Storytiming, so you don't have to.
Heroes in Crisis #8 Storytime
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Don't fucking remind me my boy Kid Devil is gone probably forever except to show up as cannon fodder in an event
I'd rather he be in limbo than have this happen
The only good news is we have few months of post HiC solicits out and none of them mention this garbage.
Storytime of Pain!
>I was the Heroes in Crisis tm all along
>see guise it-it was just a accident no biggie ;)
tell it to the judge wally
Roll credits
Why does DC hate Wally so much?
This is how i felt reading this shit.
Thanks for reading.
Action Comics:
Im so fucking glad im not a Wallyfag. But damn do i feel sorry for those who are. Honestly fuck King's "everyone is depressed" bull.
Oh look, it’s the guy everyone predicted was the killer revealed to be the killer! Bravo, King.
I still can't believe they killed off Solstice. Should have also killed off Bunker and wiped away the Nu52 TT run.
Since when has the speedforce ever worked like that? Would've been a neat trick when Zoom and Thawne were making him rewatch the moment when Zoom killed his kids
Bunker was the only good thing from that run.
"Opps I wanted to see how much shit everyone else went through and it broke me lawl"
uhh okay?
>it took this many issues to get to what everyone already knew
Jeez, King makes Bendis look like Speedy Gonzales.
there's no possible way Solstice is here
what a pointless interview, never get interviews that ask story questions to the artist
They where going to but the gay guys who run DC’s pr and Editorial ruled against it.
Bunker was a stupid as fuck character that was initially going to be called the Wall.
King seriously needs to see a therapist. Dude is deranged as fuck.
it was all good
Why is DC so obsessed with being grimdark and brooding?
This initial metaphor for being alone with the suffering bring tears to my eyes. I guess people here, who didn't serve at any capacity (and maybe never had a job desu), don't understand how singled out and misunderstood you feel. It's not only about soldiers and police, but also firemen, doctors, and even teachers.
This is one of the most important issues in history. Thank you, Tom.
They just killed off their only Indian superhero.
I'm pretty sure no one would care if they killed off Bunker. They have multiple gay characters and Mexican one too.
Fuck off, King. Get some fucking help
>Flash has 5 days, a time machine, and unlimited speed to make up for a bunch of murders
>wastes it dicking around instead of murdering every villain on earth
Also, if he already knew he was part of a time loop AND he had access to a time machine, why the fuck wouldn't he recreate the murders with mindless clones made with future tech of his alleged victims and swap them at the last second?
Also also, anyone that walks up to a kneeling dude covered in lightning is trying to die.
Bullshit made up by Rich. Either he was never on the chopping block or they told King no to prevent Lobdell from throwing a tantrum.
Nice Bait FAGGOT
So wait if the Speed Force can just go "lawl everyoen around ded" why don't the evil speedsters just do that all the time?
Fuck you, King.
We all hate you here.
King doesn’t believe in therapy. He says that “writing comics” is his therapy. And what better therapy is there then telling yourself your wrong edgy beliefs are correct to yourself and masturbating to misery and guro porn?
hi tom
Speaking about it is helping. That's what therapy does.
Mind boggling that people are against King doing therapy through artistic expression while they're not forced to read it.
king is one of those writers like bendis that will ignore continuity in order to tell the best story in his head. Hence that time all the speedsters were beaten in that poison ivy arc
The mad ravings of a mentally challenged murderer should not be marketed towards children or teenagers. Go fuck off and get some meds.
No one cared when Scott Lobdell was already grimdarking and ruining the fuck out of sunny and happy-go-luck Solstice with his stupid TT run.
Tom King is so grimdark he makes Zack Snyder look like Mr Rogers.
>Speaking about it is helping
Writing fiction doesn't work like psychotherapy.
You want to know what's funny? If Zack Snyder wrote a comic for DC i feel i'd be waaay less edgy than most of their current output.
There'd be a lot of beefcake, though. Muscled men out of the wazoo.
Speedsters didn't get lightning bullshit until Rebirth. They stole it from the show.
Wait so Wally kills himself, but the version of him that kills himself is still there within those 5 days? or something?
A writer shouldn't ruin a character and his franchise just because he thinks he's doing selfish therapy for himself.
Write fan-fiction instead.
Is DC putting out any cape comics that actually have heroes doing heroic shit and being positive? Or is the entire DC universe just a grimdark miserable place right now?
Hey this issue was pure shit and pretty much everyone predicted the twist since King is just that much of an hack and he committed character assasination, but at least we have this to look forward to:
See ya in two years, maybe more.
There's a difference between ruining a character and killing them off ceremoniously for normies.
It is unarguably helpful though.
I legit feel violated. Is that how rape victims feel? This feeling is horrible.
Can i #MeToo King's ass for this?
I always love a good happy ending for Wallyfags.
Tom King is New 52 Zack Snyder.
Zack Snyder himself is Pre-Flashpoint Zack Snyder.
Whose next?
Fuck you King
We're going to actually enter a year-long phase where every comic across the board will focus on the villains getting the upper hand and putting the heroes down. You tell me.
What a massive waste of time this whole thing was.
I want to see what kind of shitshow would happen if they gave Wonder Woman to King.
"Wally from today" killed "Wally from 5 days later".
So now "Wally from today" will have 5 days to live and become "Wally from 5 days later", before his past self kill him.
This plot borrows a disturbing amount of elements from Roger Rabbit.
It is funny how Didio couldn't actually kill Dick so he did the closest thing he could.
Nothing's ruined, you mental child. You're gonna get your escapism back soon(ish). For now he's contracted to bring more adult entertainment to people able to appreciate wider range of subjects and modds in comics.
You're not the only person who reads comics, you're not the most important person who reads comics. You can reread your silly billy funny books that have much more palatable vibe any time you wish. Stop crying.
You forgot Mr Miracle and the next one is probably Adam Strange.
so basically via some hinjinks their probably going to stop his real death and Wally will end up in the Squad as has been rumored for months then probably but because lol time travel he will have still technically died also.
I'm a Zack Snyderfag and i even i can't sanction this kind of buffoonery.
Fuck you, King.
And Fuck you, Didio.
Get some help, King. Or kill yourself. Stop projecting your psychotic delusions onto others you miserable sack of shit.
I'm going to bet that in the five days before he kills Future Him, a bullshit solution that fixes everything, nobodies dead, the missing 10 years are restored, he gets back Linda and the kids, plus Justice Society.
Cap it, bitches.
Garth is due to some tragedy, i think.
>Nothing's ruined
Mostly because Wally has little to no presence in the DC universe. He's such a generic, blank slate that you can turn him into a serial killers and fans like you just roll with it.
Justice Society are being "saved"/embargoed for Doomsday Clock, likewise for LOSH.
Wally's one of my favorite characters, but you gotta let it go.
The Ric thing is well it's partially Didio and editorial's fault for going in that direction with "Get Dick off the Board" which King wanted for his Batman story (his idea was apparently Dick gets some phsyical problems, vertigo and a fear of hight's and Tim would be Nightwing or something like that helping Dick get over that stuff) but the catalyst is still ultimately that King wanted Dick off the board for his Batman story, desu his own idea isn't too bad but it fucked over multiple other books, hell Titans was finally finding it's footing post No Justice around issue 25 and the whole Dick and M'gann dynamic annnd then it was all thrown into limbo again.
This Year of Villainy thing is going to bring DC to its knees just like DCYou did. Mark my words.
they made it clear Linda is already back, she just doesn't want to get with Wally in this universe which is why Wally is so depressed
Seriously King, stop posting on Yea Forums, you have no friend here.
I hope King's balls taste good enough for you to do this. You embody everything wrong with comics right now, and I hope you never get a chance to write one, you disgust me.
We get it, Tom, you pushed papers. We don't care. Fuck off.
eh the last parts can't happen till Doomsday Clock ends, Johns has a lot less power now but he still seems to have certain things reserved for his grasp, though the Legion is gradually slipping from it so maybe the JSA will too. They really fucked up with that book, if Frank is that damn slow he should of been pre doing it for ages.
King wanted Dick to end up retarded because of the wound with Tim helping him learn to read, walk, and so on, and meanwhile while this was happening Tim would be the new Nightwing in Bludhaven.
It was stupid and the only reason it didn't happen is because Brian Bendis wanted to use Tim in Young Justice. That's when they went with the Ric thing instead.
What was even the point of all this?
I'm a fan of comics and great storylines. Characters are instruments and ingredients, and I find pitiful having a fanboy attitude towards them. Don't look for empathy when you cry about your favourite colour of spandex pajamas being "misused" for a brief period of time. Grow up.
To make people welcome Dr. Manhattan completely rebooting the DC Universe with open arms. After this Year of Villains thing ends everyone will be chomping at the bit for a complete reboot and sales will skyrocket.
That's fine, but none of it justifies having DC heroes play both serial killers and victims for the sake of your therapy, King. is right there for the taking.
Okay so. Sally accidentally killed everyone, and felt so guilty about it that he decided to kill himself. In order to accomplish this, he traveled five days into the future, killed himself, then brought the body five days into the past and set up an incredibly convoluted murder mystery in order to throw people off his trail so that he’d have five days to himself to... what, record a suicide letter and make peace before he came to kill himself?
That sounds incredibly convoluted
Ey, I think i know you.
You're from Not/Co/, right?
Yeah, Bruce and Barry will probably stop "past Wally" from killing "5-days-after-the-incident Wally".
Or maybe it's already too late.
I forgot how long has it been since the incident happened in-universe.
Gee that already looks promising too lol
Wait... is bendis copying his own Dark Reign shit? Does he finally get to use Luthor instead of trying to turn Norman into him?
Keep writing this horseshit. The more you do so, the quicker you have that one bad day and off your fucking self. Fuck you.
Paying customers justify what King is doing. People want deeper stories, if it wasn't the case, no one would let him to do anything with expensive intellectual properties.
Just like how Wally used machine guns to shoot up Sanctuary in this issue.
Don't make stuff up, user. It devalues actual shitty writing.
Fuck you King
This is the worst, most nihilistic attitude towards comics that’s actively ruining the industry. “Just shut up and consume all of the garbage that’s thrown in your face, do not provide any criticism you manchild”. Just shut the fuck up, you king shill, read this comic and tell me with a straight face that it was good, that the resolution to this “mystery” was a satisfying one. People aren’t shitting on King because he wrote a comic about mental illness, it’s because he wrote a comic that’s shit, period. There’s nothing wrong with exploring depression and trauma in comics, it’s that he went about it in the worst fucking way imaginable, no better than Identity Crisis, just a big fat fart.
So much misinformation regarding King's pitch. It was never an official pitch and just what King would have done. Dick would be stuck in bed learning to walk and talk again while Tim would be Nightwing. The Vertigo thing wasn't part of it. That was Percy's original plan (it even got a solicit) and the original plan was that Dick would continue being a hero but be suffering from Vertigo after the shot while Percy was continuing his Dark Web story that was supposed to expand into the greater DCU and show off Dick's importance, but that wasn't really enough to take Dick off the table and they decided to give him amnesia instead and isolate him in Bludhaven until King's run got to where it wanted to. So Percy kind of back away and moved on to other things and the book is where it is at now.
Kyle and Tim are safe! lol fuck everyone else who cares
I'm not. Look it up.
Do you honestly think Kyle is going to be safe once Bendis makes that Naomi OC a White Lantern?
>*People aren’t shitting on King because he wrote a comic about mental illness, it’s because he wrote a comic WHILE in mental illness
I'm curious to see how that would work considering he could literally phase the bomb out of his body and kill himself
>I wasn't sick, I was just sick like they were sick, which maybe isn't sick at all
>“Just shut up and consume all of the garbage that’s thrown in your face, do not provide any criticism you manchild”
Seems like you can't read.
It's "stop being a whiny bitch about things that are not for you, when you have a metric shitton of things that are, and you will be getting more in the near future". This advice for your benefit, you would be much less angry if you'd follow it and just read comics that are made according to your taste.
>tell me with a straight face that it was good
It was fantastic.
Between Bendis shitting over everything he touches, this laughably stupid "event", and now the upcoming villain stuff, DC is doing a hell of a job of making me want to pick up some Marvel books.
>It was fantastic.
No it wasn't. I don't get this retarded manchild hate for King, but this was subpar at best and crap at worse. I'm going back to manga. I heard Raiku is working on something new.
People is shitting on him because he wrote DISGUSTING comics about mental illness while he himself is emotionally unstable or/and has a mental illness himself, using the media as a selfish therapy for himself while he's ruining character and franchises that a lot of people loves.
Who greenlit this
user, are you actually retarded or mentally ill? What the actual fuck is wrong with you.
The villain stuff should be good at least, Snyder and Tynion’s justice league stuff has been decent. And the recent 6th dimension arc is Snyder’s best dc work in years
They're both making me want to pick up Zenescope books
That was lame.
>Heroes in Crisis
>How Wally West Accidentally a Whole Therapy Group.
So he watches everyone talk about their pain and watches their VR sims.
This is basically like having him watch Chapter Black from Yu Yu Hakusho.
The mental anguish causes him to electrocute everyone around him to death.
Covers it up in a really stupid way that involves time travel.
Tells Lois Lane in a video.
Commits suicide.
It is the dumbest thing since Civil War 2 with
>"It isn't minority report, it is totally different"
>Whole thing is exactly minority report because the precog wasn't 100% accurate.
>Paying customers justify what King is doing
Not really. They just love playing detective when faced with a stupid plot that leads to nowhere.
I mean technically having your kids and previous life wiped from existence with the potential to have similar-but-not-identical-versions in the future really is something almost no one else has gone through. No one who still remembers anyway.
He's got PTSD
Reminder that time travel was literally broken after Flash War, which was literally written has an excuse for wally to go to sanctuary
Look guys, he said the thing
Didio I mean who else?
I hope Linkara makes a video on this series.
Wait, how the fuck does that work? Like wouldn't you also need a computer that could leech off the speed force to give it infinite processing power, and wouldn't you also need to know how to use a computer really well?
So that's why that faggot didn't show the images earlier, he was literally lying about Wally "snapping and then killing everyone".
I can't get over how stupid this time travel shit is. After they just spent months awhile back establishing that speedforce won't let them time travel or whatever anymore. So now Wally has to go out of his way to steal something that will let him time travel. Everything about this shitty story is convoluted for the sake of being convoluted.
More like a half truth but yeah it was clearly misleading.
Illuminating Comics could make this enjoyable, somehow
That is definitely not how the speed force works, and it shouldn't be enough to one-shot Citizen Steel.
Didio. Of course.
I see someone at DC also liked Dark Reign.
You can argue that demand for King's brand of writing doesn't exist all you want, but it won't make it less true.
>Bendis copypastes the same stories he made before
This time it's not just the case of Marvel/DC mooching each other.
I'm not sure if it was intentional or not, but he described it in way as if Wally went "Prime time" and murdered everyone in the middle of mental breakdown.
Did he ever explained why he didn't show the pages at the time?
I don't know a thing about Kid Devil but he has a really sympathetic face and based on that alone he deserves better.
This is the better cover. Yikes.
At times like these it really feel apparent just how bad superhero comics are. I feel embarrassed that read them and defended them as a medium in the past.
I bet this comic had some serious rewriting. The "I murdered everyone by mistake and then set up the bodies so it looked different" smells like they realised they fucked up Wally too hard and tried to find a way out
>Thinking ComicBooks as a whole are bad just because a bunch of hacks are ruining the genre this days.
In your defense, they've been good before.
>Implying someone at DC has the balls to stop King or some of his friends.
What was even the point of Flash War if they were gonna ignore it?
Warner Bros could. Have you seen the sales lately?
Man, i started to read comics when DCAU was airing and DC Comics was publishing stuffs like the JLA, You had people like Kelley, Brubaker, Rucka, Morrison, Jimenez, and so on. Vertigo then was going strong as well.
Current DC just leaves me perplexed. What the fuck happened?
Bendis is a better writer than King
Wait that's it?
Warner? They had this Superman Family Animated Show going on. It had potential. Warner actually loved.
DC was disgusted by it and they had to cancel it.
Didio happened.
Also, people like Englehart/Rogers and other talented people got old or died, replaced by talentless hacks like Palmiotti or King, instead of a New Paul Dini, a New Jim Starlin or a New Dennis O'Neil.
Reminder that when Goyer came up with the idea of Superman snapping Zod's neck and Nolan said no, that Goyer and Snyder asked DC to cast the deciding vote and DC actually told them Superman should kill Zod.
>let me just use some reaction lines in this super serious moment in the 4deepest comic of the year
>"I'll make the world better by revealing that most superheroes have ptsd and other mental problems and also their secret identities"
What did he mean by this?
What's that shadow that gets bigger in these panels? Am I missing something?
Pssst... it's not the first Superman cartoon the DC side of things ruined. During the New 52 there was a pitch for a Superman and Lois cartoon. Guess what happened.
The fucking Irony here is that Nolan, the guy who literally turned Joker into an OC and made Batman abandon Gotham with Selina, is the same dude who told "Maybe you're going TOO far about that, Snyder, Old Boy Old Pal? I mean, I did some serious changes with Batman, but even I know there are things you can't change with Superman".
Reminder that in the JLA cartoon they had plans to introduce Lois, but DC not only told them to not do it, but rewrite Wonder Woman to be Superman's love interest. And give her a sword.
How many issues is this going to be? Jesus it's so slow going.
>During the New 52
>This new show got dumped during Punished Rebirth Era.
Can we all agree Didio himself turned down this projects without asking the others their opinion?
Which makes me think: If Didio and everyone else hates Superman THIS much, how did Tomasi last this long with both his Superman and Supersons run?
9. It's almost over.
One more issue and Punished Rebirth will be doomed for good for all eternity.
Don't forget, Nolan also made Bane an OC as well and fucked him up BIGLY.
>how did Tomasi last this long with both his Superman and Supersons run?
Geoff Johns. That was it. While Johns had the power, Tomasi and Jurgens were golden.
Specially because DCYou had fucked the company royally and nobody would were willing to listen to Didio again. Remember, the main reason why the DCYou failed is because retailers actively boycotted DC's comics out of spite after the Convergence debacle.
For You.
No but seriously, the irony is strong on this one
In a sense, DCEU actually managed to kill Rebirth.
If Johns didn't jump into Snyder's trainwreck, he would still be in comand.
Can retailers boycott DC again, pretty please?
Good thing they extended it by two issues so King could be even more slow and pretentious.
What fucked Johns was that he picked a fight with Hamada. Maybe with Hamada getting MeToo'd Johns can come back to power, somehow.
It was supposed to be seven issues long but was changed to nine.
Okay, why DC hates Lois so much? It's not Warner. Because Snyder was wanking about how important Lois was in the DCEU movies pretty hard. So what gives?
Holy shit for a moment I though you said they extended it to 11 issues.
she's getting a new book, how does dc hate her?
It’s Didio, Harras, and Lee. They hate Lois and want Superman banging Wonder Woman. They convinced the JLA cartoon staff to ship SM/WW. They have been trying to make them the main couple for years.
A lot of DC's head honchos are huge Superman/WW shippers.
Nah, sorry, we're not that unlucky yet.
>hates the Teen Titans
>hates Lois Lane
>hates the Justice Society
How can one man be so evil?
>had Lois abandon her child in space with a crazy person (this cause her son to be tortured for years)
>didn’t tell her husband she came back
>Everyone in universe calling her a cheating slut
>sold out superhero friends for clickbait
>told her father that Superman cucked Clark Kent and that Jon is his
DC has been shitting on Lois for quite some time. I wouldn’t be surprised if I get new ongoing that DC finds new ways of shitting on her.
Why they hate Lois and Superman being a couple tho? It's like hating Peter and MJ as a couple.
The only difference is that someone like Nick Spencer come to save Spidey and MJ, but no one is saving DC's characters or can't do it because the people in charge.
You can add:
>Hates Marriage
>Hates Fun
Hates the Legion too, doesn't he?
He is a pretty sympathetic guy. Kid Devil was this dumb (not in a bad way, but like naive) kid who wanted very much to be the sidekick of this hero who his Aunt or someone was friends with, constantly putting himself in danger. Blue Devil was like 'Stop, you're gonna get in trouble.' but he didn't care. Eventually he made a deal with the devil and got powers... BUT it means that when he died he served the devil for all of his life. Everyone else still saw him as a dumb kid but he proved his worth and eventually gave his life, earning the respect of even Rose Wilson, who he had a crush on. He wasn't in New 52 or Rebirth except for a sort of cameo in the Raven series. Then this happened.
They’re just crazy. You can’t find logic in crazy.
The only reason why Lois Lane is getting a book is because Greg Rucka has been wanting to do a Lois Lane book for decades now and fucking Brian Bendis, of all people, threw his weight around and made it happen.
The fact that Bendis have been shielding a lot of bad decisions lately drive me up the wall because i fucking hate Bendis. The whole situation is making me hate DC just a tad more for making me appreciate Bendis as a person.
They don't want Superman to be simple a "man". They want Superman to be godly and have godly woes. They want to milk the whole GODS AMONG US drama.
The truth is... he hates comics.
Read current ASM, Friendly Neighborhood and Superior Spider-man, they're very comfy desu.
DC wants all their superheroes to be hip young swingers because they think marriage is for 90-year-Old people. Basically they want everyone to be sluts.
As for SM/WW, they think Superman needs a super strong woman that Superman can handle (nevermind that Wonder Woman constantly jobs sonas to not upstage Supes. Even getting taken down by an African Soldier with an AK) and think Wonder Woman sucking Clark’s dick makes her character/book better when it usually does the opposite for her.
Bump this. Spider-Man is doing fine right now.
>Tom Taylor literally crippled Superman for years and now anyone at DC only sees Superman as a thread or as a "God".
We live in one of the worst timelines.
Double Bump. DC needs people like Spencer or Zdarsky in charge.
Imagine if someday Tomasi, Jurgens, Spencer, Zdarsky and other talented people got tired of Didio's bullshit and tried to get back DC for good.
Poor guy, but sounds interesting enough to read up on.
I feel you, user. It’s a sad sad sad day on Earth when Bendis is way more intelligent and reasonable than the comic higher ups. Not to mention King managing to be even worse.
Or to keep it simple, they want Status Quo.
This mongoloids, how did they ever get involved with the media? Imagine being Didio as a kid and thinking that BTAS or Burton's Batman is shit because all the good things it has and thinking "Someday I will fix this".
Nah. Tom Taylor hated having to work for the INJUSTICE comics. The sad truth is that the game and comic is pretty much made up of all the memes the people that work for the company find cool. It's all the things they find cool. superheroes vs normal heroes, Superman and Wonder Woman, Lois Lane dying, Joker starting shit up, Superman commanding fear and respect on other heroes, villains ruling the world, grimdark drama, Harley Quinn being obnoxious, and so on.
He debuts in the stories Blue Devil are in (I think he was in the backup stories of Firestorm before getting a solo) but the character arc I described is in 2003 Teen Titans. People love it, I personally don't as much, but if you find yourself in the same camp as me, I still think it's worth reading for parts like characters such as Kid Devil.
He finds them too outdated and convoluted. If were up to him, they'd be stuck in current times and 60% of the cast would be dead.
This is not even me making my own interpretation. That's legit Didio quote. Just like when he brags about trying to murder Nightwing. People take as jokes, but well... who's joking?
He hated it so much that he's doing the DCEASED event instead. I hate that kind of hipocrisy.
>You know, I didn't enjoy turning Superman into an Edgy villainous fucker because it kind of ruined the character for some people, so instead of trying to fix it, I'm gonna work on another event that will convert everyone in zombies.
>the speed force is electricity now
oh boy, glad to see people making a life about this dont care about it
>Linda is already back
Yes, but he doesn't *have* her back.
>Justice Society are being "saved"/embargoed for Doomsday Clock
>can't happen till Doomsday Clock ends
Fuck.Shit. Y'all're in all likelihood correct, very correct. Now I kinda feel how Max must've when Fritz turned out to have not been killed by Elves.
I'll take a look at, thanks!
The thing about Bendis.
Brian Michael Bendis, the comic book writer.
Is that what he loves, the things he loves, like minorities and families and ripoffs?
He actually loves minorities and families and ripoffs.
That's Bendis, the comic book writer.
His writing is shit and his dialogue is bad.
But he loves his shit writing and his bad dialogue.
While Didio and King? King, Tom King, the comic book writer? I don't think he loves anything.
Like, he actually loves nothing at all.
And it shows. In the comics.
You know?
Tom King legit takes his cues from the movies. Case in point, him constantly apping shit from BvS like Batman wearing the Knightmare suit, the current dream arc being called Knightmare, or some quotes straight up being lifted like "what falls remain fallen".
Oh, my fuck. How did i not notice this before? Tom King wants to be Zack Snyder.
So he's a dumbass who doesn't even get the point of the Legion. Nice.
>they're very comfy desu
They're prime comfy. Even with all the casualties it doesn't feel like anyone is particularly wasted.
>He finds them too outdated and convoluted. If were up to him, they'd be stuck in current times and 60% of the cast would be dead.
Isn't that what happened with them during the New 52?
Haha wow, they're making their own Marvel Zombies 10 years later too? wtf
>DC needs people like Spencer in charge
Not sure if short memory or what...
Spencer was guilty of Hydra Cap. That shit hasn't been completely fixed. Also, Diversity Cap Falcon, not to mention a LOT of other offenses during the Hydra Cap event.
The truth is, if he were running DC, it probably wouldn't be that different.
8/10 beat poetry would *snap* again
>That sounds incredibly convoluted
Yeah, it's pretty unbelievable -- it's like they're gang-raping our willing suspension of disbelief unti it starts shitting out organs.
Giffen/Levitz didn't kill that many members in total and only about one third of them got stuck in the past. The team did however disband and Brainiac 5 had a mental breakdown and his teammates laughed at him, so it's not like it ended on a good note.
>It's "stop being a whiny bitch about things that are not for you
this sounds like coming from someone who REEEEEs if some media trash doesnt reflect their gender/skin color/sexuality
It's just another example of old, out of touch editors hating iconic romances, probably because they've gone through a divorce in real life or some petty shit.
FUCK you're right. FUCK I really LOVE his Spider-man, but I didn't have any idea that he was the responsible for that clusterfuck.
Spencer's learned a lot since then. He's picked up on what makes for strengths and weaknesses of the medium and basically come to the conclusion that just adopting the 70's/80's attitude towards comics is best.
>DC wants all their superheroes to be hip young swingers because they think marriage is for 90-year-Old people. Basically they want everyone to be sluts.
This is probably why the New 52 had those godawful costumes.
Anyone else who quit after OMD confirm worthiness?
Yeah man, I'm kinda surprised that doesn't get brought up much.
Also this. Even after that happened, at least Spencer tried and give some good material after it.
It's the opposite of what King is doing right now, who keeps bringing shit and shit and more shit into the table without trying to get better.
I think that was Lee's fault, at least partly.
Maybe for Spider-man, but I don't see how that could help DC. The villain roster in DC doesn't work with "they're just the same as the heroes but on the other side of the fence", you can't do a story like Superior Foes or Ant-Man with the Suicide Squad even if the elements are similar.
Any hint if that wasn't editorial trying to get back some sales? Same as the "legacy" generation put mostly to the side? Marvel sales got hit HARD.
Remember how during the 52 comic, this was back in... 2007? Anyway, remember how Geoff Johns, Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, and Mark Waid were being billed as the DC architects and then suddenly out of nowhere Rucka and Waid stopped working for DC? That's because Dan Didio fucked it up.
First he straight up hated the 52 comic. Legit fucking hated. How it was made, how the stories turned out, everything. Because he had no control whatsoever of it. He later tried to do Countdown HIS WAY and said that Countdown was 52 done right.
Then he promised Greg Rucka a OGN about Wonder Woman, only for later tell Rucka that was a no go because Morrison was going to do it. This ended up being Wonder Woman; Earth One. So Rucka quit because of a comic that Morrison didn't even felt like doing at that moment. Rucka only came back to DC during Rebirth because Didio begged him and promised complete control over Wonder Woman, which didn't last long and they ended up fighting again.
Then we all know about how much Didio fucked around with Waid over the Flash comic.
Lastly, he almost made Morrison quit several times over because he kept fucking with Final Crisis. First by bugging Morrison about how FC would end so he could make Countdown act as a prologue to it despite promising Morrison he'd not do precisely that. Then with the Death of the New Gods comic that he also tried to turn into a prologue. Then lastly by fucking up with Final Crisis itself was that was butchered to hell and back editorially.
>That Beetle
Hnng. Why even bother with being a DCcuck if you can cozy over to Marvel and look at Beetle? She drives me nuts. So sexy holy shit.
Quick research. I just found this:
Dunno. I thought it was just a diversion tactic trying to misdirect people's attention from the royal fuckup with giving Carol Danvers' supreme lordship over the superhero community in Civil War II.
How can a man fuck up so much and keep his job?
>adopting the methods and techniques of one of the most popular and best regarded in quality era of comics is best
who would have thought
Peter isn't married yet and some people hate he's rooming with Boomerang, a known murderer.
But seriously, how can you hate this guy?
I wouldn't let that affect my enjoyment of the book or anything though. I know I haven't, myself. His Spidey really is good, and that's what ultimately really counts. A lot of people like to shit all over Taylor as well but I'm really liking his book too. It's all such a breath of fresh air after so much hackery from Slott.
Fucking bet that his run ends up emulating the ending of TDKR except
>Selina kills Thomas Wayne, not Bane
>Both Selina and Bruce fake their deaths and marry in secret
> Damien(or Tim Drake) becomes Batman
I still like his Spidey even after knowing that, you're 100% right tho.
For instance, I don't hate Dini even after he was involved on the TV animated "Ultimate Spider-man" Show.
I think I remember that interview, it doesn't really shed any light, but thanks. I was asking about the stuff done in Spider-Man, like bringing MJ back.
It still doesn't even explain a lot of the fuck ups during Secret Empire, or the many ones left when it was over.
That... that was such a long streak of major fuckups, I can't fathom how they managed to do that. I do remember things started improving a bit as soon as Brevoort and Bendis got flushed out.
I wish modern Beetle and 90's She-Hulk got an on-going. Just two lawyer gals fucking around and being hot.
Cap Falcon was alright, made the most sense for him to pick up the shield than any other rookie.
Nope. Lee did most of the redesigns, yes, but the main push for it came from Didio because he felt the DC characters looked too outdated and needed more modern designs to get gel better with current readers.
Nah. He will put the other one in charge. The one that had a yellow bat-suit.
It's not a matter of stopping you from enjoying it. I'm just saying giving him the keys of Marvel or DC probably wouldn't fix much.
Sometimes we get distracted by one scapegoat and forget there's a lot wrong with comics since 2000, between moron editors and writers with gimmicks.
No one is absolutely good or evil. He kept Jonah Hex going for a long time as well as Jaime Reyes's first series.
That being said, he's definitely made more bad decisions than good.
Dear fucking god...
So there's no case of thinking whou would fix companies like DC if we still have the same team on board.
In that case, even if a good artist is put in charge, it will take some decades to have a truly good and decent era, until the actual crew gets old and hopefully replaced by actual talented people who enjoys this media.
I know people love to bring this up because Duke is black and we would all be outraged at it but King has been completely ignoring him so it won't happen
Nah do it to Jason, Jason becomes Batman but his personality is neutered except for him having PTSD. Lobdell will get extremely asspained and might quit altogether.
not to mention King has said in interviews he hates the first arc of Batman he did before the book became batcat shit, so I doubt he'd tie things back to that arc
Batcat is cancer.
King wrote that Gotham Girl killed Batman and later on married Duke, which can mean to two things. Either Gotham Girl legit kills Bruce or Gotham Girl "killed" the "Bat" by helping convince Bruce to pursue the "Cat". Since Bruce's happy the "Bat" is dead.
Either way Duke was namedropped as her husband, so... King has plans for the character.
Didn't Lee try to keep the sleeve thingies even after he brought the trunks back?
I hate the idea of anyone picking up the shield. Steve hasn't gotten that much time as Cap proper ever since he died.
Besides, ever since Amanat said that bullshit about "not mattering who's behind the masks", the whole legacy mindset crap has been pissing me off even harder. It became clear how they cared only about some stupid agenda and not about giving fans good comics.
>Either way Duke was namedropped as her husband, so... King has plans for the character.
Also note that Gotham Girl literally disappeared from the comic after Night of the Monster Men and only appeared in an arc that wrote her out again, and one that wasn't even written by King at that.
I think it's just as safe to assume that whatever plans King may've had has changed.
I could actually see that happen.
Depression is in control now and he let's himself control by it doing whatever he wants no matter if it makes sense or not.
I mean Jason is supposed to have mental issues out the ass. He is the perfect character for King to work on or I should say the type of character he would go wet to write for.
Not necessarily. Someone who actually gives a damn and doesn't make non-stop retarded decisions could be in charge and just let decent writers who are there do their thing. And then we cross our fingers.
Like, wasn't Abnett at DC some time ago? Or was it Lanning?
Abnett is on JLO.
He's still there. He's currently writing JLO. He's managed to right that ship but that book's probably gonna be on the chopping block soon due to low sales.
I am a white straight dude who dislikes the "muh representayshun" meme and just skips trash SJW comics instead of crying about them.
You sound like "it was supposed to be a comic for me" kind of whiny fag who watches hours of outrage youtube and doesn't get the irony of your own hypocrisy.
Thank you. That could have potential.
It's been decent so far, but the book has already been fucked over by everything else so it's unlikely that it'll survive for long.
Guess under a better editorial he could work with bigger titles to sell better.
JLO would be a bigger title under a better editor.
JLO in general was a bit of a clusterfuck
>Solicited after No Justice and was supposed to start releasing along with the other team relaunch books
>Joshua Williamson on writing and Stjepan Sejic on art
>Williamson scripts the first few issues and Sejic illustrates them
>Williamson is forced by editorial to rewrite most of his opening arc due to negative fan backlash to the reveal that Braniac-5 was gonna be a primary antagonist
>Sejic forced to come back at basically the last minute and redraw several issues, completely fucking up his schedule on other projects
>Sejic realizes he has no chance to catch up to the rest of the issues and keep up with his other projects, and he's not interested in taking a hiatus and returning in several months, so he drops out
>Williamson drops out for unknown reasons after #6, leading to DC giving the book to Abnett
>people unironically posting that King should be allowed anywhere near Jason
Keep this deranged fucker away from my husbando.
Vril Dox II, aka B5's great grandfather and Brainiac's son. Sejic has also stated that that was not the reason for the rewrites.
Too late, he's already writing a 2 issue mini arc where both Naked Bane and Naked Jason fight to death.
Even if Didio was fired, who's there to assume things?
Harras & Lee? To tank the company for real?
Scott Snyder? Who's a complete pushover?
Brian Micha-you know what, i don't even to complete my thought on this.
Tom King? So he can rape the entire DCU?
he's not getting fired, so don't worry about it.
Why spend your hours analyzing a faggot, user?
Reasoning for it aside, the book wound up going through rewrites that basically screwed everything up.
The Five Fatale are too powerful for this generation.
We need to wait. If were lucky, the sons of our sons will avenge us and save the media.
Grant Morrison, he can use Heavy Metal as an argument.
Morrison doesn't really give much of a shit about cape comics at this stage. He's only writing Wonder Woman and Green Lantern at the moment because they give him an opportunity to do something he hasn't really done before.
Not even Morrison could handle them, he would need help.
True, but it's more likely that it had something to do with Snyder.
That's because Didio killed his love for cape comics.
>not Bane raping Jason after he wins and Jason has 8-9 mini issue where he tries to get over the rape, cannot, goes on a massive killing spree and then joins up with the Joker to nuke himself (Jason, Joker runs away from the blast) and takes out all of Gothm killing characters like Vicki Vale, Lucius Fox, and Bullock and couple of villains like Pyg, James Gordon Jr, and Prometheus
This is what King would want, his own version of Emerald Twilight
That was a long time ago user. What has he done in the last...let's say six years that hasn't been awful?
There is a timeline where King actualy wrote this.
He let Mark Russell basically take Second Coming to shop to other publishers with no strings attached after WB executives forced DC to shelve it?
What if we live in that timeline and just don't know it yet?
That's because the follow-up is the upcoming Suicide Squad relaunch.
>A thousand heroes in crisis.
What are we, some kind of...Suicide Squad?
>You sound like "it was supposed to be a comic for me"
but it is, as I pay for them. Comics are made for those who buy them, not " white straight dude who dislikes the "muh representayshun" or trans poc tumblrinas.
>just skips trash comics instead of crying about them.
then why you are here crying? and you speak of hipocrisy
as someone whos been throught health and mental issues this weeks i cried,people will never understand how awful is it out there for some of us
>Sees proof that he isn't alone in his suffering
>Somehow this makes him worse
I don't get it.
This whole story is a monument to not understand why Superheros are popular.
Ok seriously though, what?
go to therapy instead of hoping comic book heroes go through the same thing
DC at this point is like wwe always making the baby faces look like idiots and trying to get heat by making the heels look strong and capable no wonder both companies lose fans
Comic books are done so a human being can escape his depressing reality, not constantly remember it.
You need to read more comics. Better comics.
Rich issaying on BC that the plans for Wally after HIC is still him leading the suicide squad written by Azzerello
So just like most of the other Crisis events then.
God I should really go to bed. But I'm gonna make some Belgium waffles instead.
I like the idea of superheroes in therapy, I'd enjoy a series that was superheroes in group therapy. But that isn't this, this a shitty murder mystery and even the part that was actual therapy was shitty psychotic therapy where everyone dressed as Psycho Pirate and it was run by an AI that clearly didn't actually understand human emotions.
>I've knowingly erased millions from the timeline with my actions over the last 30 years
>But holy fuck killing a dozen people by accident is the worst thing ever
Heroes in Crisis, everybody
You know Ellie, we really are The Last Of Us.
>as I pay for them
Stop pretending that you're a customer. We are in the pirate thread, and based on the way you express yourself, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to afford them if you want to.
Literally no one called him the symbol of hope. No one aside from the Titans even recognized him as anything other than a nuisance.
did it cause a serious eye damage?
it gave her superpowers of craaayzie
>hates the Teen Titans
Absolutely based. The titans brand is poison.
Hasn't almost everyone lost family or whatever due to Crises and universal resets? They just don't remember it.
It gave her plot-armor.
Barry did, but it's still a bit silly considering Barry was the one conscripted into the Blue Lanterns
To think Blackest Night was actually a high point in the history of comics...
That's not how the Speed Force works. If it were lots of fucking people would've been accidentally killed literally every time the Flash picks someone up to move them at super speed.
>To think Blackest Night was actually a high point in the history of comics...
is moronic.
Finish your sentences next time.
Didio desperately wants DC to be like 1980s Marvel.
Thread theme:
*90s Marvel.
X-Men is Batman.
quick, get a drawfag to give Batman more pouches than he could ever possibly need and some fucked up feet
Poor widdle nu52 baby
I bet you cry while reading America Chavez
Go back to choking on Johns' cock. At least you're good at that.
Didn't DC already do that in Forever Evil?
How the fuck do you gather bits and bytes by running? Is he hacking fast? Thaf's fucking stupid.
So, why didn't he just travel back in time three minutes and stop the deaths from happening at all?
You forgot Jon
And we have a winner. Thanks for playing the "This Is Fucking Stupid" game.
The most popular time travel explanation is usually stuff that happen can never be stopped from happening unless somebody removes timelines.
The best is him saying nobody knew and were distracted here:
Because people love him and they think controversy sells.
Because speedsters time travelling is generally a bad idea, as seen when his mentor time-travelling literally erased Wally from history and completely ruined his life?
But he did time travel.
To the future.
I'm sorry all the books you like suck, but it doesn't make your opinion any more valid.
Time travel is currently broken in the DC universe
Is it gonna be renamed to Suicide Watch?
Maybe the real Heroes in Crisis ™ were the friends we made along the way
he's probably very, very good at sucking cocks.
Capeshit in Crisis everyone
Horse hockey. There is a difference between changing something that happened 30 years ago like Barry did and changing something that happened 30 seconds prior.
But apparently not so broken that Boster Gold can't do it or that Aally couldn't do it to go five days in the futuee as opposed to five minutea in the past.
This issue was terrible.
Heroes in Crisis was terrible as a whole.
Batman has been terrible throughout.
Batman and Elmer Fudd was terrible.
Vision was terrible.
Omega Men was terrible.
Grayson was terrible.
Tom King is a terrible writer. I've been saying it since the beginning, but you didn't listen.
Not really, seeing as it wound up changing things that happened far before the murder. Altering timelines in general is a bad idea, doesn't really matter how long ago the event was.
Are you telling me that EVERYONE at Sanctuary just chose to gather around Wally at that moment? Like, what were they thinking?!
>Batman and Elmer Fudd was terrible.
I haven't read everything under that so I won't try and defend them but Batman and Elmer Fudd was at least funny and a departure from UGHHHH SELENA WONT DATE ME IM BRUCE I CUT MYSELF FUCK ME IN THE ASS BANE
>I run fast so others will think what I want them to think at the precise moment I want
Oh yeah, Booster already broke the timeline because King is an idiot.
For real, is Tom King going to go down in comics history as the new Chuck Austen?
It's the same obnoxious on-the-nose pseudo-dark bullshit found in all of his writing.
I can't wait for Geoff Johns to reveal that Wally was possessed by Parallax through this whole thing.
Kill yourself, Didiot.
I only read issue 1; I'm well behind on Batman and I didn't want to spoil myself so I chose to wait to get there first.
I don't care about The Flash so I wonder if I will be seething like you guys.
This miniseries is the perfect distillation of every terrible decision that DC has made in the past twenty years that has effectively amounted to them committing suicide and murdering American mythology with them.
I like how in modern comics we've reached the point we'd almost rather not see heroes we like appear due to the high chance of them being character assassinated or just murdered for no reason.
And in this instance I'm using the word "like" quite wrong.
So... he is a tremendous narcissist? Are we supposed to empathize?
The series has been a godawful mess, but the bit about feeling how you're the only broken thing in an otherwise good world rings true about depression. Which makes me wonder why the rest of it has been so terrible.
I'd say Garth, but no one cares about him.
And they could try on Donna, but she'd just get a new origin that fixes her like two months later.
This is awful. He's a monster. I'm not sure I understand what the writer wants us to feel towards him, if it's something other than revulsion and he needs to be put down for the betterment of the world, the writer fucked up.
Blue Jay deserved better therapy than this.
>everyone you ever knew save three people die in a nuclear holocaust
>those three people all eventually die
>the people you hung out with after your homeworld died haven't called since 1992
>you're a Hank Pym espy so you probably built a killer robot at some point
Sanctuary was a piece of crap and Batman is not a licensed mental health professional.
They never killed Beast Boy, so maybe him. Although I'm not sure if Didio actually dislikes him or just doesn't care since he isn't really tied to any JL hero.
>in this issue A Titan Dies (x3)
How does any Flash story have stakes? The bastards can run so fast that time stands still, travel through time, recreate destroyed computer data according to this issue and travel through dimensions. How is any mystery or any villain or problem a problem for them? How do they ever lose to Captain Cold?
To be slightly fair to this otherwise garbage comic, Wally did that before. Built a computer that functions at super speed, enhanced by his powers. Not that King would know shit.
The speed force was a mistake.
That's crap, Wally could talk to almost anyone, that was his superpower.
Jay, Dick, Linda, a lot of other Titans.
Hell, he was pretty much the only person who'd give Batman lip for moral grandstanding.
It's not just the Speed Force. All time travel is. That's why commander cold is stuck.
it doesn't.
So therapy made you kill a bunch of people and frame two innocent people? Glad you can relate.
No, he also traveled to the past from the future to plant a dead body. He didn't just go forward
Which makes any excuse that he couldn't just travel several minutes in the past and stop the deaths at all a complete non-argument. He clearly can travel both forward AND back in time in this scenario because he does so in the story not to stop the murders but ro frame two innocent people to give him time to then out all of the heroes personal baggage.
Wally is the ultimate scumbag.
To be fair, that's what should happen, much like superman would kill people if he accelerated too fast while holding them. It seems physics called it quits ever since they made spiderman snap gwen's neck.
Wally is an asshole to robots.
Solstice joined the Titans before Flashpoint.
Yeah because he literally refuses to do anything with it and except kill members off.
It's difficult to make a good book when you don't put good writers on it, you jerk the book around to suit the JL, and you take members away because you want to kill them or do other shit (like the Ric garbage).
At least when Hal went insane and turned villain, he tried to rewrite history so that his tragedy/crimes never happened.
She was in the New 52 run was well. She was the ashy black member that fucked around with Bar Torr. Why they made Solstice of all characters look the exact opposite of how she should look, I'll never know.
Like Titans was actually pretty decent (except for bad art) after No Justice for about 4 issues, but then HIC and Ric shit fucked it up.
Dc heroes are mass murderers
Man you are not even wrong.
>Tom King giving someone a happy ending
You're as delusional as King himself!
How bad are the sales for this book?
Implying that comics will survive this long.
>Heroes In Crisis #5 79,087
>Heroes In Crisis #6 79,006
>every X-Men story is the same
Don't user. It's just a different flavor of shit. The only winning move is not to play.
Parallax was also a good change for white-bread Hal. It gave him some actual character.
Making Wally a villain is ruining an already good character for no reason.
Instead it was >ugh Silver won't date us
with Silver St. Cloud acting just like every other King-penned femme fatale instead of her usual personality.
>HIC is one of DC's highest selling books
Comic shops cannot die fast enough.
Do those sales represent comixology?
Anyone who reaches the point where they're reading America Chavez will be crying, user.
Now they're trying to be like 2000s Marvel, actually. 90s Marvel was "fun-edgy" and 80s Marvel was good at points.
That's shop orders. Those numbers are horrible for an event. Like 40% down from expectations.
It's only one of their highest selling books because everything is selling like fucking garbage.
Like I'm impressed they've gone 3 years and 36-60+ issues without a massive relaunch, but they're gonna have to do one eventually. I imagine once King's Batman is done and they get another long term writer they'll revamp the Batline at least.
I'm against King being paid for it.
It was Thawne time travelling first that fucked it all up...
So realizing that other heroes had problems broke him? Bullshit
I'm sure Didio is planning another New 52 reboot. He just can't leave it the fuck alone.
Nope, no data for comixology.
Didn't he know that Roy had issues, for one? Couldn't they have talked or something?
King is projecting his revulsion that his mental problems aren't making him a special snowflake.
He has regeneration so losing limbs or becoming scarred isn't happening, so the best bet is that he will become a villain and Raven will Snap.
Also Donna probably Stuck somewhere else without any way to go back home, also cyborg is safe with Darkseid and Jessica
Does any joy exist in King's life?
The man needs serious psychiatric help.
>i can only find joy in childish shit
King is shit as a person, a zionist and a shitty writer, but the problem of HiC is that is a bad comic, not that wally is killing or that it's a dark story.
Is this the worst event, like not even at DC but between the Big 2 in general. Is there anything worse?
at some point they decided the lighting they draw around speedsters wasn't just a visual effect thing but actual fucking lighting caused by the magic force of goes fast. It's so retarded because there's plenty of other more believable ways to make speedsters accidentally dangerous to those around them, kinetic energy, massive friction heat build up, sonic booms that make people's heads explode... but nope, instead it's magic speed-force lighting like a bad silver age comic.
It's getting to the point where this is outright mocking people who struggle with personality disorders and depression. Holy Shit King needs to seek help.
I don't think so, even as far as shittily written events there have probably been worse, it's probably one of the more pointless events though since in the end it's just a suicide story but they also decided to throw a bunch of Z listers into the grinder for no reason other than to create an illusion of a story that's worth stretching across numerous issues. It's definitely not the most damaging one in terms of ruining characters since in the end it was all some dumb accident.
Well yeah
The art was still gorgeous for the most part. There are events like Age of Ultron with garbage writing and the artist absolutely phoned it in.
It's up there, but IMO it still hasn't quite topped Identity Crisis yet.
+1 to King really needing to talk to someone. Just how many stories has he done about suicide now? It's the the point of almost adulation.
What happened to Wally was just cruel. There are better ways to explore mental health in comics than having a mass murder at a mental health clinic. The worse part is that DC will blame the readers for not getting the story or the concept of 'superheroes and mental health'.
Unless meant current events.
I only come into these threads to view the human carnage that is the live reactions.
>The only reason why Lois Lane is getting a book is because Greg Rucka has been wanting to do a Lois Lane book for decades now and fucking Brian Bendis, of all people, threw his weight around and made it happen
>Hey Greg 'know that thing you wanted, well here it is
>"It" is broken, covered in shit and held together with duct tape
Thanks Bendis
Let them blame whatever they want. As long as sales drop, they'll have to actually get their shit together somehow.
I think he was responsible for the Hannah Barbera Rebirth line?
Can Bendis throw his weight around to get Priest on the Nightwing book he wanted to write
It feels like the event had too much of unnecessary padding. One can easily make a single somber introspective issue that leads to a character committing suicide but this shit just had to try to make a spectacle out of it by creating some JL sanctioned inept mental health facility that anyone could see is shit, throw a bunch of other heroes into the mix as casualties to try to make some dumb murder mystery.
Hell if King really wanted to make a 12 issue series about this topic, just use the patients at sanctuary and do one issue per character all coping with their mental issues or traumas in their own way, accentuate how isolated they feel with their problems and then have Wally be the focus on one of those issues that ends with him killing himself.
>durrrr what is empathy
Then why would he kill himself afterwards if he's so empathetic? Can't he see how that'd fuck up people he cares about?
Sanctuary needed real therapists not AI and there should be consequences for the JL. Establishing an off the grid mental health facility with no professional supervision is negligence.
Honestly I'd have just scrapped the idea of sanctuary all together, just focus on the day to day lives of each hero in their own cities/towns dealing and/or failing to deal with their issues, some go to a shrink, some don't. Make it like a character study for readers to get into the heads of a different obscure superhero each issue and if you really want to make a spectacle to attract buyers just have previews say that one issue involves a suicide, that'll make people theorize between issues about who will be the one to break and kill themselves to show how bad things could get for them.
>Greg Rucka
>Harley beats the trinity
kys shill
>a group of nerds from the future form a superhero group
... Fucking what?
>We were DC's Heroes in Crisis™ all along
Mitch Gerads named his kid after Wally.
there's gotta be some twist coming
This was the twist. It was an accident. They rewrote it to absolve him but it is still awful to fit.
Remember those faggots defending DC saying it wasn’t Wally?
This was so bad. Thanks God I'm not paying.
Priest doesn't want to write Nightwing because he thinks Dick Grayson is a creative dead end
Anons like me want Priest to write Nightwing because he thinks Dick Grayson is a creative dead end
Because before he wrote Black Panther he thought of the character as "the guy in the kitty cat suit who jumped out of windows"
Did King manage to follow at least one of Ronald Knox's Decalogues?
>The criminal must be mentioned in the early part of the story, but must not be anyone whose thoughts the reader has been allowed to know.
>All supernatural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course.
>Not more than one secret room or passage is allowable.
>No hitherto undiscovered poisons may be used, nor any appliance which will need a long scientific explanation at the end.
>No Chinaman must figure in the story.
>No accident must ever help the detective, nor must he ever have an unaccountable intuition which proves to be right.
>The detective himself must not commit the crime.
>The detective is bound to declare any clues which he may discover.
>The "sidekick" of the detective, the Watson, must not conceal from the reader any thoughts which pass through his mind: his intelligence must be slightly, but very slightly, below that of the average reader.
>Twin brothers, and doubles generally, must not appear unless we have been duly prepared for them.
>No Chinaman must figure in the story.
ok so i think these might be a little dated to use with King.
>All supernatural or preternatural agencies are ruled out as a matter of course.
and comic book magic is a thing
Why didn’t Wally go back in time, with Booster’s tech, to stop himself from killing the others? This could’ve easily been solved if Wally just went back and moved his past self a bit further away from Sanctuary. What a waste of fucking time.
>No Chinaman must figure in the story.
I wonder what was wrong with funky chinamen. Red Herring? Old Chinese Wiseman Advice? Stealing the show from the hero they sidekick for?
No you see, he had TRAUMA
That was retarded,
The excuse will be he had trauma and was/is insane and that insane people don't do the obvious solutions.
Though he was in his right mind enough to do everything else sooooo
It's pretty good, the first part of Spencer's run just shits on Slott for not understanding Spidey, then there's a Black Cat arc where they make up and now we're getting started with Kraven's Last Hunt 2: Electric Boogaloo.
What are the qualities of 70s/80s comics that Spencer has adopted?
The Chinaman part is because when the list was made a mysterious eastern person being the culprit was a big cliche.
Doing shitty cliffhangers and teasers on covers that don’t actually pay off?
If Wally was gonna be a psychopath with absolutely no remorse or sympathy, why did they have it framed like the killing were all accidents?
King is a Zionist? I can excuse shitty writing but not that, do you have proof?
>Batman and Elmer Fudd was terrible.
>Vision was terrible.
>Omega Men was terrible.
Shitposting is one thing, but this is too much.
I still don't understand how Poison Ivy was born from a petal last issue.
So what is the message? The will of Batman, compassion of Wonder Woman and honor of Superman it's not enough if you're fucked up in the head? (in my opinion, the sanctuary "therapy" was awful.)
What's the solution? Clearly Therapy didn't work for him. Talking to other people didn't work either, he was open about his feelings with other characters. The only solution for a broken powerful individual such as himself is a bullet to the head, right?
Lastly, the flashes are just too powerful. If they are as fast and can reprogram hi-tech effortesly as they do in these comics, the DC world should have practically no crime.
Storytime of pain it is then...
Its setting up that Poison Ivy is no longer human and is an avatar of the Green
>What's the solution?
Going back in time and stopping shit from happening. Which he didn't do.
It's a cautionary tale!
how can this happen. why bros, what did wally do to deserve this, exist? this is such shit writing
I came for a story of Heroes talking about their traumas and how they deal with them.
What I got is an overcomplicated murder mystery with unlikeable characters and padded for maximum dollars.
They actually came up with a worse murder mystery than Identity Crisis. This is an amazing achievement that I didn't think was possible.
I'm absolutely fucking livid right now.
Fuck King.
Fuck Didio.
Fuck DC.
Fuck everything.
Reminder to vote to meme on King.
If we all spam King's Twitter with hate he might kill himself
Is King's Nightmare Batman run finally coming to an end? Good to know, I can start buying batbooks again when that hack retires.
Hand Tynion IV the keys to the bat franchise.
You forgot:
Fuck Bendis
Fuck Harras
Fuck Lee
Empathy doesn't make you murder people going through the same situation
King isn't leaving Batman for another year
king just making up some wild bullshit about the speedforce so this can be an accident. what a complete hack
Who else done with DC?
Wally doesn’t talk like this.
>Another year
Try 2 and a half.
so now every flash has been dealing w this bomb type burden but have somehow never ever mentioned it or dealt w it
You realize bendis is probably eyeing it, right? The one book that's always on top of the charts for name alone? With a movie on the way?
Isn't it biweekly? 102 will be here before you know it
fug I didn't even notice I missed an issue again, that's like 3 or 4 issues I missed but I don't think it makes any difference
Still better than Cry for Justice
I need help finding a Batman comic.
Its the one where Batman is crying, in a dumpster, after he found guns in it.
PLease, can anyone point me in the right direction or post it? It was frequently posted on Yea Forums, I saw it here.
its funny that the people who always say grow up, grow up, always seem to be saying it as a stand in for stop talking and eat whatever im selling you.
you're all always so convinced that the way you do things is the "grownup" way. there's a reason only people who do the grayest and wackest and most dronelike of shit constantly tell themselves its the adult way to live. its a shit way to exist and it always feels like misery inviting company
the hilarious thing about "grow up" in this instance is that the stories people want with Wally are HIM AND HIS WIFE RAISING KIDS.
You're right. Them, too.
>The only solution for a broken powerful individual such as himself is a bullet to the head, right?
Yes. Tom King is asking you to kill him before he kills anyone else.
At this point anyone who reads this comics and doesn't take it upon themselves to find and eliminate him is making a morally objectionable choice of inaction. It's the trolley problem but there's 20 icons of American culture on one rail and one fucked up guy on the other. You know what to do.
iirc, king said it would end on 115
It would've been better if he had corrupted the AI and that what caused it. Instead Speedforce ain't gotta explain shit.gif
>Maybe the story as initially intended might run better, but this one is just insulting. If you are still collecting this series, please get help. And if you are still reading it, please get medicated.
>is that the stories people want with Wally are HIM AND HIS WIFE RAISING KIDS.
Yeah, there's this weird, childish fixation that adult stories revolve around trauma, tragedy death and pain, when, you know, a very realistic part of being an adult is having a decent life with a family and watching them grow.
Only a literal child believes that adulthood is about family. Just ew. That's the typical sort of mentality a king has. Muh mommy muh daddy exist to be a family. Fuck you Yea Forums. Adulthood is about realizing everything is shit. Your mom and dad hate each other and wish they were dead. They wish you were dead. I should write a comic about Superman killing his shithead son to teach you a lesson. Fuck this is fun. I'm an adult.
I don't know about that. A lot of people despised Wally's kids when they were a part of his comics.
What I don't understand is why the kids were hated so much?
Man I love some of Tom King's stuff, but whenever he writes these art therapy comics I want to scream at him. Art therapy is a legitimate tool for therapy, but it actually has to HELP. Look at Flex Mentallo, for instance. It was an obvious cry for help from Grant Morrison. Instead of ruminating on how sad he was and how even heroes let him down, Morrison wrote a hopeful message to himself and people as close to the edge as he was. That came from a greater perspective on the human condition. Say what you will about Morrison, but he fucking gets loneliness. With Flex he put all his cards on the table as to what this book was about and who it was for.
Tom King, on the other hand, is so deep in his hole he doesn't know up from down anymore. He only writes about his trauma, not about the emotions surrounding it. Yeah, he saw some real shit overseas that scarred him and superhero comics are how he managed to hold on to reality. That's truly tragic. The problem is he's not thinking about holding on anymore. All of his comics are about the horrors we perform on ourselves and others. They miss the entire point because they're all just like the Sanctuary house or Psycho Pirate's mask in Batman. Revisiting trauma is useful in conjunction with therapy, but you can't just wallow in it. Tom King doesn't understand healing and the majority of his books are screaming for it.
>More positive critic reviews than negative
Critically acclaimed comic book writer Tom King.
>This shitty event + all of Titans, Flash, Rebirth, etc, have not explained one of the biggest gaping plot holes in the whole fucking thing.
If Wally is back, thanks to being remembered, then why aren't his kids, since Wally remembers them, or Jay, or any of the other fucking people Wally would know?
Wally was brought back just to be ruined. His return made the fans happy just so the higher ups could shit on him. He fell victim to the Gentry that is DC's higher ups.
seriously. As a Peterfag, I feel you.
The Bug arriving with Ted, Booster, Harley, and Babs.
Having read both, Cry For Justice is better paced so that makes it better than Heroes in Crisis. But that's about it.
This is the most Anti-fun bullshit. Who is this actually written for? Do people read cape comics with spandex wearing superheroes for the nonstop gritty punch you in the balls harsh reality of people not being able to cope?
King’s Mister Miracle is overrated shit
it makes no sense why wally or barry couldn't use the speedforce to make everybody else remember too
The worst is when Didiofags try to claim him mending the fences he destroyed is him having a good relationship (or mending) with these people.
He's the gatekeeper to the characters so many want to use, of course they have to deal with his retarded ass.
>6.0 is definitely positive, guys
Bendis' Superman got more positive reviews from critics than this.
Wally's memory zap only works on people he knew as a kid. The titans, barry, iris, and magenta. They were consistent with that one.
>there are websites that gave this issue a 10
Lol what
Shill sites that would lose their previews if they give negative press.
There are more green reviews than red and that's what the normies care about.
They are literal who sites that I have never heard about. Newsarama at least still has their fucking integrity and gave this shlock the number it deserves, a 6.
Now i want to buy this issue. Get angry and deman my money back!
The implication he can collect every data. Maybe transform into electricy.
Than because he thinks its all a ruse fir him to feel better?
Because of his speedforce killing others. Instead of helping, or like others pointed out timetravel to rescue them, he creates hmself an alibi.
Than set 2 people up with speed but no speedmovement they could feel.
This is a bullshit setup.
>Weird Science - Reggie Hemingway
>Maybethe story as initially intended might run better, but this one is justinsulting. If you are still collecting this series, please get help. And if youare still reading it, please get medicated
Deserves worse than a 6 in my opinion.
Asked add another thing to random shit the Speed Force can do.
it's simply garbage writing, whatever the theme is and sensibility it rides
I genuinely just want Flash Family adventures with Barry, Wally, Wallace, Jay, Bart, Jessie, Max Jai and Irey
>The Heroes in Crisis was inside me all along
so guys what force parasite/entity will johns retcon wally to have posessed by? im guessing sage
And he's that really where that was going?
Yes. Yes, he was. He cross the border illegally and everything so he could be a costumed superhero in the states.
because his kids dont exist in this timeline. wally was just cut out of the timeline and got pre-flashpoint memories but the kids are gone
He was created before Trump ever declared his intentions of running though.