seeing it again?

I went to see it by myself and I was clapping and hollering along with everybody else. Seemed silly for someone like me who doesn't talk much with others.

It was the logical play for him though. Letting them exist puts his entire goal at risk.

Sorry - this was supposed to be Infinity War.

Or any of the crazy science or magic crap in the Marvel universe could just make him young again.

And they can make him “young“ – – as young as whatever age real world Chris Evans is when they finally drop the dump truck full of money off at his house to get him to come back and make another go as Captain America.

Wait korg is playing what. seriously? howd the theater react?

No after credits scene is somewhat disappointing. You could have done a number of things to get people invested in the aftermath

A homage to AoU where he moved it.

That's kinda autistic homeboy but at least you enjoyed what you got.

He literally says he'd undo the entire universe and remake it anew (except with less life) so there's no continuity between the two and people will only be grateful for the gift of life

First, this one's 2014 Thanos who didn't collect the gems yet. Second, he's powered by the idea that he's 'inevitable' as he saw his own future so it's a slight shift in his motivation and character.

Theaters usually don't react in civilized countries.

far from home is the immediate aftermath, but i think they know they can't top endgame at any rate so they are taking the next phase nice and slow

Hah funny you say that cause near the start of the movie has Bruce was making his own attempts at figuring out how to time travel properly(as Tony was being a bitch earlier) and he wounded up turning Scott into a young kid, old man and a baby before restoring him to normal.

So: who are the 2023 Avengers? Is there even going to be a proper team at all? Black Widow was the one who kept a semblance of an organized superhero team together for five years but she's gone.

Do we know that? Far from home would make more sense if it's set pre-IW.

I meant did they laugh it off or were there audible groans or something to that effect.

Is it just me or does having Thor around kind of trivialize the threats the Guardians face?

In my theatre, all I heard was someone say "oh look, Fortnite" in a nonchalant tone.

no worries, adam warlock will kill him off in the first 30 mins

We ever get the PROTON CANNON?

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No. Pepper gets a suit though.

>The Becky Larson
Has no ass
No acting skills whatsoever
Wrote two shitty movie
Antagonize fans
No charisma
Big ass forehead
Ugly inside and out
Needs people to defend her
Pitty awards

Good acting skills
Was crowned Miss Israel 2004
Served two years in the Israel Defense Forces as a combat instructor

Attached: captain becky vs WONDER STACY.png (2518x1100, 813K)

yes we know it moron

Should have been Nova. But they only have the Nova corp for now, so they have to work with Carol.

its not a sucker punch if she literally stops and sees it coming retard

so why did thanos want to make a new universe and destroy the old one? only read a summary of plot so idk specifics

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bucky was a soldier too retard

Dude, Far From Home is post- Endgame and Peter is dealing with Tony's death.

If you remember, Quill managed to grab the Infinity Stone with a bare hand. Its not that you can't, the problem is the radiation. Thanos was taking a risk but, because he's motherfucking Thanos, if he ahs to pull out the Power Stone to btfo Carol, he'll do it.

Tony grabbing the stones and doing the snap reminds me of Infinity Gauntlet, when Nebula yoinked the gauntlet off him

because the avengers convinced him that there was always the possibility of someone pulling off crazy shit to undo what he did

Never really explained. Even his initial goal in IW was all about bringing balance with nothing else beyond that. I guess they kept themselves from writing about some greater evil or some shit coming if he does not do what he did.

Yuck. With how the Last Jedi turned out and now this, I feel really wary of being so invested in new media releases. Maybe it's a good sign I should stop and do more productive things with my time.

Also why did Black Widow have to die out of all people? She's barely been connected with the Thanos plot and now everyone but the Hulk has left the Avengers. Even if Scarlett Johanson wanted to retire, it's hardly the most emotional or thematic choice to have Black Widow die from the Soul Stone.

makes sense, they were able to get all the stones back after he destroyed them

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How do you guys like Lebowski Thor?

Quill is part Celestial so I can understand that. Maybe it's just a racial thing, like Titans are just strong enough to make it work.

Black Widow didn't have family, Hawkeye did. Black Widow gave herself up because she wanted Hawkeye to regain his family

Yeah but Winter Soldier is more assassin than soldier now.

Well the Titanians ARE Eternals, which were Celestial-enhanced superhumans. I 'm just disappointed Endgame didn't tease the Eternals, but its still too early I guess

i think he's great, even with his ptsd he was keeping the film from being too dreary with the comedic moments


[spoilers]Yes, it makes sense from an in-universe perspective that Black Widow died over Hawkeye. But it doesn't make sense from a storytelling one to me, because it seems incredibly random. Like I said, she's not particularly relevant to Thanos, and I don't see her as a major character we should feel upset about.

I think it would be more fitting if Nebula had died, but maybe she needs to appear in the next Guardians movie.[/spoilers]

>mfw Cap actually said it

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Not a bad idea per se to start off a character arc, but went on too long before it became ultimately unrelated to the third act battle. Which basically applies to the entire movie aside from Tony's arc

So how is it present Nebula is still alive after well killing her past self? I was expecting some Looper effect but she's still there standing

>people suddenly pretending to like Widow now

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>Theaters usually don't react in civilized countries.
>tfw mine started clapping and cheering when Cap wields Mjolnir
Even Australia isn't safe


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Fuck you all.

I liked it and I'm glad Steve got to dance with Peggy.

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There's technically two timelines.


Jared, tell your father-in-law to build the wall or I'm not voting for him in 2020.

The ending with old Steve broke their own rules of time-travel.
>Prof Hulk: Time travel doesn't work that way, changing stuff in the past does not affect the present
Through all the 'Time Heist' this stays consistent, it clearly works on multiverse theory going off of the Ancient One's explanation. Nothing the Avengers do affect their own time... UNTIL Old Steve. If Steve had made a decision to stay in the past, that shouldn't mean there's now an Old Steve in the present, that would mean in whatever alternate reality 1940 Steve now decided to stay in is the only place there'd be an Old Steve.

Jared who?

They really keep it hidden well from any promos. Even the toys release only had chad thor.

No, he stayed in the shadows.

Peggy was always married to Sharon.

>Peggy was always married to Sharon.

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Fuck, wrong Carter. Nevermind.

Australia is neither though.

Everything that would be an obvious result of a timeskip was basically not shown in traliers or merch.

Why can’t they just use the gauntlet to revive Stark, Widow, Gamorra and Vision before returning the stones?

>Widow, Gamorra
No take backs

Why didn’t Pepper use Extremis on Tony?

For the same reason they couldn't kill baby Thanos.

New timeline branch faggot

Tony already had extremis. Or at least nanites. No amount of nanites or genetic engineering is going to save him from the radiation exposure he endured. Thats why he died

Why do people want more Tony and Cap? enough is enough, move on

This is controversial but I think it would have been more poetic if Cap made the sacrifice and Tony retires to spend time with family.

I'm fine with no Tony. RDJ is already reaching 60, and won't be able to sell the Iron Man image soon. I do want more Chris Evans cap, but contracts are a bitch, and Chris does want to do more indie/directing stuff. Where they elft Cap at is perfect - its open-ended, and allows for an easy return of Steve if need be.

I'm going to miss RDJ Tony, bros.

So how exactly does time travel in MCU work now?
They're alternate realities at this point? It sure feels like time travel in DBZ
>Loki escapes with the tesserec instead of brought home to Asgard
>Lebowski Thor 'stole' his 2014 Mjolnir, leaving past Thor without his

The TV filming feel of the film does let it down, but the highs are still pretty high.

It is a perfect ending for the character. They're still a hero since they did everything they've already done.

Why didn’t Nebula tell Hawkeye/Widow about what it takes to get the soul stone?

It's the first time in many, many years my local cinema has been full.

Went over really well. Biggest crowd pops were for Cap wielding Mjolnir and when Spiderman arrives. Heil Hydra got big laughs too.

I'm thinking of seeing it again tomorrow. ANZAC day and what it stands for is shit, going to see a movie is a fine thing to do.

He summons everyone that's undusted to the final fight with a million portals

What do I think?


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>tfw you love your sister so much that you'd kill youself to protect her
Nebula is best waifu

>cap finally wields mjollnir
>he retired in the same movie


I'm watching a cam right now, 45 minutes in and this has been tear-jerking the entire time

>They're alternate realities at this point? It sure feels like time travel in DBZ
That's exactly how it works, is multiverse theory. Nothing they do in the past should affect their present, just creating branching timelines.
>Lebowski Thor 'stole' his 2014 Mjolnir, leaving past Thor without his
That part is fixed though, when Cap goes back to the past to return the stones to the alternate time-lines he makes a point of returning Mjolnir too.

Wouldn’t it have made more sense to send the bad guys back to the past with amnesia. That way there is no time paradox.

She didn't know. She only knew Thanos went with Gamora to Vormir to get it, then came back alone. The fact that Gamora was in fact needing to be sacrificed to get the Stone was a fact unknown to everyone except Thanos.

Going out on a high note.

No funeral for Black Widow

>multiverse theory. Nothing they do in the past should affect their present, just creating branching timelines.

That conflicts with the scene between The Ancient One and Banner.

Spidey got lucky his friends also got snapped out of existence

>cap finally wields mjollnir
>cap gets to lead an entire army of MCU heroes
>Cap gets to say "Avengers, assemble!"
>Cap retires, and gets to live the life always wanted in Peggy

I couldn't ask for anything more. Its the best sendoff to MCU Cap, at least until Disney dumps a bigger paycheck on Chris Evans

I'm more surprised by the fact that it wasn't a one-time thing but he retains it for the whole fight.

Well, there was no body for starters.

Oh, that explains why Cap brought it alongside the stones.
So that would mean even if they went back to stop the first snap, it still doesn't change the present?

How? They use terminology like timelines and alternate realities and even show-case a branching 'flow' of time which supports multiverse theory

Correct. They'd have saved an entire timeline from the Snap if they went back to 2018 and helped their past selves stop Thanos, but when they return to the present everyone would still be gone.

Banner specifically says the stones will be returned with everyone none the wiser thus preventing a branching timeline.

Not really, I thought this initially too but it does make sense if you think about it.

Events that changed the past affect those branching timelines only and weren't meant to be, otherwise we would have seen Tony, Cap and Antman in the first Avengers movie waaaay back in 2012. So the rules abide that each time you time travel and change history, you do so in a branching timeline so the main one doesn't get affected.

But Cap going back with Peggy was ALWAYS predestined to happen. In the main timeline, while Cap is frozen back in the 40's, another Cap arrives back, meets Peggy, explains everything and arranges it so Peggy never tells anybody that there are 2 Caps (one frozen, the one from the future) existing at the same time. She kept the secret after her death.

Fucking dumb, I know, what with Cap making out with his niece not knowing about it. OldCap also allows all the shit in the MCU to happen to preserve the timeline, it's a classical stable timeloop.

It works, it's fucking dumb but it works.

Okay now how are dead Thanos and time displaced Gamora "fixed"?

He used his time suit to go back to his original time after living his life. Hulk literally said he could take as much time as he needed. He took a whole lifetime.

RDJ and Chris Evans are definitely out from MCU. What about Chris Hemsworth though? I thought he got tired of doing Thor but from the ending we know he's still around and probably be a part of Guardians.

Gunn is kinda protective about the Guardians franchise. I doubt he’s gonna allow this.

Besides wasn’t the first two Thor movies supposed be about Thor learning to accept responsibility? Why is his character doing the exact opposite now?

there was an asian guy next to hawkeye at the end. Who was he?

His wife’s son.

>Banner specifically says the stones will be returned with everyone none the wiser thus preventing a branching timeline.

Also in another scene Scott is disappointed to find out that Back to the Future got time travel wrong

I liked how they retconned the Asgardians not getting completely obliterated by Thannos. At least we got Korg back

Chris Evans "could" come back. I have a theory that the death of Stan Lee had an effect on him, and Feige has been pretty fond of him. He did say he'd rather do directing and indie stuff, but he hasn't "died" yet. Evans could easily return to the Cap role, if he wants to

Hemsworth *was* getting tired of the Thor role until Ragnarok and Taika happened. Now he wants to keep doing Thor, as long as its bro Thor and ideally, with Taika. I think its a good matchup.

wtf we never saw him before?

It was left sort of open ended in IW even with the ship blowing up

I’ll miss Tony, but he has the best sending of the bunch

That was the kid from Iron Man 3

Everybody was so mean to Scott. What the fuck

>It’s a Carol opens her mouth and kills the entire vibe scene

How likely is it that we get a Thor 4 featuring The Guardians before a Guardians 3 featuring Thor? It could be a while before Gunn starts GotG3

Spider-man/Stature movie when?

>it's a Carol doesn't and kills the entire vibe nonetheless scene

The female thanos minion did not reappear

Whomst? I'm a bit of a comic pleb. I understood Spidey and I clapped when I read it but the other one is going over my head.

I liked the Nebula/Rhodey and Nabula/Tony interactions. Now that Tony is dead I wonder what Rhodey will do.

I'm honestly a little saddened that young Cassie is gone forever. That kid was charming.

>Whomst? I'm a bit of a comic pleb.
He's talking about ant man's daughter. The must be around Peter's age now.

Those aren't, but to be fair a time-line without Thanos is probably the greatest gift they can give to 2014-verse

Does Stan Lee have a good cameo? Is this the last one that they've filmed?

So why was Redskull the soulstone keeper? Cap probably had to awkwardly return the Soul stone to him

>Does Stan Lee have a good cameo?
Meh. It's him driving a camaro in the 1970's yelling at a military installation to make love, not war. Honestly Captain Marvel's cameo was better.
>Is this the last one that they've filmed?

Oh, right. Yeah that'd be cool. I was rewatching IW the other day and they even brought up the ant/spider thing.

The Stan cameo fortunately isn't very intrusive compared to most of those things

>And Iron Man.

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The hail hydra scene got me good.

Honestly amazing taking one of the worst things in comics in the last decade and making it excellent in a movie

If there's an infinite amount of universe, then there's an infinite amount of universes where Thanos is defeated without anybody dying. Strange is just being a cunt here.

Tony has gotten everything he can hope for. A chance to be a hero, save the universe, have a wife and kid. He could run SHIELD with Nick but you saw what it did to his relationship with his dad so sacrificing his life to ensure all the surviving Avengers have a promising future

until Far From Home

So next film is Peter dealing with PTSD?

is the 5 year time skip ever undone? How are they going to explain that away in FFH? Does Hank, Hill, Janet and Fury appear?


Man it's such a shame RDJ is out. I was hoping Tony would be a cripple or an AI so RDJ could still hang around without him actually being Iron Man.

Let the man rest. It's been 11 years.

The five year timeskip is explicitly not undone.

The only characters I can even think of that *don't* appear in this are Vision and Heimdall because they died pre-snap

You can have an infinite amount of apples, but no orange. Maybe there're really no universes where that happen. I don't really like it but that's how the MCU works. Hell, the stones are somehow still functional outside their own universe.

In an infinite multiverse, the universes that exist do not follow all conceivable events, but only the events that are possible. That is, anything will happen if its probability is not zero (an infinite number of times), and something with zero probability will not happen in any of an infinite number of universes. Metaphysical balancing rules or whatever (read: author fiat) is something that can restrict what's possible.

I can give a pass for the time travel crap but the 5 year time skip will put massive implications in the entire universe
>Endangered species goes exrinct since half of the pop dissapear. 5 years later the other half comes back only to die since half are left
>Thanos only snapped creatures so plants weren't affected. That probably caused massive biodiversity changes. Then with the other half coming back our of nowhere it's just fucking chaos
>World was crippled and in chaos for 5 years. Would have caused famines, civil wars and massive power vacumes. Half of the world coming back to the chaos just seems sad.
>Wife and child dissapear so I move on. They come back to my new wife and child...

This is a joke, right?

>Endangered species goes exrinct since half of the pop dissapear. 5 years later the other
half comes back only to die since half are left

Only intelligent life was snapped.

>Thanos only snapped creatures so plants weren't affected. That probably caused massive biodiversity changes. Then with the other half coming back our of nowhere it's just fucking chaos

This is true.

>World was crippled and in chaos for 5 years. Would have caused famines, civil wars and massive power vacumes. Half of the world coming back to the chaos just seems sad.

It opens a lot of possbilities for future plotlines too.

>Wife and child dissapear so I move on. They come back to my new wife and child...

Sucks to be you.

Did he specifically say intelligent? Scott was looking at the multiple birds chirping outside like the whole thing worked

he was indeed playing fortnite (small cross promotion and whatnot) but for the context it was used in it could have been easily any online game

>Only intelligent life was snapped.


Nat specifically say "50% of all living creatures"

Also the Feige confirmed that it was half of all life, everywhere.

Harry Potter time travel is dumb because they give it out to a girl with homework problems. Rowling realized this retroactively and destroyed them all, and then changed how time travel works to make it even stupider.

>Only intelligent life was snapped.
By intelligent, do you mean sentient or sapient? My dog is quite intelligent but I wouldn't call him sapient.

Nope. When they find Thor post time skip he's a bloated alcoholic mess, and in the middle of Rocket and Banner trying to get him to rejoin them, he gets distracted trash talking a kid who was trolling Korg while playing Fortnite

I can’t believe they didn’t revive Pietro

This is dumb.
Thanos wanted more resources for everyone.
Unintelligent life IS resources, what the fuck would the unsnapped eat? I don't think Thanos would be that fucking dumb to not realize that by snapping all life literally nothing would change.

I can't believe people pay to watch this shit

>they're really doubling down on the worst aspects of IW.
Man thank goodness this is the end.

It was part of the deal with Fox before the merger. MCU got Wanda, Fox-verse got Pietro.

Guess what, Thanos is an insane idiot!

In this movie past-Thanos learns about his future (his plan succeeding followed by him being extremely killed by the Avengers) and decides his plan was wrong because he wasn't worshiped as a savior like he expected, and now intends to snap 100% life out of existence and create a perfect universe from scratch.

Gunn stated several times that he wanted no other heroes appearing in his films because it would break the GotG chemistry.

He will probably find a way of getting rid of him in the first 30 min of Vol. 3

Either that, or Thor 4 feat. GotG happens before GotG3

The Peggy thing is weird. Honestly not a fan.

Yeah we get to finally erase Uncle Ben forever from Spider-Man

>I'm fine with no Tony. RDJ is already reaching 60,

Eh, Johnny Depp is 55 and he's still doing more physically demanding roles than Iron Man. RDJ's superhero stuff is mostly mocap. He could have probably still made appearances for the next few years, at least.

>what with Cap making out with his niece not knowing about it
That was the recently-unfrozen cap, not the one fro the future, so he wouldn't know anyway

He's better off without him

Now if they could just get rid of that stupid line in the middle of his name

The Mjolnir scene was fucking great but also reminded me how goddamned stupid that shit Whedon did with it in Ultron was

Because in the movie he was faking it, that's what makes it so much better

Does Strange do any cool shit in this film?

>infinity stones are too radioactive for a man who used to keep a reactor capable of powering a city right next to his heart

Could be. Taika did pitch Thor 4 to Feige. And Gunn still has to do Suicide Squad for for WB. Seems like Taika will finally get to make the GotG movie he wanted to do, but with Thor first.

He starts after Suicide Squad finishes and that starts filming in September

>Gunn is kinda protective about the Guardians franchise. I doubt he’s gonna allow this.
I doubt he has the power of "allow" anything now that he just got rehired. He's not gonna argue with the bosses ever again

I know, I'm just pointing out that is a pretty much big oversight from the Russos. Normies are gonna be kinda squicked by this.

But if Star Wars did it I guess it's ok, too.

>How likely is it that we get a Thor 4 featuring The Guardians before a Guardians 3 featuring Thor?

Gunn would probably want this too, so he wouldn't have to deal with Thor in his movie

Fucking hell, now that would make for a great movie

They could also use this as an opportunity to bring back Gamora to the team so everything's reset for Guardians 3

Quill was looking at a star map at the end. Pretty sure GotG 3 is gonna be the search for Gamorra.

Was that the kid from Iron Man 3 at Tony's funeral?


I'm totally okay with it. The lack of a sequel hook made it feel like this was a definitive ending of a long, long storyline. Even though more Marvel movies will keep coming, it was still an end of an era and felt fitting for this movie.
Also, I thought it was amusing how the ending agitated the audience at my theater. The majority of people stayed in their seats to the end of the credits, and they sat silently even a couple of seconds after the screen went black. When the lights came back on and everyone realized they had sat through the credits for nothing, there was this collective groan of surprise and disappointment mixed with laughter.

That was possibly my favourite moment from the movie.

>this Thanos ended up being closer to Darkseid 0.25 than the original Thanos

One stone, he just need to destroy one stone and he cam still have godlike power and secure that no one cam undom his plam

>decides his plan was wrong because he wasn't worshiped as a savior like he expected
That isn't why he changed course at all. Past Thanos realized that even in victory, the heroes would be so desperate as to invent fucking time-travel to undo what he did.

He realized half the universe remaining is still enough to undo all his hard work. The only way to save the universe is to start from scratch.

How did Clint grab the Soul Stone? and Hulk the Time Stone?

Guys was I supposed to be fucking crying the entire time?

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Honestly with the OG Avengers gone I'm probably only going to see the new Gaurdians and Spiderman movies. No one else in the new casts interests me as much

It's okay
Infinity War was a lot better
Hate Cap's ending, would have preferred him dying as well

>mfw his name is hawkeye not hawkguy
i feel dumb, i dont know how many times ive called him hawkguy and no one has corrected me

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Why did Cap tell the Avengers to resemble? Who did he even want them to resemble?

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People call him that sometimes. Maybe everyone thought you were using it as a nickname.

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You mean Peggy.

I'm guessing they had some awkward conversations, him having been banging her unborn niece and shit. Fuck, Steve was around when loliSharon was growing up, probably thinking about having banged that proto-cunny.


> A leads to B and then finally C!

> A leads to B and then going to C before returning back to A!

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Yeah. So there's now:

Reality prime - constant as-is with current dead Gamora

Reality where Thanos, Gamora, Nebula and Thanos' whole army gets shunted into Reality prime so they disappear from the timeline at 2014

Reality where 2012 Loki escapes with the Tesseract, which changes a whole part of that reality's Thor 2 and Thor 3. Do they beat Malekith in Thor2? Does Thor 3 happen or does Odin stay on the throne since no Loki replaces him which means Hela never gets released? If Thor 3 still happens minus the space stone, does that mean that Thano never attacks the Asgardians' ship since they don't have an infinity stone?.

That was very woke.

I hope that Falcon & Winter Soldier is about both of them trying out the shield and then ending with Sam deciding we prefers to be Falcon while Bucky decides to be BuckyCap.

>Jake Rogers

Nah. I wanted this ending way back before Infinity War.

How rick and Morty did the Sci-fi mechanics end up?

Casual capeshit watcher here. Is endgame really supposed to be the end or is it all marketing to generate to most hype to the public possible?

WAIT. So when Steve visits AlzheimersPeggy in Avengers (or Cap2?), where is StevePrime? Hiding in the shadows? So Peggy has no idea there are two Steves circa 2012 and up?

Hell, the Prime timeline survived 5 years without any stones.

It's the end for the OG Avenger sure. There's still another Spider-man coming this year. After that though? MCU will still go on, but I have no idea which direction.

what makes you think that fat fuck wasn't snapped?

>Hickman laughing in the background

It's done, essentially. The only remaining person on the team is Hulk. MCU is gonna be throwing out more very casual flicks from now on, like Shang-Chi/Black Widow prequel/The Eternals. Hard to say what they're going to lead to.
After Endgame the status quo is:
>Thor goes with the Guardians to find Gamora and the rest of the Asguardians
>Tony dies
>Black Widow dies
>Cap stays in the past and grows old, still alive in modern day though
>Hawkeye retries, passes the mantle to her daughter
>Fury is still around

>The only remaining person on the team from the OG Avengers
fixed, whoops

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It's the end of the past 10+ years that began back in 2008 with Iron Man. They will be continuing the franchise because it makes money still but this would be just about the best ending if you don't wish to continue on from here.

"Dadbod" is just a cope for ugly fat incels who are too lazy for proper diet and exercise. Fact.


>character and theme matter more
This is such a stupid thing for him to say; you don't have to have a plot hole for these to be good.



So what would have happened if they swapped and had Rhodey/Nebula going for the Soul Stone instead of Nat/Clint?

I was slightly confused because he looked like the Harry Osborn from the Amazing Spiderman 2 movie.

But then I thought, must be that kid from IM 3. Slightly off-putting. But hey, at east, everyone is there.

How the hell does this loop with Peggy's interactions with Cap in Winter Soldier?

It was never a Retcon. They said the half of it left.
No it isn't. His final Cameo will be in Far From home Rather fitting.

>no Nebula
>no Gamorra

GotG timeline is gonna be weird. Do the GotG even exist in that timeline then? Infinity War never happens so Steve and Tony never make up (or eventually do because of other reasons)?

You know this is all caducal, now, right ?
Or Vision. Hulk might have been too focused on Black Widow, but Tony could have tried something for Vision and Pietro.

Without direct physical contact, the gems were levitating inside little floaty fields of energy when those two held them.

Nebula's gonna get BLACKED. Paraplegic dick plus cyborg pussy doesn't sound like a good combination.

>Winter Soldier elevator scene in reverse

fucking kino

Speaking of Nebula in the end I'm really surprised that her role was pretty big in the MCU.

>back to the chaos just seems sad
Even worse then just sad. Imagine if 5 years after the black death left all the victims magically popped back? Any recovery would be undone instantly

they would've probably returned without the stone, because it requires a sacrifice in order to get it, and they don't have any connection at all for that to work

Y'know, OldCap not intervening to preserve the timeline is weird now if you think that hard about it.

He knows that Bucky is alive and being used as an assassin, gonna fucking murder Howard and Maria Stark.

He knows that Avengers 1 happens so he could save those lives lost in the Battle of New York.

He knows that Sokovia would happen.

He knew that Crossbones was gonna Allahu Akbar killing how many?

He knows that Tchaka is gonna get killed by that bomb, along with how many UN delegates.

He knew Gamora was gonna get shanked.

He knew Vision was gonna get Thanosed.

He knew Malekith was gonna fuck up UK (how many died there)?

What else does OldCap know about and didn't intervene?

It's not like that he can just go out playing god, user.

If he saved Tony's parents, for exemple, Tony would probably never become Iron Man.

Same with Tchaka, and probably every other situation. he can't simply change history

Now that I've seen the movie can soneone tell me what the leaks were? And apparently Paltrow spoiled sonething at the red carpet, what was it?

He doesn't do it, the timeline diverge and everyone fucking die on a dark path.

Who cares about that? I wanna know if the dream sequence Tony has with him marrying Pepper and with all of the avengers attending and then they all slowly turn to dust as Tony looks on in horror true.

Shouldn't Peter Parker be 5 years younger than all his friends who survived the snap?

thing is Steve isn't that much of a thinker. He does have discipline though. But he probably wouldn't be thinking of the ramifications of his actions the way Tony or Banner would.

A good amount of Black audience in my theatre (that's okay, I actually enjoy the reactions), and of course they cheered as fuck when Black Panther appeared and even said the Wakanda motto at the same time as he said it.

But they also cheered a lot when the elevator scene happened.

It didn't happen. If anything, I think he got married between Homecoming and Infinity War, off-screen.

I love how everyone is here.

Like, literally, everyone is here.

In China no one cheered at all. It was odd. But I'm from the US (where everyone cheers, laughs, and claps) so maybe we're the odd ones.

Pic related, was this scene the best callback/reference in the entire franchise?

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Thanks to the 5 years time skip, it's now possible to have Miles Morales be the same/closer age to MCU Peter if they ever wanted to add him in, not too keen on having Peter mentoring someone closer to his age though.

Does Black Widow pass on her mantle like Peter did with Miles Morales?

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Aw man, I really liked the idea of that.

I was kind of expecting them to grab Pietro from an alternate timeline too, but I guess they really want Wanda to suffer more and snap then spawn more mutants later on.

Oh, fuck me, that means Riri is coming, right? I hate her so much.

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Quills entrance dance in GotG from the perspective of Rhodey and Nebula was hilarious

No, she doens't.

>a reactor capable of powering a city is just as strong as infinity stones that can half all life in the universe

Cap changing shit in the past wouldn't affect the future/main timeline anyway, since it would just split into an alternate timeline.
The only way you could rationalize why old Cap appeared in the end is because the main timeline was the timeline where Cap married Peggy all along.

Is reactor wasn't radioactive.

So what do you want them to do with Tesseract Loki and his completely fucked up timeline? I assume Kang or Doom will be the big bad of the next set of movies due to the emphasis on time travel having "a bill to be paid"?

>So what do you want them to do with Tesseract Loki and his completely fucked up timeline?
It cease to be when they get it earlier.

I wonder if we will get a last Cap movie about his time Travel adventure fixing everything, or if it will ba a Disney+ TV show.

Steve returned it to where he found it. That's the reason the 3 split-timelines are:

Tesseract Loki
No Thanos

i think more that thor knew that since he got it to budge that he'd be worthy eventually.
keeping the secret of tony's parents' murder must've been a burden on cap somehow

He might have come back to the battle of NY to fix that too.

Bruce said that the split timeline was already created regardless of Steve's actions.

>Bruce said that the split timeline was already created regardless of Steve's actions.
No, he literally said to put them back to when it was taken to avoid alternate timeline.

Anyone got a link to the movie? I don't care if it's cam.

No one is posting that shit yet.

Alright, guess I'm gonna wait

>Anzac day
What the fuck is that?

I downloaded it 6 hours ago, lol

Oh, well Howdy do Aussie/Kiwis

Sure you did.

>Half of diseases causing pathogens are gone so children born in the 5 year gap start dying.

>it’s actually about both of them becoming co-captain Americas
I’d watch it

The whole elevator scene was gold

dadbod is pretty sexy though

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This writer/director team has made three movies and have not mentioned Quicksilver once. You wouldn't know she has a brother (though they did claim on a commentary track that a photo in her room is supposed to be Pietro).

I don't know if this is because of the bitchiness with Fox or because Russo/Markus/McFeely really do not like referring to past movies.

(This seems weird to say, but it's true. Half the things that are brought up in Infinity War are never brought up again in Endgame. They are obsessed with only giving as much information as is absolutely necessary to the plot. This has the advantage of avoiding expo-speak but it makes their world feel less lived-in than it could have been.)

On thing I was pleasantly surprised was that the post Credit of Captain Marvel wan't used in the End Game movie, It simply establish that CM is already there and they don't need to explain more.

Not to mention both have the possibility of surviving the fall, especially Rhodey.

Scott punching a Leviathan out of the skies was peak Ant-man and we'll never see anything half as cool because Peyton Reed is a garbage director

>or because Russo/Markus/McFeely really do not like referring to past movies.
That's actually what the Russo brothers love the most

They brought back Thunderbolt Ross just because they could. They literally spent half of Endgame revisiting past movies

Poor Wanda lost everything didn't she

>yfw their Disney+ series is about Wanda mouring Vision, and then slowly going mad and playing family with a construct version of Vision, and eventually leading to the birth of Wiccan and Speed

So all those early leaks about FFH were true then. People were saying Tony died long before Endgame leaks.

she has Alzheimer's at that point, so she could just be forgetting everything and treat every interaction with Steve like its the first

It would be good a place to kill off both their characters since MCU is getting crowded and nothing will ever out-hype this. Tony got to live in peace for awhile before his heroic sacrifice but Steve definitely should have died too. It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth after they tried to push Steve/Sharon.

I feel sorry for Sharon. How does it feel to lose to your old aunt right after making out with Steve? Now old Steve will see young Sharon and feel like the creepy pedo uncle.

Half truth because the Russo don't know how to use his full powerset other than grow and shrink.

There can't be *two* Captain Americas at the same time, user. Unless...

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The end credit scene of Captain Marvel happened before Endgame.

So she returns to Earth, meets the Avengers and they get her to pick up Nebula and Stark. At least that’s how I understand it.

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You can already tell future Marvel is going to be bull shit. If notice in the final fight the big 3 could hardly do anything to Thanos, and the combined powers of a literal God, a one man army, and a super soldier could barely fight him to a stand still. Yet when Wanda fights Thanos, he just gets man handled to the point where he had to use his ship as bitch tactic. Also he couldn't even put a dent into Captain Marvel, but had to outwit her, thus making Thor seem like a weak sack of shit compared to her. There was other subtle stuff too, like Hawkeye only training his daughter, the girl team up scene, Tony having a daughter, the entirety of Asgard being given away to Valkyrie, Captain Marvel being the only one to stop Thanos' Warship . If it was just one or two of these things I could understand, but its like they're trying push the message that the future is female, or some other feminist bull shit in that vein. They always start with the subtle stuff first...

I torrented it

If it bothers you so much, then just see Endgame as "The End".

Bye then.

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Oh fuck off. We got Pepper as Rescue, and War Machine is still around. Hell, I think they're more inclined to make a War Machine movie then shoehorn in more nuMarvel crap