Why was this episode so bad?
It feels like it was written by Family Guy writers. Did they hire Family Guy writers?
Why was this episode so bad?
It was a great episode, actually. The meme's bad.
They hired something worse...
That episode was awesome. I'm sorry but if a pickle cyborg slaughtering rats in the sewer doesn't entertain you then you just can't be helped.
They hired women
Y'all remember to do your bullies homework?
I genuinely don't understand what's wrong with this episode.
Nothing, the episode's fine. Problem is this is all we knew about season 3 for months and it became a dumb fucking meme.
>something is bad because it is driven into the ground
Your opinion is... terrible.
Got em boys
Y'all gonna scream at McDonald's employees more for yer nuggies? The shows garbage catered to incels.
Because the literal premise is "let's challange ourselves to write an episode with a fucking retarded premise"
They ALMOST pulled it off. If they tweaked the psychologist to be less on the nose it would have worked.
Best decision they made considering ratings doubled and the episode won an award. Getting rid of the toxic male environment on the staff really helped pick the show up
>the episode won an award
it did? what the fuck
>Why was this episode so bad?
Imagine a chicken fighting episode of Family Guy, now do it for the whole ep + tack on some weak ass psychology shit.
I will tell you something honest; I did not laugh a single time the entire episode. There were moments I thought were clever (like pickle rick using pickle slices as synth-skin for his pickle body) but the entire episode was me not even getting a wry smile at the least.
Unforgivable humorless garbage, with a shitty meme that got out of control on top of it.
It's not a good episode. It has some decent character development, but nothing really else of entertainment value.
Reminder that AS bought so many episodes that, even if they made one season a year which they don't cause Dan is slow as fuck, it would take roughly a decade to air everything assuming it won't get renewed even longer during that.
>"let's challange ourselves to write an episode with a fucking retarded premise"
which is like every second episode of that show.
the chicken fights are just fights, but this episode had me rolling in how much Rick can do without any arms, legs and being small and how he continues to improve his body.
The meme makes the unforgivable crime of being shit.
The kids plot goes no where and is so boring I can't even remember it. Rick vs the rats has a bunch of interesting ideas in it but when he gets to the surface it's just the same thing but v boring mafia types. The ending is the weakest part, they want it to be some big rick take down character moment but it's entirely unearned. The therapist has no relationship with the rest of the family, so she's not calling rick on bullshit she's seen shes just pulling it out of her ass. It has no impact, the whole episode except for pickle rick has no impact. No wonder it's all people remember.
it was a great episode. actually rick and morty is one of the best comedy animations ever made, but Yea Forums got mad that the show became so popular (because it was so good), especially on reddit, and started to create coordinated memes convincing people that it's a pretentious show. Then they forced the meme so hard, it obviously got into reddit as well. That's when the "to be fair, you have to have" high IQ copy pasta got the most popularity. that was the final nail in the coffin.
That episode was nothing compared to that shitty avengers parody episode
Thank you.
>No wonder it's all people remember.
it's not though. Everyone who bitches about it harps on the therapist as the worst thing to have ever happened in the history of the show.
So clearly they remember more than one thing from it.
>Why was this episode so bad?
It wasn't, you just wanted guaranteed replies by posting the biggest Rick & Morty meme that one of the best episodes had the misfortune of spawning and earning the ire of Yea Forums and Yea Forums in the process for making muh edgy nihilistic brainchair character a joke to normies. There are much worse Rick & Morty episodes.