ITT: Questionable character redesigns

ITT: Questionable character redesigns.

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I have no problem with this.

It's like the comic

Compared to shit like the Billy and Mandy Static Art after Season 3 this isn't too bad. I just hope it flows well.

Oh, is the weekly whining about this thread!
How does it feel that not even the nerds in Yea Forums cares about this?

>Baloney DNA skin tone
Deepest lore.

Meh, the color scheme works with the more pink/purple/blue-green backgrounds that the new special will have. Only actual complaint is that his head has been shrunk a bit

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>he's not actually tan
>It's just residuals from the time he turned into balony.


I like the way you're thinking.

I feel bad for OP's mother.

He looks cute

I'm glad Dib was finally able to grow a full head of hair and remove his mouth from the bottom of his jaw.

I'm sure I've seen designs for the reboot that were worse than that, so if this is the final product I'm ok with it.

It isn't questionable but it sure is shit.

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It's like shit?


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Look up words, don't just add O to words


Now do it with some Argentinian regionalisms!


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>Dib canonically has been sitting in front of his computer almost motionless for years
>Gets a tan

I know Dib was always "Mexican", but is the brown skin supposed to highlight what a diverse character he is or something? Is there something wrong with being a white Mexican, or a character who hasn't left their room being pale as fuck?

I think he gets the tan later.

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I thought it was daily. We had the same topic yesterday but it got derailed into a She-Ra thread.

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Dib is supposed to be an insert for Vasquez and in the in between years, he got Tanner.

How does the show manage to look cleaner than before despite being the same aside from a couple of minor tweaks?

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>Florpus and Static Cling are never gonna air in your lifetime

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>to be continued

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They shrank his head, this is over the line.

Nickelodeon really needs to get their shit together.

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dude we had this thread when the teaser trailer came out like half a year ago, how fucking late and stupid are you

it's supposed to look like the comics. that show hasn't been new in over 15 years

It’s like they’re fucking being held at gunpoint

He is cute. People seem to forget that he's just a kid.

Why did this costume last until 1989 and why did they only get rid of it completely in 2011?

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Look at Batman's fucking face. He knows exactly what you're staring at.


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pale worked better because it made him look more sickly

Mi pobre hijo loco...

I know Dib is canonically Hispanic but that baloney skintone is just too unsettling for my taste. Also they made him shorter.

Why does it matter that he's shorter?

You think jhonen likes blame! ?

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Are their eyes really like that all the time now? Holy shit that's so blatantly awful, it's a bit unnerving really. Is it that hard to make them ovals?

Scuse me what the fuck

It's fucking surreal to me how much Jhonen's drawing style has evolved from the Tim Burton-esque Carpe Noctem JTHM strips.
Also, I do not like Dib's redesign much. Funny how his hairstyle got changed.

I still hold firm that EtF was an elaborate marketing ploy by Viacom to gauge interest for a new line of Hot Topic merchandise. Poor Jhonen was probably heartbroken.

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¡Mirá ese guacho fiero!

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Nickolodeon is just holding Static Cling and Enter the Florpus hostage at this point.

I agree it looks better in the comics but I don't outright hate it either. Really the one character that got the most out of this redesign/reboot is Gaz. People only initially liked Gaz because she was just another goth girl waifu to faun over but apart from that she was a less funny Mandy.

Comics Gaz really did a lot of favors for her, not only making her look better but being a lot more comedic and having better chemistry with others around her.

He looks more Mexican. Which I thought he was.

Comic book Gaz is definitely better than the OG TV series version.

¡ay, ojón!

Looking back his head was abnormally large.

He is Jhonen's self-insert, since Jhonen is more tan now so is Dib.

Doesn't the new issue come out today?

hunky fuck machine
skinny picasso dragonlet

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Someone should edit in S1 designs as well just for reference's sake

I swear ALIENÍGENO is a real word

using my years of MS paint knowhow, I’ve edited the S3+ renders to have their eyes look at the viewer instead of straight forward. It doesn’t remedy the problem entirely, but they look slightly less lobotomized

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