I don't get it. Is he afraid of pussy or something?
I don't get it. Is he afraid of pussy or something?
No dumbfuck. He only loves Bats.
Sex it's fun but not HA HA fun
Harley wants meaningful romantic sex with her puddin'
Joker views her a fleshlight with an accent that makes him look cool and could block a bullet
>when you get done fapping and one porn tab is still open
So he's a faggot?
He's busy working.
Something no user would ever understand; rejecting sex because you don’t have time right now. Or just rejecting having sex for any reason.
These guys get it. Joker is thinking about the best way to go out on a bang on something he really cares about, while Harley doesn't care and is just thinking about sex.
>no user
Um, sweetie, you're forgetting femanons
>Um, sweetie
i hope you get a plublic ban
You seem triggered
no, just disgusted
You two right now
>femanon trying to be nice takes abuse from incel
sounds correct
What's wrong with being a faggot?
Could you name a thing?
I could, but that would probably result in a ban on this board, so I'll decline
quality posting and great contribution keep it up
Is Joker really an Incel?
I thought he was a Volcel because he doesn't want to be in any relationship (Except with Batman of course).
pussy drains your vitality user
I know it's bait, but Joker's completely blackpilled. If he wants sex he's got psycho fangirls and tight prison bitches lining up, and Joker is absolutely not above rape.
Joker's a hedonist. He fulfills every desire and urge with zero hesitation the instant he feels it
>Joker is absolutely not above rape
Tell that to those faggots who got triggered over that Batgirl cover
What if Joker was a woman? What if Lex was also a woman?
>I don't get it. Is he afraid of pussy or something?
No, he just doesn't need it is all. And he's busy with things more important than a woman.
I know this concept is difficult for both virgins and femanons to understand. Some men have their eyes on higher concepts and goals than base sexual desires.
Based volcel
*being raped by
On the other hand, Char used to break for 13 year olds and younger.
No way, fag
This entire thread has it wrong. Joker might be a lunatic, Omnicidal maniac, but even HE knows you don't stick your dick in crazy, even if you are crazy yourself!
>And he's busy with things more important than a woman.
Sexy men in a tight bat suit?
Joker's a fag
He's asexual.
Wrong, he's jokesexual
Vaginas aren't funny. But penises are hilarious.
No he's fucking busy. This is gonna be a shock to you but sometimes guy actually don't just think with their dick. Give the man some goddamn peace so he can his shit done. Fucking hell. I swear so sick of nerds be all DURR SHE'S HOT WHY NO FUG. You know what really gets me hard these days? Peace and fucking quiet.
>fucking Quiet
Kojima, nobody cares about your waifu anymore.