Thanos snapped his fingers

>Thanos snapped his fingers
>You live
>You rush outside to see the hysteria and instead see Thanos relaxing on your porch
>He turns his neck and sees you
>The Titan apologizes and asks if you mind him admiring the sunrise, he just got done with a lot of work and is going to finally retire
>He saved a spot for you to sit down as well to admire the sunset
What do you do?

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Wonder when I got a porch.

Call the police.

What am I going to do? Say "Help yourself" and might as well sit down while I'm at it

Ask him what he wants to grow.

He's a 12 foot tall muscular appearing alien dude speaking perfect english. It's not like I'm going to attempt to kick him off my lawn.

*admire the sunrise

I would sit with him
And ask him why he didnt just create new resources

tell him he did the right thing and then have a beer with him

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Or whether he realized completely erasing half of life was actually removing a significant portion of the universe's energy, speeding up the real resource crisis.

Good call, the mad Titan is no match for the NYPD

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Sit down and explain his plan is fucking stupid and if he bothered to study basic economics for like 5 minutes he'd realise this too.

Ask whats for dinner.

I would chill with movie Thanos. He is a pretty cool guy besides the whole killing half the universe thing.
But this guy? That's another story.

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>What do you do?


comic thanos is a crazy person, movie thanos did nothing wrong

>The Titan apologizes and asks if you mind him admiring the sunrise.
>He saved a spot for you to sit down as well to admire the sunset
Sunrise or sunset? Fucking fat cunt.

he can control time, just let him do what he does. hes had a rough couple of days

Nobody on Earth outside of the Avengers/Wakanda actually knew Thanos caused the “Medimaction” when it happened. I wonder why the big purple alien dude wants to talk to me, and ask him if she knows what is happening.

Plus the Snap only works if sapient species enforce population control. Otherwise it just going to happen again.

>Thanos finnish dabbin on them fools
>You live
>You book outside to see the hype and 'stead see Thanos chillin on the stoop
>You know homie seent you
>The nigga on some G shit talkin' bout the code of tha street and asks if you mind him hittin' a blunt on your porch, He just got done puttin' in work and is tryna get his head right and get faded
>He spark the blunt and pass it to you
>What you do?

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bust out the ghetto blaster and put on this song

why didnt Thanos make it that people only needed half of their resources to flourish?

Force him to listen to modern pop music.

This is why taking out Death was a mistake. It's a flaw when Thanos wanting some pussy made more sense.

>"Lost everything, huh? At least I'm not the only one."

Not Ant-Man.

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tell him im grateful and ask if i can be a child of thanos

maybe he'll turn me into a cyborg like nebula

>What do you do?
>go back inside
>grab two beers
>give him one
>sit and relax

Offer him steak and beer.

Attached: Thanos steak.png (1042x1552, 3.12M)


I sit down and talk to him about his actions. I'd condemn him for it but it's way too late to do something about it anyway. I'd probably drink a beer with him and talk about his fucked up life. Hell, I'm a do-gooder but I can't say humans don't deserve that shit for the crap they pull off all the time

Can someone make a gif (no webm) of the Iron Man snap? I want to spoil the shit out of some people but I'll only be on my phone all day

shoot him before throwing him off of my porch

>half of earth humans are dead
if everyone i don't like dies if that happens
i would treat that purple fucker like a king

What did you do to my cat, you fucking grape?

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>Thanos tries to get a boyfriend

I enjoyed this


OH! And Infinite resources would encourage more rampant breeding bringing us back to where we fucking started.

Pocket dimensions with space stone

He didn't want to.

Ask permission to marry his daughter. The one that isn't dead, I mean.

He literally could create new planets with resources

>sun up,sun down

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>Afraid to sit at first.
>Eventually do still fearing for my life.
>See the Sunset
>realise he did one of the worst ways to make his plan work,but he still did it.
>Guess I'm lucky I survived and will have to learn to move on
>kiss him on the cheak and go home to buy a borgar

>implying he wouldn't kill you the moment he sees your house isn't perfectly balanced.

Ask him why he didn't snap himself a copy of Wikipedia and learn about the actual size of the universe.

Since when do i own a porch?

why not just sterilize a chunk of the population?????

he's been there the entire fuckin day, lazy asshole


No one knows

Unironically this. I don't particularly care about the whole resources deal but the less people per square mile the better the quality of life. It's like that fucking experiment with the rats, once population levels reach a certain point people start going mad. Thanks Thanos.

>hey thanos would you like to smoke weed with me
>he snaps and teleports me to ganja space rock planet in which everything is weed
>hehe, way ahead of you kidd, he ejaculates smugly
>captain marvel is there too rolling a fatass blunt
>she outsmokes us because she is the strongest
>guess your endgame was in fact the weedgame, thanos
>we laugh
>we spend the rest of our days plowing captain marvel while high
Pretty good

Give him head in the Thanoscopter

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This, minus the head. I just want to ride in that thing.

>plowing walking fungus
No thanks.

Sit with him and maybe request that he at least bring back the endangered species. Pretty sure things with a population in the double digits like the Amur leopard wouldn't appreciate having their odds even further fucked by artificial means rather than natural selection.

Gotta pay the fare somehow.

Then just create infinite room

Thank him, offer him a shit earth beer and ask, need any help with your farm

>"Get off my lawn, nigger!"
>Thwack him with my 9 Iron

Give him a drink and join him.


>what's next?

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>sterilize the entire population
>make everyone immortal

Boom done, no killing

Also ask him why he simply didn't give each world the knowledge to build up a space infrastructure. Our own solar system could easily support a population of a few hundred trillion without even making a dent in the colelctive resources it's hold. Look at how utterly vast the universe is, and how little sentient species there are... then Thanos would realise that he is a mad cunt who's slaughter was utterly meaningless. He was just to stupid to think for 5 minutes.

Thank him for getting rid of so many niggers.

>Sit down
>Watch the sunset
>"Thank you, dude. You did the right thing. But you the Avengers are coming, right? Let's try to fix that gauntlet"

Head to Yea Forums and see the reactions to this happening

>Thanos relaxing on your porch
Why is he Darkseid now?

Thank god it was the NYPD, imagine what the GCPD would do...

Appreciated dude, but wouldn't you want the climb the hill 5 minutes away? The view is SOOOOO much better. I'll pack lemonade, we can talk over population and poverty metrics.

because the infinity gauntlet despite the name isnt actually infinite in power. the thing is fried at the end of infinity war after thanos snaps half the universe. Eventually the thing would break if he just kept shitting out resources with it and you'd be back at square one on a much bigger scale this time.

>infinite gauntlets


Crack open a cold one with the boi.

I sigh and feel glad I got superheroics insurance, because the Avengers are probably gonna quip their way up and tear my house apart to fight their dude in about half an hour. I guess we can share a cold one whilst I box up my favourite possessions.
Being a civilian in any superhero universe must be a real shit time.

Not even economics, just basic biological growth rates.

>get back in
>bring back beers
>sit with him and have a good time watching the sunset

ask if he can do any sexy stuff with the infinity gauntlet

what the hell is the story behind that? is he just doing it to be a dick?
also im sensing good potential from pic as good reaction image, unsure what he should say though.

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Kick him in the balls.


I win either way.
>crush bf dies
Fucking finally.
>crush dies.
Fucking finally, that bitch deserved it.
>both live
Now, that's the tragedy.

Hey Thanos, you know overpopulation is a huge farce, right? There are limiting factors that naturally limit populations.

He created a porch so he'd have somewhere to admire his handiwork from

Why didn't Thanos just rape the scarcity? Scar

you migh as well ask him if you can borrow the stones

This is what I'd do. I'd show him this article and sit with him with graphs and statistics. I'm sure he'd be uninterested but I'd point out he has literally nothing better to do.

Nah, won't even bother, better wish me myself some cool stuff. Also I get to hang out with Thanos.

Ask him to bring her back. It's been 14 years and I miss her so much. If he can kill he can resurrect right? Whats one person back going to hurt?

Watch Utopia friends

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> i undeestand, i also want half of them dead

>Talking to Thanos
>speaks like a retard

>cracks open a can of Bang’s root beer
Here I brought one for you.

>Yea Forums doesn't notice anything is wrong until two days after the snap because no one on Yea Forums got dusted
The absolute mad titan.

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