
I want to protect that smile.

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jesus, they pull solidity from executed people's bodies? fucking metal

John's blush is adorable. And Duane's just obliviously nerding out over his new box of toys.

Its not like the dead need that solidity anymore.

>Duane "Thunderdick" Adelier, best wright in centuries
How can Crescians even compete?

Lem's still a regular grunt at this point right? He hasn't met the ornery orphaned Vliegeng he'd eventually ride?

What if he's about to meet him/her? What if that's the vligeng now?

These child soldiers are all way too cute.

I do assume it'll have to be later when Lemuel actually goes to the place they train Vliegengiers, I think it's called the Aerie or something?

And that couldn't be it, the ask/response indicated he bonds with an orphaned runt they toss his way hoping he'll get frustrated and quit because they didn't want a Soud nobody in their ranks but he pushes through with pure Adelier stubbornness

has Duane not taken a moment to acknowledge his little brother's new scar?

>hair going UP the nostril
We're gonna get one hell of an ugly sneeze come Monday.

Given that we didn't get to see the scene in which he was stitched up I'd assume that moment is already past. The pacing seems to have picked up a bit.

Scars are part of being a soldier I suppose.


I want to protect them from everything bad in the world so they don't have to go soldiering but I also want to see them horribly hurt and traumatized.

That's true love, I think.

I know that feel all too well

>brother mine

Love how he's dead-on about the hair copying. Cope wasn't lying about that shipper fuel, I suppose.

I wish the page compositions weren’t always so...crowded. It’s a shame because I love the art

>one kid under each arm
good lord, he's the most fatherly figure I've ever seen

Having his legs broken and spine fucked up for months taught him patience. His talks with Ssael probably set him for life in regards to fatherly advice

I want to do lewd things to plat shotas

Attached: screen_shot_2013_04_13_at_1_49_45_am_by_karaii-d61jjz3.png (336x541, 351K)

Understandable, even if degenerate.

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-04-23 16-42-30.png (872x345, 430K)

Fuck off Starfish and stay fucked off

I've been on the fence about the flying snakes but if they start being affectionate I don't think I can resist.

I want to sniff Lem's hair

Pretty much every kind of animal humanity regularly interacts with has developed some kind of physical affection activity with us. The former is largely what causes the latter, both through domestication or otherwise. I'm sure if Alderode had youtube and so on, it'd be full of Vliegeng doing cute shit with their handlers.

Attached: Lem.jpg (318x593, 68K)

I mean, this is ashley. That's her MO.

He's been on campaign for months, he probably hasn't had a good wash in that entire time

His brother is a prissy fop and the best wright in centuries

Just pile on reasonably good smell aspect until the khert is about to break and vaporize your ass

...welp, now I gotta draw this.

>Vliegeng: if I fits, I sits in a swirl pattern.

>Not drawing battlewrights fucking around by using a pymaric laser to lure around Vliegeng

Comes off as more of a fanboy.

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NIce sample of jets sounds and plays in that image

>NIce sample of jets sounds and plays
you mean jets souds and plats, you filthy phoneposter?

Oh, there will be a series.

>jets sounds and plays
"What are found at performances of West Side Story?"

You caught me. I'm at work and needed my unsounded fix

Understandable, even if degenerate.

Reads better in print. She shrinks these way down for the web and saves the outside margins separately for some reason. The outer border on the website is somehow very helpful on the eyes.



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What are the logistics of firing someone into the sun?

Attached: B04DDE13-30CB-4344-827D-738053EBC00B.png (582x477, 455K)

About 30 km/s of delta-V.

Did he inspire somebody to a long-percolating aspect battery heist? Did he not keep the charge of Lemuel's swords?

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more like GAYBOY

Why did I read "innocuous" as "incestuous"

because you are a broken man.

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Plus you get all the cool effects she sometimes sneaks in when things get wonky.

>cute, giant doggos

>nightmare human-horse hybrids

Cresce really lucked out

Wait, it COSTS d-V to fall into a gravity well?

...what are the shotas going to do with heat?


of course

uuuuh, yeah? dropping somebody into the sun means cancelling out their orbital velocity first, and if they're starting out on Earth then that's 30.5 km/second. you can always slingshot em around other planets on the way for gravity assist tho.

>just dumber horses
>can't fly
>probably has sex with degenerate creacians

that last one just makes me hope for more elka scenes

Vliegeng are just too big, it's not practical. I'm all for Elka fucking one of the saddledogs though.

Or ideally raping a captured POW Duane.

You aren't falling into that gravity well until you climb out of the one you are already in.

Why not Quigley?

Because in all matters, literally every one, Duane exceeds Quigley.

Did Duane shock Lemuel there or is Lem just goofing off?

in my Elka Does Unsounded™ spinoff, she has sex with literally every character in the series except for quigley who just sulks in a corner

>literally every character in the series
Even Matty?

No one touch my precious marshmallow boy.

Attached: 1553546102706.jpg (890x852, 118K)

she takes matty to a fancy crescian all you can eat restaurant and persuades him to admit it's the best day of his life
she records it and shows it to quigley and proceeds to cum to his display of sheer jealousy and angst

Pretty sure it's just Lem ribbing Duane with a little extra artistic flair. Duane wouldn't waste a shock when they seem to be so rare.

So you want Elka to take the knot, is what you're saying.

Yep. The magnitude of the change in velocity is the same if you go from one orbit to the other as it is if you go the other way.

It's not symmetrical for Earth launch/reentry, but that's because of atmospheric braking; it would be, with no atmosphere, as it is with trying to drop straight solar-down into the Sun.

If all of a caste were to suddenly die, say the Plats all got plague and popped off, would the Dammakhert cause a random baby of another caste to be born a platinum? Can a caste be actually driven extinct or would that fuck up the whole system?

>Or ideally raping a captured POW Duane.

Duane ain't got a bone to pick with Elka any more.

That vliegeng smells it's dead owner on Lemuel.

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Vliegeng cease functioning if their rider dies

>alds cut the tips of vliegeng's fingers when they are just babies

Would you prefer wanton grabbitry with their bigsome hands


>If two Alds that aren't Souds of the same caste breed, the kid will be a member of that caste.
>If an Ald that isn't a Soud and a non-Ald breed, the kid will be a member of the Aldish parent's caste, with seemingly no trace of the other parent.
>If a baby born to non-Aldish non-Soud parents is conceived (born?) within the Dhammakert, they're assigned a random caste (but they cannot be Soud).
>If two Soud have a kid, the baby comes out Soud.
>If a Soud and a non-Soud have a kid, it's anyone's guess, but I would bet that it comes out half-Soud half-whatever.
>We're not sure what happens if caste-mixing occurs, but the Aldish apparently believe it causes a degradation towards Bronze, but we've received no confirmation from Ashley that this rumor about something that is incredibly discouraged is actually true or not.
Although it doesn't happen often, there are outsiders who come to Alderode and live there permanently, namely Sharties. Presumably, if there were a true worry about a caste going extinct, the Vits Council would import a bunch of Shartie whores or something and pay them to pop out kids until enough of the right caste come out.

Yeah I guess being outside of the dammakhert theoretically the Golds could die out

I think the Coppers and Jets would sperg out and play Nation Builder trying to rebuild the Souds "as they should be" before they'd let that happen.

I get the feeling that if the war with Cresce ever magically ended, the higher ups would full turn and make the souds the national enemy to focus the castes' aggression towards instead of the state

Sette, does Duane know you're on Yea Forums?

No they don't. They rampage to get revenge.

>you will never dadcuck Quigs

Souds breed true despite the dhammakert. They're completely unaffected by it, hence why all the other castes hate them.

Golds are literally the only caste that would be exactly the same outside the dammakhert

Say that to me face with yer piehole and not through the fingerkhert, see what happens