Hey Yea Forums, how do you find about new comics? Webcomics and regular store comics

Hey Yea Forums, how do you find about new comics? Webcomics and regular store comics.

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Other urls found in this thread:


From the tags in paheal

By complete accident.

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Yea Forums

What threads?

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I go to boards.4channel.org/co/

This a Luz thread?

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>No mentions if Luke, Alex or Cotugno
>No Misha to post borderline pedophilic shit


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any storytime that catches your eye, or just lurk the win-o threads and check out anything that sounds interesting.

LOL threads on Yea Forums.

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BTW guys I'm genuinely asking out of curiosity, I know there's stuff like LCS catalogs to check out newer comics, but I have no idea if there's such a thing as webcomic catalogs.

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I don't think OP meant hentai user.

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the only good webcomics are kill six billion demons and it hurts!!!.

How do you know if you don't check out other webcomics?

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Let's recommend a few then.
>Demon Street

That's all I have

I do. None of them are good.


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You have to censor the image user! You know how the mods are!

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LOL threads are 50% getting angry at shitty comics, 20% on-topic comics and 30% someone dumping an obscure comic/manga.
These threads can get pretty comfy when most shitposters shut up their mouths when someone is storytelling.

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luz is lewd

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>tfw no luzie wuzie cunny hunny

You're not Misha but it'll do.

We can now officially shitpost about Owl House.

hell yeah

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Need more of Eda.

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The first two chapters of Paranatural is interesting, but the rest goes bleh
Avas Demon is alright but has a slow update scheduel.

Hags leave please

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I want a drawfag to draw this with Eda

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>Hags leave please
Hags need love to user.

Dana lives in fear of what she's created.

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Dana should relax and accept that r34 is the natural progression of all things online.

tell that to her

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It's not my fault she gave Luz such a figure! Seriously! No 14 year old has the right to be that good looking!

hold up guys, someone's knocking at my door


Check out the threads here. Skip any capeshit storytimes.

Reminder that Luke got cucked by Alex the manlet and Cotugno has a rancid diseased vagoo. PS I would engage in sexual relations with Luz the fictional character and not use protection regardless of the legality, or lack thereof, of said act if she were to be a real person.

Rice Boy and it's prequels are good.

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I find out about tem from other webcomics. Webcomic artists frequently post about other comics they like.

>and regular store comics.
Whenever I see an issue 01 on Win-O'-Thread, I download it and see how it goes. I try to keep an open mind and read whatever's new, unless it's stuff I'm not interested in to begin with, like Power Rangers, Transformers, Superman
There's a lot of disappointment to be had with this method, but a few of my favorite comics of recent times I discovered that way.

Alright! Now it's a party!


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Somebody post the American Psycho images of Dana and Nefcy.

the what now

Bitch just you wait
>You like Huey Lewis and The News?

Attached: You like Huey Lewis and The News?.png (720x526, 245K)

>T-They're okay, I guess...

Attached: 2 T-They're okay, I guess....png (720x526, 200K)

>Hm. Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste...

Attached: 3 Hm. Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste....png (720x526, 278K)

Attached: eda bath.png (4299x3035, 1.83M)

>But when SPORTS came out in 83... I think they really came into their own! Commercially and artistically,

Attached: 4 But when SPORTS came out in 83... I think they really came into their own! Commercially and artist (720x526, 211K)


Attached: 5 ....png (720x526, 307K)

>The whole album has a clear crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost!

Attached: 6 The whole album has a clear crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really (720x526, 220K)

>.. ..

Attached: 7 .. ...png (720x526, 181K)

>He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor...

Attached: 8 He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense o (720x526, 282K)

>Hey Terrace... why are there copies of Keyframe all over the floor? You got a boyfriend?

Attached: 9 Hey Terrace... why are there copies of Keyframe all over the floor? You got a boyfriend?.png (720x526, 236K)

>a little... manlet or something? hahaha

Attached: 10 a little... manlet or something? hahaha.png (720x526, 246K)

>No, Daron.

Attached: 11 No, Daron..png (720x526, 131K)

>Is that a raincoat?
>Yes it is!

Attached: 12 Is that a raincoat? >Yes it is!.png (720x526, 292K)

>In 87, Huey released this, FORE, the band's most accomplished album

Attached: 13 In 87, Huey released this, FORE, the band's most accomplished album.png (720x526, 247K)

thank you

>I think their undisputed masterpiece is "hip to be square", a song so catchy, most people don't listen to the lyrics...

Attached: 14 I think their undisputed masterpiece is "hip to be square", a song so catchy, most peop (720x526, 247K)

> ... But they should! Because its not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends, its also a personal statement about the band itself!

Attached: 15 ... But they should! Because its not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of (720x526, 180K)

>no dubs

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>Hey Daron!

Attached: 16 Hey Daron!.png (720x526, 138K)



This whole thing is strangely well drawn


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>instinctively looking for dubs
everything_wrong_with_modern_Yea Forums.PNG

That drawfag drew the rarest Danas.

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Not 100% on this but it's entirely possible it's Elena Manetta, a resident femanon drawfag who's also a professional industry animator who has also done furry loli porn as well as lewds of other people in the industry

I really like that movie when I first saw it back in theaters.


I don't think so, didn't the drawfag post a link to their blog in the original thread?

Do you have the pasta for this one?

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Possibly, it's all hazy now - whoever that drawfag was they had a style that wasn't dissimilar from Elena's work but distinct all the same.
Maybe, let me dig

>It's Dana, Dana Terrace, you're my boyfriend/Lawyer so I think you should know I've KILLED a lot of people!
>S-Some interns in the studio downtown, uhh... Some homeless people, maybe five or ten, um, an SVA girl I met in Burbank, I left her in the parking lot behind some coffee shop I killed Ariel your old girlfriend with a nailgun, uh, adududuud, some user, some little FAGGOT with a shitpost, uhuhuh *sniff* and uh, last week, I uh... I killed another boarder with a chainsaw... I had to! She almost got awa-ha-hay! T-there was someone else there I c-can't remember, some fucking inbetweener, she's dead too!
>And, uh... Daron Nefcy! I killed Daron Nefcy with an AXE in her FACE and her body is disolving in a bathtub in skid row! I don't want to leave anything out here, I guess I've killed maybe...Twenty people, maybe forty! I have, uh... Demo reels, I have a lot of it!... Made some of them watch!...
>I even uhm... oh... oh no... I... I ripped off some of their designs, I tried to cook a little, uhm.. Tonight, I, uh... I just had to RIP OFF A LOT OF PEOPLE and, um... I'm not sure... I'm gonna get away with it... this time... So I mean, um... I guess uh...
>I guess I'm a pretty sick girl, so, uh, when you get back tomorrow... I'll meet you back in Roiland's Bar, sooooo, you know... Keep your eyes open.
That's it, far as I know

>It's Dana, Dana Terrace, you're my boyfriend/Lawyer so I think you should know I've KILLED a lot of people!
>S-Some interns in the studio downtown, uhh... Some homeless people, maybe five or ten, um, an SVA girl I met in Burbank, I left her in the parking lot behind some coffee shop I killed Ariel your old girlfriend with a nailgun, uh, adududuud, some user, some little FAGGOT with a shitpost, uhuhuh *sniff* and uh, last week, I uh... I killed another boarder with a chainsaw... I had to! She almost got awa-ha-hay! T-there was someone else there I c-can't remember, some fucking inbetweener, she's dead too!
>And, uh... Daron Nefcy! I killed Daron Nefcy with an AXE in her FACE and her body is disolving in a bathtub in skid row! I don't want to leave anything out here, I guess I've killed maybe...Twenty people, maybe forty! I have, uh... Demo reels, I have a lot of it!... Made some of them watch!...
>I even uhm... oh... oh no... I... I ripped off some of their designs, I tried to cook a little, uhm.. Tonight, I, uh... I just had to RIP OFF A LOT OF PEOPLE and, um... I'm not sure... I'm gonna get away with it... this time... So I mean, um... I guess uh...
>I guess I'm a pretty sick girl, so, uh, when you get back tomorrow... I'll meet you back in Roiland's Bar, sooooo, you know... Keep your eyes open.

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seems so

This has no rights to be as good as it is! The jokes work, the insertion of drama into the pot is seamless, it's well drawn.

Fucking Hell!

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>look at his twitter
>see this
I didn't need to see that thank you very much

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Quick reminder that the Owls are a metaphor for the long lasting ramifications caused by years of British Colonialism.

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Yea Forums, actually. I despise cape comics I wish there waa a place I can discuss anything but the but the major cape stuff including live action garbo.

They have a fucking board for mech/a/. We need a /cape/ for all the capeshit media.

Yea Forums, usually, which sucks because I just started a webcomic and don't know where to put it without connecting me to this place.

Also what said, I only come here for non-cape comics and cartoons

Yea Forums sadly is probably one of the better places to post your webcomic as a start

Comic spots on reddit fuckin suck (usually filled with gag-a-day shit and people downvote your stuff so their shit will be more visible)

Facebook and twitter is just shouting into a void. Twitter you'll only have a more likely chance if you post often or someone popular says 'Hey check this out' but even then it's a gamble.

At least co you'll have a better chance of a following starting

But we all know unless your webcomic has waifus no one is gonna give a shit

Piperka has a good list of webcomics
They're all sorted by how many people actually read and follow a comic, so it would be pretty objective, at least