Cap's ending is selfish

Cap's ending is selfish
Tony's is selfless and heroic

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It isn't, though.

>Cap just peaces out and leaves his team and Bucky and Falcon behind to go with Peggy forever instead


Cap's arc was always selfish.

Yeah but now we get Riri

I think the hilarious irony about Cap's ending is that Cap essentially became what he ridiculed Tony was during the original Avengers movie. Cap called out Tony for being selfish and not the one to make the sacrifice play and looks out only for himself - But here Tony is the one who sacrifices everything to make things right while Cap goes to be with Peggy and also grows old without changing a single misdeed that might have happened (Bucky going through torture, Tony's parents dying because of Bucky, etc)

>Tony kills himself to get rid of Thanos and his army once and for all
>Cap selfishly stays in the past

Capfags BTFO

We gotta update it

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>Expecting anything better from the folks who thought "Thanos really did care about Gamora" was good writing


>Tony dies and since it's a gauntlet death they can still bring him bakc once RDJ starts crying that his other movie's aren't succseful
>Cap gets to bang Titty monster and then move on the niece once she's gone.

>Expecting anything better from the folks who thought "Thanos really did care about Gamora" was good writing
I always find that funny especially considering that MCU Thanos treated her worse than how Starlin had his Thanos treat Gamora not to mention his version of Thanos didn't like seeing Gamora upset every time Adam gave her the cold shoulder.

How much of a slut would Morgan Stark grow up to be?

I don't think Disney will ever hire him outside of cameos. He costs too much to hire.


She'd have been pure, since Tony saw the error of his ways and wouldn't want his kid to be the whore he was.

She’ll take after her dad and be a massive pussy crusher.

Sadly, I understand that reference

He’ll end up a full on hologram AI that turns up to razz old man Cap, hopefully. Mocap and VA work will probably cost less, too.

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>this is the biggest self BTFO in the MCU

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Reading this makes me angry as a capchad.

Pick one faggot.

They pretty much should have gone out together, i’m not even a capfag and I think the ending he got was fucked

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Cap was allready wrong in Ultron. Cap was a neocon warmongerer.

>People are upset that Cap retired and finally got a happy life.

Fuck you let the man live in peace

My problem isn't that he retired and had a peaceful life. This specific ending feels like it goes against his character while feeling like cheating.

Capt shoulda died as that level of self sacrifice is in character for him
Tony should've just retired with his Family

The only reason I can think of that they didn't do this is because RDJ wanted the snap

Going back to the past and spending his life in hiding and despite being a time paradox never saving Bucky or The Starks whilst also fucking his niece