"Lords of Order" Chapter Three!
Justice League Dark #10 Storytime
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At least it isn't Tom King.
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Action Comics: Heroes in Crisis:
Swampy is a fucking bro!
How many times have "the old laws of magic" died? At least five times, right?
And it will be repeated again and again.
Uh, guys...
Since when did Dr.Fate become able to destroy reality?
Several times actually.
>Several times actually.
I thought he was just another average magic user like Zatara or Ibis.
What are those squares?
Magic Squares?
Ever, the Helmet of Fate was stated to be the most powerful magic object in the universe, Fate once gave Spectre a lot of trouble by himself.
Where the fuck is Shazam? Champion of Good. The chosen of the Wizard that guards the Rock of Eternity. Where is Billy Batson?
Shut the Fuck up Adam.
Nobody cares if Shazam was in this book or not.
Be thankful that he isnt stomped on by Dr. Fate.
>real of order
>full of jagged, irregular rocks.
Still waiting for that 1v1 with the Wizard Shazam
Though I suspect the Spectre is the next in-line to job
Nobody really Jobs as bad as the Spectre.
God's Vengeance seems like a really pretty weak post.
You bring up a good point user. With the explanation given by Fate this chapter, why isn't Shazam here? How can all of magic be threatened and Shazam not know about any of it? He is magical Superman after all.
Isn't Billy stuck in the Magiclands?
Maybe the Magiclands is super protected or something?
Thr magiclands isn't part of the sphere of the gods?
I don't know, shits confusing man.
Maybe its another layer of the Multiverse for all I care.
But they need to address that though. I don't even need Shazam! to pop up, Tynion just needs to write something like "Extra-dimensional thunder barriers are protecting the Magiclands". The new JLD would probably stop The Lords of Order and Otherkind before doing reaching the Rock though.
But it would be a miracle if Johns would let Tynion touch his shit.
So this whole threat is a subthreat of the Perpetua thing. It's the Builders from Hickman's Avengers all over again.
>not perfect rectangles everywhere, like a fractal pattern
This. Fucking garbage
Ah yes, the famous witch Circle.
>Fate is now a stooge of the lords
>kent isn't even "here"
Is he really though?
I thought he was equal to them here.
It's pretty clear from the way he addresses them throughout this issue that Nabu is calling the shots amongst the Lords. They wouldn't so readily listen to him otherwise.
My only gripe in this issue is that the Lords of Order are just rando magicians.
I thought they would be cosmic magic guardians or something.
Then again, I am not Fateanon so I really can't judge.
>Lords of Order are just rando magicians.
Rando magicians can't do half of what they're doing here. Sure, *maybe* they were magicians once (and even that might be spotty, given how much they're sucking their own farts), but they clearly aren't human in any form now.
>Rando magicians can't do half of what they're doing here.
That also reminds me, what are they gonna target next?
Also, If the Lords of Order are just gonna destroy all the magic in (presumably) the multiverse what would the Lords of Chaos do?
>That also reminds me, what are they gonna target next?
Seems like they intend to work their way around. They'll likely make a siege on Heaven and Hell next. Maybe launch something at Dream's domain, but I'm not sure how deep they're going in this or if they'd risk the ire of one of the Endless.
>Also, If the Lords of Order are just gonna destroy all the magic in (presumably) the multiverse what would the Lords of Chaos do?
Some would throw temper tantrums, others would congratulate them, and yet more would laugh about it. Assuming the Lords of Order end up successful, magic for the multiverse will die and all beings like them with it, destroying both Order and Chaos. In a way, the Lords of Chaos might feel both validated and yet negated.
>I thought he was just another average magic user
You're so wrong that it's not even funny.
Sorry dude I don't really know a lot about Fate. All I know about him comes from his JLU incarnation.
Haven't even read Fateanons recs yet.
>hur dur tom king suks
>am I cool yet Yea Forums?
Did we see any Lords of Chaos in JLD?
King, pls.
As shitty as this is, the design of the upside down mans is quite good.
Him bowing to order>humanity is him becoming a fucking stooge
My opinions on JLD
>you're never gonna be able to recreate Hellblazer or swamp thing using a superhero team
>having constant big epic stakes like the death of magic numbs the emotional investment
>giving detective chimp nightmaster's sword reeks of desperation
Nabu =/= Fate as a balanced individual. Nabu gives no fucks about humanity beyond preserving order at the best of times.
>giving detective chimp nightmaster's sword reeks of desperation
I get the other 2 points but this one bothers me.
I don't think its really wrong for DC to get Nightmasters sword since they were best buds and all. Plus he did die, who do you think should inherit it?
Just saying.
Isn't big epic stakes the whole point of ANY team up book? The heroes team up for the jobs no one hero can do alone.
>Lords of Order are just men
I mean, you're not wrong but holy shit are you setting the bar low there
>The Great Darkness
You leave that poor classic eldritch DC threat out of this nonsense crossover event! He's too old for this shit, and is supposed to have been absorbed into the Presence by now!
Where have you been? The Great Darkness and the Otherkind got brought up a loooong time before this buddy.
I just want to say for all the other shit I'm giving this comic, I respect that they're acknowledging the super lewd OG Circe outfit even if she's trying to be a modern girl now
Anyway, Circe Mistico vs El Hombre Al Reves y Calvo. Not much to say here, the mexican Dragon Ball Super memes write themselves.
I vote for "laugh about it" for all of them, personally. This whole situation is so ridiculous considering Nabu's plan is literally predicated on their being a world left when the cosmic silent hill monsters are done eating.
Talking about the Endless, where would they stand with the Perpetua nonsense?
I knew about the Otherkind since JLD started, but I thought they were their own thing. Didn't know the Great Darkness before this, literally where? Fuck, how are they going to resolve it and Barbatos ruling the same neighbourhood?
Nabu is too deep in "MUH ORDER" to care about fine details like that I imagine.
I like to think that the Endless doesn't care.
They were made by her? Who cares another writer would just do another continuity rewrite anyway.
I'm sure they could easily see the narrative as we can.
>he did die
But should I care that he did? People complain about tom king but I think Snyder and Tynion are the ones who are doing actual lasting damage to the DC landscape. They really take advantage of you already caring about these characters and wanting some validation that the stories you love exist as canon. but if you're a fan of Shadowpact, are you satisfied that Nightmaster never really did anything before he died?
I like Shadowpact but this isn't really MY Shadowpact.
I mean who even cares if Nightmaster dies? There's barely any modern stories with him. He'll get rezzed or rebooted it's just the way things are in modern cape books. Wake me up when he does something interesting again.
>are you satisfied that Nightmaster never really did anything before he died?
Meh, I'm fine but if he gets a prequel solo book that would be nice.
They answer directly to Glory of the First Circle aka Shekinah i.e. a chunk of the Presence wearing another suit and different moustache anyway. Considering Perpetua herself and her overhyped army of human-martian clones (bitch just make multiverse-shattering Kryptonians like any sensible supervillain should) got bodied by the Source, this proves on the cosmic scale of things Perpetua is below a thing that is just a subdivided aspect of the Presence.
Just don't ask me how the fuck Mandrakk fits into all this. Or how he scales to everyone involved.
Oh yeah I almost forgot: Promethea is canon to DC now, so good luck figuring out where the Whore of Bablon/Madonna sits in all this.
Damn this just makes the Source even MORE OP. Perpetua seems less and less like a threat in the grand scheme of things.
>Promethea is canon to DC now
Which makes it all the more silly that because of the Hypertime wank and Morrison going on about how DC borders all conceivable metafiction, which is actually quasi-acknowledged in the JL issue that actually explained Perpetua's motivations, that there is a non-zero chance it is still technically "canon" in the sense that all conceivable stories border DC that Darkseid once overpowered the Source with his Soulfire Equation trick
Same reaoson Vertigo is: Money, dear boy.
They likely don't give a shit. They already answer to a fragment of the Source/Presence that Perpeta serves, and for some of them (like Death) they're interwoven in every reality throughout the omniverse. They know their purpose, and they perform their tasks. Why get bothered over someone who went maximum autist over the fact that her purpose was to birth and die?
Why did Moore sell this character? Literally one of his best.
Is it because he's getting old and needs that sweet retirement money?
I am convinced that the Tempest (the final League of Extraordinary Gentlemen volume) is basically a confession of Moore imploding inwardly about realising comics, and people, will never live up to the high hopes he once had for them.
Don't forget, Death's going on after this iteration of existence. Perpetua apparently isn't such that she needs her big dumb energy plan.
Death's probably laughing somewhere right now.
It doesn't seem like any of Perpetua's kind are truly eternal in the same way that something like Death is. They exist to create new multiverses, birth Monitors to watch over them, and either continue on repeat or lay down and die, their task finished. They're essentially machines who have only one function, and defying said function brands them as a rogue process.
The JLD has been dealing with the death of magic for like 10 issues now so that's what I mean by constant big epic stakes.
>I mean who even cares if Nightmaster dies?
Well that's the kind of shitty attitude that disproves the whole "Detective chimp is his buddy so who else is supposed to get his sword?" mentality.
I'm really perturbed by how easy you lorefags try to rationalize Snyder's shitty OC.
Hypercrisis is a scam and not everything fits together.
I'm just saying that it would make a lot of sense for DC to get the sword. I (as in me) personally don't care if Nightmaster lives or dies (Because he hasn't really done anything significant).
Its just fitting for the ape to get the sword.
I'm not the only one who doesn't give a flying fuck about the answer to any of these questions, am I?
No, and it doesn't help they're all really really obvious
to hurt batman a lot
by waking up perpetua
not who, what
>Its just fitting for the ape to get the sword.
No, it's just desperation on Tynion's part where, as usual, he relies entirely on fan nostalgia for things. If you don't give a shit about nightmaster then you don't get to decide what's fitting or not.
Ok, sure.
Anyway, how does the Otherkind fit into the grander DC Universe?
>I'm really perturbed
'K. Nobody cares about how you feel.
>Anyway, how does the Otherkind fit into the grander DC Universe?
They're seemingly extensions of the Great Darkness. Not sure how distinct they are from it, as it looks like they're more fragments of a whole.
Isn't that thing equal to the Presence? And if the Source is above Perpetua, shouldn't the Presence be top dog of DC all over again?
>Isn't that thing equal to the Presence?
Guess it makes a bit more sense now.
That's why they are so OP, they're just part of the darker Presence.
>Isn't that thing equal to the Presence?
It is, from what I recall.
>And if the Source is above Perpetua, shouldn't the Presence be top dog of DC all over again?
It's the force governing the entire omniverse now, so not only is it top-dog once again, it's gotten a MASSIVE powerboost.
>magic has run it's course
>says the magical being
I don't care if Nabu is autistic to the cosmic max, this shit is just plain illogical >it's all connected to Snyder's shit
Damn it, why can't this just be distinct from that? Fuck require reading.
Dark Multiverse is still the dumbest name.
>allow the otherkind to devour the most powerful magical beings in existence
That's you dumbass.
>That's you dumbass.
Not trying to defend JLD here but Fate said he was willing to sacrifice all the Lords of Order to maintain balance.
It's more than likely that the Lords of Order are on a suicide mission.
Nabu admits that this whole plan will kill all the Lords of Order along with the rest of magic. They've decided they'll take those odds.
But his plan sounds like it would just create more chaos. If your plan is to preserve order but one of the first steps is that you-the lords of order- would die then that's just a poorly thought out plan.
They are trying to starve them out ala the Flood from Halo.
After this, they believe the universe will become peaceful again. Chaos is temporary in this situation.
This is what they are doing.
They think their plan will starve out the Otherkind. If they die and Chaos has its way for a time, then it will be temporary in their eyes.
But when he proposes this plan does no one mention the fact that his beef with magic doesn't make any sense?
>magic is too chaotic to let it continue
>what are you talking about Nabu? Magic is as part of the natural order as anything else.
It's doubly annoying because Nabu used to stand out as one of the few Lords of Order who'd occasionally call the others out on being heartless assholes towards the rest of the multiverse. The Raiden to their Elder Gods okay that's a terrible fucking analogy in light of recent events but you know what I mean if you will.
And now, for whatever reason not only is he in goo standing with them but THE most extremist when he just got done helping save everyone from Barbatos. He of all people should know nothing good comes from that cosmic sewer when it was burning down Dream's library.
Whatever dude, it's magic we don't gotta explain shit!
>He of all people should know nothing good comes from that cosmic sewer when it was burning down Dream's library.
He thinks he can make it a controlled release. Let the Otherkind out and jsut slam the gates shut again. It's a dumb idea, but he thinks he can make it work.
Nobody is going to agree because everyone hates Heroes in Crisis, but I sincerely consider this to be a far stupider decision than anything that has taken place in Heroes in Crisis.
Nabu and stupid decisions go hand in hand.
I need help finding a Batman comic.
Its the one where Batman is crying, in a dumpster, after he found guns in it.
PLease, can anyone point me in the right direction or post it? It was frequently posted on Yea Forums, I can't find it anywhere including archives
But who is conjuring them? Zatanna or the monster
Zatanna was conjuring them. She essentially warped reality to have it get imprisoned in the ground.
that's pretty neat
Dr. Fate is basically Doctor Strange with a higher base power level. Don’t fuck with him unless you’re the Spectre. And even then...
It's not magic, it's poor character writing
And that's not a good excuse either. is right, this is OOC for nabu.
>this is OOC for nabu.
You haven't read shit where Nabu assumes full control, then. Dude's just as much of an asshole as his brother Lords are. He jsut hides it better.
No, this is just bad writing. The very premise of Nabu trying to destroy magoc because it's "too chaotic" is dumb and the idea that he would unleash unstoppable monsters to do it makes it twice as dumb.
Yeah, no. You're just getting pissy because you have a real distorted view of the kind of character that Nabu is. Hint: he's not your friend. There's a fucking reason why Fate is more of a balance between him and his host than it is one or the other.
>Hint: he's not your friend
Hint: the story still doesn't make sense even if that was true. How is unleashing evil sadistic monsters onto the universe less chaotic then letting magic exist?
Not him, but he has allied himself with lords of chaos before
>How is unleashing evil sadistic monsters onto the universe less chaotic then letting magic exist?
Nabu himself states that even if they weren't purposefully making a controlled release, the Otherkind would just break reality open like a dam, and hollow creation out. Hes only letting them out so he and his fellows can (try to) pull the rug out from under them and starve them out.
Read the comic.
To destroy the universe?
>Read the comic.
It's a shitfest, a continuation of the Snyder/Tynion parasitic circlejerk. Instead of the rational idea of fighting the shitty Tynion OCs Doctor fate is instead help them along?
>but user, they can't win against the shitty ocs because Tynion said they came from the great darkness!!!
That's a spit in the face of the american gothic arc from swamp thing. The otherkind is schlock horror from the conjuring universe and shouldn't be the unstoppable force Tynion sets them out to be.
Thank you for proving the the "Yea Forums doesn't read comics" meme correct in one long string of autism. Now fuck off.
So you think this is a good comic?
I enjoy it for what it is. Not only because there's worse out there, but because whatever gripes I might have with it are either dealt with (Nabu being an asshole, a trait that spans decades, the Otherkind being do grossly powerful, etc), or are small enough to ignore. I'm not some autist so obsessively hateful against two specific writers that I'd rather shove my head up my ass than admit that I might actually be wrong about something.
But that's just me. You do you. Enjoy what you find enjoyable, and I'll do likewise.
I read comics and I think JLD is largely a bastardization of DC magic.
Nabu being an asshole is not the same as hastening the end of the universe to sadistic demons.
Promethea was work for hire under ABC. LOEG was the only series there that Moore and O'Neill owned, which is why they continued it after their contract with Levitz expired (and after they were upset by Levitz' censoring of it)
>Same reason Vertigo is: Money, dear boy.
Vertigo DC properties are different. They only got de-canonized on paper through editorial offices. Sandman related stuff still appeared (Daniel in JSA) until around Infinite Crisis, then you had Didio claiming it was always a different universe following IC.
Then he tried to sell The Black Ring Action Comics arc as Death's first DCU appearance (ignoring that Sandman was a DCU series, and that she also appeared in LoSH and Captain Atom)
Nabu is the kind of asshole who would do *exactly* that if he thought that the possible benefits would outweigh the risks. You hold a fundamental misunderstanding of just what Nabu is. He isn't any human hero, nor is he someone who thinks in the same sense that we do. His mindset is positively alien, and is only tempered by Kent being there to balance things out.
If Nabu thought sacrificing magic to cosmic demons in order to starve them out was a plan that would work, then he'd do so. And it's not like this is something he came up with on the fly. The only reason he's doing any of this is because the defeat of Barbatos added onto his own cosmic equivalent of PTSD, and Kent gave him too much time to stew on this line of thinking.
>If Nabu thought sacrificing magic to cosmic demons in order to starve them out was a plan that would work
But why would he think that? There's not a lot of reason to think that.
Also pretty sure Tynion made Nabu into a human. See >we are not gods, we are men.
>But why would he think that? There's not a lot of reason to think that.
Judging by what he says in the panel following that, the Otherkind need the magic of belief in order to maintain their manifestations. Their bodies collapse into non-existence otherwise. So in his thinking, removing the Sphere of Gods (and all magic alongside it) would starve them in an empty void devoid of what they need to msnifest.
>Also pretty sure Tynion made Nabu into a human.
Easily rectified by saying he's bought into his own farts as well (or a soft reboot). And it's not like any of the Lords are human anymore, even if they had bodies of their own originally. They're just amorphous blobs of cosmic order now.
Whether he's right or not is up for debate.
>Whether he's right or not is up for debate
>Nabu: "So, we need to destroy Heaven. There will obviously be no supernatural reprisals or long term consequences whatsoever for this"
>u p f o r d e b a t e
Yea Forums scares me with what brainlet things it says without a hint of irony sometimes.
I meant more in whether his plan would starve the Otherkind or not. Him erasing Heaven and the rest of the Sphere of Gods is clearly a bad thing that will fuck over everyone if he pulls it off.
>And it's not like any of the Lords are human anymore
Then why did he say we are not gods but men?
I find it even more absurd to cherrypick parts of the plan when there are ALREADY aspects of it which are clearly shit. Especially when we've seen the Dark Nights Metal Batmen in action, they loaded and fired dark baby universes after hijacking the Carrier, and they apparently weren't even magic specialists by the reckoning of the Dark Multiverse
Of fucking course this bullshit isn't going to starve the Otherkin Metal wouldn't shut up about how much stronger everything from down there is when not being represed by super metal