What's different about the Endgame suit functionality wise?

What's different about the Endgame suit functionality wise?

Also can I get a new MCU hero power ranking?

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it appears that it can take blows from thanos without getting torn to shreds immediately like the nanotech suit and it can swipe the finity stones from the gauntlet upon contact


Thor actually loses several ranks because they decided to just restart his entire character arc, literally the dude is just replaced by a completely different chaacter

[spoilers]Tony goes up for killing Thanos right?[/spoilers]

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Thanos jumps like 5 ranks and considering he was already at the top that's pretty hefty.

Captain Marvel
Captain America (Mjolnir)
Iron Man
Ant-Man (forme de Titan)

Wanda might even be too low but there's not much room to go up; this movie does a good job of being pretty vague with who is stronger than who aside from the obvious that Thanos is stronger than everyone.

A better way to put it is this:

- Powergap -
Top tier heroes
Irrelevant nobodies who can't set foot in Thanos' personal space without being thrown into the stratosphere.

[Spoiler] The swiping part isn't directly suit related, I imagine he just took them
The stones want to be together and make the gauntlet, he just had to take enough of them, that the other follow
Which is why I imagine they did not really get distroyed [/spoiler]

Thanos dies

is captain marvel shown to be more powerful than thor?

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I'm more curious as to why it's called Mark LXXXV. Where's Mark LI through LXXXIV?

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I'm fucking angry. I can't believe what they did with Thor and Hulk. This is tilting me into oblivion.

From the leaks they seem to be maintaining the annoying physical-strength inconsistencythat has been plaguing the MCU from the start. I like to do vs debates and it's practically impossible to do so with MCU characters.

One second they are struggling with mooks or getting beaten/thrown around by people who shouldn't be able to touch them, getting injured by conventional weapons, the next they are punching behemoth space abominations out of the sky and tanking insane shit.

Thanos is especially glaring. On one hand he can box the fucking Hulk into submission casually without the gems and horrifically choke an Asgardian/Frost Giant to death, the next to be held still (even for an instant its still bullshit) by the C Team, Stark manages to draw blood, Steve isn't immedietly pulped by trying to stop his hand, and Stormbreaker would have been a one-hit kill if better aimed. And from the Endgame leaks it doesn't look like he is any more consistant. Carol certainly isn't.

Where the fuck is my internal consistancy for the setting. I need this shit to make sense for my debates where they fight weeb and vidya character in theoretical matchups.

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And are my eyes decieving me or does Steve, supersoldier or not, get punched through a fucking boulder and just end up a little bruised?


Doe his army get dragonrot?

It's almost entirely just so toy companies have room to make their own shit to sell for the coming years since obviously they can't rely on Iron Man movies for designs anymore.

>when the toys look better than the multimillion dolar cgi effects in the actual movie

Thanos need power stone to outpower Carol

I'm actually okay with this. I was afraid Phil Saunders would stop drawing Iron Man suits

guess pepper is using the LXXXIV in placeof rescue

Weird thing about the "Rescue" armor is that, unlike the comics, it's fully kitted out with Iron Man's standard weaponry in addition to a neat funnel-type beam weapon

Being fair, MCU Thanos isn't particularly physically superstrong, outside the outlier throwdown with Hulk. It's like they forgot that after they wrote/filmed it. He fucking trivialised image related in a few seconds, effortlessly, and then spends the rest of the movie being slowed down/inconvienced by normal and just-above-normal strength beings who he should have been able to actually splatter like rottom fruit with a casual backhand.

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that's what I mean, its not a "rescue" model like with war machine that gets upgrades but keeps the theme
it's just another iron man suit that tony teached pepper to use in the timeskip, but he never develops rescue

I think the most unbelievable part was when the Avengers facility got shot to the ground but Cap and Hawkeye really just swept off the rubble and dust. I loved the Shield and Hammer combos Cap did looked really cool

I think the hilarious irony about Cap's ending is that Cap essentially became what he ridiculed Tony was during the original Avengers movie. Cap called out Tony for being selfish and not the one to make the sacrifice play and looks out only for himself - But here Tony is the one who sacrifices everything to make things right while Cap goes to be with Peggy and also grows old without changing a single misdeed that might have happened (Bucky going through torture, Tony's parents dying because of Bucky, etc).

Tony made the ultimate sacrifice while cap sits around like an asshole. Tony is earth's greatest hero confirmed

>and also grows old without changing a single misdeed

I'm confused. So how did he get old? I'm not understanding

capfags are going to get mad once the movie starts actully coming out

Remember Civil War threads when they thought he could never do anything selfish or wrong?

Now the hero they hate is making the ultimate sacrifice and killing Thanos

He stays in the past with Peggy after returning all the infinity stones and closing the loop I'm still mad. I can't believe they did that to him when the comic books had a perfect answer to the same situation.

I remember their mental gymnastics about why going mad at the guy that killed your parents and pulls a
>yeah sorry
was wrong
they will just move the goalpost to make it seem like cap did the right thing

I think he means how the fuck he ages like a normal human bean

Damn Tony really got shafted to literal oblivion in this universe in comparison to Cap

>I think he means how the fuck he ages like a normal human bean

This. He has the super soldier serum so his aging should be a lot slower than normal humans. So how does he get old?

No clue. They never said he stopped aging in the movies. If he did, They could just explain that the serum's effectiveness and he aged quickly after.

Serum's effectiveness ran out*. There are many ways to explain it away.

I think it's worth noting this is apparently an out of shape Thor, so that probably would affect his performance this film

No you retard.

His suit is nano tech and he clearly made it so that they could functionally be integrated. He had nowhere near enough to time to swipe out more than one in that 1 second tug of war. He grabbed the gauntlet and his tech pulled it together. You dont just grab a few stones and the rest follow. That has literally never shown to be the case.

You fucking moron

>No you retard.
>You fucking moron

Holy shit calm down you fucking nerd

Wait him staying in the past doesn't erase his thawing and activity in the present right?
Him being in Avengers/Winter Soldier/Civil War/Infinity War all still happened right?

Does Thor give the throne to Valkyrie like early spoilers claimed?

I think so. He still went into the ice so that still happens. I guess two Caps existed but never met

Yep. It's fucking weird for Thor to go this route

Does Thor explain what he is going to do instead? Will he be a hero on earth, stick around in Asgard just not as king or stay being a space bum with the rock dude?

I got confused because I thought he went back in time before he got the super soldier serum

SSS doesn't have anti-aging properties. That is the Infinity Formula.

>Yep. It's fucking weird for Thor to go this route

Not really. Well, I guess the MCU's Thor is a big goofball. He goes from playing a good authentic Thor comic book hero to being really influenced by Earth culture and cracking jokes in Ragnarok. I guess MCU's Thor would make sense for him to give his throne away like that. He basically became very human

He's going with the guardians.

Thanos could not hurt Carol at all.

Thor gets his shit slapped in by Thanos and he has to escape. Carol gets headbut by Thanos and it does not affect her at all and she takes down Thanos's ships in one hit.

>Carol gets headbut by Thanos and it does not affect her at all and she takes down Thanos's ships in one hit.
Thor no-sold a full-powered blast from the COMPLETED infinity gauntlet and one-shot Thanos with Stormbreaker, *and* also destroyed a bunch of ships by flying through them. Carol couldn't tank ONE stone's power.

Thor is weaker than Carol in Endgame but that's because Thor was a flabby fat failure after five years of depression, IW Thor would have fucking destroyed Carol.

Also: Thanos would still defeat Carol in a one-on-one, when he was losing the face-off against her in the final battle he was doing it one-handed. If he had fought her seriously with both she'd be Hulk'd easily.

>Thor could beat Thanos with all the stone
>somehow can't beat stoneless Thanos

is this because he's FAT and spent 9 years playing Fortnite instead of fighting?

In any case, the sorcerers are still the greatest asset in this battle. without Strange and co., it would have been few Avengers vs entire Thanos's army.

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He always was more vagabond than king although he still cared for his people. In the first movie he just goes picking fights with his friends. In Ragnarok he just goes on quests throughout the galaxy finding info about ragnarok, not caring about Asgard even letting Loki run free posing as Odin for a good while.

I wish they did some cool dragonball shit like unified their powers and made one huge shield spell to protect against the raining fire

In the MCU maybe, 616 Steve spent nearly a decade in Dimension Z and the doctors basically stated that he hadn't aged a day when they examined him.

Reminder that Valkyrie's actress said that Thor 4 has already pitched, so even though Thor went off with the Guardians, we'll probably see the Ragnarok team return.

I just know that Ant-Man is broken because Pym Particles are hax

>Thor no-sold a full-powered blast from the COMPLETED infinity gauntle

No, Stormbreaker did that. Thor was laid out like a bitch without it.

I'd put Wanda (modo de Ira) above Thanos since she would've killed him solo if it weren't for Thanos bitched out by firing rockets from his ship to free himself.

Cap deserved to retire after all the shit he went through.
And the reason he didn't alter the past is because even he knows that's a horrible idea since it might change things for the worse in the future.
Still a bit selfish of him to retire and stay in the past without telling the others, but I'm sure no one would be angry at him for doing so in universe.

when you think about it, they did screw over thanos by going through an anus-like hole

You fucking retard, you cannot change the future by going back in time. You just create parallel timeline. Him changing the past would not have changed the future, you have no idea if he used his knowledge to change anything at all. The reason he showed up old at the end was because he used the time travel suit to go back to his original timeline to give the shield to Sam.

I think thats what happened. He got to live the life he wanted with Carter, and after Carter died, passed the shield to Sam. Whether or not he should have done is debateable but I think, after living as an anachronism for so long, its only fair that Cap got to live the life he truly wanted.

For people wondering why Steve aged, remember that from 1945 to 2019 is 74 years, making him easily over 100 years old. He looked pretty good for his age.

Apart from Loki