Do you remember when they were cool?

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People still salty about ponies?

At the end of the day, it still turned out better than Adventure Time.

Cool, no. But I liked them. I tapped out in Season 3.

Only saw the first season, it was fun, but I never really got into it. Only reason I stuck around as long as I did was Dash.

I don't read supplementary material on principle, since I know nobody will give a fuck about side comics/show continuity.

To say you are missing out would be an understatement of the century (and the 21st has just begun). You won't BELIEVE what they are doing in the last season!

I dropped the show once Lauren was dropped as head showrunner.

Do you think one day people will be able to talk about it outside of the containment area?

Dropped the show when Twishit got wings.

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To this day purists like you haven't provided a single evidence of Lauren being an amazing writer. She is good with establishing some basic L.O.R.E. and worldbuilding, but other than that, she is an average writer.

one day

>Take something cute
>Make it "evil", "eerie" and "edgy"
>They will love it 10 times out of 10
Sometimes I mothefucking hate you, internet.

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My brother. I lasted a little longer, but it just wasn't the same.

Is there any content worth reading with Dash in it? She's really the only one I've cared about.

I'd argue the dash academy webcomic is pretty entertaining for what in it is

In the show she is finally a Wonderbolt. If you stopped watching after season 3, you missed out.

What is with the quality drop from chapter 1 to chapter 2? It's almost like it went from a paid artist to them doing it themselves.

I actually only made it through season 1.

>thread's still up

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It's not what she writes, it's the crap she keeps out, like pandering to neckbeards.

Enjoy your ban.

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t. bronie faggot

I liked S1 the best but the show never really got that bad.

You are pretty ballsy, OP.

Nice argument, NOT neckbeard.

Will we ever get something as artistically autistic as the Brony Fandom ever again? I legit thought Steven Universe might have that chance early on but it only angered autists mid-way.

This took me back to the days of looking up entire libraries of Fallout: Equestria TV Tropes pages and the pages of the countless spinoff fan content. Brony fanfics were fucking insane and I love them for it.

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so what does the mean