Superman: Red Son

>Superman: Red Son

>Some period-piece supernatural Batman movie where he has to take on a sp00ky threat, and it's the 1940s or something

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>superman movie
>starring batman

More and more does the DCU feels like Elseworlds.

If so then I want Tangent to be adapted, Black psychic Superman, Magic girl Lantern, Diva Flash and Armored Batman should all be there.

Ah, I'm mobile-posting. The thread title didn't go through.

The subject of the thread is "pitch other DC movies that would be outside the mainline DCEU."

I want the Stan Lee versions, Demon Shazam and Yggdrasil Lantern sounds cool

Are you talking about the "Man of Steel sequel," Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice?

>he has to take on a sp00ky threat, and it's the 1940s or something
Why not just make Sandman Mystery Theatre?

Attached: 51JWJQ8P14L.jpg (311x500, 44K)

You know, that's a good idea.

That means we could have a Stan Lee cameo in a Live-Action DC movie.

Well, obviously not

user, I've got something to tell you…

Ok, that came out wrong.
Maybe a reference? Image? Mentions? The series was his baby he should at least be present in a way, just saying.
But did the mouse already copyright his likeness? He did show up in TTGGTM, right?

Attached: The Greens Lantern.png (450x420, 478K)

>Some period-piece supernatural Batman movie where he has to take on a sp00ky threat, and it's the 1940s or something
Will bite a bit
>Opens up with New Jersey native Americans pre settlers
>They are returning from some migration/whatever
>When they get back to the coast they see an island that never existed before
>This island causes madness, nightmares and more
>It would later be called Gotham
Story is CoC lite involving Batman solving Gotham's mysterious occult past

>Story is CoC lite involving Batman solving Gotham's mysterious occult past
Wasn't that done when Batman travelled back in time?
Are you adapting it from the comics user? Or is this something you came up with?

He did yeah, twice.

Sort of. I always liked the idea that Gotham is just the cap to some eldritch horrors and it being a hotspot for crazies ever since it was founded because of the madness bleed tickles my fancy.

I remember this one comic where Bruce had to fight demons in Arkham.
Do you know the name, user?
Also any other stories you would like to be adapted?

Is that the one where Great White first appeared?

Was it?
I don't know. I do remember there was Jane Doe there though.

Yeah, I remember now. Arkham Asylum: Living Hell. Jane Doe, Humpy Dumpty, Joker telling Great White he’s a horrible person for embezzling. Good times

>Arkham Asylum: Living Hell
Ok thanks, I remember it now.
Anons in Yea Forums said it was shit and I took it to heart. I stopped reading it and read Gotham Academy instead (Which I liked and SHOULD be adapted).
But I don't know if it was worth it though.

I remember liking it, but my taste is shit, so, eh, mixed bag. Did like Humpty though

Doom that Came to Gotham?