Storytime of Pain: Battle for Blüdhaven

Good evening owls,

Remember: you asked for this shitty comic.

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Oh, the Teen Titans are here, this will work out great

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Hello, Storyteller.

I think what really makes this so bad is that it tries oh so hard to be politically relevant, but in truth has absolutely no idea what it's talking about. The tone deafness is palpable.

Why doesn't Tom King just kill himself? It's pretty obvious he's itching for a shotgun barrel in his mouth.

It's pretty fitting since DC seems intent on going back to that sort of thing

Yeah this sure looks like inked and colored by people still getting used to digital tools. Ah the mid 2000's

I am paying 0% attention to HIC

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>heart of the nation

Oh, by the way, if you happen to be a Nightwing fan, don't hold your breath. Dick is straight up not in this story, even though it's his city. Blessing in disguise, granted.

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That's the scan quality mate. It gives this look off.
And there will never be a digital version, because the rights are fucky because Didio let Palmiotti and Gray use creator-owned characters in it

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reminder that Dick was supposed to die in Infinite Crisis, and this part of the story was concurrent with that

this is gonna end well

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Didn't Firebrand straight up die by the last Freedom Fighters series, pre new52

All I remember is that Gonzo the Mechanical Bastard looked uncannily like Mitt Romney

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See, Cranky, she'll never escape it!

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What are the qualifications for superheroes to take point on national emergencies?


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massive sense of entitlement

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I don't know, they really wanted the Freedom Fighters to be a thing for some reason. Wasn't Red Bee a chick with alien powers or some weird shit

Graymiotti never, ever stopped trying to make the FF happen

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we need a kill counter
she got infected in the second mini I think
And Ms America because Miss Universe, then they forgot about that for the ongoing because it was OP

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Yes, someone keep track of the gratuitous death, please

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this isn't even fun dumb

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>astronaut fetus
It's been years, and that is still confusing as all hell. The fuck does that even mean?

[insert angry rant about how it was necessary to prevent countless deaths, and also fuck your stupid meme]

Unnamed extras don't count

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How do you actualy sayd Blüdhaven? Bloo'd-Haven?

I think that was gonzo or something? Lots of shit in this mini doesnt make sense

This is the first Lady Liberty who dies in this mini, but not the last

Oh yeah, this book LOVES forcing all this wacky golden age shit into this trying desperately to be serious political action thriller.

Also, remember this plot point about the radiation. If you haven't read this, give up on guessing. The answer is way dumber than you think.

I assume it's like volunteer work after a natural disaster.

One Miss Liberty or whatever her name is


Force of July >>> Freedom's ring

it's a ridiculously gratuitous umlaut

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Freedom's Ring >>> Dixon's Force of July

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Behold the Atomic Knights, the characters this miniseries should about because they're rad as fuck. Sadly, the book refuses to pick a thread and focus on it, so they are not the protagonists.

Two more bite the dust

That really is the worst part about this book, it doesn't manage to be about anything at all

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there is literally no reason to give a fuck about any of these people

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that last panel, though, I identify with it

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oh goodness just look at the time

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If anyone is following the plot, I'm not

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It's fascinating to behold these kinds of stories, where despite events technically occurring, nothing actually happens.

Even though I will cheer on the Knights, the story doesn't characterize them well at all. The only reason they're better than the others, is because they have some semblance of competence and an overall goal.

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the art isn't helping

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>Storytime of Pain
Reminder that it's only 106 days till the Weekend Of Pain.

oh look, tits!

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>It is illegal to gather in groups larger than five!
Welcome to Luthor's republic of Hitlerac.

Oh no, they killed... that guy!

Cannon fodder is "badass"

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The Weekend of Pain doesn't exist anymore, it was a short-lived meme and people stopped caring quickly

Hey, at least this asshole has a personality

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Atomic Knights are too good for this awful book. Shit man. Post Apocalyptic Knights of the Round Table protecting their Camelot from strange and bizarre monsters without and all to ordinary paranoia and bigotry within. Fucking tops.

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This chick's entire point was "boobs"
That was her entire character arc
Like a shitty Power Girl or something

Sounds trite

Right, so Bludhaven gets blown up, and the US government has put the city on lockdown. This pisses off the surviving residents of the city, who want back in.

In theory, this is kinda like a reverse No Man's Land, but in practice, it's a bunch of different factions wandering around the city with unclear goals.

The art is pretty unremarkable, yeah. I get that it's supposed to be bleak to convey the tone of the situation, but it ain't really working.

Ummm user, did you seep through every year after the first?

It's happened every year.

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>It's happened every year
One guy half-assedly posting some typical bad comics isn't the same as the first year
It never should have been forced into a "tradition"

>you'll find your testicles floating in the tenth dimension

As if he cares about that. If they put them in a cookie jar or a toaster however....


What? Jurgens' art is like the most typical superhero art on Earth. There's nothing "bleak" about it. Even the deaths haven't been particularly gory or anything.

she canna take any more, jim!

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you know, for all that we mock it, at least that panel of the Sentry ripping Ares apart is memorable

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Why does Nate have to get pulled into this shitfest, he had so much fun curbstomping Midnighter

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Okay? I'm rather sure you are wrong, but let's not argue right now and agree to disagree.

I know people zero-in on the gratuitousness of it and even the comical hypocrisy of having censored swearing in it, but all I can think of is... those ain't organs man. I don't know what you think people have inside them but that ain't it.
I actually thought he was destroying a robot or a flesh construct or something the first time I saw it, not genuinely ripping a dude in half.

The only thing I'll agree with is that you're a spineless faggot

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He's a shitty character no one cares about

You could say that about almost everyone in this comic.

Right? The fact these guys don't have an ongoing is further proof that DC hates fun. As if Heroes in Crisis wasn't evidence enough.

Yeah, let's go ahead and recruit Major Force for this. Cause that always works out so well.

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Yes, that's why they got dropped here. You can fuck with them any way you want, no one but a couple nerds will bitch about it anyway.

I'm sure an "Atomic Knights" ongoing would sell gangbusters. Not a waste of time or money at all.

>does anyone care about these character?
>not really, we could nuke them and no one would say anything
>not a bad idea.....

Good old DC.

All caught up now, everyone?

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lol getting taken down by Tim Drake

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Okay, so I've been told that that last bit is referring to Captain Atom: Armageddon. If that's true, then apparently this summary is severely underselling things. And leaving out the bit about the giant Superman/Batman robot.

... I should read Armageddon some time. Sounds like some quality crack.

Hey, Tim was taught to fight by Lady Shiva, Batman and Nightwing.

Nate went to the Wildstorm Universe and curbstomped everyone, yes

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it's a lecture! just want I want in my comics!

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>Sounds like some quality crack.
It could have been good....
If they stuck to their guns anyway.

Woooow, that's a lot of fucking exposition. Like, no shame whatsoever.

more tits!

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this page cannot be parodied

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I genuinely have no idea who half these people are

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>goes to the Wildstorm universe
Then why didn't they calm it Captain Atom Goes Wild?

>biggest crime in American history
Uh, we've committed a lot of far worse sins than block off an entire city for no reason, Firebrand. Get your head out your ass.


I am fascinated by shit that's aiming to be that sort of campy self-aware but that falls short

It's no TYRONE CASH, for sure

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It's just... the tone of the comic doesn't even support it, man! It's like if during Watchmen (fuck, I'm comparing this to Watchmen now) Ozymandias sent a bunch of robots called Veidtbots to fight Nite Owl and Rorschach as some sort of silly camp joke. What the fuck?


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The Black Baron here was the villain of the original Atomic Knights series. He does not interact with them in this book. Because that would make sense, and also fuck you.

And no, he wasn't a pimp in the original. The fuck is this book on?

I want to know what whoever edited this was thinking. "Yeah, keep throwing random shit on the page, it'll come together by the end, right?"

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Those were all reasonable questions.

The Atomic Knights as real entities are by far the best part of this series.

And getting drunk and cutting an actor in half

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Oh look, it's Grey Alien Man. He's my faaaaaavorite.

this page was cliche 30 years ago

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no one wants THE HUMAN BOMB around

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Remember when DC actually cared about Tim

Attitudes like this led DC to retcon the Knights in 1983 as a dream (very similar to the later Justice League episode 'Legends') created by Gardner Grayle, which caused continuity fuck-ups so bad that they make Hawkman's continuity problems seem understandable by comparison.

The Knights are basically dudes in the world's coolest hazmat suits living in a post-apocalyptic setting. In a world where gravitational distances and sun color gives you x-ray vision and a millionaire autist with no powers can beat literal gods with his hands tied behind his back, they're far from the stupidest part of the DC universe.

>Geez guys, I just blow shit up, what's the big deal?

Hey, Storyteller? Did you see that coming? Did you expect a random brain in a jar to morph into a grey alien that wants to help the villain? It's totally a good twist if you didn't see it coming!

I love this piece of shit "story".

One suspects grain alcohol was involved. Or cocaine. Or both.

I said "trite", not dumb. Terms like "Round Table", "Camelot" or "post-apocalyptic" are a pretty easy way to lose interest.

I really wonder how many copies were sold just on Acuna drawing her with a gigantic rack

I'm hungover anyway today

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He was a one shot villain in the original (their most frequent foes were the Atlantean tyrant Khagan and the thinly-veiled Neo-Nazi Kadee), but yes, you're point still stands. Putting him in this series, then never having him meet the Knights is too stupid for words.

there's three more issues of this and we're reading it Monday and I have to go try to kill said hangover

I hate you all for suggesting this, good night

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We did?

When did Father Time become a white guy?

Is Father Time just a fascist Uncle Sam?

Pretty much

Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.

We've been reading a lot of good comics around here, so this will give our fill of crap for a while.

I dunno, BfB falls into so bad it's good for me. It's a master class in how not to tell a story. And the pile up of random bullshit along with characters who run around like headless chickens is a right fuckin laugh.

Yeah, there's like, potential for 5 different minis in here, all crammed into one.

Missed most of the thread despite backing this as our SoP, catching up now and man what dreck, but it's nice to see other people dunk on it at the same time

Dunno how I feel about Fascist Freedom Fighters.

Not trying to steal OP's thunder, but anyone down for an Atomic Knights storytime?