Is Tom King as hated by the broader comics community as he is on Yea Forums? I know on here we (rightly) despise him...

Is Tom King as hated by the broader comics community as he is on Yea Forums? I know on here we (rightly) despise him, but how do other comic book fans feel?

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People are starting to get tired of his schtick.
That Walmart issue incident is an example, although the hatred hasn't set in yet.

He's local for me and is a really nice guy. My lcs hosts him all the time and I can attempt to answer some questions.

In short the comic shop employees will never say any book by anyome is bad cuz they want a sale.

wall mart incident?

the lois lane snuff comic

I've been watching a lot of Cartoonist Kayfabe, he's one of the few creators Ed Piskor goes out of his way to shit on, but he has also namedropped rules 1 and 2 and is a bit of an opinionated spazz so I have to assume he's a Yea Forumsmrade or has been in the past, so I'm not sure it counts.


>Is Tom King as hated by the broader comics community as he is on Yea Forums?
No, Yea Forums is just following on the usual bout of Yea Forums contrarianism. Both ironic and unironic. In the real world, he and Bendis are respected professionals in the comic industry. Both of them still rest comfortably on the topmost sections of the sales charts. Anyone that believes otherwise is likely too wrapped uo in the niche fandoms located in such places as Yea Forums that breed and support their own forms of self confirmation bias that they can't see the truth of what's going on in the world.

Yea Forumss taste in comics is usually much different than the wider community. Anything we champion get's cancelled. We're like Yea Forums with their movie choices in that regard

He's fine.

he's a fucking cop, comic book community should call him out

his batman run is the first in years to sell under 100k

I figured all the King, Bendis, DC, etc. whining is all just the usual Ladderfag shitposting. It's honestly difficult to take any complaints about anything DC here seriously because both the ironic shitposting is so pervasive and the demographic that fills Yea Forums these days is so filled with its own really niche demographic.

The entire singles market is down right now, user.

Jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with this cuck?

Can't wait until Donny Cates gets this sort of backlash too. At least it would be justified in that instance.

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Uber drivers don’t.

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Cates isn’t as crazy as King.

Yet. Just wait until he keeps killing smaller characters for shock while Knull and CGR take turns quipping and pissing on their graves.

He's on my shit list forever for ruining Mister Miracle and now Wally.

>Can't wait until Donny Cates gets this sort of backlash too.
He'd have to gain a Snyder/King/Bendis level of success and I'm not sure that's happening. He'll probably top out at Aaron level, where he's still shit on by Yea Forums but on a much more subdued manner. Everyone knows the way to Yea Forums's heart is to write quirky books and continually sell like shit no matter what title you're on. It's why Yea Forums hasn't turned on Ewing yet.

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>continually sell like shit no matter what title you're on
Immortal Hulk sells very well but I get your point
>It's why Yea Forums hasn't turned on Ewing yet.
I'm a fan but eh you know there's like 5 people who hate him over stupid nonsense. Still, your theory holds up.

I like when Rugg dismissed modern Eisners because they gave it to a "Batman book that's frankly unreadable"

can you link to a specific episode? I love Piskor and I love hearing creators shit on other creators.

Media outlets love him. That should tell you everything.

Hes not wrong. King's run on Batman has been a complete waste of time for the sake of giving the writer 100 issues under his belt. Between him and Bendis on Superman, people are starting to wise up

>Immortal Hulk sells very well but I get your point
It's arguably Marvel's one of most successful ongoings and undoubtedly Ewing's, but it's also going to dip into the 30k range after just 12 issues. It's really hard to gauge what's a success in Marvel's eyes right now as this iteration of them is basically doubling down on chasing short term cash through #1s and variants while everyone is cutting back due to the tightening market.

I bought everything I could find with Street Angel on the name as a payment for how BASED this man is, should be arriving next week or so
From the top of my head no but honestly every video is excellent and you should watch it. Also, both of them try (or used to) not to talk shit about people in the industry but sometimes it just breaks through. Just go and start from their first Wizard video, even stuff like the Show and Tells which usually don't interest me tend to have some pretty cool insight into producing, publishing and reading comics.
Sorry, I can't shill this channel enough, I never even used the social aspects of youtube until Kayfabe came around.

>My lcs hosts him all the time and I can attempt to answer some questions.

Please get him a business card for a professional therapist, and ask him to go see them.

Which was he talking about?

I meant link to a specific video where they shit on King but if you can't that's cool. Thanks for the rec man. I'm a big fan of strip panel naked on youtube but Hassan's accent is annoying

Tom king is dc mark wade. Prove me wrong.

King got best writer.
I know but these videos kind of became my standard background noise so it's very hard to link to specific videos, and the nature of the Wizard Commentaries makes it very hard to pinpoint which edition they're covering when they talk about any given subject
If you knew anything about comics you'd know Mark Waid was DC's Mark Waid up until like 4 years ago, and that they don't really have anything to do with each other. Waid is continuity wank and "muh old comics are better".

>but it's also going to dip into the 30k range after just 12 issues
Have you actually looked into the numbers or going by your gut feeling here based on the writer? Issue #13 sold 40.096 in February, and March 2019 statistics haven't come out yet but issues #13 and 15 are among the top 20 series *overall* in March in advance reorders, with Immortal Hulk #15 at 5°:
That's not even mentioning how Immortal Hulk Vol.1 keeps getting reordered despite coming out last year (also in that chart). It is selling very well and on top of that, very consistently with the amount of reprints it has.

He is super nice. I've seen him at cons three times, and he was so kind and grateful to all the fans every time.

If i see him, i'm going to legit punch his face in.

Nah you won't. You'll take a selfie with him and post it on Twitter, while coming here to posture about how you totally were close to knock him out but didn't "out of public decency".

I constantly tell him to go fuck himself on Twitter. You don't know me.

I was talking to my LCS owner and we came to an agreement that he's alright.
Sure the wedding was one of the biggest duds of the year, but most of his work is rather solid.

Mark Waid is a great comic book writer, King is shit

The whole relationship sucked from the start, not just the wedding. Why can't people realize that?

Tom King is very good at a few things:
1) Creating sympathy for inhuman characters.
2) Pacing and panel layouts
3) Delving into damaged characters psyches.

Here is the thing, if you're a musician that has 3 hit songs, and all your other songs have the same beat and themes, they might get air play, and a solid following, but most people exposed to them will get sick of them.

This is what's happening to Tom King now. He does some things very well, but he doesn't show much diversity of growth in his styles. People are catching on, noticing the similar themes, and now know what to expect from him.

The excitement is gone.
But at least he finally let Batman marry Catwoman before his shtick got stale, right?

You aren't gonna do anything you weak fat bitch.

>3) Delving into damaged characters psyches.
Fuck no. He turns every character into some retarded emo Devianart OC. He never did anything interesting in that regard. It's always immature, over-the-top, and cringe as fuck.

Mister Miracle was great at least.

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No, he's good at it. It's why he always does it. It's his crutch.
The problem is that he can't write characters who are not damaged, and that's why he writes characters into having PTSD, even if it doesn't suit their character's history, or work in any story that's not by him.

He literally takes away characters development or ignores key characterization to slap his depression fetish on them. Booster Gold is a key example, King made him a more massive retard than his JLI days, just so he could fuck up so hard hee needs therapy, then HIC happens.

It's just one guy spamming King, Bendis, Didio over everything on this board.

He's not fucking good at it. The problem isn't even that he'll ignore a previous characterization, which is already bad. The problem is that he doesn't know how to write compelling damaged characters. It always comes off as some over-the-top cringe shit that some teenager wrote in his Devianart.

Take for example Batman with the suicide bullshit where he believes he's actually dead right now and that Selina's also dead, and they're two dead souls and thus the soulmates or whatever the dumb fuck i was subjected to. That's not smart. That's not compelling. That's literally some otherkin bullshit i could read on a furry's Tumblr account. It's cheesy. If Batman was a 16 year old who spends most of the day behind a computer and Selina was his first girlfriend ever that he met in some con, i'd understand. But his Batman is a grown man.

So seeing someone saying that he writes compelling damaged psych is pretty laughable.

>Mark Waid is a great writer
Hahahahaha. I always knew King haters were people with shit taste.


Wally will be the tipping point I think. Not for the "professional" comic book sites since they're just dick suckers but for the broader fans? Yeah.

Not exactly Yea Forums is just weird sometimes and I feel like half of their common consensus is based in irony.

Yea Forums justs has a lot of fans who are into older/niche reads. I still see similar opinions here on other sites just usually in the minority.

Everything apart from his Batman and that retarded event has been good. Most of the hate comes from his Batman run, since Rebirth had an influx of new readers who didn't read Omega men, Vision or Grayson.

He was a desk jockey for the CIA and this gave him PTSD somehow.

I can imagine being that Uber driver.

Grayson sucked and the one who did most of the work was Seeley. King only did the meme issues about Dick being hot or Midnighter wanting to fuck him. Grayson is the biggest example of comic writers missing the point of a Morrisonian concept.

Omega Men was terrible. Just a stupid war story stretched thin and with Kyle Rayner acting OoC.

I doubt you've even read it, or read anything before Rebirth. King and Seeley alternated with the scripting duty and King's issues got the most traction on Yea Forums. Go stick to Doomsday Cock or Shazam.

>JLA Year One isn't kino
fuck off

You've literally flipped the issues that Seeley and King wrote. Seeley wrote the "Dick is hot and naked and ogled by the Nazi scientist" issues, while King wrote the ones that were about Dick being sad. The closest issue to a meme that King wrote was the one with the theme song.

Omega Men was amazing, though probably Kyle was OOC.

Who fucking cares about what Yea Forums likes? You guys have shitty taste as fuck. There are still people here that praise shit like Demon Knights. Grayson fucking sucked. The whole concept on Spyral was to be an intelligence agency comprised of characters that couldn't exist in canon anymore having wondrous adventures of page. That's why the original Batwoman, Kathy Kane, was a part of it. Did Seeley and King do anything with that? No. They turned into some generic spy thing.

>Acting OoC

Omega Men was your generic Middle East war story. Seriously, nigga? Amazing? Goddamn, Yea Forums. You've such low standards.

It's been down worse than this before. Batman's never been this low.

Not a legit point for criticism.

Same as above. Omega Men had amazing art and great use of 9 panel. It's funny because you're a sucker for generic below average capeshit like rebirth.

>Batman's never been this low
It was regularly far lower than this until Grant Morrison started his run.

It's universalized and simplified. I don't think it's generic. I do think sometimes King makes it too simple to push a particular liberal agnostic point (the fact that there's only the Omega religion, basically functioning as an Islam analogue, and there's no real Jewish analogue, is a major copout), but the way he weaves the characters and the storytelling techniques together is masterful.

What's a specific Middle East war story you think is better in comics?

What the fuck are you talking about? Snyder's run was the first to sell above 100K. Even Morrison didn't manage 100K.

I give up on you. You like shit.
>great use of 9 panel
Jesus fuck.

>amazing art and great use of 9 panel

>Take for example Batman with the suicide bullshit where he believes he's actually dead right now and that Selina's also dead, and they're two dead souls and thus the soulmates or whatever the dumb fuck i was subjected to.
I just stumbled into this thread at random and honestly you're making me feel pretty glad I never really got into capeshit.

Please tell me what do you like? Probably something like Tomasi or Percy? Or are you one of those who think that Johns' and Waid are not shit?

Not an argument

>but the way he weaves the characters and the storytelling techniques together is masterful.
See, to me that's where he fails. If King wanted to turn the Vega System into the Middle East, he could have done a better job if he adapted things here and there so shit would fit better instead of contriving everything to make the point so transparent to the point of hurting. Like having Kyle in the answer to an US general. Wow, like as if we couldn't understand the point before without that blunt reference.

The whole thing is about an US soldier that came to the Middle East thinking he'd help the region because he drank the kool-aid, and that got his ass kidnapped and was almost "radicalized" by the terrorist group he should be fighting. Because he wanted to understand their plight. But all that he understood is that the the region will never find peace because every side there under the sun is after their own interest and are willing to do anything for it. There's no good side. Just blood being spilled. Even his own country were just after profit. And he uses Kyle for it. Someone who's a veteran and has been in dozens of intergalactic wars for this. He doesn't even adapt things so it'll better fit the setting. Everything is actually made more contrived so the reader can know without any doubt this is about the Middle East.

And i've to sit here and see people praising this shit. Even Cameron is a lot more subtle. Avatar is a lot more subtle.

As I said. I'm sure Kyle is OOC.

But the Kyle King writes is very engaging.

I hated Avatar, but loved Omega Men. Dunno what to tell you.

Not just that but everyone is wanting reprints to CUURENT ISSUES. it is crazy, prople want this i floppies and its the biggest reprinted issue going now. Look at comiclist, they are still reprinting issues 6

It's a good idea but for a Walmart comic? Really? What did DC expect?

He was no different than any other character King write. A whiny depressed pussy who's manipulated by everyone, specially a woman.

Because the comic wasn't about world building. Your argument is that King didn't write what you wanted.

Yeah, it's totally just one guy that hates this event or Bendis and Didio in general. Only one poster in this thread.

I can understand that. I'm sure you read some horrible shit and see some graphic photos doing that.

>you read some horrible shit and see some graphic photos doing that.
lmao, where do you think you are?

Yes. Alot of Youtube reviewers and their subscribers absolutely hate him after what happened in 50. A lot of people are also pissed about 69 because King essentially BTFO Scarecrow. He is scum and needs to be terminated.

I liked his Vision series. I liked his BatCat until he pulled out last minute, which I can only assume is because higher ups wagged their finger at him.

Who more to blame? the editor who lets this happen or King for using his CIA skills to control the editor?

Teenagers spamming "nigger" and videos of beheadings. You think the worst the world has to offer is in the notorious Yea Forums?

I basically only come on Yea Forums for the Win O Thread every week, so I'm not sure if I count as part of the userbase or as a Normal Internet User but like...every time I read something of his, I ask the same question: who is this for? Because there's creating quality content that also works as catharsis for past personal trauma, and then there's like 90% of his general output.


/King/Bendis are the dead of DC.

>using kino unironically
Way to prove his point

>I liked his BatCat until he pulled out last minute

Attached: Batman 012 (2017) (2 covers) (Digital) (Zone-Empire).cbr-Batman (2016-) 012-011.jpg (3975x3056, 1.67M)

I don't know, man. Few things are worse than 3guys1screwdriver and I saw that on Yea Forums first.

Shit taste detected.

Batcat is Cancer.

Not as bad as it is in Yea Forums or in tumblr but people are getting tired of his depressive shtick. The Batman sales are also dwindling and once his contract is done I am sure DC will chuck him and Marvel will pick him up trying to replicate the Vision acclaim.

That said the current comic casual holy trinity is Snyder and Cates, and Aaron.

We feel pity for you, Kinghater.

Stop user you're giving me hope and I know Marvel will somehow fuck this up.

They fucking didn't, there should have been an editor to tell him that maybe that violent and dark shit was not going to work with normies who if for whatever reason the pick a comci up it would be for their kids.

People starts to notice he can't write anything else than his """brand""", too bad his brand sucks.
Back then i used to think otherwise, but now i'm sure all the good parts in Greyson were written by Seeley, who managed to keep his fetishes away from it.

It's a thumb of rule that whatever Yea Forums thinks of new material, it's usually the polar opposite to what other people think.

This is not true at all. Yea Forums is one of the most normalfag board, where people admit to using and unironically use reddit and CBR memes without any shame. This board shares a lot of taste with the wider community. This board likes to think that they're unique for hating Bendis or for reading a dumb Geoff Johns event.

Seeley is a fucking hack and the issues he scripted were all considerably worse than King's.


You're expecting too much from people who like Rebirth to read writers credits.

>Back then i used to think otherwise, but now i'm sure all the good parts in Greyson were written by Seeley

Man, I hate Tom King but Seeley couldn't even lick King's shoes.

I don't hate his stories. I hate some elements like the bait and switch wedding, Batman being shackled to misery, and his Bendis-tier dialogue, but the stories he tells are decent.

then how come he never wrote a decent Dick since then?

He wrote the only decent Dick post Dickbats.

In Greyson, that's what i was saying.
Any other time he got to use him on Batman he sucked, hence why i said the good parts in Greyson were probably from the other writer.

Why don't you read the credits on who scripted what instead of pulling something out of your ass.

Because he got worse as a writer, characterfag-kun.

Then how come Seeley's Nightwing sucked major balls? Shit felt like Chuck Dixon 2.0

Seriously writing the trite as fuck sad Batman shit in the Damian era is absolutely pathetic, honestly all that shit should have gone out the window post Knightfall even. Batman should have become more grateful that he even can put boot to ass of a baddie.

that's a very good point.

Seeley did. Sorry Kingshill.

Dixon is a highpoint for Grayson that no writer could compare

It is why he is considered to be such a bland character

For Nightwing, maybe. He ruined Dick Grayson forever.